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Old 12-28-2008, 05:38 AM   #151
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Default who cares about giants?

I definitely don't. what I do care about is the immorality of genocide and specieside, if such a word exists. No-one is happy for mankind to exterminate either another species or another tribe. Thanks to Raphael Lemkin, pbuh, we now have (weak) international laws outlawing it. Its so ironic that a Jew should instigate this law, since the Jews gave us the first strong written justification for genocide. We also prohibit human sacrifice to gods real or imagined. So stop this nonsense, get back to the point!
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Old 12-28-2008, 07:22 AM   #152
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Originally Posted by Exciter View Post
man you are so silly.
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Old 12-28-2008, 09:35 AM   #153
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

man you are so silly.
Quiet you! I'm trying to show evidence that giants exist, other then in Walt Disney and Bugs Bunny cartoons.
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Old 12-29-2008, 12:11 PM   #154
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by juergen View Post
Assuming the Nephilim existed before a flood (which is also assumed), and after the flood, which one of Noah's daughters in law would have been a giant? Why would God tolerate the survival of a species which he appointed to die in the flood because of their wickedness to begin with?
Think about it after the Nephilim were killed in the flood and Noah's descendants began to multiply on earth this unnatural relations with angels and women could have begun again, but instead of flooding the world again (which God had already promised he wouldn't do again) God used the Adamic races to war against these beings to displaced them thanks in part to the scattering of the languages that lead to different cultures, different beliefs and ultimately war. Wars between nations did not begin until the division of the nations which God used against the second attempt of the Nephilim.
Considering God sent the flood to wipe them out, It would be unlikely. I don't think this whole idea has much legs, scripturally or logically.
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Old 12-29-2008, 02:01 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by Exciter View Post

Lol, Cartoons! shm you rule! thanks for the link, it might be a while before I get to the Land of the Giants, though.

Did you post that link just to keep me busy and out of your hair? shame on you shm.
I bet you didn't even look at those fossils, but of course this was already expected.....maybe I should post a site that show these fossils, plus motorcycles, and your favorite 50's song (twistin) playing in the background and cartoons to keep you entertained.....sort of like how one would gain the attention of a child you know like how Barney does.
Perhaps I can offer a more direct assault.

The page you gave the link to was absolutly full of easily debunked paranormal claims that, in some cases, have had well known explanations for more than three decades.

It starts with a page that has the usual stuff. A picture of a rotting pilot whale is a dead dinosaur. Some mummies in China have blond hair (which isn't surprising since many condidtions that mummies are exposed to are well known to cause their hair to bleach and turn blond, a fact that the Nazi's were never able to aquiesque too after they claimed to have found Atlantis with blond mummies (again witht he bleached hair).

Then theirs the discussion about modern genetically altered foods causing sickness. The fact that naturaly modified plants like potatoes have caused illnesses that their wild counterparts didn't (they cause other problems) never seems to phase people who make claims about GM.

Then theres the whole under water rocks that look like ancient monuments off the cost of Japan bull. That's been going around for a while, the only thing that I caould imagine might be true about these claims would be the concesion that the ancient Jomon could have fooled around with them when they were partially exposed by lower sea levels before about ten thousand years ago. Not that I find that likely though, plenty of visual analysis have shown little evidence of them having anthropic qualities, they are instead more likely just an example of a somewhat uncomom but otherwise well known type of rock.

I honestly don't know what the author of the website means when she says that their is no known way that the giant rock in one of the pictures couldn't have been moved by ancient people or even by modern man. Plenty of known methods alowed ancient people to move enourmous objects. Believe it or not cranes are not the only way to move shit. Although I see no evidence that this is anything more a than a big square (again well known formation) lying in a gully.

Yet another link on the site showed some generic pictures of ancient monsters and shouted "Dinosaurs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Wow a monster with long necks. Ancients could have never thought that up with out those things existing in real spacetime along with them.

It just goes on like that.

I won't even start on the cultish totaly batshit theology this site advertises. Not because it isn't insipid and evil, but because I am sure that everyone who has ever dealt with religous or political cults probably already know how people in these things think and act.
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Old 12-29-2008, 08:23 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by Exciter View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post

man you are so silly.
Quiet you! I'm trying to show evidence that giants exist, other then in Walt Disney and Bugs Bunny cartoons.
What, you never heard about David and Goliath!?

. . . or the archaelogical evidence of the name of Goliath?

The “Goliath Inscription” from Tell es-Safi/Gath
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Old 12-29-2008, 10:35 PM   #157
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Oh I know that Goliath! Isn't he in the same storybook that has a whale eat a drowning man and then vomit him up alive days later? Do you have a picture of that somewhere?
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Old 12-30-2008, 05:34 AM   #158
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
The belief that Israel was out to commit genocide against 'innocent nations" is a false visualization of the war against the Giants and those nations allied with them. In Deuteronomy 2 we get a glimpse of humans replacing the giants they were the children of Esau, the Moabites, the Ammonites and the Hebrews.

On they're way to conquer, God warned the Jews concerning Esau "Meddle not with them, for I will not give you of their land, no, not so much as a foot breadth; because I have given mount Seir unto Esau for a possession." And how did Esau obtained their possession? t"As he did to (for) the children of Esau, which dwelt in Se'ir, when he destroyed the Horims (giants) from before them; and they (Esau) SUCCEEDED THEM, AND DWELT IN THEIR PLACE EVEN UNTO THIS DAY." The Moabites' replaced the Emims (Giants). The Ammonites displaced the Zamzummims.

We see that Adamite peoples were displacing the Nephilim. The Israelis sought to destroy the Nephilim and those nations allied with them which mingled with these giants.

This had nothing whatsoever to do with genocide against "innocent nations" or "nations with a different culture" this was a war to displace the Nephilim and those nations that mingled with them. Critics never mention this like those media folks that accuse God of genocide (like Bill Maher). Theres a just reason behind God's judgements....always remember that.

Sugar, wasn't the flood supposed to have wiped out the giants. What happened? Did God fail? I ask sincerely to because it is a question I have.
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Old 12-30-2008, 05:54 AM   #159
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Exciter View Post

Quiet you! I'm trying to show evidence that giants exist, other then in Walt Disney and Bugs Bunny cartoons.
What, you never heard about David and Goliath!?

. . . or the archaelogical evidence of the name of Goliath?

The “Goliath Inscription” from Tell es-Safi/Gath
Giants were 60ft tall or more. Goliath is very precisely measured in The Bible as being well over 7ft tall. Big but hardly a giant. This is weak stuff also. The tallest man in history was nearly 9ft tall.
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Old 12-30-2008, 05:59 AM   #160
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If there had just been an inscription with the name of Goliath, we'd settle knowing someone with a name like that existed in that region.

But now that we've seen that picture, I think we can all agree that's pretty irrefutable proof that he was a giant, and that things went down exactly as the OT describes it.
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