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Old 09-09-2012, 09:40 AM   #371
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Originally Posted by Duvduv View Post
AA has yet to explain whether Justin was advocating on behalf of all sects who believed in "Christ" in the face of persecution, or whether he was advocating on behalf of "us," i.e. his own little teeny weeny sect about which the same Justin says not a single word about who the leaders were, where the communities were, and all other matters of urgency when writing an emperor....
Why in the world can't you even write what is attributed to Justin Martyr??

First Apology
.... I, Justin, the son of Priscus and grandson of Bacchius, natives of Flavia Neapolis in Palestine, present this address and petition in behalf of those of all nations who are unjustly hated and wantonly abused, myself being one of them....
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Old 09-09-2012, 10:48 AM   #372
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Spare me the contradiction out of both the entire Apology and my entire posting. You mean to tell me that little unimportant Justin is standing up to big bad Emperor on behalf of the Tutsi in Rwanda, the aborigines of Australia, the Berbers of the Maghreb?

It would be like a forest ranger in Montana writing the President on behalf of all persecuted people throughout the world.

And this is all the while Justin spends his time haranguing about how his little insignificant religion is SO important even compared to the wicked Marcion. Did he at least set up a good website or blog?
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Old 09-09-2012, 04:48 PM   #373
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Originally Posted by Duvduv View Post
Spare me the contradiction out of both the entire Apology and my entire posting. You mean to tell me that little unimportant Justin is standing up to big bad Emperor on behalf of the Tutsi in Rwanda, the aborigines of Australia, the Berbers of the Maghreb?
Why can't you even write what is attributed to Justin Martyr?? You seem to be inclined to mis-represent the writings attributed to Justin.

Now, Aristides also wrote to the Emperor of Rome.

The Apology of Aristides

Here follows the defence which Aristides the philosopher made before Hadrian the King on behalf of reverence for God.

. . . All-powerful Caesar Titus Hadrianus Antoninus, venerable and merciful, from Marcianus Aristides, an Athenian philosopher.

I. I, O King, by the grace of God came into this world; and when I had considered the heaven and the earth and the seas, and had surveyed the sun and the rest of creation, I marvelled at the beauty of the world. .......... And it seems to me that this is reasonable, that one should fear God and should not oppress man.
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Old 09-09-2012, 08:13 PM   #374
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
You don't understand my argument.

I was NOT referring to the latter 'Roman Catholic Church' but to this usage of the word 'CATHOLIC' as identifying a universal and cohesive set of beliefs held by 2nd century Christian believers...
Again, you are not Credible. You openly contradict yourself. Examine Excerpts from your previous posts. You did refer to the CATHOLIC CHURCH.

Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
..And as I have previously pointed out your 'theory' has some serious problems if it is called upon to present reasonable dates and time periods in which this 'saint Justin' accomplished all of this 'stuff' that you are uncritically accepting the CATHOLIC CHURCH"S word and dating of.

Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar believe the Catholic Church's claims that their Saint 'Justin' produced all of these elaborate and complex theological writings before dying in 165 CE.

Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
..Sorry aa, but no matter how much you may assert about the CREDIBILITY of 'Saint Justin' and 'his' writings, it simply does not add up.

I do not find the CATHOLIC church's claims to be credible.

I do not find the writings of 'Saint 'Justin' The CATHOLIC writer to be credible or authentic.

I do not find your support of the DATING of this CATHOLIC CHURCH produced garbage to be credible...

I am having great difficulty with your errors or loss of memory.
Your reading comprehension is as deficient as your logic.
Time constraints imposed by family obligations forced me to be very brief in this my previous reply.

You do realize, do you not aa, that the GREEK titles 'Catholic and' 'Orthodox' are not constrained only as descriptives to the ROMAN forms of orthodoxy?

I did not write anything about at all about the ROMAN Catholic Church.

I did not state that I believed the writer(s) of the works of 'Saint Justin' were latter ROMAN Catholics.

These latter forgeries, interpolations, and added texts could have as easily been introduced by the GREEK Orthodox and CATHOLIC church.

In fact I believe that much of this expansion of theology and innovation upon the primitive gospel memoirs actually was fashioned, instigated, and promoted by The COPTS, with theological ideas and 'Apostolic' stories developed in Alexandria Egypt being exported to Cyprus, Philippi, Thessaloniki, Athens, and Corinth, long before ever reaching Rome.

The GREEKS and EGYPTIANS were deeply into the 'Christian' theology and the expanding of the church and faith before the Romans were barely aware of it.

That the very terms are taken from the GREEK and employed even by Rome and ROMANS, is indicative of the true roots.
Had the ROMANS been the leaders and innovators of the Christian faith, LATIN language terms would have been used, retained, and prevailed.
Instead even the ROMANS to this day employ these ancient GREEK terms which they had recieved.

Most of what is identified as 'orthodox' and 'catholic' beliefs was already developed and being taught before the ROMAN Catholic church ever came into power.
What ROME took and ran with, was taken from the GREEKS and the Copts.
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Old 09-09-2012, 11:45 PM   #375
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
I did not write anything about at all about the ROMAN Catholic Church.

I did not state that I believed the writer(s) of the works of 'Saint Justin' were latter ROMAN Catholics.
Your posts are becoming so painful to read. Your story keep changing.

Tell me, did you NOT claim Justin was a SAINT and Church Father of the Catholic Church??

Justin is acknowledged as a SAINT and Church Father of the Roman Catholic Church.

Again, examine Excerpts of your own post
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
.....Here is this religious character, one 'Justin Martyr', -a religious character, a Catholic Church 'Saint', totally unknown and unattested to by anyone outside of those apologetic writings of The Orthodox Catholic Church...
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
.....Good god man! Actually read 'Justin's' "Dialogue with Trypho" there is no way in hell that this text is any account of any actual history or conversation.
Its a freaking Orthodox theological trestie falsely masquerading as being the writing of a 'Church Father'....
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
.....'Christian History' with its 'Church Fathers' and their alleged 'writings' is all a fabricated farce. There never was any such text.
These 'Church Father's' never even existed outside of the fertile imaginations and the lying pens of latter Theologians...
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Old 09-10-2012, 04:57 AM   #376
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"I did not write anything about at all about the ROMAN Catholic Church."
Where do you see the word ROMAN used in any of my posts in this entire thread, previous the line quoted above ???

Do the search, and PRODUCE any other sentence in this entire thread -previous to this statement-, where I have employed the words 'ROMAN Catholic'.
You cannot.

Originally Posted by aa5874
Tell me, did you NOT claim Justin was a SAINT and Church Father of the Catholic Church??
Yes. I did. 'SAINT JUSTIN' the 'Martyr' was first a SAINT in The GREEK Orthodox Catholic Church, and from there became a recognized SAINT in all ALL other 'CATHOLIC' church's

Justin is acknowledged as a SAINT and Church Father of the Roman Catholic Church.
He was recognized as a Church Father, a Saint, and a 'Martyr' of the Orthodox and CATHOLIC GREEK Church long before the ROMAN Catholic Church ever recognized and adopted him.
Virtually all Christian Church's accept 'St. Justin The Martyr'. But it began with the GREEK Orthodox and Catholic Church, and the terms are GREEK, given to the world, the 'Roman' Church included, by the GREEK traditions and language.

He was designated as being a 'martyr' for the Faith, which is the highest classification and honor that can be bestowed upon a saint. (his father's surname was not 'Martyr')

Rather obviously, as I have said, you do not comprehend the meanings of the materials you have been misreading and abusing.

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Old 09-10-2012, 05:04 PM   #377
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Where do you see the word ROMAN used in any of my posts in this entire thread, previous the line quoted above ???

Do the search, and PRODUCE any other sentence in this entire thread -previous to this statement-, where I have employed the words 'ROMAN Catholic'.
You cannot...
I did a seach and you never claimed you were referring to the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church.

Please present your Credible sources of antiquity for the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church. Please identify Credible Sources of antiquity for everything you have said previously about Orthodox Catholic Churches.

Originally Posted by aa5874
Tell me, did you NOT claim Justin was a SAINT and Church Father of the Catholic Church??
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
Yes. I did. 'SAINT JUSTIN' the 'Martyr' was first a SAINT in The GREEK Orthodox Catholic Church, and from there became a recognized SAINT in all ALL other 'CATHOLIC' church's.
What??? Please provide your Credible source of antiquity that Saint Justin the 'Martyr was FIRST a Saint in the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church.

When was the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church started and what Credible source of antiquity did you use???

Originally Posted by aa5874
Justin is acknowledged as a SAINT and Church Father of the Roman Catholic Church.
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
He was recognized as a Church Father, a Saint, and a 'Martyr' of the Orthodox and CATHOLIC GREEK Church long before the ROMAN Catholic Church ever recognized and adopted him.
Virtually all Christian Church's accept 'St. Justin The Martyr'. But it began with the GREEK Orthodox and Catholic Church, and the terms are GREEK, given to the world, the 'Roman' Church included, by the GREEK traditions and language...
Please provide the Credible source of antiquity that shows that The Greek Orthodox Catholic Church wrote or manipulated writings attributed to Justin.

Please provide your Credible source of antiquity that shows Justin was made a Saint LONG BEFORE the Roman Catholic Church.

I no longer accept Imagination, Presumptions or Discredited sources as evidence.

You have still NOT identified one single statement by Justin that is NOT Credible.
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Old 09-10-2012, 05:35 PM   #378
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Please. Do your own research for the answers to these questions.

You think you are learned? Then you tell us what you think you know about your 'CREDIBLE witness 'Justin Martyr, including when and where he was first declared a 'Saint', and a 'Martyr', and by whom.
I'm not stopping you. And I'm not going to do your work for you.

And you have still not answered one of those Questions you asked for in Post #359, and I presented to you in Post #360.
Your evasions are speaking louder than your words.

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Old 09-10-2012, 05:58 PM   #379
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Shesh, maybe we should go easy on AA. It appears he sees his role as defense attorney for his imagined 2nd century Justin. Or perhaps spokesman. He knows what it means for mainstream beliefs if there is no Christianity in the 2nd century, and he hangs on to it for dear life.
I hope he works only on a contingency basis and that old Justin (or his Old Man) are financially able to pay attorney's fees to AA. On the other hand, if AA fails, they don't have to pay a dime.

Seeing as how there is NO EVIDENCE that such an Apology was ever actually mailed to the Emperor or that the Emperor ever received such a document or replied to it, I would say the contingency fee is apt to be unpaid.

The situation is EXACTLY the same as the situation of the epistles - - no evidence they were actually written to anyone, no evidence anyone actually received them, and no evidence anyone even lived in the communities written to.

As we say in Yiddish: "Azoy mit kreplach."
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Old 09-10-2012, 06:12 PM   #380
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Where do you see the word ROMAN used in any of my posts in this entire thread, previous the line quoted above ???

Do the search, and PRODUCE any other sentence in this entire thread -previous to this statement-, where I have employed the words 'ROMAN Catholic'.
You cannot...
I did a search and you never claimed you were referring to the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church.
I shouldn't have needed to. And I did not because the words 'catholic' and 'orthodox' are from the GREEK, where they were used first.
The Romans didn't invent or initiate the usage of these words.

Moreover, I did not write the title 'Greek Orthodox Catholic Church' in my discussions on these matters, because, in the 2nd century time frame under consideration the Title 'Greek Orthodox Catholic Church' would have been an anachronism and mis-identify what I was speaking of.

If you will look back, and attempt to comprehend, you might discover that my argument was that there was no such thing as a truly 'CATHOLIC' or 'ORTHODOX' church in the early 2nd century CE, but there were 'multiple Christianities' with highly divergent and unorthodox theologies that were neither 'CATHOLIC' nor 'ORTHODOX' in their views. Thus my position that 'Justin Martyr's' writings are the forged products of a latter (Greek) church that over time had -came to be- 'CATHOLIC' and 'ORTHODOX' in its theology by the eventual (3rd and 4th century) acceptance and endorsement of its views by the majority of Greek Christians.

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