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Old 09-26-2007, 08:46 AM   #331
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
I'll assume Dean's momentary silence is because he is busy or he is typing ...
As usual. When left without "arguments", dave's arrogance tries to make up with smug posts. Nice. Really nice.

Dave, no matter what you're implying, Dean is not hiding from you or anyone else. YOU are the one that does the hiding: Dean has answered your every claim, and you still have to answer his. Such as this:
This post stands unaddressed, let alone refuted. You refused to acknowledge its existence.

You have claimed that evidence is on your side.
PROVE it. ADDRESS Dean's post.
Or kindly STFU.

(oh as for your other attempt to divert the discussion away from all the PITA you have in this thread, I'll bite:

Are you saying that the statement
And the statement
"You'll take SEVEN of every CLEAN animal, TWO of all the rest"
Are NOT condradictory?
Are you going to be as lame as a guy I debated once and claim that "well, if you take seven of a kind, you take two as well"????????????????
Please do. I'd love a good ROFL too.)
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Old 09-26-2007, 08:52 AM   #332
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"And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth...

...And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made:
And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth"

Not the "inundation phase", Dave. Or the (nonexistent) tsunamis or volcanoes.

The FLOOD was upon the Earth for 40 days. The raven was sent out at the end of this period... and, according to you, was out there for 110 days!

The DH removes all these issues, Dave. And you still CANNOT explain how this can be so.

The compilers of the Bible had already made a stab at getting it into some semblance of chronological order, so simply cutting it up into chunks would be expected to leave a readable account. But the DH should leave a disjointed mess, and YOU SELECTED the Flood story as an example!

And you were busted. Tablet theory lies in ruins on this, and DH is spectacularly successful.

When combined with your ongoing inability to find any other flaw in the DH... well, you've lost. It's that simple.
Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Are you guys trying to say that this ...
19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.
20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.
and this ...
2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
are contradictory?

If so, pardon me while I fall out my chair laughing. I'll explain this in my next response to Dean after I recover.
Oh, believe me, we've seen the apologetic gymnastics for this before! And, yes, we're preparing for a good laugh at your expense. But, hey, you might surprise us with some new off-the-wall lunacy yet. Hey, Dave: only 2 were brought into the Ark and the rest clung to the outside, right? :Cheeky:

You're still missing the point: that the DH removes the NEED for apologetic gymnastics here. That makes it SUPERIOR.
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Old 09-26-2007, 08:56 AM   #333
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Originally Posted by Constant Mews View Post
It is remarkable how many fundamentalists are ignorant of the very basics of Biblical exegesis. I once considered this a secondary effect of their overwhelming faith that blinds them to the very real problems, contradictions, and errors in the Bible - not to mention it's blatantly erroneous conception of history. Fundamentalists function on the basis of very person [sic] relationships - abstract scholarship is almost unheard of in fundie circles. What matters is the pronouncements of a visible and comprehensible authority: their pastor, father, or church leader, and by extension, the authors that those authority figures recommend.
Speaking as a former fundy, I have found that most 'scholars' of the bible use their own personal interpretation of words that are supposed to have a literal meaning. You've never heard of bible study groups? IMO, everyone in such a group has an equally poor background knowledge of the structure of the bible and what it means. Due to this, everyone's opinion of the text is equally valid. It is quite likely that Dave has never encountered someone who has studied the bible in terms of authorship and who has professional experience. He's most likely used to discussing this text with other rank amateurs.
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Old 09-26-2007, 08:59 AM   #334
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Originally Posted by Faid View Post
Are you saying that the statement
And the statement
"You'll take SEVEN of every CLEAN animal, TWO of all the rest"
Are NOT condradictory?
Are you going to be as lame as a guy I debated once and claim that "well, if you take seven of a kind, you take two as well"????????????????
Please do. I'd love a good ROFL too.)
Well clearly, in verse 19, when God says "every," he didn't mean EVERY. Sheesh, I mean come on, that's just so obvious!

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:01 AM   #335
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I must say, I'm really looking forward to Dave's explanation for 2 = 14. Will it be Faid's "saying he brought 'two' doesn't rule out bringing another twelve"? Will it be "two on board, twelve clinging to the side"? Will it be something else altogether? Are we, in fact, going to feel embarrassed that we missed a perfectly logical explanation?

Stay tuned!
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Old 09-26-2007, 09:41 AM   #336
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The tension is becoming unbearable. I'm afraid I'll throw a shrieking fit if the 2=14 conundrum is not explained soon. 1=0.9999.. pales in comparison.

dave, you are a biblical literalist, therefore 2=14 (thus 1=7, therefore 6=0, therefore the Number of the Beast is 000, although at this point I have doubts whether arithmetic is applicable). The best you can do is to admit that God moves in mysterious ways, and it is not for us to understand how this apparent contradiction ended up in the holy text.
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Old 09-26-2007, 09:53 AM   #337
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<Pops head up to see if Dean has returned ... Nope>

<Back to more productive things>
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Old 09-26-2007, 09:59 AM   #338
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
<Pops head up to see if Dean has returned ... Nope>

<Back to more productive things>
Who predicted this cop out?

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Old 09-26-2007, 10:00 AM   #339
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Originally Posted by Silent Dave View Post
Originally Posted by Faid View Post
Are you saying that the statement
And the statement
"You'll take SEVEN of every CLEAN animal, TWO of all the rest"
Are NOT condradictory?
Are you going to be as lame as a guy I debated once and claim that "well, if you take seven of a kind, you take two as well"????????????????
Please do. I'd love a good ROFL too.)
Well clearly, in verse 19, when God says "every," he didn't mean EVERY. Sheesh, I mean come on, that's just so obvious!

Yeah, god left out a couple of words. He meant to say "take two x7 of every living thing....take seven x2 of every clean animal, and two x7 of all the rest"


And Allah smacked his forehead and said "I meant you will recieve one forty-two year old virgin"
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Old 09-26-2007, 10:04 AM   #340
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Dave, while you're forming and patting the necessary lump of bullshit into an appropriately-sized pad to plug this hole in the "Tablet" Ark... I suggest you also consider the lack of holes in the DH Ark.

If yours has a bullshit-patched hole (even a successfully bullshit-patched hole), while the other hasn't... I'll sail in the other, thanks.

Can you find a hole there, Dave?

Of course, the enormous crack of the "tablet break" discontinuity is still enough to doom yours in heavy seas anyhow.

Normal "apologetic mode" isn't going to work here, Dave. This isn't one of those "I must invent whatever excuse is needed to preserve inerrancy, regardless of its implausibility" scenarios. Here you're competing against a better Bible-based theory, Dave.
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