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Old 05-14-2006, 10:34 PM   #161
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You find it frightening yet you insist on defending genocide. You find your own apologetics frightening?
I find your level of distorting what I say frightening.

Will you please stop with the nonsense’s that no one believed killing was wrong back then. Again you are undermining your own position. You claim that Abraham knew that killing was wrong.
knowing and doing are too different things. Further Abraham was unique. I'll assert again in case you didn't hear me right (and you won't again), the ethics of pre-Christian civilization were barbaric, selfish and cruel. Classic culture had no interest in the rights of "foreigners." Period. You could basically do what you wanted to do with outsiders. That was their ethics. Now, did individuals like Abraham see through the ugliness of these selfish ethics. Yep. That isn't relevant to our discussion, since God was dealing with a nation at the time.

You don’t seem to be challenging anything, you are contriving every possible excuse to defend your god.

You can it quibbling all you want, it does not make it so. You are asserting that you do not want to lose your humanness yet you are looking forward to a state where god will take away your humanness. Your theology is inconsistent.
Who said I was looking forward to that state? Are you like a mind reader as well as a misinterpreter of posts?

It you are asserting that god cannot create a state of existence where there is no suffering and free will creatures it means that whatever heaven is, either the beings there do not have free will or they suffer.
I am asserting that. We would not be human if we didn't have free will. Further whatever existence we had I assert it wouldn't be worth living. It would be meaningless to do good because you could do nothing else.

This is exactly the issue at hand. You argument is this is the best god can do yet you believe one day he will set up a state of existence that is better.
Not my argument, nor that of Christianity, as I read it. Accepting the gospel already ends my alienation with God and my true self, and results in a new creation. It's OK if you don't agree with that, just don't mischaracterize it without bothering to read the texts at issue.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.

Galatians 6:15 - For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.

Think about what Paul means by these verses and get back with me on your view of what you think Christians think about heaven.
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Old 05-14-2006, 11:30 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by Gamera
I find your level of distorting what I say frightening.
I have? Where have I distorted what you said? You are justifying genocide. I have yet to see you say that Yahweh should not command his followers to murder babies. Now would be a good time to set the record straight.

Originally Posted by Gamera
knowing and doing are too different things. Further Abraham was unique. I'll assert again in case you didn't hear me right (and you won't again), the ethics of pre-Christian civilization were barbaric, selfish and cruel. Classic culture had no interest in the rights of "foreigners." Period. You could basically do what you wanted to do with outsiders. That was their ethics. Now, did individuals like Abraham see through the ugliness of these selfish ethics. Yep. That isn't relevant to our discussion, since God was dealing with a nation at the time.
You have being corrected on this yet you keep repeating it. Why is this?

I see, so there existed people who knew that murdering pregnant foreigners was wrong but instead of Yahweh recognizing and using people like this, he instead commanded his chosen people to run their swords through screaming toddlers.

Originally Posted by Gamera
I’m still waiting for you to challenge Yahweh as to why he commanded his followers to murder foreigners.

Originally Posted by Gamera
Who said I was looking forward to that state? Are you like a mind reader as well as a misinterpreter of posts?
Now is your opportunity to clear up this misrepresentation. So are you saying that you find heaven reprehensible?

See below

Originally Posted by Gamera
I am asserting that. We would not be human if we didn't have free will. Further whatever existence we had I assert it wouldn't be worth living. It would be meaningless to do good because you could do nothing else.
You are asserting that it wouldn’t be worth living in heaven if we don’t have free will. You also asserted that evil is a logical consequence of free will. Hence heaven will contain evil and suffering. Maybe you should spend more time thinking about the consequences of your posts.

Furthermore what you are asserting is nonsense. I can do nothing else but breathe are you saying that breathing is pointless?

Furthermore are you saying that Yahweh’s existence is pointless? Do Yahweh and Yeshua do evil? We seem to have entities here that have free will and do no evil. Or are you saying that Yahweh, Yeshua and their Ghost have no free will?

This is all very confusing..

Originally Posted by Gamera

Not my argument, nor that of Christianity, as I read it. Accepting the gospel already ends my alienation with God and my true self, and results in a new creation. It's OK if you don't agree with that, just don't mischaracterize it without bothering to read the texts at issue.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.

Galatians 6:15 - For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.

Think about what Paul means by these verses and get back with me on your view of what you think Christians think about heaven
It varies according to the Christian. What’s your point?

So when Yeshua says he is going to prepare a place for his followers was he lying?

Where exactly did he get caught up to during his ascension?
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Old 05-15-2006, 12:21 AM   #163
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Default 2 Chronicles 33

Originally Posted by spin

In Jerusalem shall my name be forever.

So who are you?
Shalem, the Ugaritic god of dusk (KTU 1.23).

Melchizedek was his king (Gen 14:18).

Psalm 110 could describe his birth because it mentions Melchizedek, his half-brother Shakhar (god of the dawn - listed as Helel’s dad in Isaiah 14), and the goddess Rahmay (Anat) – Shalem’s mum.
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Old 05-15-2006, 12:28 AM   #164
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Originally Posted by Quetzalcoatl
Do Yahweh and Yeshua do evil? We seem to have entities here that have free will and do no evil. Or are you saying that Yahweh, Yeshua and their Ghost have no free will?

This is all very confusing..
Yahweh repents. So does the Son of Man (arguably the same character).

El by comparison, does not repent.
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Old 05-15-2006, 12:33 AM   #165
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Originally Posted by Quetzalcoatl

I’m still waiting for you to challenge Yahweh as to why he commanded his followers to murder foreigners.

It never really happened.
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Old 05-15-2006, 03:42 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by Gamera
No no no. The Vedic mss are very young. All post-Christian. The speculation is they contain teachings that are pre-Christian. No way of knowing.

The Code of Hammurabi doesn't have the teaching I'm focussing on: loving one's enemies. So it's not relevant to the issue.

But the earliest Bible manuscripts are only from 800-900 AD. Still much younger than the Vedas. You have a double standard. And the Vedas ARE pre-Christian. Scholars agree on that, for a variety of reasons. Outside the Vedas, there are works that cite them and give their own date, to mention just one of the ways they can be dated. To describe what careful scholars have agreed on as "speculation" only avoids the issue. What you are saying is, the Christian manuscripts are earlier, no matter what the scholars think. That's not very cogent reasoning. Do you think Homer is post-Christian, or is it just "speculation" that he pre-dated Christ?
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Old 05-15-2006, 06:15 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
For FAITH to be FAITH, it is necessary that it be accepted on faith, if the miracles were verifiable, and if men could on an instant, strike up and carry on a two way conversation with their Maker, then faith would not at all be needed, because the irrefutable evidence would be present and verifiable by all.
You're absolutely right. That's why I am going to convert. To Islam. Because FAITH is FAITH, and it is necessary to accept Isalm on FAITH. You have shown me the error of my ways.

Just one sarcastic way to demonstrate that verifiable evidence is 100% more effective than blind faith.
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Old 05-15-2006, 07:26 AM   #168
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
For FAITH to be FAITH, it is necessary that it be accepted on faith, if the miracles were verifiable, and if men could on an instant, strike up and carry on a two way conversation with their Maker, then faith would not at all be needed, because the irrefutable evidence would be present and verifiable by all.
We believe in the promise of what has not yet been seen, and hold fast hope for what we have not yet received.
FAITH is required for any religion to survive. If christians as a whole would apply their critical thinking to religion, the way they can use it for most other things, then christianity would vanish in very short order. No religion has ANY valid proof, so what a surprise that the mental virus would evolve the shell of faith, to protect it from the antibody of reason.

Why should FAITH be so important to your god anyway? He's the one who decides who has it and who doesn't, so what's the point of pretending that having it is OUR responsibility?

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Old 05-15-2006, 07:32 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
Thank you for bringing it up again, This life provides each of us with a great abundance of opportunities to help out our fellow man, while he is yet alive.
Shrugging your shoulders while sitting in your comfortable chair, in front of your monitor, in your expensive surroundings, muttering "It's not my problem", does nothing to give that person a morsel of food, or that pennies worth of medication that will allow them to survive to another day, when perhaps the rains would come, the fields revive, and that person prosper and live, and love, many decades longer.
How strange that you sit there, in your comfortable chair, in front of your monitor, in your expensive surroundings, judging us, while the endless drouts continue, the rain never comes, the fields never revive, and the people keep starving. How strange that your god continues to kill these people, despite the millions of daily prayers for their relief. Is your god starving them on purpose, so that he has even MORE excuses to condemn US?

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Old 05-15-2006, 08:05 AM   #170
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar
No,It is not by my standards, "justified to slaughter innocent little babies because they are better off in heaven".

No, I have not, "advocated infanticide", I explained my positon on an 3000+ year old infanticide recorded within The Scriptures, (The matter could have just been omitted, or purged, but was published and retained for a purpose)
I seem to have misunderstood you. When you said
As one who believes in YHWH, and in His mercy, and that the Heavens exist, and are a far better place, it is my belief that these were by the mercy of YHWH, removed from further suffering of the cruelties of that age.
I took that to mean than this infancticide is justified because the babies are better off in heaven than on earth. Under this logic, the same would be true for you, wouldn't it? That's why I said that under YOUR standards, not mine, infanticide is justified. Or are you now saying that, by commanding his followers to murder hundreds of innocent babies and children, Yahweh acted wrongly? Or are you saying that it's moral for Yahweh to do this, and his followers under his command, but wrong when I do it?

What YHWH commanded at that time, He has also since commanded that we shall not do.
Well that only goes to show that the bible is wildly inconsistent, and both pacifists and baby-killers can find their justification there, as both have done throughout history.

No, I do not, "think murder is O.K., as long as it is committed in Yahweh's name."
You don't? Should the Israelites then have disobeyed Yahweh's order to commit murder then? Which is it?
In that day, He as the Supreme commander over the army of Israel, gave an order that was to be obeyed by every soldier, questions could come latter, but obedience was to be immediate.
Yes, obedience to an order to be sure to murder ALL the toddlers, not just some of them. And obedience to an order to take ALL the virgins captive to keep for themselves, not just some of them. Was following this order right, or wrong?
We have came a long way from those times, with much more being revealed through His prophets and His Son.
It's not like Christians haven't committed the very same acts throughout history, with the same justification. Christians burned, raped and murdered their way across Europe and the Near East, stabbing little heathen babies on their way, all for the greater glory of Christ.
If I thought that "murder is O.K.,as long as it is committed in Yahweh's name" It would be more than likely that I would be writing this from a prison cell, men that commit murder in Yahweh's name are a very rare commodity.
No, actually they're quite common. One of them is on the rampage in Africa right now.
What are you accusing The man from Galilee of, to claim that he is the most genocidal tyrant in history? (be certain that your accusation is not the province of another, who went forth in another name)
What are you claiming that He did? What are "his alleged actions"?
Not Jesus but Yahweh. I'm pretty sure he's the only fictional character whoever wiped out all life on the planet, animal and vegetable, saving only 1 family and 2 of each non-acquatic animal: every person, every baby, every animal, every eco-system--everything. That takes the record for genocide and ecocide, I believe. Do you deny this?
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