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Old 08-24-2012, 11:32 AM   #21
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Isn't the great success of Mormonism due more to Brigham Young by far?? After all, the sect broke up after Smith was killed, and it was Young's sect that went full steam ahead of the other sects including the Reorganized LDS.
And of course it's due to Gordon Hinckley of the last 20 years that the LDS church has expanded so much worldwide.
Actually I have always wondered why people who adhered to other Christian denominations have been so willing to give it up and take on specifically the Mormon religion......

Originally Posted by ideologyhunter View Post
The fact that Smith grew up in the 'burnt-over district' shows only how opportune the time & place was for a con artist to set up shop. Easier to find loons like Martin Harris to front you money and easier to assemble a group of followers. Again, if the historical/archaeological record of central America shows no evidence of the Hebrew civilization claimed in the BOM, not an inscription, not a coin, not a Jewish temple; if the Book of Abraham has no connection to the hierogyphics in the Joseph Smith Papyri -- then what we have in J. Smith is exactly what the Bainbridge, New York, court found him to be -- a charlatan, a con man. He simply improved his act and put a religious gloss on it, as his next creation.
Another fascinating story about Smith and deception is the saga of the Kinderhook Plates. It's not as damaging to Mormonism as the Book of Abraham, because Mormons canonized the latter book. But they put a credulous account of the Kinderhook Plates in their History of the Church, so it tells a lot about Smith and his ability to hoodwink his brethren. He was an incredibly successful con man until his ego got the better of him.
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Old 08-24-2012, 01:49 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by outhouse View Post

thats silly bud.

we already know christianity rose from mythology and it has nothing in common with JS

we have many classic examples like most of Paul being mythology that share no ressemblance to JS
There are references to the Jewish Scriptures throughout Paul and the gospels.

If you are going to make such a sweeping statement, at least back it up. None of your modern scholarship agrees with this statement.

I never said there wasnt jewish scripture, you mistake me.

and how does moderns cholrship go against what I said.

I have a feeling you didnt understand my context

JS = John Smith
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Old 08-24-2012, 01:52 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by steve_bnk View Post
Originally Posted by outhouse View Post

thats silly bud.

we already know christianity rose from mythology and it has nothing in common with JS

we have many classic examples like most of Paul being mythology that share no ressemblance to JS
Chrtianity arose out of Judaism by the same cultural process that gave rise to Mormonism and Scientolgy.

To begin with human nature, people want and may even need to believe in something. Religion has been a constant throughout human history.

There are number of syntheses that have arisen and are still around. Rosicurcians, Theosophy among others. Uniterianism. Est. The process never ends. Chsitainity is one data point and was/is mot unique. Islam synthesized out of Judaism and includes Christ.

The revelation to the Sikh foiunder echoes the revelaltion to Mohammed.

Studying modern relgious forms is a window into Chrtianity and its formation.

Basic historical analysis by comparison to what we can document and human obervation....bud.

really there is no argueing that. well said

but John Smith took mythology into a whole new level of freakin whackyville, and to top it off, in semi modern times. its pathetic there are people who believe.

of couse look at how many brainwashed saps still believe in YEC :constern01:
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:24 PM   #24
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I know this is a little off-topic, but can anyone shed some meaningful light onto the reasons why the media chooses to stay hands-off examining, exploring, discussing, the ritual and theology of Mormonism in relation to Romney as compared with those of Judaism when Joe Lieberman was was running for vice-president?
I have my own theories about this. Even at the Republican convention there was little said about the actual religion of Mormonism itself beyond references to his "church," and all the great things he did for people.
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Old 09-02-2012, 12:55 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Duvduv View Post
I know this is a little off-topic, but can anyone shed some meaningful light onto the reasons why the media chooses to stay hands-off examining, exploring, discussing, the ritual and theology of Mormonism in relation to Romney as compared with those of Judaism when Joe Lieberman was was running for vice-president?
I have my own theories about this. Even at the Republican convention there was little said about the actual religion of Mormonism itself beyond references to his "church," and all the great things he did for people.
Romney himself has been reticent about his religion, unlike Lieberman, and a lot of reporting these days is just transcribing what politicians say. Other than that, this is way off topic.
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Old 09-02-2012, 01:47 PM   #26
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Right. They'll also probably have to be too busy now discussing the death of the perfect Korean messiah at 92, Sun Myung Moon, who died today. Now the incarnations into his two sons will be the next stage...... ;-)
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Old 09-03-2012, 08:16 AM   #27
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The difference may lie in the fact that Judaism is an ancient and well known religion, whereas LDS/RLDS is a modern religion (if you count the early 19th century as modern) with a questionable origin, very unusual holy books in addition to the bible, prophets, polygamy, etc.

I've read the Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, and the Apocalypse of Abraham, and find them full of anachronisms and obvious wholesale borrowing from the OT books as translated into English. It also betrays the common prejudices of his age, and his knowledge of Egyptian Heiroglyphics (reformed or not) reflects the popular speculative perception of the day as well, not to mention how he reads them (with peep stones).

IMHO, their theology has more in common with L Ron Hubbard's Scientology (alien Thetans, etc) than with Christianity. The LDS/RLDS believe that each Mormom man who passes through the necessary rituals and meets certain criteria, become after death a god over his own world, and the god of this world is also one of these men originating in another world.

You can't make this up folks ...


Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by Duvduv View Post
I know this is a little off-topic, but can anyone shed some meaningful light onto the reasons why the media chooses to stay hands-off examining, exploring, discussing, the ritual and theology of Mormonism in relation to Romney as compared with those of Judaism when Joe Lieberman was was running for vice-president?
I have my own theories about this. Even at the Republican convention there was little said about the actual religion of Mormonism itself beyond references to his "church," and all the great things he did for people.
Romney himself has been reticent about his religion, unlike Lieberman, and a lot of reporting these days is just transcribing what politicians say. Other than that, this is way off topic.
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Old 09-03-2012, 08:33 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Duvduv View Post
I know this is a little off-topic, but can anyone shed some meaningful light onto the reasons why the media chooses to stay hands-off examining, exploring, discussing, the ritual and theology of Mormonism in relation to Romney as compared with those of Judaism when Joe Lieberman was was running for vice-president?
I have my own theories about this. Even at the Republican convention there was little said about the actual religion of Mormonism itself beyond references to his "church," and all the great things he did for people.
Actaually there has been. Not directly with Romney but dscussion on modern Mormonism with Mormons.

Hardcore evangelicals reject Mormonisn.
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Old 09-03-2012, 08:38 AM   #29
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Isn't it likely that if the media discussed the actual beliefs and practices of Mormonism for the benefit of the public many mainstream Christians would become reluctant to elect someone who they believed belonged to a cult?

Would the circumstances be any different had the presidential candidate been a member of the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon?!

Originally Posted by steve_bnk View Post
Originally Posted by Duvduv View Post
I know this is a little off-topic, but can anyone shed some meaningful light onto the reasons why the media chooses to stay hands-off examining, exploring, discussing, the ritual and theology of Mormonism in relation to Romney as compared with those of Judaism when Joe Lieberman was was running for vice-president?
I have my own theories about this. Even at the Republican convention there was little said about the actual religion of Mormonism itself beyond references to his "church," and all the great things he did for people.
Actaually there has been. Not directly with Romney but dscussion on modern Mormonism with Mormons.

Hardcore evangelicals reject Mormonisn.
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Old 09-03-2012, 09:09 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Duvduv View Post
Isn't it likely that if the media discussed the actual beliefs and practices of Mormonism for the benefit of the public many mainstream Christians would become reluctant to elect someone who they believed belonged to a cult?
There's been enough discussion - there is a current Broadway play on Mormonism.

Most people seem to think that Mormons are nice people with some wacky beliefs, but those wacky beliefs rarely touch on anything really important, except to fundamentalist evangelicals. Most Americans personally know or work with a Mormon, and they seem like regular people, and most Christians know that their belief systems has some wacky elements.

Would the circumstances be any different had the presidential candidate been a member of the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon?!
Yes they would be. The Moonies are a newer religion, closely run by a foreign cultist. They haven't had the time to mellow out or become Americanized.

This is really off topic for this forum.
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