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View Poll Results: What do you think the probability of a historical Jesus is?
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Old 12-12-2008, 03:15 PM   #331
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Are the gospels clear on why Jesus was executed? It appears that Pilate ordered his execution after a rabble of Jews shouted at him, but Pilate seems to have thought Jesus was innocent.
Why Jesus was executed (why people wanted him dead and what they thought of the call for his death) is a question that is altogether different from the question of what ultimately the "legal" basis for his execution was.

The Jews were more concerned with blasphemy,
The "Jews" were concerned with a perceived threat to the temple. There is no hint in the Gospels that the cause of Jesus' arrest and/or of what he was to be questioned over when he was brought before the Sanhedrin (or Annas) was Jesus having committed "blasphemy" prior to his arrest or his initial interrogation. And it's only after Jesus answers the question of whether he claimed to be the Christ that the blasphemy charge gets uttered.
(On the function of this charge in Mark's Gospel, see my "The Function of the Charge of Blasphemy in Mark 14:64" in The Trial and Death of Jesus
Essays on the Passion Narrative in Mark
[Contributions to Biblical Exegesis & Theology, 45] G. Van Oyen and T. Shepherd [Peeters, 2006] 171-188).

But even the Sanhedrin seems to have lacked a coherent reason for Jesus' execution.
You misread the texts. They have a very coherent reason -- a perceived threat against the temple. What they are unable to do, according to Mark at least, is to find sufficient witness to make an anti temple charge stick.

Was claiming to be King of the Jews a capital crime?
Independently of an authorization from Caesar? Are you serious?

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Old 12-12-2008, 03:22 PM   #332
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Mark 14.64
Ye have heard the BLASPHEMY; what think ye?

And they ALL condemned him to be Guilty of Death.
Yes, but what was the actual charge for which he was consigned by Roman authority to a Roman form of execution that was reserved for runaway slaves and seditionists?

And why on earth do you use the KJV for your biblical citations?

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Old 12-12-2008, 03:25 PM   #333
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Originally Posted by No Robots View Post
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Have you actually read any of these works?
I looked them over, following your links.
Do you actually equate "looking them over" with reading them?

That last paper is available in full text here. It's all pretty conservative stuff. Not at all of a Unitarian bent.
Leaving aside you engagment in bifurcation here, who said it was?

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Old 12-12-2008, 03:27 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
That is a paper by Chris Price (who has posted here as Layman). He's a conservative American lawyer and Christian apologist, not the sort of qualified multilingual expert that Jeffrey likes to cite.
Kind of getting a bad reputation for yourself, eh, Jeffrey? Your stock might go up if you stopped citing qualified multilingual experts and started making bold, unsubstantiated claims based on insufficient reading and forced interpretation.

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Old 12-12-2008, 03:34 PM   #335
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Originally Posted by Ben C Smith View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post
That is a paper by Chris Price (who has posted here as Layman). He's a conservative American lawyer and Christian apologist, not the sort of qualified multilingual expert that Jeffrey likes to cite.
Kind of getting a bad reputation for yourself, eh, Jeffrey? Your stock might go up if you stopped citing qualified multilingual experts and started making bold, unsubstantiated claims based on insufficient reading and forced interpretation.

Not sure I want to take on Pete Brown's, Pat Cleaver's, AS's, and a host of other forum posters' ways just yet!

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Old 12-12-2008, 03:36 PM   #336
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Do you actually equate "looking them over" with reading them?
I follow Fichte's method for critical reading, which Constantin Brunner describes:
Fichte suggests to peruse first the whole book in order to get an idea about the author's purpose. Then one should try to understand clearly the main propositions "so as to make vanish the zone of uncertainty and obscurity to the point where the whole system of ideas of the author is clearly and distinctly understood".
Leaving aside you engagment in bifurcation here, who said it was?
Nobody. I just wanted to draw attention to the conservatism of your recommended readings. You do acknowledge left-right bifurcation, don't you, now?
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Old 12-12-2008, 03:40 PM   #337
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Originally Posted by No Robots View Post
Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Do you actually equate "looking them over" with reading them?
I follow Fichte's method for critical reading, which Constantin Brunner describes:
Fichte suggests to peruse first the whole book in order to get an idea about the author's purpose.
So you perused the whole of each of the books? How could you (let alone in so short a space of time)? They are not online in their entirety.

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Old 12-12-2008, 03:43 PM   #338
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Originally Posted by Ben C Smith View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
What first round?
There were (at least) two hearings or trials in the gospels. The first one was before the sanhedrin (the Jewish authority); the second was before Pilate (the Roman authority).

Yes, and this was in the first hearing, the one before the Jewish authorities, who did not have the power to carry out capital punishment. If the Jewish authorities could have carried out capital punishment, they would have done so instead of hauling Jesus to Pilate.

Jesus was brought before Pilate on that very charge of blasphemy in the morning or sometime after his arrest and charge.
Please cite the verse(s) in which Jesus is charged with blasphemy before Pilate.

Why don't you read gMark 14 and then read gMark 15 to get the chronology of the arrest, charge of blasphemy and trial by Pilate, according to the author.

I have already quoted Mark 14.64. Now, why did they bring Jesus to Pilate? Was it not to secure the death penalty after Jesus made the blasphemous remark?
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Old 12-12-2008, 03:44 PM   #339
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
So you perused the whole of each of the books? How could you (let alone in so short a space of time)? They are not online in their entirety.
For the books, I looked over the blurbs and reviews on the Amazon page. This was certainly sufficient for me "to get an idea about about the author's purpose," namely, to argue that Trinitarianism is firmly part of the earliest Christian tradition.
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Old 12-12-2008, 03:49 PM   #340
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Why don't you read gMark 14 and then read gMark 15 to get the chronology of the arrest, charge of blasphemy and trial by Pilate, according to the author.
I have done so.

I have already quoted Mark 14.64. Now, why did they bring Jesus to Pilate? Was it not to secure the death penalty after Jesus made the blasphemous remark?
Yes, that is why they brought Jesus to Pilate. But here is your claim, the claim I am challenging you on:

Originally Posted by aa5871, emphasis added
Jesus was brought before Pilate on that very charge of blasphemy in the morning or sometime after his arrest and charge.

Now, during the trial where Jesus was charged with blasphemy, according to the author of Mark, Jesus was asked if he was the King of the Jews and he answered "Thou sayest it" See Mark 15.
Do you see that boldfaced portion? You claimed that Jesus was charged with blasphemy during the trial in which he was asked if he was king of the Jews. But the trial in which he was asked if he was king of the Jews starts in Mark 15.1. Please show me where, during that trial, Jesus was charged with blasphemy.

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