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Old 06-18-2004, 02:20 AM   #71
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Sorry for the delay, I had my end of semester Constitutional Law exam I needed to study for.
Originally Posted by gravitybow
You're kidding, right? There will always be an impasse in this one regard: you believe in God, the infidels among us don't. However, this is the second time you have referred to it as a pretext for ending discussion. Guy, did it escape your attention that you're posting on a site called "Internet Infidels"? Disbelief in supernatural acts and deities is a given before discussion even begins!
Sure. If I had signed up for a debate on “should we believe the Acts 5 story� or “is it more plausible that Peter killed these people to make money� then it would be a different story. I joined this thread simply to point out that the story actually says these people were killed for lying, not for not paying enough money.

So I was arguing about the meaning of the words of the text, not if the words should be believed.

But, whether a profitable discussion can be achieved on another basis is a different thing. I believe it can.

For the sake of argument, let's agree that Acts 5 is accurate on every level:

Additionally, let's agree that God, not Peter nor natural causes nor shock, kills both Ananias and Sapphira for lying.
So the debate I entered is over, and it seems the opposition has conceded defeat.

Don't you think this story could be used to advance profiteering in the church?
Sure. Many stories could, and I have personally witnessed it done.
Isn't that really the primary purpose of this story?
Well I suppose it depends what you mean. If we accept the presuppositions you have agreed to above, I think you would have a hard time making that case. I doubt any scholarly commentary you read will hold that view.

Where is the justice in such a scenario?
This is another separate question.
Ananias and Saphirra belonged to a church whose members cared enough to share their fortunes with each other. Yet, in a moment of weakness -- a lie to God over money -- they both perished.
It was a pretty serious ‘moment of weakness’.
But yes, there are some fairly serious warnings in the bible about things such as blaspheming the holy spirit, Heb6:6 talks about it being impossible for a Christian who turns away “if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance�, and so forth. I don’t feel that any apology has to be made for these warnings.

Before Ananias, had anyone in the Bible dropped dead the moment he lied to God? How would Ananias have known that lying would lead to his immediate demise? Wouldn't real justice entail knowing something of the consequences beforehand?
No I don’t think it would necessarily entail that. They knew what they were doing was wrong, the fact they didn’t know the consequence I think is probably irrelevant.
As it is often said (in what I hope will be my future profession), “ignorance of the law is no excuse�. Just because I don’t know that standing with a bunch of people who are robbing someone else (they are the ones doing he punching / threatening /stealing) is technically ‘robbery in company’, and has just as serious penalties as robbery, doesn’t mean when I am found guilty of it justice demands I have some lesser penalty. If you do the wrong thing you are punished, it doesn’t matter if you know what the penalty is.

You say that Christians understand the clear implication of Acts chapter 5. Who afforded Ananias the same clarity? If Ananias stands as a warning to other Christians, why wasn't Sapphira given the same warning -- that her husband died three hours before because of his lie-- before she was asked about the money?
I am not sure it matters.
A God who can harden a pharaoh's heart surely can soften his follower's. With a gentle rebuke, Ananias and Sapphira could have added ten times the sum they lied about to the church's coffers had they lived.
Free will.
(and please, no ranting about how ‘free-will covers a multitude of sins’)

You're loving version of God isn't much different from a Don Corleone-type godfather who mixes respect and fear tempered with a skewed sense of "justice" that one should avoid doing business with. And as long as you behave, you'll leave his presence vertically instead of horizontally. You won't like that particular analogy either, but can you think of another that incorporates love, respect, community fear, and death?
I am not familiar with ‘Don Corleone’, I am assuming he is a gangster of some type. So the first difference might be the gangster kills people for crossing him, God punishes people for transgressing moral standards.

Even if you and I were to agree that every clause of the story is true, it is not true in an absolute sense. There is a disconnect the size of the Grand Canyon between what God did to A&S for lying and what he will do to me for a similar lie. I have no fear that the Almighty will strike me down. … So, what is the difference here?
If we agree as you say that every clause of the story is true, it is true in an absolute sense. All these events happened. The story doesn’t assert God will strike dead all those who lie to him.

That's a mighty big "if." So, are you agreeing with the converse that Ananias and Sapphira's going to Hell would constitute an injustice? You could protest God's decision?
Lol, I like that kind of argument. I saw it myself, but decided to post my argument anyway.
No, if his decision was fair, regardless of their eternal destination you can’t protest it is unjust. The point I made though was if it turns out this ‘punishment’ was a boon for them, who would say there is any grounds for complaint?(A bit like if you check your bank account, and find there is a million dollars there, but you didn’t do anything to deserve it, it was a bank mistake (and for some reason you can keep the money), you wouldn’t complain about the injustice of getting one million dollars.)

This from an article about a famous preacher and his money:
Interesting article. Americans have more of these false ‘prosperity teachers’ than we have here in Australia. Again, I agree that many stories can be used wrongly to do some ‘profiteering’.
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Old 06-18-2004, 02:21 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Crucifiction
Nope. Back when I was an ignorant Christian, the ONLY reason I believed was because I didn't want to go to Hell…
Without the fear of punishment and Hell, the Church would be nowhere near as powerful and large as it is. Rest assured on that.
This saddens me. I will of course not presume to say you were not a Christian. But it seems you didn’t fully understand Christianity (you were an ‘ignorant Christian’ in that sense), because a proper understanding relieves that kind of fear.
True and complete Christianity looks more like this;

Phil 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
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Old 06-18-2004, 02:23 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Gregg
So, where's the punishment?
In their being killed.

And why the fear among those who heard about it?
It is human nature to fear death, and to be afraid when people are dying. David did in the story I keep referring to. Perhaps in theory they shouldn’t have been seized with fear, in which case all that is proved is they are not perfect. It may not have lasted long.
After all, God just killed their physical bodies, not their eternal souls, and he brought those into the glories and joys of heaven earlier than they might have done. Sounds like an act of love and mercy, not punishment.
As has been oft repeated by all, we don’t know that.

Of course, I understand. It is difficult for modern, civilized people to feel comfortable with the idea that their God is cold-blooded murderer.
“Murder�? I don’t think it could be called that. Murder is a crime. If this is just punishment how could it be called murder? Is the government of America guilty of murder when they execute criminals?

So once again God gets away with it. No matter what crime he commits--including drowning the whole world--his followers will excuse him for it on the grounds that "Father always knows best."
Not only does our Heavenly Father know best, but he has made it clear “the wages of sin is death�. If this is so, it is no wonder various people are killed as punishment for various sins.
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Old 06-18-2004, 04:18 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by LP675
Is the government of America guilty of murder when they execute criminals?
If a government would execute people because of lying, I'd call this "murder", yes.
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Old 06-18-2004, 04:52 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Sven
If a government would execute people because of lying, I'd call this "murder", yes.
Greetings Sven!
The point of course was for something to be 'murder' the killing has to be unlawful (according to Section 18 (2)(a) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) anyway, and I suspect every other statute concerning murder). You would have to prove the killing of these people (which was for lying to God) was ‘unlawful’, to distinguish it from the USA government executing criminals.
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Old 06-18-2004, 05:46 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Sven
If a government would execute people because of lying, I'd call this "murder", yes.
Especially, if they executed two people for telling a lie which harmed no one, and did absolutely nothing to punish criminals who had done far worse things or told lies which did severe harm to others. How come your god never strikes lying TV evangelists dead, LP? I'm sure some Chrisitians have lost their faith due to the lies told by those greedy scum.
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Old 06-18-2004, 05:46 AM   #77
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I'm having a basic problem with the direction that this discussion is going.
LP675 Please document a single incident in which God/ Yaweh/Allah/ Zeus/Humbaba/ Mickey Mouse, killed/executed, anybody for any crime.
People die of real causes, heart attacks, deceases, murders(stabbing/clubbing/poisoning).
You are making the extraordinary claim that a fictitious character executed two people for transgressing it's arbitrary laws.
You seem to believe in a demonic/voodoo God.
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Old 06-18-2004, 05:55 AM   #78
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Don Corleone is the protagonist of the movie trilogy, The Godfather. A cultural icon.
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Old 06-18-2004, 06:23 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Magdlyn
Don Corleone is the protagonist of the movie trilogy, The Godfather. A cultural icon.
Thanks. I keep meaning to see it, but I miss it every time it comes around on TV. Might have to hire it out.
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Old 06-18-2004, 06:38 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Dargo
How come your god never strikes lying TV evangelists dead, LP? I'm sure some Chrisitians have lost their faith due to the lies told by those greedy scum.
I am not sure, perhaps he occasionally does strike false teachers dead (I vaguely recall hearing stories in biographies of pastors teaching falsely who died mysteriously, the insinuation being they were struck dead). The bible talks fairly strongly about such false teachers. Teachers of religion (pastors etc) will be punished severely for misleading people, to the point Paul speaks a number of times of such people being ‘eternally condemned’.
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