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Old 06-14-2008, 09:36 AM   #241
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
You don't have a point. You've offered exactly squat to argue that Guzik doesn't qualify as an expert. Have you even bothered to check Amazon for the number of commentaries the guy has written? I certainly don't agree with everything the guy writes but at least I'm honest enough to acknowledge his academic pedigree.
every time you mention that pastor I am just going to refer you to the link.
It should be noted that even a good Appeal to Authority is not an exceptionally strong argument. After all, in such cases a claim is being accepted as true simply because a person is asserting that it is true.
which is why I called you out on your fallacious reasoning in the first place. You don't have a good argument, you're just flailing and grasping for points because its too difficult for you to accept that you can't prove a theist wrong.
Who does qualify as an expert according to your "logic"? Anyone who agrees with your reading? And their names are....? <cue crickets>
I don't use experts opinions, because....que up the link!
it should be noted that even a good Appeal to Authority is not an exceptionally strong argument.
I use evidence, something you really can't do.

You assert she changed her mind from being joyful that Jesus was alive to assuming he must be dead (and refraining to even mention the message from the angels!) in the time it took her to run from the grave to Peter and conclude from nothing except that assertion that such a radical change is possible.
Que up the posts made by this guy.
Originally Posted by Amaleq13
Joy and doubt are incompatible reactions.
so according to your logic it is possible since the 2 forms are incompatible, since she had fear after joy (contrary to your claims), so if we go by your 'expert opinion', the joy must disappear.
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Old 06-14-2008, 09:37 AM   #242
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
I would claim that they told Mark, since he had to have known in order to write it down. Even the act of writing it down is a contradiction if it means no one ever.
Not really since, given the nature of the reassurance of the angel(s), knowledge of the resurrection was not dependent upon the women relating the message. Jesus had risen and would meet the disciples in Galilee regardless of whether they were reminded beforehand. How did Mark know what transpired between the angels/Jesus and the women if they didn't tell anyone? Jesus told the disciples.

"What up, dogs?"

"Dude! We thought you were dead!"

"Didst not you idiots recall the numerous times whenst I did telleth you I would rise again?"

"Our bad. You know we have memory problems, man. Cut us some slack. And knock off the King James talk. It giveth us headaches."

"Didn't the chiquitas remind you?"

"What chiquitas?"

"Good help is so hard to find. I'm starting to wonder if you dolts are worth saving. Let me explain it for the millionth time. Try to keep it straight."

Easy peasy.
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Old 06-14-2008, 10:05 AM   #243
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Originally Posted by dr lazer blast View Post
every time you mention that pastor I am just going to refer you to the link.
Feel free. Repeating your error certainly doesn't bother me.

which is why I called you out on your fallacious reasoning in the first place.
The article, properly understood, establishes that my reasoning is sound.

You don't have a good argument...
According to the article, I don't have an "exceptionally strong argument" and I don't disagree. One cited expert does not an exceptionally strong argument make. But I made that clear from the beginning when I indicated how easily you might counter it. What I do have, however, is a stronger argument that you since I have a Christian clergyman who has published numerous commentaries agreeing with my reading of John 20:2 and you have nothing but your amateur, uninformed opinion. That isn't even an argument, amigo. I'm not sure that even qualifies as bringing a knife to a gunfight. More like bringing a picture of a knife.

I'm here all week, folks. Remember, there is a two drink minimum. Please don't forget to tip your waitress. The Chuckle Hut doesn't pay them much.

I don't use experts opinions...
Clearly. That you don't realize you need to do so is rather depressing. The internet tubes are ruining the minds of the next generation.

...I use evidence, something you really can't do.
Your amateur, uninformed opinion certainly does not constitute evidence. The opinion of an expert, OTOH, most certainly does. So, once again, you've stated the exact opposite of reality. :thumbs:

so according to your logic it is possible since the 2 forms are incompatible, since she had fear after joy...
Repeating your circular reasoning does not reduce its fallacious nature.

She went from being joyful at hearing Jesus was alive to being concerned about the location of his dead body therefore she was concerned about the disposition of his dead body after being joyful at hearing he was alive. Round and round she goes without regard to logic or reason.
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Old 06-14-2008, 10:16 AM   #244
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
"What up, dogs?"
"Dude! We thought you were dead!"
"Didst not you idiots recall the numerous times whenst I did telleth you I would rise again?"
"Our bad. You know we have memory problems, man. Cut us some slack. And knock off the King James talk. It giveth us headaches."
"Didn't the chiquitas remind you?"
"What chiquitas?"
"Good help is so hard to find. I'm starting to wonder if you dolts are worth saving. Let me explain it for the millionth time. Try to keep it straight."
Finally an explanation that fits reality. See how hard it was for Jesus to teach Christians the truth? And now his disciples, the atheists, hahaha.... have to go through the same shit he did.
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Old 06-14-2008, 10:41 AM   #245
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Well, guys, I believe I'm out of this one from here on out. It has become quite clear that talking to the good Dr. is much akin to talking to a brick wall. I think that I have figured out his strategy to winning this little argument: Deny everything that shows where he is incorrect and continue posting the same drivel until everybody give in, then declare victory.

Despite this, however, I wish him the best of luck.

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Old 06-14-2008, 10:58 AM   #246
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
If you grasp a snake-in-the-grass by his tail, he will twist, turn, and thrash until his tail comes off in your hand, if he escapes, his tale will grow back, but shorter.
a really good argument would be akin to someone that is strong enough to kill the snake instead of just grabbing it by the tail.

Why grab a snake by the tail instead of kill it, I wonder?
"And YHWH Elohim said unto the serpent, Because you have done this, You [are] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon your belly you shall go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life:

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise you head, and you shalt bruise his heel."
Ask of YHWH, If He was strong enough to kill the serpent, Why then did He not kill him and take him out of the way, but settled for only permanently cursing him and his seed?

My father taught me about "snakes-in-the-grass", how that it never suffices to kill but one, because that his spawn will quickly multiply and prosper in his absence.
Far better to let the old serpent live on, that he might spend most of his days and nights in the pursuit of his own children, consuming and being most well fed upon the flesh of his own offspring.
So let false preachers live, and let them preach on that same old lie of their father saying; "You shall not surely die".
The days of this brood of liars and vipers are numbered.
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Old 06-14-2008, 11:41 AM   #247
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post

Feel free. Repeating your error certainly doesn't bother me.
The irony!

The article, properly understood, establishes that my reasoning is sound.
the only reason you believe it to be the proper understanding is because of an argument from authority.

According to the article, I don't have an "exceptionally strong argument" and I don't disagree. One cited expert does not an exceptionally strong argument make. But I made that clear from the beginning when I indicated how easily you might counter it. What I do have, however, is a stronger argument that you since I have a Christian clergyman who has published numerous commentaries agreeing with my reading of John 20:2 and you have nothing but your amateur, uninformed opinion. That isn't even an argument, amigo. I'm not sure that even qualifies as bringing a knife to a gunfight. More like bringing a picture of a knife.
your self admitted weak arguments prove nothing, considering your clergyman is not even involved in this challenge, and that when presented with the POSSIBILITY of mary talking about the live body of Christ, any pastor would agree with me that its a possibility that mary could be talking about the live body of Christ, not to mention that you have failed utterly considering that the pastor has nothing to do with this challenge, and you using his opinion as evidence for this challenge is like saying 'shaq's way of shooting 3 pointers is better than your way of shooting 3 pointers because hes a basket ball player' but when one realizes that shaq rarely EVER shoots 3 pointers, one would see how weak and irrelevent their argument from authority is. Thus we have you.

Your amateur, uninformed opinion certainly does not constitute evidence. The opinion of an expert, OTOH, most certainly does. So, once again, you've stated the exact opposite of reality. :thumbs:

ad hominem fallacy.

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject.
whether my opinion is ametuer or not has nothing to do with the possibility that mary is talking about the live body of Christ. Furthermore one pastors opinion is not an authority on how the the scriptures are to be interpreted, because if that was the case, then why are there so many interpretations? of the scripture? once again you fallacious logic surfaces.


Repeating your circular reasoning does not reduce its fallacious nature.

She went from being joyful at hearing Jesus was alive to being concerned about the location of his dead body therefore she was concerned about the disposition of his dead body after being joyful at hearing he was alive. Round and round she goes without regard to logic or reason.
total disregard for the new evidence that has surfaced.

Fear after joy (contrary to what you've been asserting, so you're wrong) now according to you
Originally Posted by Amaleq13
Do you really not understand that the doubt must follow the joy in order to be analogous?
So contrary to what you were stating earlier, fear DOES follow the joy, so according to you, it is analogous. Once again direct proof you are ignoring the evidence. This is all according to you and your logic. What do you have to refute that?
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Old 06-14-2008, 12:31 PM   #248
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Originally Posted by dr lazer blast View Post
All you're doing is ad hominem attacks, attacking the bible and not bothering to answer the question.
So that is all I'm doing is it? Did you remember to request moderator action when I made my nasty ad hominem attacks? Please do that whenever such things happen!

The question I have been trying to answer umpteen times now is: "is your narrative leaving out something?" And my claim is that it does; it leaves out (Mark 16:8) ... told nobody."

They departed with fear and joy:True they encountered some men didn't say anything to them for they were afraid: True
Mary told Peter: true
Mary told Peter: False! This statement is in direct contradiction of Mark!

So it is well within the rules I an give additional explanations of the narrative.
There is a difference between explaining something and contradicting something! Can you give me an example of you truthfully saying "I told nobody", where in fact you told somebody? The rule was: " may not leave anything out." It was NOT: " may not leave anything out, but you may twist it around to say the opposite."

ETA: Furthermore, while it is allowed for you to add explanations within parentheses, that does not mean you are allowed to add story elements that have no warrant in the texts. Adding explanations is one thing, adding persons that aren't in the original cast is another.
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Old 06-14-2008, 12:42 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by dr lazer blast View Post
the only reason you believe it to be the proper understanding is because of an argument from authority.
No, it is because, unlike yourself, I've actually taken a college course in logic.

your self admitted weak arguments...
Still not reading carefully or at all? To acknowledge that an argument is not "exceptionally strong" is not the same as admitting it is weak. A reading supported by even a single professional scholar continues to be stronger than one that is not.

...when presented with the POSSIBILITY of mary talking about the live body of Christ, any pastor would agree with me that its a possibility that mary could be talking about the live body of Christ...
Please support this empty rhetoric by contacting Pastor Guzik. If he accepts your reading as a "possibility", I will happily withdraw him as support.

whether my opinion is ametuer or not has nothing to do with the possibility that mary is talking about the live body of Christ.
It does absolutely nothing to suggest the "possibility" is reasonable.

Furthermore one pastors opinion is not an authority on how the the scriptures are to be interpreted, because if that was the case, then why are there so many interpretations?
We've seen no other informed reading of the passage.

total disregard for the new evidence that has surfaced.
Repeating your assertions doesn't constitute evidence, let alone "new".

Fear after joy (contrary to what you've been asserting, so you're wrong) now according to you
Do you think nobody notices the shell game you are playing by identifying different passages as "fear" and then treating them as though they were the same passage?

Mary is initially joyful because she hears that Jesus is alive.

Soon after, she is concerned about the location of his dead body and says nothing to Peter about even the possibility he might actually be alive.

These are plainly incompatible depictions whether you characterize her concerns as "fear" or not.
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Old 06-14-2008, 01:03 PM   #250
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Originally Posted by sschlichter View Post
Does nobody contain a time constraint in it? If I claim that I told nobody about a surprise party, am I not excluding the time after the party?

I would claim that they told Mark, since he had to have known in order to write it down. Even the act of writing it down is a contradiction if it means no one ever.

So, what is the associated duration of time that they did not tell anyone? It is associated with the reason. The reason they told no one is because (gk: as, while, for) they were afraid. Luke 24:8 says they remembered what was said and then went to tell the disciples. Why did they need to remember when it just happened??? - because they were afraid prior to that and told no one during that time of fear. The telling of no one is associated with the gripping fear. the fear subsided, they composed themselves and remembered to tell run along and tell the disciples.

It is too bad we don't know how Mark's story continues, of course. (I'm not with those who claim that Mark's story ends at 16:8) Possibly the ladies lost their fear after a while and went and told Peter after all. Or maybe J had to go and show himself to Peter on his own? Or could it be that Mark's ending is completely different, so much so that it was deliberately cut away by someone who felt it didn't match the church' doctrines?
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