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Old 03-18-2008, 03:49 PM   #171
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Originally Posted by Moriah Conquering Wind View Post
Proper "punishment for evil" does not involve becoming evil itself in the process.
Not to mention, proper "punishment" in any context serves a rehabilitative purpose. When your children mouth off or disobey, you don't punish them by taking them out into the street and throwing them under a lorrie to destroy them. You give them a time out or some other penalty as a means of using negative reinforcement to try to train them not to repeat the undesired behavior. Throwing sentient creatures into an eternally burning pit where they have no opportunity to learn anything and spend eternity in excruciating agony unable even to die (or if you prefer the annihilationist interpretation, eventually ending in their being snuffed from existence for all eternity) teaches absolutely nothing and serves no rehabilitative or salvific purpose whatsoever. Which bes why most people who can stick out the apparent contradictions of faith for longer than 2-5 years start digging past the regurgitated tripe served from the typical pulpit and start trying to investigate the original languages and the writings of scholars daring to bring some intelligence to bear upon divining the meaning of scripture, to determine what reality might lie past the lurking, drooling, offputting threshhold of concrete literalism and its horrors.

If you study your holy book carefully you will notice a paradox: the same God referred to as perfect and unchanging also frequently changes His mind. If you study further you will notice a pattern: His unchangingness bes only invoked in reference to His mercy.

People that clamor for "judgment" and harrumph bellicosely about imagining that they find themselves smack dab in the very risen cream of the milk of God's will bes in for one serious rude awakening. Only the spiritually blind clamor for judgment and argue it as righteous. Those what see clearly know they deserve it just as much as anyone else upon whose head they relish seeing it fall, and keep their polluted mouths shut as a result and their attitudes about themselves shoved down into humility range where they belong.

And the verse it believes the earlier poster to be referring to can be found in Psalm 137:9.
The evil done by kids and adults is a BIG difference for kids understand (at least not fully) what they do...but adults do. And besides God has tried to discipline mankind many times guess what they persist in their rebellion.

The Word of God clamours for Judgement....Judgement contitutes Justice....and Justice will be served against the enemies of God...sorry but that is what His word put a sock in it already. :wave:
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Old 03-19-2008, 01:14 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by WVIncagold View Post
lets dissect shall we.
first we must look at the posters OP here. sugarhitman contends that Jesus is god Yahweh and is the earthly embodiment of that god. So in that sense you must accept all things OT as Jeus's fault. He is god in an earthly form. So he carries all that baggage. so lets examine and compare Deity's shall we.

Deity 1
1. Expects absolute worship
2. Only get to good after life through him
3. makes you ashamed of yourself (sin)
4.Has dictated wars in his name
5. has you rejoice in bashing enemy
children's head in
6. sends most humans to a fiery hell
including infants who have not accepted him
7. gives free will but punishes you if you
use it
8. expects you to change how you act
work live etc.
9. created at least 4 genocides
10. claims all powerful but unable to
vanquish evil (lies)
11. likes human sacrifice
12. enjoys ritualistic cannibalism and
vampire behavior of followers
13. condones slavery and rape
14. makes confusing prophecy
15. gives ancient book to men that is
supposed to be divine and inerrant but is not
16. constantly tries to lure you from other lines of thought

deity 2
1 doesn't want your worship never asks for it
2 makes no such claim
3 cares less if you sin
4 no wars ever fought in his name
5 never lays claim to killing children
6 Never sends humans to hell
7 encourages free will
8 accepts you as you are
9 no genocides to his name
10 Makes no such claim
11 makes no request
12 bread is bread wine is just wine
13 makes no such claims
14 no prophecies
15 no ancient books no claim.
16 inserts ideas into your head to make you think differently than dogmatic fundamentalism

These are just a few off my head. Deity one shows definite signs of evil, Deity two does not. Deity number one sure looks evil any venture to guess who Deity two may be?:devil1:
So when does God send infants to hell? When does he "rejoices" when babies's heads are bashed in? You are so woefully ignorant and unruly that you cant even distinguish between sadistic terrorism and righteous it what you want but the Lord "will punish the world for its' evil" Anarchists see the one as evil who holds the power of Authority who has the sword at his side. (common criminals also dispise law enforcement and authority) But wise people understand that such a thing is needed to guard against people of like minds.
According to you the one true christian that one can only achieve heaven by worshiping in jesus. try reading Psalms about bashing in children against the stones. I am ignorant? this coming from the guy who actually believes giant sadistic cannibal vampires of Canaan existed. Who fucking gave your Jesus the right to judge anything?
By the way the second deity is one of yours as well. its lucifer! the light bringer. the morningstar. Your deity performs deeds that are evil yet it screams evil is elsewhere. sounds like a bait and switch. I also noticed as always you answer nothing and attack the person. good for you. your setting such a good example being the one true christian and all.
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Old 03-19-2008, 01:21 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by Moriah Conquering Wind View Post
Proper "punishment for evil" does not involve becoming evil itself in the process.
Not to mention, proper "punishment" in any context serves a rehabilitative purpose. When your children mouth off or disobey, you don't punish them by taking them out into the street and throwing them under a lorrie to destroy them. You give them a time out or some other penalty as a means of using negative reinforcement to try to train them not to repeat the undesired behavior. Throwing sentient creatures into an eternally burning pit where they have no opportunity to learn anything and spend eternity in excruciating agony unable even to die (or if you prefer the annihilationist interpretation, eventually ending in their being snuffed from existence for all eternity) teaches absolutely nothing and serves no rehabilitative or salvific purpose whatsoever. Which bes why most people who can stick out the apparent contradictions of faith for longer than 2-5 years start digging past the regurgitated tripe served from the typical pulpit and start trying to investigate the original languages and the writings of scholars daring to bring some intelligence to bear upon divining the meaning of scripture, to determine what reality might lie past the lurking, drooling, offputting threshhold of concrete literalism and its horrors.

If you study your holy book carefully you will notice a paradox: the same God referred to as perfect and unchanging also frequently changes His mind. If you study further you will notice a pattern: His unchangingness bes only invoked in reference to His mercy.

People that clamor for "judgment" and harrumph bellicosely about imagining that they find themselves smack dab in the very risen cream of the milk of God's will bes in for one serious rude awakening. Only the spiritually blind clamor for judgment and argue it as righteous. Those what see clearly know they deserve it just as much as anyone else upon whose head they relish seeing it fall, and keep their polluted mouths shut as a result and their attitudes about themselves shoved down into humility range where they belong.

And the verse it believes the earlier poster to be referring to can be found in Psalm 137:9.
The evil done by kids and adults is a BIG difference for kids understand (at least not fully) what they do...but adults do. And besides God has tried to discipline mankind many times guess what they persist in their rebellion.

The Word of God clamours for Judgement....Judgement contitutes Justice....and Justice will be served against the enemies of God...sorry but that is what His word put a sock in it already. :wave:
I judge you a false prophet and your judgment should be under your gods law. I also judge your god for crimes against humanity. So where do we send the subpoenas? So why don't you shut up? it your OP not our fault you cant defend it worth a damn or your total inability to back up anything you say. You loose continually and run away from threads you cant defend or the questions get to hard to answer. Then you insult and hurl threats of eternal damnation at people claim your the only true christian and we should abide by your example? If you cant defend your OP do not post! its that simple.
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