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Old 12-29-2003, 08:04 PM   #11
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Originally posted by BDS
As God told Job:

'Where were you when I hung the stars in the sky."
To which Job should have replied:

"What the hell does that have to do with you making a bet with Satan that involved killing my family?"

BTW, if you had read the entire thread, you would know this is an example of the logical fallacy of special pleading.

We need some decent Christian apologists here, who, I'm confident, could answer these concerns.
Your faith is admirable though clearly misplaced.

I'm not equipped to take up the battle for them, being an agnostic myself, but I you are all battling straw men.
I have to wonder if you even know what the phrase "straw men" means since you don't appear to be using it correctly here. The Bible does portray God murdering and/or requiring the murder of infants. If anyone has created a false caricature of God it can only be the authors. I believe the link Vinnie provides above will give some specifics.

Based on this post, I agree that you are not prepared to defend God's murdering of infants. Why you would feel compelled to make this inability public is a mystery.

In any event, "who can know the mind of God?"
Another example of special pleading. Appeals to logical errors are rarely a sign of a strong position.

Also, why are infants any more deserving of God's mercy than anyone else?
What a ridiculously foolish question! Who on the planet is more deserving of anyone's mercy than an infant? Surely, questions like these only serve to highlight the moral bankruptcy of the position you wish defended.
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Old 12-30-2003, 12:35 AM   #12
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Originally posted by Magus55
Maybe if you have a warped understanding of omnipotence and don't balance God's omnipotence with His other divine attributes. Omnipotence does not have to mean able to do anything imaginable, nor does it have to supercede other divine characteristics.
Well then, in the bible, why does god choose to NOT commit genocide when evil once again claims the world, and instead chooses to help Abram? No mention of mass killings here.

Originally posted by Magus55
Keeping the infants from growing up and spending a eternity in Hell because they would have inevitably turned evil and required punishment sounds like a good circumstance to me. What would be more important to you - keeping an infant alive to spend an eyeblink of time compared to eternity living in a purely corrupt and evil world, only to grow up and most likely turn evil themselves forcing judgement to be cast on them and have them spend eternity in Hell, or end their life prematurely and take them right to Heaven? Now we could get into the question of whether infants actually do automatically go to Heaven, which the Bible allows for, but doesn't make perfectly known, but most Christians believe they do.
Strange that these infants were more important than previous infants. Wouldn't it be easier to simply drown A&E before they became too old and accountable, hence preventing ANYONE from going to hell at all?
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Old 12-30-2003, 09:07 AM   #13
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To Amaleq:

In deference to your suggestion that infantile behavior deserves mercy, I won't bother giving your post the drubbing it deserves.

Have a good day, though. And think about what the Job quote means. If you think very hard, perhaps you can figure it out.
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Old 12-30-2003, 10:06 AM   #14
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Originally posted by BDS
In deference to your suggestion that infantile behavior deserves mercy, I won't bother giving your post the drubbing it deserves.
LOL! I have not nor will not suggest that "infantile behavior" deserves mercy. Neither does your persistent lack of substantive argument. You won't "bother" because you are unable to give a "drubbing" to something demonstrably true (i.e. the notion that murdering infants can be considered moral is without any rational support).

...think about what the Job quote means. If you think very hard, perhaps you can figure it out.
It does not require much intellectual effort to recognize it as nothing more than an example of special pleading.

Here's a very similar quote for you to chew upon:

"Ignore the man behind the curtain!" --Wizard of Oz

Keep the faith, "agnostic"!
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Old 12-30-2003, 10:20 AM   #15
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"Elinor agreed to it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition." -- Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility
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Old 12-30-2003, 10:34 AM   #16
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Originally posted by BDS
"Elinor agreed to it all, for she did not think he deserved the compliment of rational opposition." -- Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility
Why waste bandwidth repeatedly establishing you have no "rational opposition"? Respond to the points that have been made or let those who feel capable do so.

"Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do."
--Bertrand Russell
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Old 12-30-2003, 10:39 AM   #17
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Old 12-30-2003, 11:18 AM   #18
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Apologies to all.

I couldn't resist the Jane Austen quote, just because I think it's funny.

As far as who is refusing to argue rationally, I refer my fair readers to Ameleq's response to my perfectly reasonable question as to why infants should deserve mercy more than anyone else.

Ameleq says, "What a ridiculously foolish question! Who on the planet is more deserving of anyone's mercy than an infant? Surely, questions like these only serve to highlight the moral bankruptcy of the position you wish defended."

Huh? Aren't you dodging the question, Ameleq? Why not simply say, "Infants deserve mercy because I say so" and be done with it?
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Old 12-30-2003, 11:59 AM   #19
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Originally posted by BDS
As far as who is refusing to argue rationally, I refer my fair readers to Ameleq's response to my perfectly reasonable question as to why infants should deserve mercy more than anyone else.
I did not offer a direct response to the question because it seemed too ridiculous to bother. There is nothing "reasonable" about your question. In fact, I cannot imagine any rational person honestly asking it.

The most fundamental problem with your question is that the use of the word "mercy" presupposes that infants have done or could do something to deserve execution. This is clearly not the case with regard to the Bible and arguably not rationally possible in general. Their only "crime", according to the Bible, is being the offspring of the enemies of Israel. Questioning whether they deserve "mercy" is entirely inappropriate because they have done nothing to warrant punishment.

Infants should not be executed because infants are incapable of any acts that might warrant such a severe punishment.

Quit while you are behind.
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Old 12-30-2003, 01:40 PM   #20
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On the contrary, Amaleq. There are many reasons for killing people other than that they "deserve execution". Indeed, when the angel of death killed all the first-born Egyptians he had a reason for killing them, which was to persuade Pharoah to set the Jews free. You may not find it a sufficient reason, but surely you don't suggest it isn't a reason.

Infants (and those of other ages) were killed for this reason (according to the Bible story, that is). So of the First Borns who were killed by the Angel of Death, were the infants more deserving of mercy than, say, the five year olds? Neither were killed for any crime they had personally committed, were they?
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