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Old 01-07-2010, 08:38 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by bacht View Post
Originally Posted by storytime View Post

You're not getting the point. It was the old Jews in the standard religion of Judaism(the old wineskins) in Pharisees, Sadducees, elders, who rejected Jesus. What choice did they have? because, if they accepted that Jesus was God in the flesh, then they would have destroyed their own religion. So then, in order that they not all die, "it was expedient that one man die" in order that the whole body called Israel might live. These traditionalists were the body [of men] Paul recognized as THE anti-Christ [Judah], because, they rejected Jesus as God in the flesh. The New Wine (Pauls gospel) was attempting to put itself into the old wineskins that could not hold it because it would burst and both elements would be lost. Destroyed. There had to be a division of Jews due to the old beliefs and the new beliefs, thus an anti-semitism element from the Jews for Jesus and an anti-Christ element from the old traditional Jews is seen.

So, condemning the old traditional Jews for rejecting Jesus the god-man is not silly, its just a division of beliefs among the Jews.
Your argument is based on faith, that the new revelation of Christianity was superior to the old revelation of Mosaic Judaism. Maybe so, maybe not, but it's kind of apples vs oranges: Judaism was as much about ethnic and territorial connections as it was about beliefs and rituals. Christianity sold itself as a universal multinational community of unrelated believers. Ironically it was the Jews who were forced to become "citizens of the world" while Christianity became part of the Roman government.

You're telling us what the ancient Jews should or should not have accepted as their fundamental view of life. I don't see what gives you that authority.

What gives me that authority is the OT Jewish scriptures that demand their loyalty to the one Hebrew God, and "life" as "Israel". I'm simply saying what they said and believed to be truth for them.

Jews were not forced to become part of the world. (as evidenced they haven't) Forced to live in the world among other non-Jewish people would be a more correct and accurate statement per their religioius belief, and according to their scripture story. An independent nation among other nations, just as the U.S. is an independent nation among other nations.
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Old 01-07-2010, 10:48 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by storytime View Post
Originally Posted by Chaucer View Post

My disgust is directed at those people who continue to do that today to the exclusion of the Romans. Jesus was executed by the Romans. And the fact that each sequent Gospel veers less and less against the Romans and more and more against the "old Jews" than the one before it makes the whole game of only blaming the "old Jews" highly suspect.

Yeah, there was in-fighting. Yeah, old Jews and new Jews resented each other. Yeah, some Jews acted as Quislings in Jesus's capture.

But I note you still don't address a fundie like Rhutchins' ridiculous remarks about the Romans, who are obviously just as guilty. I wonder why you don't. You know and I know and our readership know that Rhutchins' ludicrous remarks idolizing the Romans are what really set me off. The elephant in the living room here is that here we have a fundie like Rhutchins not only jumping on the derivative GJohn bandwagon but setting up the _Romans_ as idols in addition! While the Romans were just as guilty! You say you don't like posters here who set up certain peoples as idols, and yet you don't blink once when a fundie like Rhutchins -- a fundie! -- sets up the Romans as idols?! Why?! I wonder why.

Now that kind of ludicrous exculpation of the Romans is a blatant dog-whistle for would-be Nazis, a sly wink to would-be Nazis, and plenty know that, pal. Golly, Gosh, Gee, You're so upset in your exaggerated claim that anyone here might be setting up the Jews as idols, and yet you don't challenge a far more blatant case of that kind of idolizing for the Romans?! Even when it comes from a fundie?! How naive are you? Are you really that naive? Or are you also in the business of providing these anti-Semitic dog-whistles yourself in any way you can?

What. Is. Your. Game?


I see you as having a serious problem concerning different readings of the NT story. For example, your insistance that the Romans crucified Jesus, which is your assumption because I can't find that conclusion in the KJV. As Pilate is reportedly turning Jesus over to Herod
Right there, you reveal what you're reading. You're reading the version of the execution found in later Gospels, not in Mark. In Mark, once Jesus is in Roman hands, Jesus stays in Roman hands. And it's Roman soldiers who conduct him to his crucifixion.

Look, you again pretend that I'm pretending that Jews are not involved in his execution at all. I pretend no such thing. Even in Mark, it's flunkies of the high priest who apprehend Jesus in the middle of the night, and it's the high priest who presides over the first inquisition where Jesus blurts out that he is Christ, the son of the blessed, inviting the charge of blasphemy. It's the same flunkies who trundle him off to Pilate for Roman justice. But in Mark, once Pilate has Jesus in hand, he has the choice of letting him go but, out of cowardice, doesn't let him go because of the ire of the high priest's flunkies. That doesn't excuse the flunkies, but it doesn't excuse Pilate either. And Mark does not show Pilate as the sweetie-pie he is in John, but as a plain old coward. Clearly, Pilate as the administrator of Roman justice could easily let Jesus go. But he doesn't out of pure convenience. This makes everybody in the story culpable. Very different from the accounts in the later Gospels. In Mark there is no ceremonious ==============>

Originally Posted by storytime View Post
washes his hands of the matter,
at all. And there are even plenty of readers and scholars who view Pilate's gesture as the height of hypocrisy, not a moral cleansing at all -- Come on!!

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this somehow releases Pilate of killing a man who has done nothing to threaten the Roman Empire or Caesar. But the Jews want Jesus dead, and they have a law which says that Jesus must die for his blasphemy. But they claim they're not permitted to kill any man.
Another cute little touch that's not in Mark.

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Does this make sense that those Jews would insist on Rome doing their bidding?
Yes, it does -- Rome was the law!

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Anyway, so off goes Jesus with Herod for execution.
And Herod appears nowhere in the Mark account of the execution. The soldiers and the entire official administration of the execution are purely Roman in Mark. It seems fairly obvious that the sudden injection of Herod into this whole night of horrors is just written into later Gospels to settle old scores. And idiots like you and rhutchins are suckers enough to fall for that!

Originally Posted by storytime View Post
And why do you insist on brow beating rhutchin or me for that matter about this 2000 year old piece of crap story? Rhutchin, imo, has a right to read the Jesus story any damn way he wants.
And evidently, I have no right to call him on that knee-jerk ignorant reading. Right? Talk about a double standard. You choose to side with a fundie just so you can get in your licks against "old Jews".

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Old 01-08-2010, 08:16 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by storytime View Post
Originally Posted by bacht View Post

Your argument is based on faith, that the new revelation of Christianity was superior to the old revelation of Mosaic Judaism. Maybe so, maybe not, but it's kind of apples vs oranges: Judaism was as much about ethnic and territorial connections as it was about beliefs and rituals. Christianity sold itself as a universal multinational community of unrelated believers. Ironically it was the Jews who were forced to become "citizens of the world" while Christianity became part of the Roman government.

You're telling us what the ancient Jews should or should not have accepted as their fundamental view of life. I don't see what gives you that authority.

What gives me that authority is the OT Jewish scriptures that demand their loyalty to the one Hebrew God, and "life" as "Israel". I'm simply saying what they said and believed to be truth for them.

Jews were not forced to become part of the world. (as evidenced they haven't) Forced to live in the world among other non-Jewish people would be a more correct and accurate statement per their religioius belief, and according to their scripture story. An independent nation among other nations, just as the U.S. is an independent nation among other nations.
This discussion is way off-topic for this thread. Maybe you should start another one about anti-semitism in biblical times.
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Old 01-08-2010, 01:30 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Chaucer View Post
Originally Posted by storytime View Post

I see you as having a serious problem concerning different readings of the NT story. For example, your insistance that the Romans crucified Jesus, which is your assumption because I can't find that conclusion in the KJV. As Pilate is reportedly turning Jesus over to Herod
Right there, you reveal what you're reading. You're reading the version of the execution found in later Gospels, not in Mark. In Mark, once Jesus is in Roman hands, Jesus stays in Roman hands. And it's Roman soldiers who conduct him to his crucifixion.

Look, you again pretend that I'm pretending that Jews are not involved in his execution at all. I pretend no such thing. Even in Mark, it's flunkies of the high priest who apprehend Jesus in the middle of the night, and it's the high priest who presides over the first inquisition where Jesus blurts out that he is Christ, the son of the blessed, inviting the charge of blasphemy. It's the same flunkies who trundle him off to Pilate for Roman justice. But in Mark, once Pilate has Jesus in hand, he has the choice of letting him go but, out of cowardice, doesn't let him go because of the ire of the high priest's flunkies. That doesn't excuse the flunkies, but it doesn't excuse Pilate either. And Mark does not show Pilate as the sweetie-pie he is in John, but as a plain old coward. Clearly, Pilate as the administrator of Roman justice could easily let Jesus go. But he doesn't out of pure convenience. This makes everybody in the story culpable. Very different from the accounts in the later Gospels. In Mark there is no ceremonious ==============>


at all. And there are even plenty of readers and scholars who view Pilate's gesture as the height of hypocrisy, not a moral cleansing at all -- Come on!!

Another cute little touch that's not in Mark.

Yes, it does -- Rome was the law!

And Herod appears nowhere in the Mark account of the execution. The soldiers and the entire official administration of the execution are purely Roman in Mark. It seems fairly obvious that the sudden injection of Herod into this whole night of horrors is just written into later Gospels to settle old scores. And idiots like you and rhutchins are suckers enough to fall for that!

Originally Posted by storytime View Post
And why do you insist on brow beating rhutchin or me for that matter about this 2000 year old piece of crap story? Rhutchin, imo, has a right to read the Jesus story any damn way he wants.
And evidently, I have no right to call him on that knee-jerk ignorant reading. Right? Talk about a double standard. You choose to side with a fundie just so you can get in your licks against "old Jews".


I stand on his right of free speech, something you seemingly want to silence by attempted intimidation via your accusations in your "Jew hatred", "anti-semitic" bullshit toward him/her. That's why I called you a real religious fanatic. Some people are terribly afraid of being called anti-semitic and run from accusations such as yours. This of course you already knew. So it seems you successfully detoured the topic and rhutchin immediately disappeared. That's to bad for him. For me, hey I'm still here. :devil1: Let me know when yu're ready to play hardball. <edited>
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Old 01-08-2010, 01:32 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by bacht View Post
Originally Posted by storytime View Post

What gives me that authority is the OT Jewish scriptures that demand their loyalty to the one Hebrew God, and "life" as "Israel". I'm simply saying what they said and believed to be truth for them.

Jews were not forced to become part of the world. (as evidenced they haven't) Forced to live in the world among other non-Jewish people would be a more correct and accurate statement per their religioius belief, and according to their scripture story. An independent nation among other nations, just as the U.S. is an independent nation among other nations.
This discussion is way off-topic for this thread. Maybe you should start another one about anti-semitism in biblical times.

Excellent suggestion.
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Old 01-10-2010, 10:32 AM   #26
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This thread now has it's own home. Please keep the discussion civil, leave the personal comments out of the equation.

Thanks everyone.
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Old 01-10-2010, 08:34 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Chaucer View Post
Originally Posted by rhutchin View Post

The Romans could have done anything they wanted. Jesus wasn't a threat to Rome, so they ignored Him. Jesus was undermining the authority of the priests, not the authority of Rome. We might attribute the presence of the Roman authorities to the freedom Jesus exercised as, without Rome, the priests would likely have acted (or tried to) earlier than they did.
I see. So now we have the old "It was only the Jews" hate speech popping up here --


Let me guess: You only read the John Gospel, right?



So Chaucer, just where do you see "hate speech" in Rhutchin's reply above? And why are you fixated on Mark and not the overall compilation of Jewish infighting in the whole of the story? Do you not see how the Jews petitioned Pilate to execute Jesus while excusing themselves in "we have a law" for their purpose of not having blood on their hands?

Really, I think your nasty accusations are unfounded.

While I'm thinking about it, what do you think about those Jews who recently petitioned Washington to kill Palestinians, Iranians, Al Quada, whoever else because they know they can play on the ignorance of religious Right Wing Christians who have created idols in the Jewish Israel. I would think that since Israel is fully nuclear armed those Jews would have gone before their own government to inflict the killing. Why do you think they don't do that?

How much influence did the Jews have in Rome? And if non Jewish people[Romans] didn't like it, were they deemed anti-semitic?
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Old 01-10-2010, 08:48 PM   #28
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Here's another scenerio for you Chaucer. Jacob, the brother of Esau was loved by God. Esau was hated by God. Jacob was called Israel. Esau was called Edom/Edomites. These two factions in brotherhood, as sons of Isaac, were at war with each other(to this day). Were both anti-semites? Only one you see as anti-semitic?

Jacob had 12 sons. Only one was named Judah by which "Jews" are called the ancestrial lineage. Did any of the other sons hate Judah? If so why? Was anti-semitism (Jew hatred) an appropriate reasoning for the non Jews in the House of Israel in those days? I hope you've actually read the OT story.
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Old 01-11-2010, 07:30 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by storytime View Post

How much influence did the Jews have in Rome?
Judeans invited Pompey to settle their government to end Hasmonean factionalism. Herod the Great was a friend of Augustus. Judeans requested Roman rule after the death of Herod. Agrippa I apparently helped Claudius to the throne after Caligula's death. It wasn't a simple relationship.

Anti-semitism as we understand it seems to have developed after Alexander the Great, when Jews outside of Palestine came into conflict with their Hellenistic neighbours in places like Rome and Alexandria. Hasmonean expansionism naturally displeased border states and cities (like the destruction of the Samaritan temple at Mt Gerizim)
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Old 01-11-2010, 01:10 PM   #30
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Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews (or via: Victor Tcherikover

analyzes the clash between Hellenizers and traditionalists before and after Antiochus IV
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