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Old 05-04-2012, 11:13 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by TedM View Post

This is so condescending to the human race. Since known history some people have been gullible, others the opposite. It's human nature. I see no reason to think that things were different back then, especially given the nature of the issue--claim to a Messiah who rose from the dead. To suggest that this was not put up for review because we don't have a Randi Foundation report is plain silly. Diogenes, however, has said this better than I can.
I think Diogenes was agreeing with me - one would not expect this to have been investigated.

There was a revolution in thought around the time of the Enlightenment, you know. Most modern people no longer believe in a demon haunted world. Even Christians have to try to pretend that there is a rational basis for their religious beliefs. But even today, gullibility prevails over skepticism in many areas.

We have records of a historical Jesus.
We have nothing that looks like a record. We have mythologized tales about him that modern scholars realize are literary creations and cannot be accepted at face value without extensive massaging of the data.

We can reasonably assume his history was questioned and validated in the absence of evidence.
You have given no reason for assuming that anyone could have investigated the existence of Jesus, or would have bothered.

We cannot reasonably assume it was not questioned in the absence of evidence.
Why not? Did anyone investigate the historical Hercules?

And, we cannot reasonably assume it was questioned and invalidated in the absence of evidence, given the information we have about the culture and the skeptical views of others.
That's the point - we cannot assume that anyone questioned the existence of Jesus and investigated it. If they had, we would probably know about that.
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:14 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by James The Least View Post

Christianity was not a Jewish movement. It later invented legends about "the mission to the Gentiles" to try and establish credibility, since it wouldn't look good if it had merely been a Gentile movement with zero Jewish involvement.
This says all I need to know to curtail discourse with you. These views are too unsupported and outside the box for me to take seriously.
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:15 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic View Post
....Paul himself effectively admits the crucifixion is an embarrassment by calling it a "stumbling block for the Jews."...
Again, you show very little understanding of the Pauline writings and the NT Canon.

The crucifixion of Jesus was considered GOD'S GREATEST LOVE to mankind.

Galatians 2:20 KJV
I am crucified with Christ:nevertheless I live ; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
And in gJohn, it was the Greatest LOVE STORY for Mankind.

John 15:13 KJV

Greater love hath no man than this[, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Please, an historical Jesus cannot be defended. Everything you say in an attempt to to defend an historical Jesus can be DEBUNKED Instantly and Easily.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
...We don't know that no one tried to investigate the story, because there's no reason such investigations would be recorded in any historical record.It would be beyond the ability of most converts to even attempt, and even people with the education and money and will would not have been able to investigate anything after 70....
What a load of BS. You put forward a most absurd notion. I am lost for words for your inability to recognise the baselessness of your argument.

May I remind you that if Jesus did exist that people who knew him may well have been ALIVE AFTER c 70 CE.

If Jesus did have thousands of people following him around on a daily basis then we would NOT expect all of them to have died before c 70 CE

You should also be familiar that Apologetic sources claimed an Apostle of Jesus called John LIVED until the time of Trajan c 98-117 CE.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
...Journalistic investigation of claims made by religious cults is not something we would expect to see in the ancient world, regardless and there is certainly no reason we should expect to see documentation of it.
Again, more loads of BS and STRAW clutching.

Philo, Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the elder, Pliny the younger, and Celsus did EXACTLY what you claimed was NOT expected.

We would expect ancient writers to mention events and people who IMPACTED the society in which they lived.

Philo, Pliny the Elder, and Josephus mentioned the Essenes, Tacitus and Pliny the younger mentioned Christians and LATER in the mid 2nd century Celsus mentioned the Jesus cults and stories.

Please, get familiar with writings of antiquity and desist from making AD HOC statements that are worthless.

This is a serious discussion.

An historical Jesus cannot be defended so anything you say about an HJ will be RAPIDLY debunked.
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:18 AM   #104
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
That's the point - we cannot assume that anyone questioned the existence of Jesus and investigated it. If they had, we would probably know about that.
You seem to be referring to a thorough investigation with a full report given. I was referring to investigation at a smaller level. Of course people asked one another. Do you think Jews in 100AD had no inkling about the history of Christianity? That they didn't know what the Christians believed when Paul had travelled for 20-30 years across thousands of miles and started numerous churches? When Jewish Christians were so worked up that they had Paul sent to Rome for imprisonment? When Jews like Paul stoned and persecuted the earliest Christians? You think they didn't know who Paul's Jesus was? I just can't swallow that. They have managed to maintain their DNA for nearly 2000 years after the destruction of Israel. I think they knew who Jesus was in the beginning and would have raised a STINK had he suddenly been transformed from a heavenly Messiah to a Galilean preacher that they were being accused of killing. It's not as if Jews simply died out after their dispersion..

IF it was validated at the smaller level--ie it was commonplace knowledge--then there was no need for a thorough investigation. This appears to be the most reasonable explanation as to why we have no record of thorough investigations but we have plenty of references to early leaders saying to the skeptics: If you don't believe it go check it out for yourselves!
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:24 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by TedM View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post
That's the point - we cannot assume that anyone questioned the existence of Jesus and investigated it. If they had, we would probably know about that.
You seem to be referring to a thorough investigation with a full report given. I was referring to investigation at a smaller level. IF it was validated at the smaller level--ie it was commonplace knowledge there is no need for a thorough investigation. This appears to be the most reasonable explanation as to why we have no record of thorough investigations but we have plenty of references to early leaders saying to the skeptics: If you don't believe it go check it out for yourselves!
What are you referring to here? Which early leaders? I think some of the later church fathers told people to go check out the Acts of Pilate, but this critical document is missing (although there is an obvious forgery of that name.)

How would it be possible for anyone after the Jewish Wars to investigate the existence of Jesus?
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:27 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic View Post
....Paul himself effectively admits the crucifixion is an embarrassment by calling it a "stumbling block for the Jews."...
Again, you show very little understanding of the Pauline writings and the NT Canon.

The crucifixion of Jesus was considered GOD'S GREATEST LOVE to mankind.

Galatians 2:20 KJV

And in gJohn, it was the Greatest LOVE STORY for Mankind.

John 15:13 KJV

Please, an historical Jesus cannot be defended. Everything you say in an attempt to to defend an historical Jesus can be DEBUNKED Instantly and Easily.

What a load of BS. You put forward a most absurd notion. I am lost for words for your inability to recognise the baselessness of your argument.

May I remind you that if Jesus did exist that people who knew him may well have been ALIVE AFTER c 70 CE.

If Jesus did have thousands of people following him around on a daily basis then we would NOT expect all of them to have died before c 70 CE

You should also be familiar that Apologetic sources claimed an Apostle of Jesus called John LIVED until the time of Trajan c 98-117 CE.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
...Journalistic investigation of claims made by religious cults is not something we would expect to see in the ancient world, regardless and there is certainly no reason we should expect to see documentation of it.
Again, more loads of BS and STRAW clutching.

Philo, Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the elder, Pliny the younger, and Celsus did EXACTLY what you claimed was NOT expected.

We would expect ancient writers to mention events and people who IMPACTED the society in which they lived.

Philo, Pliny the Elder, and Josephus mentioned the Essenes, Tacitus and Pliny the younger mentioned Christians and LATER in the mid 2nd century Celsus mentioned the Jesus cults and stories.

Please, get familiar with writings of antiquity and desist from making AD HOC statements that are worthless.

This is a serious discussion.

An historical Jesus cannot be defended so anything you say about an HJ will be RAPIDLY debunked.
This is a serious discussion.
No, there are no serious discussions anywhere on this planet and it has always been like this. There are only approved discussions in a sheltered environment.

You sound serious here, but not there.
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:32 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by TedM View Post

You seem to be referring to a thorough investigation with a full report given. I was referring to investigation at a smaller level. IF it was validated at the smaller level--ie it was commonplace knowledge there is no need for a thorough investigation. This appears to be the most reasonable explanation as to why we have no record of thorough investigations but we have plenty of references to early leaders saying to the skeptics: If you don't believe it go check it out for yourselves!
Again, we cannot investigate IMAGINARY evidence and imaginary events.

The HJ argument is upside down, and inside out.

HJers FIRST needed Credible sources and then show that those sources described THEIR Jesus the LITTLE known preacher.

Now, they are attempting to re-construct their Jesus from a 100 year BLACK HOLE of history with Discredited sources and a bunch of Myth Fables about demons, angels, the holy ghost, a son of god, Satan and the God of Moses.

We have NO DATED 1st century source that can show that characters called Jesus, Paul and the disciples had any impact on Jewish society.
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:42 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by TedM View Post

You seem to be referring to a thorough investigation with a full report given. I was referring to investigation at a smaller level. IF it was validated at the smaller level--ie it was commonplace knowledge there is no need for a thorough investigation. This appears to be the most reasonable explanation as to why we have no record of thorough investigations but we have plenty of references to early leaders saying to the skeptics: If you don't believe it go check it out for yourselves!
Again, we cannot investigate IMAGINARY evidence and imaginary events.

The HJ argument is upside down, and inside out.

HJers FIRST needed Credible sources and then show that those sources described THEIR Jesus the LITTLE known preacher.

Now, they are attempting to re-construct their Jesus from a 100 year BLACK HOLE of history with Discredited sources and a bunch of Myth Fables about demons, angels, the holy ghost, a son of god, Satan and the God of Moses.

We have NO DATED 1st century source that can show that characters called Jesus, Paul and the disciples had any impact on Jewish society.
I don't read your posts, but am curious: Why do you do this again, and don't you ever get tired of doing it?
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:45 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by TedM View Post

You seem to be referring to a thorough investigation with a full report given. I was referring to investigation at a smaller level. IF it was validated at the smaller level--ie it was commonplace knowledge there is no need for a thorough investigation. This appears to be the most reasonable explanation as to why we have no record of thorough investigations but we have plenty of references to early leaders saying to the skeptics: If you don't believe it go check it out for yourselves!
Again, we cannot investigate IMAGINARY evidence and imaginary events.

The HJ argument is upside down, and inside out.

HJers FIRST needed Credible sources and then show that those sources described THEIR Jesus the LITTLE known preacher.

Now, they are attempting to re-construct their Jesus from a 100 year BLACK HOLE of history with Discredited sources and a bunch of Myth Fables about demons, angels, the holy ghost, a son of god, Satan and the God of Moses.

We have NO DATED 1st century source that can show that characters called Jesus, Paul and the disciples had any impact on Jewish society.
You are right, where are the relevant e-mails, and video recordings? , are some photos, or even newspaper cuttings too much to expect?

DNA and fingerprints are now a routine identifying procedure; surely Jesus the SON OF GOD could have easily prepared that for us.

He did not do that, but you know why, don’t you?
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Old 05-04-2012, 11:46 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by TedM View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post
That's the point - we cannot assume that anyone questioned the existence of Jesus and investigated it. If they had, we would probably know about that.
You seem to be referring to a thorough investigation with a full report given. I was referring to investigation at a smaller level. IF it was validated at the smaller level--ie it was commonplace knowledge there is no need for a thorough investigation. This appears to be the most reasonable explanation as to why we have no record of thorough investigations but we have plenty of references to early leaders saying to the skeptics: If you don't believe it go check it out for yourselves!
What are you referring to here? Which early leaders?
Brain burp. Sorry..I guess I was replaying Acts in my mind when I wrote that. It of course is full of that kind of rhetoric.

How would it be possible for anyone after the Jewish Wars to investigate the existence of Jesus?
Ask their fellow Jews. See my post above.
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