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Old 12-20-2005, 08:02 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Huon
I would say that the difference comes from the calendar, Julian or Gregorian.
You would be correct. Orthodox Christmas is December 25th (Julian), but the Julian calender does not have centannial leap year corrections (no leap year in years divisible by 100, except for years divisible by 400) so there is a discrepancy.
Since the Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, the Eastern Church (not under the authority of the popes, and quite demonstrative about it) refused to adopt it.

The Bolshevik revolution of October 25 happened on November 7. Same difference, probably same origin.
Right. The countries that practiced Orthodoxy stayed on Julian calendar until well into the 20th century, but they are all on Gregorian calendar now. The Churches themselves, however, are still on Gregorian for the most part (Greek Orthodox Church adopted Gregorian calendar for ecclesiastical holidays imho) and so Orthodox Christmas is on January 7th until further notice.

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Old 12-20-2005, 08:04 PM   #42
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Now let us see how the Jesus nativity and life story originated out of the combination of cultures and mainly the Zeus worship which was such a strong point with Alexander.


We are going to consider three persons here as we look to develop the origins of our Christmas story.

We must consider Zeus , Krishna, and Jesus.


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Old 12-20-2005, 08:09 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Gemma
It makes no sense for Joseph and Mary to be traveling in December if she was close to term. According to the article the Jews had a full year to report to their home villages and towns during a census so it would have been more likely Joseph and Mary would have travelled in spring or summer.
That makes no sense either. What would the Romans want with a census of where people were born? They wanted a census that showed where the tax-collectors could find them.

The story of Joseph and Mary travelling to Bethlehem for a Roman census is a late and nonsensicalinvention by a mendacious Gospel-writer trying desperately and unsuccessfully to reconcile his preconception that the Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem with the then well-known fact that people called Jesus 'the Nazarene', and the traditions of his coming from Galilee, which is nowhere near Bethlehem.

What's more, it is chronologically irreconcileable with the account of Jesus being born in the time of Herod the Great. The Romans did not census Judaea until it became a Roman province, and it did not become a Roman province until after Herod the Great died. In fact Herod died in 4 BC and the first Roman census of Judaea (under Quirinus, I believe) was not until about 6-7 AD.

Face it. Jesus may not be a myth, but all the material pertaining to him before he started his ministry (at the age of thirty) is pure make-believe.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:13 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
Where would poor shepherds tend their sheep if they cannot afford a barn?
Caves were (and still are) popular for the purpose. Another popular resort was to build a pen by stacking up stones from the fields into a round or rectangular wall.

And sheep don't need tending by night except when they at lambing or have vulnerable lambs.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:15 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by JEST2ASK
Images of Alice and Wonderland and The Queen of Hearts spring to mind) that you ( a religious order) can assign meanings and context on a special case basis that has no bearing on what others consider reality?
Alice Through the Looking-Glass and Humpty-Dumpty would be a more apposite reference.
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Old 12-20-2005, 09:02 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Matt the Medic
It has nothing to do with your theology.

It is simple English.

'Eternal' means atemporal.

'Son' is a term based on temporal qualities.

If you so wish to justify bastardization of meaningful words using your theology, I won't stop you, however.

not that I belive in god or anything but I still don't understand what you mean.
If someone was eternal he can still have a son at some point (say 1AD) and then that son can be alive for the rest of eternity and therefore be eternal?
Why does eternal imply eternal past. From now until an infinite point in the future is eternal isn't it?
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Old 12-20-2005, 09:19 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Agemegos
Alice Through the Looking-Glass and Humpty-Dumpty would be a more apposite reference.

Thank You
I did a quick Google : ... added to my favorites for later to re-aquaint myself with a look at other chapters ...
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Old 12-20-2005, 09:25 PM   #48
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Eternal means 'outside time'. 'If something has a starting point it can not be eternal as it is bound by time. If something has a starting point but not an ending point, it can be perpetual or immortal, I presume.
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Old 12-20-2005, 09:26 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by NZSkep
not that I belive in god or anything but I still don't understand what you mean.
If someone was eternal he can still have a son at some point (say 1AD) and then that son can be alive for the rest of eternity and therefore be eternal?
Why does eternal imply eternal past. From now until an infinite point in the future is eternal isn't it?
(Webster's ) Valid or existing at all times, Perpetual, Timeless ... IMO that goes for past and present ... plus the everlasting to everlasting thing ... How the son was begotten is a bigger mystery to me ..

Sorry Matt The Medic beat me
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Old 12-21-2005, 02:01 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Chaupoline
Russians celebrate on January 7th as well. Jesus wasn't born on December 25th or January 7th. The day was chosen to correlate with a Roman Winter Solstice, to appease its Roman converts. I had heard one account that states that Jesus was actually born on April 24th in the 4th year of our Lord. Their backing of this date was because it was the beginning of the Age of Pisces, and would constitute the Bethlehem star. The early Christians didn't even celebrate Christmas until it became the state religion of the Roman Empire. Their main holy day was in honor of the resurrection, which got combined with another Roman holiday to make Easter.
(Part bolded by MoM)

Jesus was born on April 24th in the fourth year of himself. Tell a priest to weave that into his christmas sermon, great stuff.
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