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Old 05-16-2012, 04:28 AM   #11
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Jebus was Pecos Bill. Anyone could, and did, (and many still do) make up any tall tale about 'him' they desire.
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Old 05-16-2012, 09:07 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Horatio Parker View Post

I had in mind as a conspiracy more of a group think among politically minded types, coupled with inertia.

Do not underestimate the military inertia of supreme imperial warlords, and the "Top-Down" group think. Study Mussolini's use of the propaganda technique termed "The Big Lie".

I don't know much about Gnosticism, but I do know that Plotinus was critical of it.
I think this is a misconception. For a start we do not really know who these so-called "gnostics" were in the overall scheme of the mass production of codices in response to the canonical books of the NT. At one stage we only knew what the heresiologists told us about the gnostics - their sworn enemies. Since then we have found the NHC and the gJudas - sources from the 4th century manufactured by these so-called "gnostics".

Secondly, the idea that Plotinus was critical of the gnostics is derived from NINTH TRACTATE of the Second Ennead. This is entitled AGAINST THOSE THAT AFFIRM THE CREATOR OF THE KOSMOS AND THE KOSMOS ITSELF TO BE EVIL. It is GENERALLY QUOTED AS “AGAINST THE GNOSTICS”. I would like to know when this was first generall quoted so. Is it a modern or an ancient annotation, and what does it really mean?

Also that it's tradition is traced to Hermes Trismegistus. I know there are some who argue that HT predated Plato and influenced him, but most think it's a post-Plato development.

Eusebius calls Constantine "THRICE-BLESSED" many times in his "Life of Constantine", and the "Thrice Blessed Hermes" is attested in inscriptions and literature in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The Nag Hammadi Codices contains a discussion between Hermes and Asclepius. These figures were highly revered before Big J. rocketted to the top of the Top 40 charts at Nicaea.
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Old 05-16-2012, 09:42 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Jebus was Pecos Bill. Anyone could, and did, (and many still do) make up any tall tale about 'him' they desire.

There are many people who believe Pecos Jebus Bill was invented.

If Jebus was invented there was by necessity an INVENTOR and a PRIORITY DATE just like any other item of intellectual property. Personally I'd have a few questions I'd like to put to the very first widespread publisher of the Jebus story, because we know who this person (the publisher) was.
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Old 05-16-2012, 09:46 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
Originally Posted by Horatio Parker View Post

I had in mind as a conspiracy more of a group think among politically minded types, coupled with inertia.

Do not underestimate the military inertia of supreme imperial warlords, and the "Top-Down" group think. Study Mussolini's use of the propaganda technique termed "The Big Lie".
I'm not claiming to know what happened. Generally, tho, I'd say that warlords and other such heavies, when it comes to philosophy anyway, are better at exploiting than creating.

I think this is a misconception. For a start we do not really know who these so-called "gnostics" were in the overall scheme of the mass production of codices in response to the canonical books of the NT. At one stage we only knew what the heresiologists told us about the gnostics - their sworn enemies. Since then we have found the NHC and the gJudas - sources from the 4th century manufactured by these so-called "gnostics".

Secondly, the idea that Plotinus was critical of the gnostics is derived from NINTH TRACTATE of the Second Ennead. This is entitled AGAINST THOSE THAT AFFIRM THE CREATOR OF THE KOSMOS AND THE KOSMOS ITSELF TO BE EVIL. It is GENERALLY QUOTED AS “AGAINST THE GNOSTICS”. I would like to know when this was first generall quoted so. Is it a modern or an ancient annotation, and what does it really mean?
Is the Gnostic cosmology not evil?

IIRC, Plotinus' universe emanates from the Good.
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Old 05-16-2012, 09:54 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
....The Master Heresiologist Eusebius seems to have indulged in the criminal activity of identity theft of important Platonist theologians in order to assemble a history of the 3rd century Christian lineages of bishops and heresiologists. The most highly revered 3rd century Platonists Ammonius, Origen, Anatolius and Porphyry all seem to be names of authors of most highly revered Christian tractates. What was going on in the scriptoria of Eusebius?

Any investigator examining the mechanism of a conspiracy for the HJ will sooner or later have to study Constantine's heresiologist Eusebius, IN WHOM WE TRUST.
Who was Eusebius anyway??

A very well paid Constantinian propagandist, the only historian of "Early Christian History" prior to Nicaea and a master heresiologist.

May I remind you that all of the authors of the Canon are unknown. We have 100% FAKE authorship of the Canon.

The same may not be said of the Non Canon. We have a name. And the name is "Leucius Charinus". These names first appear in the Eusebian witnessed "Acts of Pilate" as the names of the two zombie scribes. The name is roundly and soundly CURSED by a succession of later bishops and emperors. "Leucius Charinus" must have been a bad bad bad boy.

He is described as the son of the devil.

Quite a contrast to our Man Big J.

What did Eusebius write??? When did he write them???

Eusebius wrote pseudo-historical heresiological polemic.

Some of his works may have been interpolated and/or forged by his continuators. Eusebius had no rivals, but many continuators. He was according to the historian Momigliano, possibly a man of Jewish descent.

I expect the figures for FAKE authorship of Apologetic sources that mentioned the FAKE authors of the Canon to Match the Canon.


But you must at some stage momentarily PUT DOWN the Canon and examine the non canonical sources. The non canonical sources are the WILD CARDS over which Eusebius and Constantine at Nicaea and beyond had NO CONTROL. The canon was insidiously preserved in the luxuriously appointed Imperial Scriptoria. After Eusebius instructed his scribes to prepare 50 bibles ordered by Constantine for the blossoming pulpit business, Athanasius instructed scribes to prepare bibles for Constantius. Business was after all, and still is, business.

The non canonical sources were burnt and destroyed; their preservation attracted the death penalty. They were therefore very much HOT PROPERTY. Hot intellectual property of the heretical kind. They had to be buried in the earth. The earth preserved them, not the heresiologists.

If someone did NOT Expose the Donation of Constantine as a Forgery we would still believe that it was written in the 4th century.

The massive conspiracy theory that Jesus was human, floated at the time of Nicaea, was greeted with a massive social and religious and literary controversy. This controversy has been buried by the heresiologists. They still call it a controversy over minor theological details and attributes of the divinity of Jesus, and whether this divinity was the same nature or a similar nature, to the divinity of the old gods of planet Earth. But I refuse to believe this propaganda.

A better all-round explanation is that someone fabricated a lie for the glory of the centralised monotheistic state Roman church.

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Old 05-17-2012, 09:49 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Who was Eusebius anyway??
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
[A very well paid Constantinian propagandist, the only historian of "Early Christian History" prior to Nicaea and a master heresiologist.
Please don't make me laugh!!! You believe Constantine would pay for the known fiction in "Church History"???

Originally Posted by aa5874
May I remind you that all of the authors of the Canon are unknown. We have 100% FAKE authorship of the Canon.
Originally Posted by mountainman
The same may not be said of the Non Canon. We have a name. And the name is "Leucius Charinus". These names first appear in the Eusebian witnessed "Acts of Pilate" as the names of the two zombie scribes. The name is roundly and soundly CURSED by a succession of later bishops and emperors. "Leucius Charinus" must have been a bad bad bad boy...
Ignatius--fake attributed authorship, Clement of Rome--fake attributed authorship, Irenaeus--fake attributed authorship, Tertullian--fake attributed authorship, Clement of Alexandria--fake attributed authorship, Origen--fake attributed authorship.

The supposed Eusebius used FAKE attributed sources for the History of the Church!!!

The attribution of Church History to Eusebius is fake.

It is most remarkable that a previously UNKNOWN bishop of Caesarea would write the History of the Roman Church without the help of the Bishop of ROME.

The writing of Julian the Emperor, "Against the Galileans", has EXPOSED that information in Church History was written AFTER the supposed Eusebius was DEAD.

Originally Posted by mountainman
....But you must at some stage momentarily PUT DOWN the Canon and examine the non canonical sources. The non canonical sources are the WILD CARDS over which Eusebius and Constantine at Nicaea and beyond had NO CONTROL....
I cannot ever ignore the written statements of the SUSPECTS. It is completely IMPERATIVE that the statements of the SUSPECTS be scrutinised word by word.

Please, there are MASSIVE Holes in their stories and we can IDENTIFY their "fingerprint", "DNA" and Modus Operandi.

Once you can IDENTIFY the "fingerprint", "DNA" and Modus Operandi of the Suspects then you can EASILY deduce what crime they committed.
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Old 05-17-2012, 07:56 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Who was Eusebius anyway??
Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
[A very well paid Constantinian propagandist, the only historian of "Early Christian History" prior to Nicaea and a master heresiologist.
Please don't make me laugh!!! You believe Constantine would pay for the known fiction in "Church History"???

Yes and in gold solidi.

I believe that Constantine also paid gold for the fabrication of the known fictional mockumentary known as the "Historia Augusta".

The Greek History of the Church and the Latin History of the Caesars were produced by the barbarian Constantine as modern technological showpieces of codex technology. Nero loved the stage; Bullneck loved the book. And he had plenty of gold solidi c.324 CE when he took over the gold reserves of Licinius, the commander of the Eastern Roman empire and army, and then had him strangled. Temple gold came to Constantine later.

Originally Posted by mountainman
....But you must at some stage momentarily PUT DOWN the Canon and examine the non canonical sources. The non canonical sources are the WILD CARDS over which Eusebius and Constantine at Nicaea and beyond had NO CONTROL....
I cannot ever ignore the written statements of the SUSPECTS. It is completely IMPERATIVE that the statements of the SUSPECTS be scrutinised word by word.

But I did not ask you to ignore written statements of the suspects, I only asked that you momentarily put down the canonical evidence, and have a look at the non canonical evidence.

ALL evidence must be scrutinized word for word - not just the evidence which has been fabricated by the suspects.

The non canonical authors have something important to tell us about the suspects. The codices manufactured by the non canonical authors according to the C14 are very late (220-340 CE). The Nag Hammadi codices provide a Euclid-like demonstration of the modus operandi of the process of fabrication - CHRISTIANIZATION - of literature. See "The Sophia of Jesus" and how is has been fabricated from the pagan letter "Eugnos the Blessed" in two steps. There are three textx involved.

Eugnostos ("Right Thinking"), the Blessed: NHC 3.3 --> NHC 5.1 --> NHC 3.4 "The Sophia of Jesus Christ" - Process of "Christianization".

Please, there are MASSIVE Holes in their stories and we can IDENTIFY their "fingerprint", "DNA" and Modus Operandi.

Once you can IDENTIFY the "fingerprint", "DNA" and Modus Operandi of the Suspects then you can EASILY deduce what crime they committed.

Someone commissioned the fabrication of the Chrestians or Christians, who ultimately knew themselves as "ChrIstians". The chief suspects must be Constantine and the "wretched Eusebius", and after these Ossius, one of Constantine's barbarian chieftans, who presided over every one of Constantine's so-called "Church Councils". See Mussolini's "Big Lie" as a propaganda tool and meditate on the obnoxious thought of what would have happened if Mussolini et al had won WWII.

Constantine wanted a centralized monotheistic state religion just like the Persians had, since it was good for the business of centralized state unity. To do that he needed a "Holy Writ" and he needed to have it "Canonized". That's all he needed. His barbarian army, well paid now in good gold, having secured the eastern cities, awaited his every order.

And since he was a barbarian, he had no love of the milieu of Egypto-Graeco-Roman religious cults that flourished in the empire c.312 CE. He got rid of them by the fire and the sword. He may well have learnt this technique in the 3rd century while in service (as a hostage) to Diocletian in the pogrom against the Manichaeans in the eastern empire.

A warlord creating a religion is not a conspiracy. The conspiracy is in the covering over of the knowledge that the warlord invented Jesus. If we had the 3 books of Julian "Against the Bullshit" in front of us we would IMO see that Julian was blowing the whistle on the fabrication of Bullneck's bullshit. The conspiracy continues until today, but the ancient "Seal of the Fathers of Fiction" is Cyril of Alexandria, one of the most dispicable men who ever walked the earth.

Originally Posted by Charles Freeman

The Closing Of The Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason


"When Cyril of Alexandria died in 444 CE one person suggested that
a heavy stone be placed on his grave to prevent his soul returning
to the world when it was thrown out of hell as being evil even for there

We are dealing with "Twisted Histories" for the period from 312 to c.444 CE.

In the following diagram I have depicted these twisted histories like a spliced tape.

The yellow histories have been fabricated. The green "true history" for the 4th/5th century has yet to be deduced and re-written.

There were no Pre-Nicaean hobbits. They were cultured in Constantine's scriptoria.

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Old 05-17-2012, 08:39 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

Please don't make me laugh!!! You believe Constantine would pay for the known fiction in "Church History"???

Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
[Yes and in gold solidi.

I believe that Constantine also paid gold for the fabrication of the known fictional mockumentary known as the "Historia Augusta".
Are you aware of the "Donation of Constantine"??? It is known that people made False claims about Constatine hundreds of years AFTER he was dead.

When did the character called Eusebius actually write about Constantine and the History of the Church??? What was WRITTEN AFTER Eusebius was dead???

Let me give you a clue.

If Eusebius wrote at c 325 CE, then the people of the Roman Empire would have known he was a LIAR when he gave the Lists of Bishops for the Church of Rome and other regions. There were NO bishops of any churches before Constantine.
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Old 05-19-2012, 12:00 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

Please don't make me laugh!!! You believe Constantine would pay for the known fiction in "Church History"???

Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
[Yes and in gold solidi.

I believe that Constantine also paid gold for the fabrication of the known fictional mockumentary known as the "Historia Augusta".
Are you aware of the "Donation of Constantine"??? It is known that people made False claims about Constatine hundreds of years AFTER he was dead.

When did the character called Eusebius actually write about Constantine and the History of the Church??? What was WRITTEN AFTER Eusebius was dead???

Let me give you a clue.

If Eusebius wrote at c 325 CE, then the people of the Roman Empire would have known he was a LIAR when he gave the Lists of Bishops for the Church of Rome and other regions. There were NO bishops of any churches before Constantine.
I agree. Constantine appointed the first Christian bishops out of his army. This immediately explains the male dominated Monotheistic Heresiological church as it was then, and as it is today.

I think everyone knew he was a LIAR, but they could not really do anything about it other than create an underground CONTROVERSY such as we have evidence with Arius et al. The Emperor Nero called forward the Olympic Games and competed in all events winning all the gold medals. The people of Nero's time knew this was bullshit but they could not really do anything about it.
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Old 05-19-2012, 12:33 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by mountainman View Post
I think everyone knew he was a LIAR, but they could not really do anything about it other than create an underground CONTROVERSY such as we have evidence with Arius et al. The Emperor Nero called forward the Olympic Games and competed in all events winning all the gold medals. The people of Nero's time knew this was bullshit but they could not really do anything about it.
Emperors of Rome were ASSASINTED by Romans so I don't think the Roman people accepted bullshit all the time.

Please see Suetonius' Lives of the Twelve Caesars.
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