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Old 01-18-2013, 02:14 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman
..All this last list of dissimilarities suggests that the Philo who wrote VC was not the same Philo who wrote other books.
Whoever wrote "On the Contemplative Life" was NOT a Christian of the Jesus cult even if you believe it was not written by Philo.
No matter who wrote "VC", it seems to be the case that Eusebius wanted us to believe that "VC" described proto-Christians of the LXX (proto-Christian) cult who sang songs to Moses and the Dead Sea Surfing Trip and knew themselves as "therapeutae".
There is NOTHING proto-Christian in the writings of Philo regardless of what is claimed in "Church History".

If you take the time to read "On the Contemplative Life" you will see that it is CONTRARY to Church dogma.

Jews sang and still sing PSALMS to the God of Moses and are not classified as proto-Christians.

In NO writings of Philo is any Christian of a Jesus cult identified or any character called Jesus the Son of God who died for Our Sins and was raised from the dead.

We know all the writings that contain the Church dogma and it is NOT those of Philo.

1. We have the "Donation of Constantine" so we know EXACTLY what Church dogma is.

....In the name of the holy and indivisible Trinity, the Father, namely, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The emperor Caesar Flavius Constantine in Christ Jesus, the Lord God our Saviour, one of that same holy Trinity,-faithful merciful, supreme, beneficent, Alamannic, Gothic, Sarmatic, Germanic, Britannic, Hunic, pious, fortunate, victor and triumpher, always august: to the most holy and blessed father of fathers Sylvester, bishop of the city of and to all his successors the pontiffs , who are about to sit upon Rome and pope, the chair of St. Peter until the end of time - also to all the most reverend and of God beloved catholic bishops, subjected by this our imperial decree throughout the whole world to this same holy, Roman church, who have been established now and in all previous times-grace, peace, charitv, rejoicing, long-suffering, mercv, be with you all from God the Father almighty and from Jesus Christ his Son and from the Holy Ghost.
2. We have the Nicene Creed with the Church dogma.

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God], Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father....

3. We have the letter called Clement of Rome with the Church dogma.

The church of God which sojourns at Rome, to the church of God sojourning at Corinth, to them that are called and sanctified by the will of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, from Almighty God through Jesus Christ, be multiplied.
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Old 01-18-2013, 02:36 PM   #182
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Why would a Jewish group, strongly against idolatry, use the same name as a Greek true god worshipping huge international organisation?
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Old 01-18-2013, 02:41 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by stephan huller View Post

..... I don't need archaeological evidence for any of it. And on and on it goes.

The question inevitably comes down to. Why would someone lie about this? What is their motivation? What is more likely - it being a falsehood or a truth? Eusebius citing a story which doesn't mention Christianity as proof of Christianity from a Jewish author who thinks he is making reference to a Jewish group related to the Essenes is a convoluted 'counterfeiting.'

Why wouldn't Eusebius simply have had Philo say the group was Christian?
I am only going to answer the last [bolded] question.

Eusebius manipulated his sources to suit his agenda.

What does an arm's length removed mean?
Eusebius wrote that the Therapeutæ (men) and Therapeutrides (women) community described by Philo was Christian.

Jaroslav Pelikan, The emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600), The University of Chicago Press, 1971.ISBN 100226653716, page 20, writes:

Eusebius supposed that Philo’s , On the contemplative life, was describing the early Christians rather than a community of Jewish ascetics
In page 207 of NPNF2-01. Eusebius Pamphilius: Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine by Eusebius Pamphilius ,Christian Classics it says the sacred writings used by the community described by Philo were in fact the Gospels and Paul’ epistles.

Book II --12. These things seem to have been stated by a man who had heard them expounding their sacred writings. But it is highly probable that the works of the ancients, which he says they had, were the Gospels and the writings of the apostles, and probably some expositions of the ancient prophets, such as are contained in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and in many others of Paul’s Epistles.
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Old 01-18-2013, 02:46 PM   #184
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by outhouse View Post
God-Fearers and Gate Proselytes, had worshipped Judaism for generations.

I'm sure they viewed themselves as Jewish after being raised and taught, only Judaism.
The Romans and Greeks had worshipped paganism for generations and I'm just as sure they viewed themselves as Pagans after being raised and taught, only Paganism.

I have cited hundred of pagan citations to the pagan therapeutae. You are very welcome to cite any Jewish or Hellenistic-Jewish citation to Jewish therapeutae that you can find in the sources outside of "VC".

The evidence Outhouse please.

Im sorry but you DO NOT get to dictate what will and will not be used as evidence.
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Old 01-18-2013, 02:55 PM   #185
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Originally Posted by Clivedurdle View Post
Why would a Jewish group, strongly against idolatry, use the same name as a Greek true god worshipping huge international organisation?

Good question.
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Old 01-18-2013, 03:07 PM   #186
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Originally Posted by outhouse View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by outhouse View Post
God-Fearers and Gate Proselytes, had worshipped Judaism for generations.

I'm sure they viewed themselves as Jewish after being raised and taught, only Judaism.
The Romans and Greeks had worshipped paganism for generations and I'm just as sure they viewed themselves as Pagans after being raised and taught, only Paganism.

I have cited hundred of pagan citations to the pagan therapeutae. You are very welcome to cite any Jewish or Hellenistic-Jewish citation to Jewish therapeutae that you can find in the sources outside of "VC".

The evidence Outhouse please.

Im sorry but you DO NOT get to dictate what will and will not be used as evidence.

It is not I but the Vatican and other Christian Churches (and their myriad forms of theological colleges and seminaries) that has been dictating what will and will not be used as evidence for many centuries for this or that historical claim.

Can't you people see I am just questioning the received tradition?

I am asking a question about the evidence. I am dictating nothing.

What evidence is there outside of the received Philonic "VC" that the therapeutae of antiquity were a Jewish sect?
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Old 01-18-2013, 03:10 PM   #187
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because they were rendering something originally established in Hebrew or Aramaic = the attendants of God. the Greek term is used with all gods not one god specifically
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Old 01-18-2013, 03:33 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by outhouse View Post

Im sorry but you DO NOT get to dictate what will and will not be used as evidence.

It is not I but the Vatican and other Christian Churches (and their myriad forms of theological colleges and seminaries) that has been dictating what will and will not be used as evidence for many centuries for this or that historical claim.

Can't you people see I am just questioning the received tradition?

I am asking a question about the evidence. I am dictating nothing.

What evidence is there outside of the received Philonic "VC" that the therapeutae of antiquity were a Jewish sect?

What evidence outside Philo states there was a sect called therapeutae ever existed.

So far you supplied a dream that said attendants to a temple existed, but did not name a sect nor did this dream describe a sect.

You have supplied plenty of imagination in connecting dots, but supplied nothing at all a sect outside Judaism existed.
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Old 01-18-2013, 04:01 PM   #189
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The bottom line is that we can only be sure that if Philo spoke approvingly of the Therapeutae who he says were related to the Essenes that:

1. this group was 'Jewish' (i.e. conformed to Jewish ideals)
2. this group was 'contemplative' (i.e. conformed to notions of 'the contemplative life' established elsewhere in the writings of Philo)
3. this group eschewed paganism
4. this group conformed to the virtues established in Philo's other writings

There can be no doubt that this group did not worship Asclepius or that it was not related to Asclepius or Egyptian religion in any form because of what immediately follows from the first lines cited in my previous post. Philo continues:

What, again, shall we say of the demi-gods? This is a matter which is perfectly ridiculous: for how can the same man be both mortal and immortal, even if we leave out of the question the fact that the origin of the birth of all these beings is liable to reproach, as being full of youthful intemperance, which its authors endeavour with great profanity to impute to blessed and divine natures, as if they, being madly in love with mortal women, had connected themselves with them; while we know gods to be free from all participation in and from all influence of passion, and completely happy. (7) Again, what shall we say of those who worship carved works and images? the substances of which, stone and wood, were only a little while before perfectly destitute of shape, before the stone-cutters or wood-cutters hewed them out of the kindred stuff around them, while the remainder of the material, their near relation and brother as it were, is made into ewers, or foot-pans, and other common and dishonoured vessels, which are employed rather for uses of darkness than for such as will bear the light; (8) for as for the customs of the Egyptians, it is not creditable even to mention them, for they have introduced irrational beasts, and those not merely such as are domestic and tame, but even the most ferocious of wild beasts to share the honours of the gods, taking some out of each of the elements beneath the moon, as the lion from among the animals which live on the earth, the crocodile from among those which live in the water, the kite from such as traverse the air, and the Egyptian iris. (9) And though they actually see that these animals are born, and that they are in need of food, and that they are insatiable in voracity and full of all sorts of filth, and moreover poisonous and devourers of men, and liable to be destroyed by all kinds of diseases, and that in fact they are often destroyed not only by natural deaths, but also by violence, still they, civilised men, worship these untameable and ferocious beasts; though rational men, they worship irrational beasts; though they have a near relationship to the Deity, they worship creatures unworthy of being compared even to some of the beasts; though appointed as rulers and masters, they worship creatures which are by nature subjects and slaves.
What could be plainer than this? Asclepius was a demi-god (i.e. half divine, half mortal Similarly Jesus was strictly speaking also a demi-god so the group could not be Christian in the normative sense.
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Old 01-18-2013, 04:12 PM   #190
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So the point is that - while it is impossible to prove with one hundred percent accuracy even recent phenomena - the bottom line is that we have to weigh the evidence with respect to:

1. the only source of the information about this sect (= an Alexandrian Jew)
2. the things he says about the sect (= they are a branch of a Jewish group the Essenes)
3. the things he says about the sect's relationship with paganism (= negative, he/they eschew paganism)
4. the positive things he says about the virtue of the sect being in keeping with the founders of the nation of Israel (founded on the first commandment which strongly condemns paganism and idolatry)
5. the fact that he says that only the Israelite religion has virtue in his other writings
6. the fact that Philo only says negative things about paganism just like other Jews of all ages

To this end when you weigh all the evidence the scales tip massively in favor of the sect being Jewish and anti-pagan in outlook. This is to be expected with a Jewish writer and a Jewish sect.
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