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Old 11-19-2011, 11:40 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by Doug Shaver View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post
I wasn't arguing for any particular conclusion. I was pointing to a flaw in your line of reasoning. If your line of reasoning is flawed (whether through lack of imagination or for any other reason), then you haven't given good reason to accept your conclusion and the point at issue is, to that extent, wider open than you suggested.
You did present an argument for the conclusion that the evidence is consistent with Paul's nonexistence. The conclusion for which I was arguing was not that Paul certainly existed. My conclusion was that he probably existed. You cannot refute that with an argument to the conclusion that it was possible he did not.
Earlier I was making the point that there is more than one possible reason why somebody might make an attribution of the authorship of a document by name (in this case, 'Paul'). I gather that you are suggesting that, in the case of the documents under discussion, the most probable reason for attributing their authorship to a 'Paul' is that, in the context in which the attribution was made, there was a well-known 'Paul' whose name would be taken as adding weight to any document attributed to his authorship.

Is that what you are saying? If so, then I have not yet seen you give a reason why you think this explanation more probable than any alternatives.
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Old 11-19-2011, 11:48 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
To Toto, Doug, aa5874 and J-D,

In the range of statements below about the letters of Paul and the examination of the nature of Paul, I have placed using an arrow <<===== where I think your preferred postulates may be located, but this is a guess only. I would be happy to be corrected if my guess is far from the mark of where you yourselves assess your position to be. Thanks,

Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
(Mutually exclusive) Positive and Negative Historicity POSTULATES about "Paul"

100% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 100%
95% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 95%
75% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 75%
55% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 55%
50% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 50%.
45% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 45%
25% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 25% <<===== Doug & Toto
5% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 5%

0% Unable to tell whether Paul is either authentic or fabricated. <<=========== J-D

- 5% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 5%
-25% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 25%
-45% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 45%
-50% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 50%
-55% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 55% <<==== aa5874
-75% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 75%
-95% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 95%
-100% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 100%

All investigators must start somewhere from one of these options ....
On the contrary. No investigator can start from any of those options as you have worded them, since as you have worded them they are gibberish.

However, even if some similar wording were produced which made actual sense, it would still not be necessary for an investigator to begin by postulating any of them, and it's certainly not how I would begin. Your approach, as I mentioned before, appears to consist of the investigator beginning by deciding what the main answer to the main question of the investigation will be. That is not only not necessary, but plainly the wrong way to proceed. As I said before, it is possible to arrive at a conclusion without starting out by assuming it, even if this approach lies beyond the scope of your personal abilities.
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Old 11-20-2011, 12:51 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post

In no case does a probability of 0% equate to uncertainty. If we are unable to make an estimate, that is not equivalent to a probability of 0%, it is equivalent to a probability which is quantitatively indeterminate. If we don't know the probability, that means that we don't know it, not that it is 0.

All these are supposed to represent possible postulates with varying strength of certitude. The 0% option does not equate to uncertainty but to a valid opinion on the relic in the form of a statement saying that we can cannot say that the evidence is either genuine or fabricated.

If we are looking at the question of whether the relic is authentic and genuine (or not), then we might get something roughly like the following scale, as I said before:

100% The relic is definitely authentic and genuine
95% The relic is very highly likely to be authentic and genuine
75% The relic is probably authentic and genuine
55% The relic is more likely than not to be authentic and genuine
50% The chances that the relic is authentic and genuine are about even
45% It is more likely than not that the relic is not authentic and genuine
25% The relic is probably not authentic and genuine
5% There is little or no chance that the relic is authentic and genuine
0% The relic is definitely not authentic and genuine

If we are looking at the question of whether the relic is an inauthentic fabrication (or not), then we might get something roughly like the following scale:

100% The relic is definitely an inauthentic fabrication
95% The relic is very highly likely to be an inauthentic fabrication
75% The relic is probably an inauthentic fabrication
55% The relic is more likely than not to be an inauthentic fabrication
50% The chances that the relic is an inauthentic fabrication are about even
45% It is more likely than not that the relic is not an inauthentic fabrication
25% The relic is probably not an inauthentic fabrication
5% There is little or no chance that the relic is an inauthentic fabrication
0% The relic is definitely not an inauthentic fabrication

The relationship between the two scales depends on the precise way in which you have defined the two descriptions 'is authentic and genuine' and 'is an inauthentic fabrication'.
The two descriptions are antithetical.

Either what you mean by 'is an inauthentic fabrication' is exactly and precisely the same as what you mean by 'is not authentic and genuine' or it is not.

The meanings are antithetical, and cannot be the same. The positive series consists of statements about the evidence being genuine and authentic. The negative series consists of statements about the evidence being fabricated and inauthentic. The zero statement separates the two series of antithetical claims, statements - in this case postulates.

On the other hand, if the way you define the two descriptions makes it possible for something to fall into neither category, if it is possible for something to be neither 'authentic and genuine' nor 'an inauthentic fabrication' as you have defined those terms, then the two scales still cannot be combined into a single scale running from 100% to -100%. You still have two different scales both running from 0% to 100%, but you can say that if the probability on one scale is X%, then the probability on the other cannot be more than (100-X)%, although it may be less.

You seem to be missing the point that the purpose of the series here is to make a simple list all the possible postulates people can make about the authenticity and genuine nature of the historical existence of Paul (as an exmple).

The premise is either Paul is historical or Paul is fabricated. The list is labelled mutually exclusive. Thus you are permitted to select one and one only postulate between +100 and -100 including the 0 postulate. You cannot explore two postulates concurrently. The idea is that you lock in the postulate that best represents what you think the evindence best represents, and then move on down the list of evidence items - and there may be hundreds. Once the postulates are set, the POSTULATES about the evidence is input into the "Theory Generator" and conclusions are the output.

Note that this does not mean the same process cannot be repeated again and again and again in which different values are selected for "Paul", but only one value can be selected at once.

Another comment on ...
You still have two different scales both running from 0% to 100%, but you can say that if the probability on one scale is X%, then the probability on the other cannot be more than (100-X)%, although it may be less.
The item is either genuine or fabricated, and we are ready to start testing hypotheses. If we only had the one scale with the positive authenticity being gauged, then anyone who has found, or suspects forgery and fabrication in the evidence, at worst, can only say "There is zero percent authenticity in this evidence."

The negative scale permits the antithetical statements "Not only is this evidence NOT authentic, it has been fabricated". The evidence must be represented by statements. A listing of all possible statements must include the antitheses of those statements, and therefore there will always be this +/- mirror which can be read as probability as you portray above.
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Old 11-20-2011, 01:00 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
To Toto, Doug, aa5874 and J-D,

In the range of statements below about the letters of Paul and the examination of the nature of Paul, I have placed using an arrow <<===== where I think your preferred postulates may be located, but this is a guess only. I would be happy to be corrected if my guess is far from the mark of where you yourselves assess your position to be. Thanks,

Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
(Mutually exclusive) Positive and Negative Historicity POSTULATES about "Paul"

100% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 100%
95% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 95%
75% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 75%
55% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 55%
50% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 50%.
45% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 45%
25% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 25% <<===== Doug & Toto
5% Paul is an authentic and genuine historical character - can be reconstructed as such 5%

0% Unable to tell whether Paul is either authentic or fabricated. <<=========== J-D

- 5% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 5%
-25% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 25%
-45% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 45%
-50% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 50%
-55% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 55% <<==== aa5874
-75% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 75%
-95% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 95%
-100% Paul is an inauthentic and fabricated historical character - can be reconstructed as such 100%

All investigators must start somewhere from one of these options ....
On the contrary. No investigator can start from any of those options as you have worded them, since as you have worded them they are gibberish.

There is a cut down version:

Antithetical Historicity POSTULATES about "Paul"

+1 Paul is likely an authentic and genuine historical character

0 Unable to tell whether Paul is either authentic or fabricated.

-1 Paul is likely an inauthentic and fabricated historical character
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Old 11-20-2011, 01:24 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by Doug Shaver View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
To Toto, Doug, aa5874 and J-D,

In the range of statements below about the letters of Paul and the examination of the nature of Paul, I have placed using an arrow <<===== where I think your preferred postulates may be located, but this is a guess only.
If you were not so enamored of your own windbaggery, you wouldn't have to do so much guessing about what the rest of us think.
After dealing with some responses in this thread I am not so sure the process can be best described as thinking. Those who deal with dogma for example are often hostile to the examination and discussion of postulates that are antithetical to their own.
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Old 11-20-2011, 01:31 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by Doug Shaver View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
and when we understand that different people are using different postulates then there is really no LOGICAL errors.
Not necessarily. Different postulates can entail different conclusions without logical errors, but from the mere fact that different postulates are being used, it does not follow that no logical errors are being committed.
aa5874 and J-D both appear to have identified a logical error in the statement of your postulates (and perhaps about infering things from the evidence), and I was just pointing out that it may not necessary be the case. But please feel free to disagree ....
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Old 11-20-2011, 08:51 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by Doug Shaver View Post
If you were not so enamored of your own windbaggery, you wouldn't have to do so much guessing about what the rest of us think.
After dealing with some responses in this thread I am not so sure the process can be best described as thinking. Those who deal with dogma for example are often hostile to the examination and discussion of postulates that are antithetical to their own.
We're up to multiple pages on this thread, but you haven't identified any different postulates as most of us define the term. What you label "postulates" are more like conclusions. And there is no indication of how people who start from these different positions would have anything to say to each other.
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Old 11-20-2011, 11:26 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Philo, Josephus, Suetonius and Tacitus cannot account for a Pharisee and a Jew called Saul/Paul that went all over the Roman and in Major Cities publicly declaring that a resurrected Jew was LORD and the Messiah , the End of Jewish Law and that every knee should BOW before the resurrected Jew even the Deified Emperors of Rome.

It is NOT likely Paul, a Pharisee and a Jew, existed and made such outrageous claims for over 17 years in Major Cities including Rome.
Somebody wrote Philippians. Whoever wrote it, and whenever it was written, the text claims both that the author was a Pharisee and that Jesus Christ is Lord and every knee should bow at his name.

If it is correct to say that no Pharisee would ever claim that Jesus Christ is Lord and every knee should bow at his name, then that would provide grounds for concluding that the author of Philippians was not a Pharisee and that the assertion to the contrary in the text is a falsehood. But that by itself doesn't tell us anything about when Philippians was written or what the author's name was.
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Old 11-20-2011, 11:46 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
...The references in the above to "conclusions" is equally valid to "postulates" and when we understand that different people are using different postulates then there is really no LOGICAL errors...
Doug Shaver disagrees with you.

Doug Shaver is NOT postulating but has CONCLUDED that Paul PROBABLY existed based on the fact that there are letters with the name Paul.

J-D has CONCLUDED, not postulated, that Doug Shaver's CONCLUSION is logically FLAWED.

I have shown that an epistle attributed to Paul is ACTUALLY claimed to have been written by TERTIUS in Romans 16.22.

Now, let me POSTULATE for a second.

If the epistle to the Romans is regarded as authentic and was actually WRITTEN by TERTIUS then all the so-called "authentic" epistles were WRITTEN by TERTIUS and NOT by Paul.

TERTIUS might have been the author of all the so-called authentic Pauline writings so it is not necessary for "Paul" to have existed.
I did not say that Doug Shaver's conclusion was wrong. I have expressed no view about Doug Shaver's conclusion. I said that the reasoning Doug Shaver gave in support of that conclusion was faulty. I have expressed no view about whether there is some other line of reasoning which does support that conclusion.

As for the reasoning you present in the present post, you have given no grounds to accept the conclusion that Romans and Galatians (for example) were written by the same person, and you have given no grounds to accept the conclusion that the Tertius referred to in Romans and the Paul referred to in Romans were two different people.
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Old 11-20-2011, 12:04 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
...I did not say that Doug Shaver's conclusion was wrong. I have expressed no view about Doug Shaver's conclusion. I said that the reasoning Doug Shaver gave in support of that conclusion was faulty....
J-D has CONCLUDED, not postulated, that Doug Shaver's CONCLUSION is logically FLAWED or based on FAULTY reasoning.
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