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Old 07-06-2006, 09:02 AM   #331
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Originally Posted by Julian
I would like to encourage everybody to read the link above and find out exactly how Bede feels about people here and also get a taste of his writing style.

Is how he feels about people relevant to the question of whether his arguments on any topic are correct?

And isn't this a derailing of the topic at hand?

Jeffrey Gibson
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Old 07-06-2006, 09:07 AM   #332
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Originally Posted by jgibson000
Is how he feels about people relevant to the question of whether his arguments on any topic are correct?
In general, no, it is not relevant. Long experience with Bede has shown that, in this case, it is. This is not an a priori observation but rather borne out by direct knowledge as his blog entry shows in combination with his posts in this thread.
And isn't this a derailing of the topic at hand?
This whole thread has become a trainwreck. I would be happy if it got back on track but I suspect that a new thread may be necessary for that to happen.

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Old 07-06-2006, 10:37 AM   #333
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Originally Posted by JoeWallack
Similarly, could this be why Mr. Doherty is not responding to Dr. Gibson's posts?
Well, not according to what Earl himself has said here, it isn't. Whatever his feelings about my style and tone may be, Earl's publicly stated reason for not responding to me is specifically grounded in his charge against me that when I was noting that the knowledge of Greek displayed in, and the lexically attested validity of, Richard Carrier's claims about the meaning of KATA and KATA SARKA were viewed by professional classicists as poor and extremely unsound, I manufactured the evidence I used to illustrate my claim (a charge, by the way, that he has never publicly retracted or apologized for, despite the fact he was wrong, he knows he was wrong, and [so I'm told] that he admitted to the moderators that he was wrong after they showed him that his defamatory remarks were groundless and untrue).

Originally Posted by Julian
That's certainly very possible, he has that right and he may even be justified,
Of course he has the right not to respond to anything anybody writes. But that he is justified in doing so on grounds of having been dishonoured by anything I've said or done, is highly questionable, In the first place, I don't think that most of the time he actually grasps what I say. In the second place, and more importantly, when he has posted specifically on the topic of why he allegedly has cause not to repond to me and noted what that cause is, he has, in his outlines of what this is, consistently misrepresented and mischaracted what I've actually said or done with respect to him.

Take, for instance, his claim in BCH message 3065525 that in a 2001 message to the JesusMysteries List I "pronounced" against his "reading of the grammatical structure of Romans 1:1-4 in a rather pontificating way" [emphasis mine].

And yet when we look at what he wrote about that message in his reply on JM he says "I want to thank Jeffrey for injecting a note of calm and neutrally rational argument into the discussion on Romans"!

Or consider how he wrote, quite contrary to, and in gross exaggeration of, what I actually did say regarding what the import was of anyone's calling a participle a verb, that I had in this specifically called him an "idiot" when it came to matters Greek.

So I would argue that, no, in actuality, the style and tone of my writing, even granting for the sake of argument that it can be sharp, is not the cause of Earl's not responding to me.

Jeffrey Gibson
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Old 07-06-2006, 01:49 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by Gibson
Of course he has the right not to respond to anything anybody writes. But that he is justified in doing so on grounds of having been dishonoured by anything I've said or done, is highly questionable, In the first place, I don't think that most of the time he actually grasps what I say. In the second place, and more importantly, when he has posted specifically on the topic of why he allegedly has cause not to repond to me and noted what that cause is, he has, in his outlines of what this is, consistently misrepresented and mischaracted what I've actually said or done with respect to him.

"But that he is justified in doing so on grounds of having been dishonoured by anything I've said or done, is highly questionable,"? Your last post says, "No, no, no but your previous posts here say "Yes, yes, yes.":

"This is a curious claim. And this is not only because it overlooks how GENOMMENON EK GUNAIKOS is the Greek equivalent to a biblical and 1st century Jewish idiom and how much it engages in question begging mind reading, but because (if I read you correctly) of how your rest your case upon assertions about GINOMAI and GENNAW that would not be made by someobne who is, as you claim to be, competent in Greek. For GENNAW is not, as you assert, a verb that is different and distinct from GINOMAI."

"Let me answer you by saying why I can't take Earl's case for an MJ seriously. Among other things, there is how he has misconstred, misread, and cooked the evidence from the Ascension of Isaiah that he appeals to support the idea of a crucifixion in a heavenly realm, how tenditiously he has read 1 Cor. 2:6-8 and his "proof texts" in Hebrews, and how idiosyncratic and unsupportable his claims about the beliefs and worldviews of Middle Platonism are."

"And there is also, of course, the torturous exegesis that he has engagaed in of the phrases above which seem to have no other grounds for being regarded as interpolations (the last argument of the desperate, I think) other than a committemnt to the MJ as an apriori."

"What do you make of this? Do you think that Earl's ommission of this was intentional? That he can't read Latin? That he misreads/misunderstands the sources he appeals to in support of his claims?"

"As I have noted on more than one occasion here, one of the prime reasons that I (and others) cannot take the Mythicists case seriously (and one of the reasons that it is ignored and/or disregarded as worth a response by "mainstream" scholarship) is that advocates of that view frequently make their case through the odious device of select quotation of the actual scholars they quote in support of their claims. And here we have another example of just this very thing."

"So much for Burton supporting Ted's claims. And so much for the scholarship of a mythicist being worth much or worth paying attention to"

I seem to remember you also asking Mr. Carlson if he thought "Earl" was lying which I assume was Edited along with the worst comments you've made here. Maybe you have that short term memory affliction whose name I can't recall at the moment. Let's hope so because the Alternative is much worse.

Generally I don't argue MJ because I find it too Subjective. What first got my attention here is you wanting to be treated as a Professional but not wanting to act like one. Flashback to Animal House:

Normally Legacies are automatically asked to Pledge.

Otter and Boone:
Well, normally that's true. Unless the Brother of the Pledge was a real Head case. (Looking at each other) Like Fred.

Okay, so you refuse to address the only Issue I have here which is even if Mr. Doherty is grieviously wrong about 4.4 it's not evidence by itself or even representationally that MJ should not be taken seriously.

And you are quick to make General condemnations of others claiming they are related to the discussion but when General negative comments are directed at you you whine that it's off-topic.

But because you are threatening to go back to not running your posts through spell-check I'll address the only Topic you want to hear from me right now. On the Specifics of "Born of a woman" I agree with you. I think it's good evidence that there was a Historical Jesus. I think Mr. Doherty is trying too hard to dismiss the problem and ends up sounding like an Advocate for MJ on this one instead of a Judge. I balance this though with the observation that Mr. Doherty is a ground breaker for a Position which Historically has been very bad for your Health which is some justification for acting as an Advocate and seeing what kind of Feedback you get.

As far as the Significance of 4.4 to a MJ position I think that depends on a person's Conclusion. For someone like you who's sure Jesus was Historical it's Significant evidence because you don't think there's much evidence on the other side. For someone like me, who's Agnostic on the subject (but would guess that Jesus was Historical) it's good evidence for HJ but well countered by the arguments against. When I look at Mr. Doherty's summary of argument for MJ I don't see an isolated passage or even a few isolated passages as being a serious problem needing defense against. I think that was even Mr. Doherty's initial point here, 4.4 could have been Edited.

Concerning the inferiority of other's Greek abilities to the swell Greek of your head there's a new invention out which helps close the gap which someone should tell you about. It's called Translations. The ability to make good Conclusions based on the Evidence you have is more important than how much evidence you have. If you're really interested in my scholarship than check out:

which I've actually put some Research and thought into and which Richard Carrier's Greek ability plays a major part. If you pass I'll just have to assume that you are only concerned with Mr. Carrier's Greek when it supports Doherty.

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Old 07-06-2006, 06:39 PM   #335
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Originally Posted by JoeWallack
"But that he is justified in doing so on grounds of having been dishonoured by anything I've said or done, is highly questionable,"? Your last post says, "No, no, no but your previous posts here say "Yes, yes, yes."
It's interesting -- to me at least -- that in citing all that I've snipped out, you not only (1) mistake and confuse noting and dissecting what's I think is wrong with some claims Earl's made and the manner in which he has supported them, with casting aspersions on his person, but (2) in order to make your case that I have dishounoured Earl, you have to bring in[/B] remarks of mine that are not addressed to Earl and that deal with what someone else entirely has said.

More importantly, I don't see in a single one of your quotations of my remarks anything that even minimally resembles the kind of self serving distortion or misreadings that in my previous message I've shown Earl has engaged in when he's "cited" my remarks to claim that I've insulted him

But I supppose the view of what's "dishonouring" and what isn't can, in some instances, be an entirerly subjective matter. The question, of course, is what, and how good, the criteria are that one uses to determine this.

I seem to remember you also asking Mr. Carlson if he thought "Earl" was lying which I assume was Edited along with the worst comments you've made here. Maybe you have that short term memory affliction whose name I can't recall at the moment. Let's hope so because the Alternative is much worse.
Is there any evidence that your assumption or your memory is correct? Maybe I'm not the one whose memory you should be concerned with, even assuming your snipe is warranted.

Generally I don't argue MJ because I find it too Subjective. What first got my attention here is you wanting to be treated as a Professional but not wanting to act like one. Flashback to Animal House:

Normally Legacies are automatically asked to Pledge.

Otter and Boone:
Well, normally that's true. Unless the Brother of the Pledge was a real Head case. (Looking at each other) Like Fred.
Umm .. this makes your point how?

And when or where did I say that I "wanted to be treated as a professiona"l? I think you have misremembered my request for some others here who were making authoritative apodictic, but patently suspect claims, to demonstrate that they had possession of the professional knowledge they were falsely laying claim to. Yesterday's message from Ted/Jacob about who held to a particular view of ARCONTES is a case in point, as well as is Yur'is claims that he knew from his own unaided analysis of the Greek of the PA that its Greek was Lukan in style, or Jay's about what did and did not go on in the Temple.

Okay, so you refuse to address the only Issue I have here which is even if Mr. Doherty is grieviously wrong about 4.4 it's not evidence by itself or even representationally that MJ should not be taken seriously.
Actually I believe I have addressed this issue, and more than once.

I mean I have pointed to the fact that, as Earl himself has noted, a major plank in his case for an MJ is the alleged fact that Paul believed in an MJ rather than an HJ, haven't I.

I have also noted that the main piece of evidence he cites in support of this "fact" as a fact is that at Gal. 4:4, in the expression GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS, Paul speaks (so Earl says) of Jesus as having been born in a heavenly realm and not on earth, yes?

And I've also gone on to note that it follows that if one shows, through an analysis of the vaidity of Earl's claim of what GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS can and cannot mean, that Paul did not say what Earl says he does at Gal. 4:4, and especially if Earl has in anyway cooked the evidence he has appealed to in order to "show" that it does mean what he claims it means, then not only does a major plank supporting his case for an MJ fall down, but that it would be more than reasonable to conclude the validity of the case is higly suspect, haven't I?.

If so, then I certainly have addressed the issue. And if what I've done isn't addressing the issue, I don't know what is.

And you are quick to make General condemnations of others claiming they are related to the discussion but when General negative comments are directed at you you whine that it's off-topic.
Leaving aside the question of whether I have there or anywhere actually "whined", let alone whether your rhetoric here is not censurable, and especially whether you sentence above actually makes any sense, I have only labeld as off topic comments and remarks and questions that were off topic (the topic being whether there's any real truth to the Earl's asertions about, and any invalidity in the arguments and citation of evidene he employs "demonstrating" his claims concerning, the meaning that the expression GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS has at Gal. 4:4)

If you have evidence to the contrary, that is to say, if you have evidence that comments, remarks, and questions that you refer to are not off topic, please provide it.

But because you are threatening to go back to not running your posts through spell-check
Excuse me, but :huh: :huh: :huh:

As far as the Significance of 4.4 to a MJ position I think that depends on a person's Conclusion.
Do you mean "perspective"?

Concerning the inferiority of other's Greek abilities to the swell Greek of your head
Why do I have the suspicion that the above is actually a swipe at me as one having a swelled head? Say it ain't so, Joe!

there's a new invention out which helps close the gap which someone should tell you about. It's called Translations. The ability to make good Conclusions based on the Evidence you have is more important than how much evidence you have.
Leaving the question of the appropriateness of the snarky tone of your sentence aside, let's note that if one has bad evidence, no ablity in the world to draw good "Conclusions" (or good old ordinary "conclusions") is going to make the conclusions one draws good. The real issue is how good and appropriate to a given question at hand the evidence you have is. If the evidence isn't good, the issue of amount one has or doesn't, let alone one's abililty to think logically, is not relevant.

Even more importantly, when the question at hand is about the semantic range of a Greek word or expression, or where and how it was used by Greeks, or whether it could actually bear the meaning that translators have assigned to it, or what import for understanding and exegesis the syntax or grammar of the larger context in which the word or expression appears is, and/or whether a word or expression is cosnistent with a particular Greek author's style -- as it is in this thread -- English translations of the word or the text in which it appears are absolutely irrelevant.

Not only that, they are absolutely the wrong tools to use or consult.

And if you think you can decide the issue of the validity of Earl's claims about the significance in GENOMENON or the whether the verb GINOMAI is a verb that is entirely different and distinct from GENNAW, or what Greek word appears in the various textual witnesses to Gal. 4:4, by consulting translations, well, hoo boy, you not only have another think coming; you have absolutely no understanding of what the issues are or the bproper means by which they could determined..

If you're really interested in my scholarship than
, then

check out:

which I've actually put some Research and thought into and which Richard Carrier's Greek ability plays a major part.
Please observe that the converse of this is that if I don't look at your web page, then I am not really interested in your "scholarship". But why you think that the question of whether or not I have an interest in your "scholarship" is somehow soley dependent upon and only to be decided by whether or not I look at what the URL above will lead me to, is beyond me.

If you pass I'll just have to assume that you are only concerned with Mr. Carrier's Greek when it supports Doherty.
Assume what you wish. But given that you've just engaged in the black and white fallacy, it's pretty safe to say that your assumption above would be utterly wrong.

Jeffrey Gibson
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Old 07-06-2006, 08:25 PM   #336
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Originally Posted by Wallack
Okay, so you refuse to address the only Issue I have here which is even if Mr. Doherty is grieviously wrong about 4.4 it's not evidence by itself or even representationally that MJ should not be taken seriously.

Originally Posted by Gibson
Actually I believe I have addressed this issue, and more than once.

I mean I have pointed to the fact that, as Earl himself has noted, a major plank in his case for an MJ is the alleged fact that Paul believed in an MJ rather than an HJ, haven't I.

I have also noted that the main piece of evidence he cites in support of this "fact" as a fact is that at Gal. 4:4, in the expression GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS, Paul speaks (so Earl says) of Jesus as having been born in a heavenly realm and not on earth, yes?

And I've also gone on to note that it follows that if one shows, through an analysis of the vaidity of Earl's claim of what GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS can and cannot mean, that Paul did not say what Earl says he does at Gal. 4:4, and especially if Earl has in anyway cooked the evidence he has appealed to in order to "show" that it does mean what he claims it means, then not only does a major plank supporting his case for an MJ fall down, but that it would be more than reasonable to conclude the validity of the case is higly suspect, haven't I?.

If so, then I certainly have addressed the issue. And if what I've done isn't addressing the issue, I don't know what is.

Oh for Christ's sake Jeff, are your really this, this, this (trying to control self like Fonzi in the classic Happy Days episode where he just couldn't bring himself to say "I was wrong".) this... You were doing better when I didn't understand what the hell you were trying to say.

Mr. Doherty's discussion of 4.4 is entirely Defensive. He recognizes that the plain meaning supports HJ so he offers possibilities to create Doubt of its support for the HJ position. Here, I'll show you his original Post here:

Originally Posted by Doherty
"As you know, I have always been very reticent about claiming interpolations in the pauline texts, and limit myself to only one and possibly another two. The first is widely suggested by mainstream scholarship: 1 Thess 2:15-16 (“the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus…”). The others are 1 Timothy 6:13’s reference to Pilate (which could be authentic anyway given that the Pastorals are generally dated to the 2nd century), and Galatians 1:19 “the brother of the Lord” which makes sense as a 2nd century marginal gloss to specify James (now regarded as Jesus’ sibling) and avoid confusion with the Gospel apostle James.

Recently I read Bart Ehrman’s The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture and am now wondering if I’ve been needlessly conservative on the question of interpolations. He made observations about orthodox Christian tampering with all sorts of passages, scribal emendations done for the purpose of making it clear that Jesus was such-and-such in opposition to heretical doctrines like adoptionism, separationism, and docetism. These observations were based on variant manuscript readings, of course, coming from the 3rd and later centuries, because we have no manuscripts to speak of from earlier than around the year 200, although he was able to make certain deductions about emendations that could have been made as early as the first half of the 2nd century.

The passage in the book that really jumped out at me was headed “Christ: Born Human” (p.238) from his chapter “Anti-Docetic Corruptions of Scripture”. It focused on Galatians 4:4 and Romans 1:3-4, the two passages most often cited against mythicists like myself. Here is some of what Ehrman has to say:

"For the orthodox, Jesus’ real humanity was guaranteed by the fact that he was actually born, the miraculous circumstances surrounding that birth notwithstanding. This made the matter of Jesus’ nativity a major bone of contention between orthodox Christians and their docetic opponents….

In light of this orthodox stand, it is not surprising to find the birth of Christ brought into greater prominence in texts used by the early polemicists. I can cite two instances. In both cases one could argue that the similarity of the words in question led to an accidental corruption. But it should not be overlooked that both passages proved instrumental in the orthodox insistence on Jesus’ real birth, making the changes look suspiciously useful for the conflict. In Galatians 4:4, Paul says that God “sent forth his Son, come from a woman, come under the law” (genomenon ek gunaikos, genomenon hupo nomon). The verse was used by the orthodox to oppose the Gnostic claim that Christ came through Mary “as water through a pipe,” taking nothing of its conduit into itself; for here the apostle states that Christ was “made from a woman” (so Irenaeus…and Tertullian…) It should strike us as odd that Tertullian never quotes the verse against Marcion, despite his lengthy demonstration that Christ was actually “born.” This can scarcely be attributed to oversight, and so is more likely due to the circumstance that the generally received Latin text of the verse does not speak of Christ’s birth per se, but of his “having been made” (factum ex muliere).

Given its relevance to just such controversies, it is no surprise to see that the verse was changed on occasion, and in precisely the direction one might expect: in several Old Latin manuscripts the text reads: misit deus filium suum, natum ex muliere (“God sent his Son, born of a woman”), a reading that would have proved useful to Tertullian had he known it. Nor is it surprising to find the same change appear in several Greek witnesses as well, where it is much easier to make, involving the substitution of gennwmenon for genomenon…”

I’ll remark here that Ehrman’s reasoning is a little off. If Irenaeus and Tertullian could use genomenon (come, or “made from”) in Greek, why could Tertullian not use the Latin equivalent, especially since even this version would have been useful? Wouldn’t another explanation recommend itself: that Tertullian’s version contained neither phrase, indicating that his Old Latin text was derived from an earlier version of Galatians which did not have “come/born of woman”? If scribes could alter words in the periods from when we do have manuscripts (3rd century on), and even insert them (Ehrman’s book provides evidence of all sorts of orthodox insertions, not just emendations), there is nothing to prevent them from having been doing it in the preceding century, when we happen to have no direct textual evidence for it. “Born of woman” would be a natural insertion in Galatians (let’s say around the middle of the 2nd century to counter docetics like Marcion and others) to make the point that Jesus was in fact a human man from a human mother. The question is always raised why Paul would need to make this obvious point to his readers. This is doubly true if he wrote long before docetics came along whose views would need counteracting. The first insertion would have been of genomenon ek gunaikos, but later this was regarded as not graphic enough since it used the verb ginomai, and so later emendations changed it to the more direct gennwmenon, from the verb gennaw.

Ehrman goes on:

A similar corruption occurs in Romans 1:3-4… Here Paul speaks of Christ as God’s Son “who came from the seed of David according to the flesh” (tou genomenou ek spermatos David kata sarka). The heresiologists of the second and third centuries also found this text useful for showing that Christ was a real man who was born into the world….Given the orthodox assumption that “having come from the seed of David” must refer to Jesus’ own birth—an event not actually described by Paul—one is not taken aback to find the text of Romans 1:3 changed as early as the second century, as attested by the citations of Origen, and periodically throughout the history of its transmission. As was the case with Galatians 4:4, the change was a matter of the substitution of a word in the versions and of a few simple letters in Greek (from genomenon to yennwmenon), so that now the text speaks not of Christ “coming from the seed of David” but of his “being born of the seed of David.”

It is possible that we need to give more credence to the idea that key phrases appealed to by historicists may not have appeared in the original texts or were changed to make them more historical-sounding. If later scribes had their fingers all over them in the textual evidence we do have, in order to make Jesus more human, there is no reason to think that the same wasn’t happening in earlier periods when Jesus was undergoing a change from mythical to historical.

As far as I can see, thanks to Ehrman (his book in 1993—and I’m sorry I didn’t read it earlier—surprised everyone with the scope and amount of corruption for polemical purposes by Christian scribes that he uncovered), the historicist case just got even weaker. It would appear that very little trust can be placed in the integrity of our texts, and historicist arguments that are based on these phrases, and on exact wording of any given passage, rest on quicksand.

Let me repeat Mr. Doherty's conclusion for emphasis:

"It would appear that very little trust can be placed in the integrity of our texts, and historicist arguments that are based on these phrases, and on exact wording of any given passage, rest on quicksand."

A Defensive conclusion for a Defensive argument. Yet you wrote above:

"I mean I have pointed to the fact that, as Earl himself has noted, a major plank in his case for an MJ is the alleged fact that Paul believed in an MJ rather than an HJ, haven't I.

I have also noted that the main piece of evidence he cites in support of this "fact" as a fact is that at Gal. 4:4, in the expression GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS, Paul speaks (so Earl says) of Jesus as having been born in a heavenly realm and not on earth, yes?"

You characterize Mr. Doherty as making an Offensive (do with this what you will) argument as if he makes a straight forward claim that the wording indicates Jesus was born in a Heavenly realm which is therefore Significant evidence that Paul believed in MJ. Talk about misrepresentation of an opponent! His related web site argument is correspondingly all Defensive as well.

Like I said, the ability to make good Conclusions is more important than how much evidence you have such as how much Greek you know. All this means of course is that in this Thread your characterization of the significance Mr. Doherty attaches to 4.4 is wrong. That doesn't mean you don't have other really swell criticisms of him some of which may even approach Cosmic significance.

I tell you the Truth though, I do think you are generally spot on with some of the others you've criticized here at II.

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Old 07-06-2006, 09:10 PM   #337
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Originally Posted by JoeWallack
Oh for Christ's sake Jeff, are your really this, this, this (trying to control self like Fonzi in the classic Happy Days episode where he just couldn't bring himself to say "I was wrong".) this... You were doing better when I didn't understand what the hell you were trying to say.

Mr. Doherty's discussion of 4.4 is entirely Defensive. He recognizes that the plain meaning supports HJ so he offers possibilities to create Doubt of its support for the HJ position. Here, I'll show you his original Post here:
Umm, Joe, if you actually look at the beginning of this thread you'll see that what the starting point of it was -- and what has been the point of contention from the beginning, at least as far as I'm concerned, is not this relatively new claim of Earl's based on Ehrman (and only made for the first time here and only after the present debate, a continuation of "Doherty, Gibson and Barrett, oh my", was underway). Rather it was/is an older one, (mis) based on Burton's comments on Gal. 4:4, that appears on Earl's Jesus Puzzle web page where he states that Gal. 4:4 is central to his case, and argues, appealing to Burton, that the "plain meaning" of Gal. 4:4 does not, as is usually thought, support the HJ.

Like I said, the ability to make good Conclusions is more important than how much evidence you have such as how much Greek you know. All this means of course is that in this Thread your characterization of the significance Mr. Doherty attaches to 4.4 is wrong.
And as I said, the ablility to make good "Conclusions" is irrelevant if you have no idea what the argument is about.

In any case, I have also analysed and set out a critique of both Earl's new claim about Gal. 4:4 being an interpolation and other assertions about Gal. 4:4 contained within the message in which he sets that claim out, but he's not returned the compliment by directly engaging the points I raised. All he's sent in in reply was a portion of a faux "TV script" that both misreprepresents the thrust of my arguments and indicates, as others here have observed, that he's failed to grasp what the issues I raised are.

So please don't faulyt me for things I supposedly didn't do.

Jeffrey Gibson
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Old 07-07-2006, 07:13 AM   #338
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Originally Posted by jgibson000
Of course he has the right not to respond to anything anybody writes. But that he is justified in doing so on grounds of having been dishonoured by anything I've said or done, is highly questionable, In the first place, I don't think that most of the time he actually grasps what I say. In the second place, and more importantly, when he has posted specifically on the topic of why he allegedly has cause not to repond to me and noted what that cause is, he has, in his outlines of what this is, consistently misrepresented and mischaracted what I've actually said or done with respect to him.

Take, for instance, his claim in BCH message 3065525 that in a 2001 message to the JesusMysteries List I "pronounced" against his "reading of the grammatical structure of Romans 1:1-4 in a rather pontificating way" [emphasis mine].

And yet when we look at what he wrote about that message in his reply on JM he says "I want to thank Jeffrey for injecting a note of calm and neutrally rational argument into the discussion on Romans"!

Or consider how he wrote, quite contrary to, and in gross exaggeration of, what I actually did say regarding what the import was of anyone's calling a participle a verb, that I had in this specifically called him an "idiot" when it came to matters Greek.

So I would argue that, no, in actuality, the style and tone of my writing, even granting for the sake of argument that it can be sharp, is not the cause of Earl's not responding to me.

Jeffrey Gibson
Well, I purposely used the word 'may' for the simple reason that I don't know everything that went before. For this reason I also refrain from speculating on the topic. I am not about pronounce judgement on either party as I feel my knowledge of the history of the matter is incomplete and will undoubtedly remain so.

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Old 07-07-2006, 09:46 AM   #339
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Originally Posted by Julian
Well, I purposely used the word 'may' for the simple reason that I don't know everything that went before. For this reason I also refrain from speculating on the topic. I am not about pronounce judgement on either party as I feel my knowledge of the history of the matter is incomplete and will undoubtedly remain so.
It isn't a history that's really all that long or complex.

If I recall correctly, though I did have a brief exchange with Earl on the JesusMysteries list in 2001 (which, BTW, I decided not to continue with not for the reasons Earl has stated here, but because it seemed pointless to dialogue with someone who, as Earl was doing, defended his claims about the Greek grammar and sytax of Rom 1 by citing the way English "works"), it really has played out entirely here on BCH, and only for about the last 6 months or so.

True, it's roots can be found in exchanges between me and Ted that took place , when around the end of September of 2005 he began (under the name Jacob Alliert) to post Jim West's Biblical Studies List some claims about GINOMAI, KATA, KATA SARKA, and GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS that were simply cribs (and at first unattributed cribs of Earl's use of Burton and Barrett.

Ted/Jacob and I sparred for a bit there, and then Ted/Jacob left BibStudies and began to post some comments on that exchange here on BCH in (I think) December, where he also began not only to repeat what he had been saying on GINOMAI, KATA SARKA etc. on BibStudies, but to denounce me as ill informed and unqualified to speak on these matters.

When I was alerted to this, I came here and, along with others, began to continue the "discussion" of Ted/Jacob's claims -- which were amounting to a defense of Earl (and Richard Carrier's) comments on, and claims about, GINOMAI etc. and the validity of Earl's exegesis of Gal. 4:4.

Shortly after that Earl got wind of what was going on and (along, eventually, with Richard Carrier), stepped in to speak directly, rather than through a proxy, about his claims regarding KATA and KATA SARKA in Rom 1:3 and GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS in Gasl. 4:4. The rest is, as they say, "history".

So I believe (if you'll allow me a little fuzziness on the details of dates) that I'm correct in saying that the contretemps between Earl and myself is really only half a year old or so, is entirely public, and that, with the exception of the few messages on the JM List, it is all recorded and readily viewable in all its shining glory here on BCH.

But I stand happy to be corrected if I am wrong about this.

Jeffrey Gibson
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Old 07-09-2006, 11:27 AM   #340
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Originally Posted by Wallack
You characterize Mr. Doherty as making an Offensive (do with this what you will) argument as if he makes a straight forward claim that the wording indicates Jesus was born in a Heavenly realm which is therefore Significant evidence that Paul believed in MJ. Talk about misrepresentation of an opponent! His related web site argument is correspondingly all Defensive as well.

Originally Posted by Gibson
Umm, Joe, if you actually look at the beginning of this thread you'll see that what the starting point of it was -- and what has been the point of contention from the beginning, at least as far as I'm concerned, is not this relatively new claim of Earl's based on Ehrman (and only made for the first time here and only after the present debate, a continuation of "Doherty, Gibson and Barrett, oh my", was underway). Rather it was/is an older one, (mis) based on Burton's comments on Gal. 4:4, that appears on Earl's Jesus Puzzle web page where he states that Gal. 4:4 is central to his case, and argues, appealing to Burton, that the "plain meaning" of Gal. 4:4 does not, as is usually thought, support the HJ.

So you Confess that Mr. Doherty's discussion of 4.4 in this Thread has been Totally Defensive. That's great Jeff, I feel like we are making progress.

From Doherty, Gibson and Barrett, oh my...

Originally Posted by Doherty
Burton first. I said in TJP, p.123-4, that Burton “points out that the way the verb and participle tenses are used in the Greek, the birth and subjection to the Law are presented as simple facts, with no necessary temporal relation to the main verb “sent.�? (By the way, in quoting that passage, Jeffrey Gibson left out my word “necessary�?. Why he did so, I will not speculate on, but it is not wise in a quoted phrase to leave out any words of an ‘opponent’ which lend nuance to the statement and which softens the meaning of what one is trying to rebut; it looks possibly deceptive.)

Doesn't look like you ever responded to Mr. Doherty's complaint Jeff. For someone who is accusing Doherty of Lying don't you feel some/any Professional responsibility of responding to observations of your possible Bias?

Originally Posted by Doherty
I love this guy. Why? Because here Burton is further allowing (though of course he is not intending it) for a mythicist interpretation. He is saying that the “born of woman, subject to law�? is not intended “so much to express the accompaniments of the sending…�? In other words, these characteristics of the Son don’t necessarily accompany the action of him being “sent forth�?. But wouldn’t this be odd if Paul were in fact referring to a human birth, since is the Son not “born of woman�? at the time of his sending (birth) into the world? Whereas, if the “sending forth�? is not referring to a historical birth, but a spiritual sending—identical to the “God sent forth [exactly the same verb] the spirit of the Son�? two verses later—then the “born of woman, subject to the law�? could be mythical features, independent characteristics not tied to the “sending�?. Burton as much as says so (again, not intentionally) when he goes on: “…as directly to characterize the Son, describing the relation to humanity and the law…�? Again in other words, these are characteristics of the Son, and can be seen in Paul’s mind as certain spiritual/mythical features that define his relationship to humanity, not tied to any human birth which Paul was unaware of.

This is at the Start of the Thread. Again, Doherty is Defensive towards 4.4. To Save time I'll just assume your Confession that Doherty is also Defensive in the Doherty, Gibson and Barrett, oh my... Thread.

By The Way, you wrote:

"I mean I have pointed to the fact that, as Earl himself has noted, a major plank in his case for an MJ is the alleged fact that Paul believed in an MJ rather than an HJ, haven't I.

I have also noted that the main piece of evidence he cites in support of this "fact" as a fact is that at Gal. 4:4, in the expression GENOMENON EK GUNAIKOS, Paul speaks (so Earl says) of Jesus as having been born in a heavenly realm and not on earth, yes?"

So you are also misrepresenting the Type of Significance Mr. Doherty claims here. It's Time and not Location. And "the main piece of evidence he cites in support of this "fact"? Now you're just making things up. Not the Type of representations one likes to see in the writing of someone claiming that someone esle is Lying ([sarcasm]yea, I know Jeff, If you are Lying than "How is that relevant to Doherty Lying?"[/sarcasm]).

This leaves us than with the Significance of 4.4 to TJP. If 4.4 was central/major/main to Mr. Doherty's case for MJ than you would have already quoted Where he indicates this rather than quoted where you indicated it.

Looking through TJP I Am puzzled as to Where Mr. Doherty indicates that 4.4 is central/major/main to Mr. Doherty's case for MJ:

So Where is it Jeff?

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