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Old 11-19-2009, 09:41 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by David_M View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition.

Stop reposting exactly the same arguments time and again and start actually responding to points and objections made in other people's posts.

So you don't like parables and mysticism, thats fine but to claim that this somehow invalidates the possibility of an HJ ignores millenia of religious teachings and human nature.

People used stories to teach and inform throughout history.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
According to the so-called Jesus, ONLY his disciples would know the meaning of the parables, but perhaps he did not remember Judas, the betrayer, one of his disciples.
Wrong, all it says is that the disciples would have direct knowledge but that the same knowledge would be taught to outsiders through the use of parables.

But the parables were meant to deceive the multitude [the outsiders], because, it was not meant[predistined] that they be included in the kingdom of heaven.
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:49 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by David_M View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

It can be argued successfully that what you think of the HJ is irrelevant when in the NT it is recorded that Jesus was the offspring of the Holy Ghost of God, who was with the Devil on the pinnacle of the Temple, walked on water, was transfigured, resurrected and ascended through the clouds.

What you believe is irrelevant unless you are prepared to provide some source of antiquity to support your belief.
Did I say I had any particular belief about an HJ or a GJ.

But you still don't get it do you, what you and I believe now by applying modern skepticism about what an HJ believed some 2000 years ago is irrelevant, all that is relevant is what an HJ may have believed.
You are required to show that there was an HJ who could have believed he would resurrect. Your assumption or imagination of an HJ just won't do.

People can make theories on information presented not on imagination.

Originally Posted by David_M
I don't have to provide any sources because you are the person making the claim that an HJ is senseless because you think some claims attributed to Jesus in the NT sound illogical to you. You are the person who has to provide sources and a starting point would be that you have to establish that everything that you think is senseless was actualy claimed by an HJ, you must rule out later additions or changes by his followers before the first Gospels were written and during later rewrites and translations.
How do you expect to put forward your belief without any sources? You are wasting my time.

I have provided the sources for my position. Did I not show you the passages from the NT?

Did not Jesus teach his disciples that he would be killed and be raised on the third day. Is not that stupid?

Jesus in the very NT was killed, and was buried and the disciples went into hiding. That should have been the end of the stupid story.

Originally Posted by David_M
All I need to do is provide logical examples that cast doubt in your argument.
How do you intend to do that without providing any sources?

Originally Posted by David_M
Well you have claimed this but have provided no sources to back this up. It's just a possible that he was a scam artist who made stuff up because it sounded good or that he was a bit if a nutter who really, truly, believed that he as the son of God, had received divine revelation, was tasked with spreading a new religiosu message and would be resurrected after his death.
What you say appears to be erroneous. Did I not show you the sources? Why are you repeating the same erroneous statement?

Is not stupid for a man to claim he would resurrect on the third day?

Did he not realise that within 72 of his death that his sect would be destroyed and the disciples would have to remain in hiding for a very long time.

Please tell me how in the world could the disciples claim Jesus was resurrected when they ran away since Jesus was arrested and were in hiding when his body vanished?

Originally Posted by David_M
In your view and not backed up by any in depth analysis, its just as possible that an HJ actually believed, and claimed, he would be resurrected because he thought it would happen.
It is precislely because of analysis why it can be claimed that the HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition.

What the so-called Jesus believed about his resurrection was irrelevant. If Jesus was human and claimed he would be raised in three days, then he is going to be deemed a fraud after 72 hrs and his disciples would have to remain in hiding.

Originally Posted by David_M
And the implication of this need be no more than that Jesus believed he would indeed be resurrected, in fact now would be a good time to establish without any doubt that the pre-death claims relate to a physical resurrection with HJ walking around Jerusalem rather than a spiritual one to join God in heaven, which would be at odds with the Jewish beliefs of the time.
When did HJ exist? You are just making stuff up.

Originally Posted by David_M
Its possible that HJ was in fact claiming that after his death he would go to heaven rather than sleep in Sheol.
Once HJ did not exist then what you imagine was not possible.

Originally Posted by David_M
So when a religious leader is arrested and executed the followers go in to hiding, in what way would this not be in accord with human nature.
So, haven't you read the Jesus stories? Please tell me what happened after the disciples went into hiding, and the body of Jesus had disappeared?

Was it humanly possible for Jesus to resurrect?

Originally Posted by David_M
They were in hiding, why would they be spreading good news?
So, have YOU not read the GOSPELS, the GOOD NEWS? If Jesus was human and he died, was buried and his body disappeared, and the disciples were in hiding what good news did the disciples have about Jesus?

The HJ appears senseless if he did not resurrect. There would be no Gospel, no good news.

Originally Posted by David_M
Or the Jesus story makes sense if Jesus thought this stuff was actually true and claims of events after his death were added by followers to confirm their own bias and beliefs.
What did they add when they were in hiding and his body had vanished? You must not forget that when the burial site was visited that Jesus' body had already disappeared.

Originally Posted by David_M
Or its a sensible propostion when arguing about human motivation and belief, which is all that you are doing - nothing in your argument hinges on their being and independent historical evidence for an HJ, in fact its just an argument from incredulity. You cannot think of a reason why someone would make such claims so any making such claims must be an impossibility.
I am arguing that the HJ is a most senseless proposition. I have provided the statement of Jesus as found in the NT where he taught his disciples that he would be killed and be raised on the third day.

This teaching only make sense if Jesus was believed to be a God or had supernatural powers.

Originally Posted by David_M
You have presented no evidence, only an interpretation of some bible verses and a whole lot of weak logic.
So, do YOU not know what bible verses are? Do you not interpret bible verses? Your response is irrational.

Originally Posted by David_M
You really don't get how this works, you are making the positive claim so you have to provide evidence that contradicts any contervailing argument, all I need to do is poke holes in your argument.
You have not poked one single hole in my argument. But it will be shown that you have no sources for your imagination.

You MUST provide sources for your claims otherwise you are just wasting time.

Now, you seem not to understand that there MAY BE two fundamental postion with any argument.

1. The HJ is a most senseless proposition.

2. The HJ is NOT a most senseless proposition.

Which ever position you support you must provide sources. I have provided sources. You have not.

You get it, now.

Originally Posted by David_M
Joseph Smith is a recent example of self-proclaimed prohets making grand claims about religious events, that one example puts a huge burden on you to establish that it is not possible that an HJ was akin to Joseph Smith and made claims because he personally believed them to be true.
Did Joseph Smith claim he would die and resurrect on the third day? I am dealing specifically with a most dumb claim by Jesus in the NT. The Jesus story is just too stupid to be true.

Originally Posted by David_M
As has been pointed out to you he was a destablising influence when it came to the extant Jewish power structure that operated under Roman rule and it was they, according to the NT, who pushed for him to be punished.
Why don't you read the NT to find out what the authors claimed happened? All the accusations against Jesus were dropped. Pilate found no fault with Jesus.

You are constantly making your own history using your imagination as a corroborative source.

Originally Posted by David_M
Pilate could execute who the hell he wanted because he was in charge and the Romans could be very brutal when they felt civil stability might be threatened, it was the Jewish power bloc who petitioned Pilate to act against Jesus because they thought he was causing trouble. All Pilate had to do was agree that the situation was potentially destabilising amongst the Jews.
Why do you think that what you imagine has any merit? It is recorded that Pilate found no fault with Jesus. Just read the NT. Don't make stuff up.

Originally Posted by David_M
So what, humans routinely say stuff that dos not bear up to rational scrutiny because they do believe it is true.
So what you ask? The HJ is a most irrational proposition. That's what!

Originally Posted by David_M
All you have is an argument from incredulity based solely on personal motivations of who passed out of history 2000 years ago.
Who passed out of history 2000 years ago? You have not even began to provide one single historical non-apologetic source for your claims. Your imagination is useless until you get credible sources to support your belief.

Originally Posted by David_M
Your argument is a SENSELESS proposition, based as it is on interpreting human motivation alone. If you want to argue against an HJ the dearth of any mention of him outside the NT is a much better starting point.
The HJ is senseless from any angle. No matter where I start, the outcome is the same.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Marcion appears to be right since the 2nd century. Jesus could have only been believed to be real and he was not from the God of the Jews.
Originally Posted by David_M
Cite to back that up because I severely doubt that the first claim is accurate. As far as I am aware Marcion taught that Jesus was real and was the saviour sent by God, but that God was not Yahweh. Marcionites were Docetic which does mean that they thought that there was a real Jesus (just that his physical formn was an illusion).
Why are you asking me for sources when you are making statements about Marcion without refering to any sources? And even so you contradict yourself.

It is just absurd and illogical to claim that Marcion's Jesus was a real physical illusion. There is no such thing as a real physical illusion.

"Real" is the complete opposite of "illusion"

Marcion was right. Jesus was only believed to be human, but he was a Phantom.

The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition.
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Old 11-20-2009, 06:14 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by David_M View Post

Did I say I had any particular belief about an HJ or a GJ.

But you still don't get it do you, what you and I believe now by applying modern skepticism about what an HJ believed some 2000 years ago is irrelevant, all that is relevant is what an HJ may have believed.
You are required to show that there was an HJ who could have believed he would resurrect. Your assumption or imagination of an HJ just won't do.

People can make theories on information presented not on imagination.
No I'm not reuired to show that because I am not making a positive claim I an questioning the claims you are making, you just don't understand where the burden of proof lies. YOU are the one making a claim based on certain "facts" and interpretations that YOU put forward, all that is needed from those arguing against you is to point out how you facts and interpretations may be wrong.

You have presented your views on information recorded in the NT, that is all.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
How do you expect to put forward your belief without any sources? You are wasting my time.
I don't need sources because I'm not putting forward a belief, I'm questioning the basis of YOUR belief. Your continued inability to give substantive answers to questions put to you, and your repetition of the same points again and again amply demonstrate that it is you who are time wasting here.

Until you realize that personal incredulity is not the basis for a theory, which is all that you have, and start giving proper answers to questions put to you its seems pointless to continue.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
I have provided the sources for my position. Did I not show you the passages from the NT?
You are not providing sources, you are pointing to some religious writings an saying you can't think why someone might have said such a thing.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Did not Jesus teach his disciples that he would be killed and be raised on the third day. Is not that stupid?
You think its stupid because you cannot accept that people can make outrageous claims while truly believing in their veracity. The fact that reality demonstrates that people do make such claims is a real problem from your argument.

You also have not established in ANY way that this claim was not a later attribution or change in meaning, if it your entire argument is dead in the water.

Putting that aside, if Jesus thought he would be resurrected because the voices in his head told him so then no, its not stupid for him to make that claim.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
How do you intend to do that without providing any sources?
I'm using exactly the same text that you are, the NT. If they are not good enough for me why are they good enough for you?

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
What you say appears to be erroneous. Did I not show you the sources? Why are you repeating the same erroneous statement?
The NT is not a reputable source for any discussion about Jesus, its propaganda written decades after his death and redacted and changed multiple times.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Is not stupid for a man to claim he would resurrect on the third day?
Not if he personally believes this to be true it is not a stupid act for him. Let's say you fervently support a sports team and are convinced they will win the championship this year, claiming such may seem stupid to others who do not believe as you do but to you it is not a stupid claim to make.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Did he not realise that within 72 of his death that his sect would be destroyed and the disciples would have to remain in hiding for a very long time.
Only if he didn't think it would happen, if he thought it would realy happen then its entirely logical he would make such a claim (whether he truly thoight he would be resurrected of knew a follower would remove the body to make it seem he was resurrected is a different discussion).

To counter this argument you need to show that humans cannot be delusional and/or cannot make grandiose claims that have no basis in reality.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Please tell me how in the world could the disciples claim Jesus was resurrected when they ran away since Jesus was arrested and were in hiding when his body vanished?
Because after 3 days it was reported that his body had vanished from a closed tomb, the disciples come out of hiding and take this as immediate confirmation that Jesus was right and he had indeed be ressurected.

Doesn't mean it happened, only that people thought it had happened.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
It is precislely because of analysis why it can be claimed that the HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition.
Your analysis is fatally flawed because it ignores human nature, history is replete with leaders making grandiose claims and followers making up stuff to confirm how great their leader was. Why is this example different.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
What the so-called Jesus believed about his resurrection was irrelevant. If Jesus was human and claimed he would be raised in three days, then he is going to be deemed a fraud after 72 hrs and his disciples would have to remain in hiding.
No its not irrelevant what Jesus actually believed would happen would be the driving motivation for any claims he made, its the only thing that is relevant. Your personal incredulity is what is not relevant.

Within living memory there have been examples of people claiming resurrection into a new life and then killing themselves (Heaven's gate Cult being an example) so don't try claiming that people don't make such statements.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
When did HJ exist? You are just making stuff up.
Who knows, actually reliable sources are remarkably silent on the Jesus of the NT which means that he may indeed be a fabrication deawn in part from one or more Jewish religious teacher's of the time.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Once HJ did not exist then what you imagine was not possible.
Circular argument if ever I saw one. If what I imagine is possble then an HJ could quite easily be true (only considering the interpretations of NT text that you have used).

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
So, haven't you read the Jesus stories? Please tell me what happened after the disciples went into hiding, and the body of Jesus had disappeared?
Of course I've read them, in brief what is claimed is that Jesus was seen by a variable number of people and spent some time (accounts are contradictory on the period) with his disciples before ascending to heaven.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Was it humanly possible for Jesus to resurrect?
No, not without supernatural intervention which doesn't happen. But again I will repeat the simple point that it is what Jesus thought would happen after his death that governs all his pre-death statements on the subject, not what was claimed happened after his death.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
So, have YOU not read the GOSPELS, the GOOD NEWS? If Jesus was human and he died, was buried and his body disappeared, and the disciples were in hiding what good news did the disciples have about Jesus?
The Good News is not limited to one 3 day period, I suspect that your comprehension of the Gospels is rather limited. The Good News would have been that, as he claimed, Jesus had been resurrected.

If Jesus claimed he would be resuurected because that's what he believed would happen after his body disappeared it would be illogical to assume that his followers would not immediately point to this as being a confirmation of

Of course if the claim that the body had disappeared never got started that would have caused problems but again that is an irrelevance when talking about why Jesus might make claims about what would happen after his death.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
The HJ appears senseless if he did not resurrect. There would be no Gospel, no good news.
True, but this post-death event is pretty meaningless when considering why Jesus may have made certain pre-death claims.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
What did they add when they were in hiding and his body had vanished? You must not forget that when the burial site was visited that Jesus' body had already disappeared.
You keep repeating this as if it was some sort of counter-point. What is your actual point about this other than that Jesus's body disappeared. Nowhere in the Gospel's does Jesus intimate that there would be witnesses to the actual moment of ressurection, only that it would occur after 3 days.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
I am arguing that the HJ is a most senseless proposition. I have provided the statement of Jesus as found in the NT where he taught his disciples that he would be killed and be raised on the third day.

This teaching only make sense if Jesus was believed to be a God or had supernatural powers.
Or that Jesus believed that he was a true prophet sent from God and would be resurrected, as we have other examples of humans claiming that this would happen do you accept that this is a valid alternative.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
So, do YOU not know what bible verses are? Do you not interpret bible verses? Your response is irrational.
My responses are entirely rational, we are arguing about interpretation an motivation, you are the person making irrational claims of certitude based on am interpretation and some incredulity.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You have not poked one single hole in my argument. But it will be shown that you have no sources for your imagination.
I have poked a huge hole in your argument, the simple and demonstrable fact that humans make claims because they personally believe them to be true (not matter how improbable that claim is) is a huge problem for your proposition that you have not even started to address.

In fact you seem incapable of addressing it.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You MUST provide sources for your claims otherwise you are just wasting time.
So must you, we are both using the NT, and all I need are the passages that you quoted, demonstrate that my interpretation of why these claims might made can be ruled out and I will accept your proposition.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Now, you seem not to understand that there MAY BE two fundamental postion with any argument.

1. The HJ is a most senseless proposition.

2. The HJ is NOT a most senseless proposition.

Which ever position you support you must provide sources. I have provided sources. You have not.
Binary thinking of the worst sort. Still missing how debate like this works don't you. Let's make this really simple for you.

YOU - 1. The HJ is a most senseless proposition.
ME - The arguments you use for this are insufficient, answer the counter points if you want people to accept it.

I am arguing against your proposition having sufficient support, not arguing that "The HJ is NOT a most senseless proposition."

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You get it, now.
Right back at you.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Did Joseph Smith claim he would die and resurrect on the third day? I am dealing specifically with a most dumb claim by Jesus in the NT. The Jesus story is just too stupid to be true.
No, but he claimed to have met an angel who "gave" him the book of Mormon - I though you would have realised this was similar in scope but not the same in detail.

Marshall Applewhite claimed that he would die and be resurrected (though he gave no time period) so there is a much closer parrellel.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by David_M View Post
As has been pointed out to you he was a destablising influence when it came to the extant Jewish power structure that operated under Roman rule and it was they, according to the NT, who pushed for him to be punished.
Why don't you read the NT to find out what the authors claimed happened? All the accusations against Jesus were dropped. Pilate found no fault with Jesus.

You are constantly making your own history using your imagination as a corroborative source.
You have just demonstrated that you have not read the NT, it is you who are making things up here.

Mark 15 KJV

[1] And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate.
[2] And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answering said unto him, Thou sayest it.
[3] And the chief priests accused him of many things: but he answered nothing.
[4] And Pilate asked him again, saying, Answerest thou nothing? behold how many things they witness against thee.
[5] But Jesus yet answered nothing; so that Pilate marvelled.
[6] Now at that feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired.
[7] And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.
[8] And the multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them.
[9] But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?
[10] For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy.
[11] But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them.
[12] And Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?
[13] And they cried out again, Crucify him.
[14] Then Pilate said unto them, Why, what evil hath he done? And they cried out the more exceedingly, Crucify him.
[15] And so Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified.
Pilate may have found no fault but he acted at the behest of the Chief priests and to content the people (who were acting upon the urgings of those priests).

Which is exactly what I claimed, so unless you want to argue that the groups bolded above were not part of the Jewish power structure you should admit that you were completely wrong.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Why do you think that what you imagine has any merit? It is recorded that Pilate found no fault with Jesus. Just read the NT. Don't make stuff up.
Because its exactly what is said in Mark, it was the Priests (a Jewish power bloc as I said) who pushed for the execution of Jesus.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
So what you ask? The HJ is a most irrational proposition. That's what!
Provide support for the proposition that goes beyond personal incredulity and a lack of knowledge of the Gospels.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Who passed out of history 2000 years ago? You have not even began to provide one single historical non-apologetic source for your claims. Your imagination is useless until you get credible sources to support your belief.
Ok so to be accurate its "just about 2000 years ago according to the period that Pilate was actually governor".

My sources are the NT, which is exactly the same fucking source that you have been using. So this applies to you "Your imagination is useless until you get credible sources to support your belief".

I'll say it again - and argument from personal incredulity does not cut it, step up and answer you critics and provide rigorous responses or admit defeat.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by David_M
Cite to back that up because I severely doubt that the first claim is accurate. As far as I am aware Marcion taught that Jesus was real and was the saviour sent by God, but that God was not Yahweh. Marcionites were Docetic which does mean that they thought that there was a real Jesus (just that his physical formn was an illusion).
Why are you asking me for sources when you are making statements about Marcion without refering to any sources? And even so you contradict yourself.
I'm asking you for sources because I think you are spouting crap, once again you are making a contested claim so YOU HAVE TO PROVIDE A SOURCE.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
It is just absurd and illogical to claim that Marcion's Jesus was a real physical illusion. There is no such thing as a real physical illusion.
You really are grasping at straws here. And stop quote mining me - I made no claim about a "real physical illusion".

From Wikepedia
In Christianity, Docetism (from the Greek δοκέω [dokeō], "to seem") is the belief that Jesus' physical body was an illusion, as was his crucifixion; that is, Jesus only seemed to have a physical body and to physically die, but in reality he was incorporeal, a pure spirit, and hence could not physically die. This belief treats the sentence "the Word was made Flesh" (John 1:14) as merely figurative. Docetism has historically been regarded as heretical by most Christian theologians.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
"Real" is the complete opposite of "illusion"

Marcion was right. Jesus was only believed to be human, but he was a Phantom.

The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition.
You obviously have no understanding of Marcionism, the belief was that Jesus was real in that he could be seen, heard and touched. All that the term "physical illusion" refers to is that he was a spirit clothed in flesh so could not actually die.
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Old 11-20-2009, 08:49 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by WishboneDawn View Post
Originally Posted by avi View Post
...Well, if she were Greek, then, does it not follow that she spoke Greek to Jesus?...
I may be missing something (and generally do) but how does Jesus speaking Greek mean anything in regards to what kind of Jew he was? Greek, or ,Koine at least, was the merchant tongue wasn't it? The lingua franca of the Roman world? The simple fact that someone spoke Greek wouldn't be a useful clue as to where they were from.
"The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia"

What did it mean to be "Greek"? Obviously not be born there. So why presume it means you speak Greek? Greek means Gentile, that is, non-Jewish. (In the exact same way the Amish call non-Amish "English".)

The New Testament was written in Greek... or was it? (Only the oldest saved texts are written in Greek. There are no originals) Why translate some of what Jesus said and not other things? Why retain certain Aramaic phrases in the oldest manuscripts? Who was the New Testament written for? Jews? Arabs? or Romans and Greeks?
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Old 11-20-2009, 08:54 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by storytime View Post
But the parables were meant to deceive the multitude [the outsiders], because, it was not meant[predistined] that they be included in the kingdom of heaven.
Because God has preordained since the beginning of time, from before page 1 of Genesis, that most of his creation would be sent to hell. That is just the kind of guy he is. Everything is exactly the way God has always wanted it to be. He is infallible, inerrant, omnipotent and... oh yeah... a great manager.

Prior planning prevents piss-poor performance.
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Old 11-20-2009, 08:59 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by storytime View Post
But the parables were meant to deceive the multitude [the outsiders], because, it was not meant[predistined] that they be included in the kingdom of heaven.
Wrong. The fact is that the multitude is incapable of comprehending naked spiritual truth; so, for them, spiritual truth is couched in parables. It is then up to the elect to discern the spiritual truth that lies within the parables. There is no deception here.
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Old 11-20-2009, 09:03 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by kcdad View Post
Because God has preordained since the beginning of time, from before page 1 of Genesis, that most of his creation would be sent to hell. That is just the kind of guy he is. Everything is exactly the way God has always wanted it to be. He is infallible, inerrant, omnipotent and... oh yeah... a great manager.
Why are not all people governed by reason? It is simply the way things are. What benefit is there in saying that all are governed by reason, when that is clearly not the case? What benefit is there in trying to force everyone to be reasonable? Isn't it best just to acknowledge that there are those who are governed by reason, and those who are not? And isn't it best then to let each group go about its business according to its own inclinations?
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:24 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by David_M View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

You are required to show that there was an HJ who could have believed he would resurrect. Your assumption or imagination of an HJ just won't do.

People can make theories on information presented not on imagination.
No I'm not reuired to show that because I am not making a positive claim I an questioning the claims you are making, you just don't understand where the burden of proof lies. YOU are the one making a claim based on certain "facts" and interpretations that YOU put forward, all that is needed from those arguing against you is to point out how you facts and interpretations may be wrong.
As I have already written there may be two fundamental arguments for a proposition. One for the proposition and the other against the proposition.

Essentially, one proposes "A" and another proposes "NOT A", it is therefore illogical and blantantly absurd that the person who proposes "NOT A" does not have any obligationto provide any facts.

I propose that the HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition, some other person may argue against my proposal and are in favor of the proposal that the HJ is NOT a most SENSELESS proposition.

Both sides must produce sources to support their proposal.

If you are arguing against my proposal you must produce some credible information or source of antiquity. If you propose that there was an actual human HJ, then you MUST provide the source of antiquity that clearly show that there was indeed an HJ.

Jesus was human because it says so in the Bible is an extremely weak argument since the very same Bible claimed he was the offspring of the Holy Ghost of God, who walked on water, transfigured, resurrected and ascended through the clouds.

Originally Posted by David_M
I don't need sources because I'm not putting forward a belief, I'm questioning the basis of YOUR belief. Your continued inability to give substantive answers to questions put to you, and your repetition of the same points again and again amply demonstrate that it is you who are time wasting here.
You are most obviously putting forward a belief. You believe my proposition is wrong. Why are you denying your belief?

Originally Posted by David_M
Until you realize that personal incredulity is not the basis for a theory, which is all that you have, and start giving proper answers to questions put to you its seems pointless to continue.
Where did you get that theory from? Personal incredulity?

Originally Posted by David_M
You are not providing sources, you are pointing to some religious writings an saying you can't think why someone might have said such a thing.
Are you claiming that the NT is NOT a source for the Jesus stories?

Originally Posted by David_M
You think its stupid because you cannot accept that people can make outrageous claims while truly believing in their veracity. The fact that reality demonstrates that people do make such claims is a real problem from your argument.
My point is that no human, no real person, could be that stupid or irrational. The prediction of the third day resurrection is a clear indication that Jesus of the NT was believed to be divine or a supernatural entity.

People make outrageous claims, but I am yet to find a real human who taught his followers that he would be killed and be raised from the dead within three days.

Even if Jesus believed he was truly a God, and could resurrect, his beliefs became irrelevant 72 hours after his death.

If there was an HJ, I would expect that all we would have learnt about Jesus was that he was a false prophet, and a blasphemer, who lead people astray and was crucified or stoned to death for his sheer stupidity.

But, the NT claimed Jesus resurrected. Jesus was not human. Jesus the God/man would walked into a building shut tight. The disciples now have good news for the Jews.

Originally Posted by David_M
You also have not established in ANY way that this claim was not a later attribution or change in meaning, if it your entire argument is dead in the water.
Have not read the NT and the Church writings? The supposed first bishop of Rome, Peter, a disciple of Jesus was a witness to the post-resurrection Jesus.

And, if Jesus did not teach his disciples that he would be killed and raised from the dead in three days, then the NT is not credible. The HJ would be based on fiction.

It would still be SENSELESS to base the HJ on fiction or writings with no credibility.

Originally Posted by David_M
Putting that aside, if Jesus thought he would be resurrected because the voices in his head told him so then no, its not stupid for him to make that claim.
What source can show that Jesus had a real human head? In the NT, Jesus had a GOD/MAN head and he could change heads. He transfigured and part of his head, maybe his whole head, shone like the sun.

What head did Jesus have after he transfigured?

Originally Posted by David_M
I'm using exactly the same text that you are, the NT. If they are not good enough for me why are they good enough for you?
So, you are admitting that I have presented sources for my position.

Originally Posted by David_M
The NT is not a reputable source for any discussion about Jesus, its propaganda written decades after his death and redacted and changed multiple times.
So, why do you use the NT in your discussion?

Now, this is like claiming that Homer is NOT reputable for Achilles.

Please indicate the reputable sources for Jesus. I suggest Marcion.

Originally Posted by David_M
Not if he personally believes this to be true it is not a stupid act for him. Let's say you fervently support a sports team and are convinced they will win the championship this year, claiming such may seem stupid to others who do not believe as you do but to you it is not a stupid claim to make.
But, regardless of how stupid fans are, you may hardly ever hear anyone claim that they will ciome back to life within three days. No-one may not even bother to attend their funeral.

Originally Posted by David_M
Only if he didn't think it would happen, if he thought it would realy happen then its entirely logical he would make such a claim (whether he truly thoight he would be resurrected of knew a follower would remove the body to make it seem he was resurrected is a different discussion).
How can a fake resurrection of Jesus be a different discussion? Based on the NT, Jesus claimed he would resurrect on the third day.

Do you have any evidence that the resurrection of Jesus was faked, if you do then then the HJ will no longer be a most senseless proposition, a character based on fiction.

Originally Posted by David_M
To counter this argument you need to show that humans cannot be delusional and/or cannot make grandiose claims that have no basis in reality.
But, the problem is that the NT and the Church writers wrote that Jesus did TRULY resurrect.

Jesus was divine in REALITY.

Originally Posted by David_M
Because after 3 days it was reported that his body had vanished from a closed tomb, the disciples come out of hiding and take this as immediate confirmation that Jesus was right and he had indeed be ressurected.
How can the disciples claim Jesus resurrected when they don't know where his body is located?

Perhaps the Sanhedrin had moved the body. If the claimed Jesus resurerected, then the Sanhedrin would have known the disciples were liars.

And if the disciples faked the resurrection, then would die for a lie.

The HJ, from any angle, is SENSELESS.

Originally Posted by David_M
Within living memory there have been examples of people claiming resurrection into a new life and then killing themselves (Heaven's gate Cult being an example) so don't try claiming that people don't make such statements.
But, real people are smart. You would notice that there is no three day expiration for their resurrection.

Originally Posted by David_M
Who knows, actually reliable sources are remarkably silent on the Jesus of the NT which means that he may indeed be a fabrication deawn in part from one or more Jewish religious teacher's of the time.
You mean there was a religous teacher who TAUGHT that he would raised from the dead after three days and actually did rise?

Originally Posted by David_M
Circular argument if ever I saw one. If what I imagine is possble then an HJ could quite easily be true (only considering the interpretations of NT text that you have used).
If you let you imagination run wild, then you may begin to believe whatever you imagine is true.

Originally Posted by David_M
Of course I've read them, in brief what is claimed is that Jesus was seen by a variable number of people and spent some time (accounts are contradictory on the period) with his disciples before ascending to heaven.
And that is part of the Good News. Now, if Jesus was just human, the post resurrection story is just fiction. Jesus is just fiction or belief.l

Originally Posted by David_M
I have poked a huge hole in your argument, the simple and demonstrable fact that humans make claims because they personally believe them to be true (not matter how improbable that claim is) is a huge problem for your proposition that you have not even started to address.
You have not one hole in my proposition at all. You have not been able to dispute that the claim by Jesus was utterly stupid and that there would have been no Gospel story without the resurrection.

The claim of a three day resurrection by an human only Jesus would have destroyed the Gospel story.

The Gospels only make sense if Jesus was divine or supernatural.

The HJ is a most SENSELESS proposition. HJ could not resurrect. HJ would have destroyed the Good NEWS, the disciples would not be able to come out of hiding.
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:38 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Marcion was right. Jesus was only believed to be human, but he was a Phantom.
Marcion was wrong. Tertullian writes;

Chapter VIII. ----Other Proofs from the Same Chapter, that Jesus, Who Preached at Nazareth, and Was Acknowledged by Certain Demons as Christ the Son of God, Was the Creator's Christ. As Occasion Offers, the Docetic Errors of Marcion are Exposed.

[1] The Christ of the Creator had197 to be called a Nazarene according to prophecy; whence the Jews also designate us, on that very account,198 Nazerenes199 after Him. For we are they of whom it is written, "Her Nazarites were whiter than snow; "200 even they who were once defiled with the stains of sin, and darkened with the clouds of ignorance. But to Christ the title Nazarene was destined to become a suitable one, from the hiding-place of His infancy, for which He went down and dwelt at Nazareth,201 to escape from Archelaus the son of Herod. [2] This fact I have not refrained from mentioning on this account, because it behoved Marcion's Christ to have forborne all connection whatever with the domestic localities of the Creator's Christ, when he had so many towns in Judaea which had not been by the prophets thus assigned202 to the Creator's Christ. But Christ will be (the Christ) of the prophets, wheresoever He is found in accordance with the prophets. And yet even at Nazareth He is not remarked as having preached anything new,203 whilst in another verse He is said to have been rejected204 by reason of a simple proverb.205 Here at once, when I observe that they laid their hands on Him, I cannot help drawing a conclusion respecting His bodily substance, which cannot be believed to have been a phantom,206 since it was capable of being touched and even violently handled, when He was seized and taken and led to the very brink of a precipice. [3] For although He escaped through the midst of them, He had already experienced their rough treatment, and afterwards went His way, no doubt207 because the crowd (as usually happens) gave way, or was even broken through; but not because it was eluded as by an impalpable disguise,208 which, if there had been such, would not at all have submitted to any touch.

"Tangere enim et tangi, nisi corpus, nulla potest res,"
"For nothing can touch and be touched but a bodily substance." This line from Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, i. 305, is again quoted by Tertullian in his De Anima, chap. v. (Oehler).
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:45 AM   #90
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Quoting Tertullian to show that Marcion was wrong - that's about as productive a use of your time as trying to show aa5874 how wrong he is.
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