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Old 04-13-2006, 03:46 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse
Jolly nice! I like these javascript converters. Anyone got one for ancient Greek?
You shouldn't need to.
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Old 04-13-2006, 06:00 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse
Jolly nice! I like these javascript converters. Anyone got one for ancient Greek?
Depends on what you mean by "ancient Greek". If you just want a Greek unicode converter, Peter's page is good, or you can try the following:

Symbol font to Unicode Converter
Greek Font to Unicode Converter
Greek Beta Code to Unicode Converter

If you mean "ancient Greek" as in a font similar to the Uncial script written in 4-5th centuries codeces, then I have no clue.
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Old 04-13-2006, 06:00 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Chris Weimer
Since my home system is Windows XP, I've been using Microsoft's Polytonic Greek keyboard. I've blogged some details about it here: How to Use the Greek Polytonic System in Windows XP.

All I can say is that I've been using it for a year and I love it.

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Old 04-13-2006, 09:47 PM   #84
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Back to the main issue, the dealer who supplied the gospel has a shady past:

A dealer credited with 'rescuing' the document allegedly played a major role in the looting of antiquities. She received a suspended sentence.
"In the past, she was at the center of the looting in Italy," said Paolo Ferri, the Italian state prosecutor who has led an investigation of the illicit trade for 10 years.

National Geographic purchased exclusive publication rights for the Gospel of Judas' contents for $1 million from a foundation run by Tchacos' Swiss attorney, Mario Jean Roberty. The deal will also give Roberty's foundation and, indirectly, Tchacos a percentage of National Geographic's royalties from two books, a documentary and other proceeds stemming from the Judas Gospel.

Though Tchacos' past has no direct bearing on the legitimacy of the Judas Gospel, the fact that she and her attorney stand to benefit from the financial relationship with National Geographic has raised sharp questions from leaders in the archeological community.

. . .

In a documentary aired Sunday and a related book, "The Lost Gospel," Tchacos is portrayed as a heroic figure who fought to save the deteriorating manuscript. She is quoted as saying she was "guided by providence."

"I think I was chosen by Judas to rehabilitate him," she said in the film. "I think the circumstance of this manuscript coming to me was predestined."
from page 2
Tchacos' statement has played an important role in the ongoing criminal trial of Marion True, the J. Paul Getty Museum's former antiquities curator who is accused of trafficking in looted art. Tchacos' willingness to talk has led some dealers to call her the Judas of the antiquities trade.

NY Times article
The art dealer was detained several years ago in an unrelated Italian antiquities smuggling investigation. And after she failed to profit from the sale of the gospel in the private market, she struck a deal with a foundation run by her lawyer that would let her make about as much as she would have made on that sale, or more.

Later, the National Geographic Society paid the foundation to restore the manuscript and bought the rights to the text and the story about the discovery. As part of her arrangement with the foundation, the dealer, Frieda Tchacos Nussberger, stands to gain $1 million to $2 million from those National Geographic projects, her lawyer said. There may even be more.

Details of how the manuscript was found are clouded.
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Old 04-14-2006, 01:13 PM   #85
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Well... exporting artworks is fraught with legal difficulties, and just getting tripped up by such is probably an occupational hazard for the dealer. I'm not sure that Frieda Nussberger has done anything particularly wrong, other than try to get Bruce Ferrini to sell the 4 codices including the ps.Gospel of Judas for her (Ferrini is currently being depicted as the Bad Guy by everyone).

Some people may feel that manuscripts should not be bought and sold, or smuggled out of Egypt. But I look on the other side. These things are always, always found by semi-illiterate peasants. The only thing that stops them tossing them on the cooking fire (as happened to one of the Nag Hammadi mss) is that belief that Cairo illicit dealers will pay money for them. No other country seems to have these dealers, and it may be significant that I know of only one manuscript from Roman North Africa ever found outside of Egypt. Probably the rest simply went on the fire.

So the local dealers are actually improving the chance of preservation pretty substantially. The downside is that they may split a find to increase their take. Likewise, these are not scrupulous people. The Egyptian who bought the four codices left them in a tin-box in a NY bank for 20 years, which did them no good at all. But... who else will get hold of them? No-one. We do not have a colonial administration in Egypt, it is a third world country, which means that almost everyone there cares nothing about the heritage except as a source of cash. This is the world we have, and we have to work out what best to do.

It must also be faced that far more damage has been caused to these codices since they left that lockbox than happened to them before. Ferrini seems to have split them up and sold them a page at a time.

I don't think that there is a perfect answer. But as far as I can tell, Frieda N. is not really particularly to blame. Without her involvement, the books would still be rotting in a tin box in NY.

All the best,

Roger Pearse
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Old 04-16-2006, 12:14 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Phlox Pyros
Correct. MJ67 is certainly not interested in translations, and by his pretentious langauge appears to only be picking an out-of-place philosophical fight. Of course he must realize that by not learning the language himself, he is blindly taking someone else's word for truth (whether it is or is not). For those who do not care to learn and understand new things, this is fine.
I am not picking a fight, you are trying to make it look as though I am. Yet you back into the exact point I am trying to make, as is Peter. And that point is this:

If as you say I do not know the language, then I am blinded by having to take the word of someone else as to their translation, where "blinded" means that I would not be able to determine whether there is any deception or not. Yet, if as Peter argues, there is no deception, then I am not blinded by anything am I? For obviously, what I read would in fact be the truth, and I have no need of being able to translate the language myself.

Now if Mr. Kirby's exercise is to learn the translation rather than looking for deception within same, then it is logical that since National Geographic has provided both the images of the manuscripts and the translated texts, all he needs to do is that which was done with the Rosetta stone, where Mr. Kirby has the ability to match the translated texts with the manuscript, and learn. Instead he is questioning the translations by surmising alternate phrases should be used and by asking others how they in fact would translate that which is already translated.

If that is not indicative of a perceived deception, then it can only be that Mr. Kirby, as novice a translator as he is, is calling into question the ability of the translators whom he actually is defending.
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Old 04-16-2006, 01:35 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by MJ67
I am not picking a fight, you are trying to make it look as though I am. Yet you back into the exact point I am trying to make, as is Peter. And that point is this...
I understand what you are trying to say, but it is just philosophical mumbo-jumbo, if you'll pardon the expression. The reasons for looking at the original language have already been explained. In fact, some interesting things have alreay been learned (ie. for instance, the interesting literal translation that underlies "before" and that "celebration" does not appear to literally be in the text but added by the translators for color). How much more clear can it be? This is why I, and likely others, think you are merely trying to pick a fight.

Since you are taking position on top of the high horse, do you know Coptic? If so, then help us out. If not, then why not take the opportunity to learn something new and interesting?
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Old 04-16-2006, 01:43 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Phlox Pyros
Depends on what you mean by "ancient Greek". If you just want a Greek unicode converter, Peter's page is good, or you can try the following:

Symbol font to Unicode Converter
Greek Font to Unicode Converter
Greek Beta Code to Unicode Converter
I have several converters on my site. Unfortunately, their most powerful features work only with Explorer, and they are complicated; they have to be, because I use them to design synopses.

Coptic, Hebrew, and Greek are available.

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Old 04-16-2006, 01:53 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Ben C Smith
I have several converters on my site. Unfortunately, their most powerful features work only with Explorer, and they are complicated; they have to be, because I use them to design synopses.

Coptic, Hebrew, and Greek are available.
Cool. Thanks. I'll have to try it out.

{P.S. You left an extra [ /url ] in your link that is keeping it from working correctly...}
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Old 04-16-2006, 07:10 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Phlox Pyros
Cool. Thanks. I'll have to try it out.

{P.S. You left an extra [ /url ] in your link that is keeping it from working correctly...}
Oh, sorry. This one should work.

There is also a tutorial for any with time enough to kill learning how to use these tools. I use them all the time myself, but for very specific purposes.

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