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Old 01-05-2013, 08:36 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by Vorkosigan View Post
Great! That allows for the gospel JC story to be a story that does not need any Pauline input. That position shoots down the argument, of some mythicists, that a Pauline cosmic crucified JC has been historicized as the gospel crucified JC.
LOL. Hardly. It merely states what Earl's opinion is.

And it's good that he, Doherty, has this backdoor position that allows for the Markan crucified JC not to be derived from the Pauline cosmic crucified JC. He is going to need this in his 'pocket' when Hoffmann goes after those mythicists who stand by the argument that the Pauline cosmic crucified JC was historicized as the gospel crucified JC.

Mythtics however are fond of pointing to the “assured” result of Paul’s literary priority over the gospels. Repeatedly they return to the Christ-myth notion that a heavenly man was fleshed out as an historical figure.

But in my view there is no convincing argument that establishes that priority, and the disconnect between the two literary strands, gospel and epistle, is so sharp that it is impossible to conclude that a figment invented by Paul could have served as the literary model for the Jesus of a gospel like Mark’s. I hope in my forthcoming book to make clear how the connection was finally achieved–it’s not a simple story–but looked at from the standpoint of the history of the question I do not believe that the doctrine of Paul’s “priority” is a secure one. It is abundantly clear that Paul was aware of an historical figure and consciously set about to redefine him in supra-historical terms.
Yes, of course, one can question Hoffmann's last statement. Point, however, is not his attempts to establish historicity for JC - but his attempt to demonstrate holes in the argument, of some mythicists, that the Pauline Christ figure was historicized as the gospel JC.

And on that specific issue Hoffmann might well have the last laugh......

my bolding
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Old 01-05-2013, 09:21 PM   #182
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
The Epistula Apostolorum does NOT say the Apostle/disciple Peter was NOT called Cephas or the Apostle/disciple Cephas was NOT called Peter.
Originally Posted by gurugeorge View Post
There are two different names that aren't visibly applied to one person, it's as simple as that. There are quite a few possibilities as to why that should be, one of them is that it was a mistake. Another possibility is that it's a scribal error. And another possibility is that there was a tradition which thought of Peter and Cephas as two different people.
So, you are now admitting that you are not certain " that there was still a tradition within the Christian cult that held them as two different people at least up till 160 CE is shown by the Epistula Apostolorum".

You must remember that your post are recorded.

It is clear that the Epistula Apostolorum does NOT at all show that Peter called Cephas are two different person.

However, your very source shows that the Apostles Peter, James and John were DISCIPLES of the Jesus.

Originally Posted by aa5874
So it is quite reasonable for you to infer that the Apostles Peter and James in the Pauline writings are different to the Apostles in the Gospel of the very same Canon which is contrary to every known apologetic writings about Paul and Peter but others are wrong to infer that the Apostles in the Pauline letters are the same Apostles in the Canon.
Originally Posted by gurugeorge
No, it's that both positions are inferences from some contradictory evidence. Which way you choose to go and is not mandated by anything in the texts.
You are now admitting that you considered the evidence to be contradictory but still made inferences. Why??

Originally Posted by 5874
In gJohn, the Apostle Peter a disciple of Jesus is called Cephas so it is completely reasonable to infer that the Apostle Peter is the same character throughout the NT Canon.
Originally Posted by gurugeorge
Yep, it's reasonable, if you assume that the NT Canon isn't a patchwork quilt.
You ASSUME the NT Canon is a patchwork quilt but I show you that in gJohn Peter is called Cephas and that ONLY gJohn and the Pauline writings refer to Peter as Cephas.

I make NO assumptions. I deal with sources from antiquity NOT speculation and imagination.

Originally Posted by aa5874
So, you don't know what you are talking about. What if this and what if that is NOT evidence of anything. I am dealing with the TEXTS-- not imagination and speculation.
Originally Posted by gurugeorge
But you don't know the first thing about the texts, do you? You don't know who wrote them, or when. You are making up a story to fit the evidence (in ENGLISH TRANSLATION ONLY, no less), based on the notion that the NT Canon is consistent and not internally contradictory.
What nonsense!!! What a load of BS. You make inferences on admitted contradictiory evidence about Paul. You are the one who is trying to fit your Celestial NEVER on earth Jesus to early Pauline writings of which there is NO corroboration in the very Canon.

Originally Posted by gurugeorge
...I prefer to assume as little as possible, and read the texts as they are as much as I can (including checking interlinear translations as much as I can, given that I don't know the primary languages by heart). And I certainly am not prepared to take Church tradition's word for it that the NT Canon is a coherent set of texts all about the same things.
Now you admit that you do assume as little as possible. Now, you admit you don't know the primary languages.

Why did you NOT admit those things from the start??

Originally Posted by gurugeorge
...And the consensus, amongst "liberal" biblical scholars at least, even amongst historicists, is that the Canon is a bit of a hodge-podge in some respects.
I need evidence, sources from antiquity because I don't play the numbers game. You very well know that there is NO consensus for your Celestial Never on Earth Jesus but all of a sudden you conviently appeal to "consensus".

Consensus without evidence is Worthless.

Originally Posted by aa5874
The Pauline writings are totally uncorroborated as 1st century letters in the NT even up to the mid 2nd century and are historically bogus.
Originally Posted by gurugeorge
..I understand that you believe that, and you argue well for it, but, just like several other people on the board, I'm not convinced.
Well, now now that you admit that I argue well then your position is flawed because you have NOT been able to provide any evidence for your arguments except rhetoric.
Originally Posted by gurugeorge
The Pauline writings are TOTALLY corroborated as 1st century letters in the NT Canon because that's where they're placed in the Canon, they're represented as being from that time in the Canon. It's you who is bringing in arguments from silence in some Apologists and Church Fathers to deny that.
What an absurd argument. How illogical can you be!! The fact that the Pauline writings are Canonised does NOT have anything whatsoever to do with its corroboration.

You must know what corroboration mean. The Pauline writer cannot CORROBORATE himself. Why are you making such blatant illogical statements??

Again, please read the Pauline writings---THEY do NOT claim they were composed in the 1st century.

There is NO TIME for the Pauline writings in the Canon.

READ them--word-by-word. There is NO TIME.

Originally Posted by gurugeorge
As I said, I'm not convinced the the silence about Paul in Justin and other writers (who are clearly proto-orthodox, concerned above all to uphold a claim to lineage going back to discipleship) is due to their not having heard of him, and not rather simply because they didn't like Paul's version of Christianity (which internally claims a lineage going back only to visionary experience, not just for Paul, but also for the Apostles).
Where do you get your stories from about Justin. They are NOT in the Texts. You are reading things into the Texts. You don't need any actual evidence for your stories. You have NOTHING.

Where does Justin claim he did NOT like Paul's version of Christianity?? You assume your own inventions and then attempt to convince yourself that they are history.

Originally Posted by gurugeorge
I'm not convinced that you can lay as much weight as you do on arguments that depend on a prior acceptance that the NT Canon is internally consisent in terms of its purported characters and meanings.
How in the world can you use an admitted internally INCONSISTENT Canon and yet become terribly upset when others use the very same Canon??

You are simply irate because it has been EXPOSED that the Pauline writings are WITHOUT corroboration in the very Canon. No author of the NT Canon claim anywhere that the Pauline letters to Churches were composed in the 1st century--Not even the Pauline letters themselves.

The Pauline writings are 2nd century or later writings based on the abundance of evidence from antiquity.
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Old 01-06-2013, 05:17 AM   #183
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
So, you are now admitting that you are not certain " that there was still a tradition within the Christian cult that held them as two different people at least up till 160 CE is shown by the Epistula Apostolorum".
There is no "certainty" anywhere in this field, there is only balance of probability based on given background assumptions.

If you are certain about any of this, you are certainly deluded.

It is clear that the Epistula Apostolorum does NOT at all show that Peter called Cephas are two different person.
It's a reasonable proposition based on the text, since there are two different names and they're not obviously one person in that text.

However, your very source shows that the Apostles Peter, James and John were DISCIPLES of the Jesus.
As I said, so do the gospels, so what.

You are now admitting that you considered the evidence to be contradictory but still made inferences. Why??
Because even contradictory evidence is still evidence of something. If there's a contradiction, there's a reason for it, and that reason may itself be interesting and may itself be evidence.

I make NO assumptions. I deal with sources from antiquity NOT speculation and imagination.
You make plenty of assumptions. For example, you assume that the NT Canon is all of a piece, and you assume that silence means absence.

Originally Posted by aa5874
What nonsense!!! What a load of BS. You make inferences on admitted contradictiory evidence about Paul. You are the one who is trying to fit your Celestial NEVER on earth Jesus to early Pauline writings of which there is NO corroboration in the very Canon.
And you still don't know who wrote the texts, why or when, do you?

Consensus without evidence is Worthless.
You don't think the consensus on datings is based on evidence?

Also, that a consensus amongst scholars may be wrong about some things but right about others shouldn't be surprising or remarkable.

Again, please read the Pauline writings---THEY do NOT claim they were composed in the 1st century.

There is NO TIME for the Pauline writings in the Canon.
There is a timeline in the Canon as a whole. There are what appear to be historical figures in some parts of the Canon from which some rough timeline can be estimated for when the events narrated are supposed to have taken place, that's what Christians have always traditionally done. And in that timeline Paul certainly has to appear in the 1st century. That's where the NT represents him as being.

Now of course we can question that, but it's simply not true to say that Paul isn't given a position in time in the NT.

Where do you get your stories from about Justin. They are NOT in the Texts. You are reading things into the Texts. You don't need any actual evidence for your stories. You have NOTHING.
As usual, you don't seem to understand the limitations of the argument from silence.

The argument from silence only has force in the context of a prior expectation. Silence in itself could mean anything, it doesn't logically necessarily mean absence.

So, why would you expect Justin to mention Paul?
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Old 01-06-2013, 07:11 AM   #184
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
So, you are now admitting that you are not certain " that there was still a tradition within the Christian cult that held them as two different people at least up till 160 CE is shown by the Epistula Apostolorum".
Originally Posted by gurugeorge View Post
There is no "certainty" anywhere in this field, there is only balance of probability based on given background assumptions.

If you are certain about any of this, you are certainly deluded.
Well, based on your own statements in this very thread you appeared to be certain or deluded.

You very well knew in advance that the Epistula Apostolorum did not show at all that the Apostle Peter was NOT called Cephas.

Your mode of arguing is extremely disturbing. You presented the Epistula Apostolorum when you knew all along that it really did NOT help your position.

You are now admitting uncertainty of your own previous position which you must have known all along.

Originally Posted by gurugeorge
... in Paul, "Peter" and "Cephas" could easily be two different people (that there was still a tradition within the Christian cult that held them as two different people at least up till 160 CE is shown by the Epistula Apostolorum)...
Originally Posted by gurugeorge
There are two different names that aren't visibly applied to one person, it's as simple as that. There are quite a few possibilities as to why that should be, one of them is that it was a mistake. Another possibility is that it's a scribal error. And another possibility is that there was a tradition which thought of Peter and Cephas as two different people..
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Old 01-06-2013, 07:26 AM   #185
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Originally Posted by gurugeorge
So, why would you expect Justin to mention Paul?
Well... Justin had himself this really impressive Philosophers costume, ....he doesn't say where he got it. ....maybe stole it off someones wash-line, or rolled a drunken Philosopher.
(certainly wouldn't want to even suggest that Justin may have actually bought it, ...cause that really upsets some people. )

And just like old Paul, Justin was up to his ass in incorporating Platonic religious philosophy into his own epistles.
According to their accounts, both of these dudes were flaming Jesus freaks.

Seems like as both preached damn near the same line of religious hooey they ought to be just buddy buddy in their common love of Jebus.
...But then they write and act more like modern Televangelists, every guy for himself, (ol Justin don't never shared his limelight with anyone) when it comes to working the yokels and fleecing the flock.

Perhaps the reason Justin isn't found mentioning Paul is the same reason Benny Hinn is not often found mentioning Oral Roberts.

I have a cat named Sox, I love him dearly, but sometimes I will playfully pull his tail ....just because he has one. :Cheeky:
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Old 01-06-2013, 07:34 AM   #186
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Originally Posted by aa5874
Again, please read the Pauline writings---THEY do NOT claim they were composed in the 1st century.

There is NO TIME for the Pauline writings in the Canon.
Originally Posted by gurugeorge
There is a timeline in the Canon as a whole. There are what appear to be historical figures in some parts of the Canon from which some rough timeline can be estimated for when the events narrated are supposed to have taken place, that's what Christians have always traditionally done. And in that timeline Paul certainly has to appear in the 1st century. That's where the NT represents him as being.

Now of course we can question that, but it's simply not true to say that Paul isn't given a position in time in the NT...
What??? Are you serious?? You are arguing from SILENCE. There is NO mention of any time for the Pauline Letters.

You now seem to be claiming that NT is NOT a patchwork quilt.

You very well know that it is quite possibly that Paul could have existed but that he did NOT write any Letters to Churches as it is shown in Acts of the Apostles.

Acts of the Apostles suggests that ALL the Pauline letters are FORGERIES--up to c 59-62 CE or up to the time of Festus procurator of Judea Saul/Paul did NOT write any Letters to Churches. See the Entire Acts of the Apostles.

You also appear to be DELUDED. You are stating " that timeline Paul CERTAINLY has to appear in the 1st century".

Originally Posted by gurugeorge
There is no "certainty" anywhere in this field, there is only balance of probability based on given background assumptions.

If you are certain about any of this, you are certainly deluded.
You seem to have confirmed your own delusion.
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Old 01-06-2013, 09:14 AM   #187
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You seem to have confirmed your own delusion.
Yada yada, I notice you haven't answered my question - why would you expect Justin to mention Paul, such that his not mentioning him logically necessarily must be a sign that he didn't exist?

Why would you expect the author(s) of Acts to mention Paul's letters, such that non-mention means Paul didn't exist?
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Old 01-06-2013, 09:50 AM   #188
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The context of "Justin" is such that there are many elements of "Christianity" not mentioned in the Justin texts.
He does not mention anything about the texts of Marcion
He does not mention anything about what Marcion actually believed despite the fact that he lived in the same town and at the same time as Marcion according to conventional wisdom in the 2nd century.
Justin does not say anything about the locations, personalities, leaders or his predecessors belonging to the religion he claims to follow.
Justin does not explain the origins of the Christianity explained to him by the "Old Man," whose name he does not even mention.

Yet Justin knows so much about the ideas he has on the Christ, yet cannot name a single source for any one his lumped-together "memoirs of the apostles."
So the fact that he doesn't mention Paul also calls into question when the religion was emerging and when the Paul element was introduced, and the poor quality of writing intended to defend the emerging religion and to cast into a more ancient mold in the 2nd century. Of course my view is that it is the imperial power that held the MOTIVE, MEANS and OPPORTUNITY to create and develop the apologetics and propaganda at various stages of development.

Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Originally Posted by gurugeorge
So, why would you expect Justin to mention Paul?
Well... Justin had himself this really impressive Philosophers costume, ....he doesn't say where he got it. ....maybe stole it off someones wash-line, or rolled a drunken Philosopher.
(certainly wouldn't want to even suggest that Justin may have actually bought it, ...cause that really upsets some people. )

And just like old Paul, Justin was up to his ass in incorporating Platonic religious philosophy into his own epistles.
According to their accounts, both of these dudes were flaming Jesus freaks.

Seems like as both preached damn near the same line of religious hooey they ought to be just buddy buddy in their common love of Jebus.
...But then they write and act more like modern Televangelists, every guy for himself, (ol Justin don't never shared his limelight with anyone) when it comes to working the yokels and fleecing the flock.

Perhaps the reason Justin isn't found mentioning Paul is the same reason Benny Hinn is not often found mentioning Oral Roberts.

I have a cat named Sox, I love him dearly, but sometimes I will playfully pull his tail ....just because he has one. :Cheeky:
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Old 01-06-2013, 12:32 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by Duvduv View Post
If the Saul/Paul story in the epistles and Acts is merely a cut and paste job , a composite of stories set up by the emerging church that believed in a first-century Jesus, then the story would have had no relevance to anything to do with a mythic Christ interpretation of those texts at all.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by EarlDoherty View Post
... If the Pauline literature derived its dying and rising motifs from the JC story (IOW, as mh thinks, Paul comes after the Gospels and is basically based upon them) why do he and all the other epistle writers not show a knowledge of all the other elements of the JC story, the teaching, miracle-working and prophetic activities of the JC?..
Your question is really irrelevant because the author of Acts presented a story of Paul which clearly places Saul/Paul AFTER the Birth, Miracles, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, After the preaching of the Jesus story by the Disciples and AFTER the Persecution of the Jesus cult---After the death of the supposed Stephen.

And further, in Acts, it is claimed Saul/Paul consulted with the disciples in Damacus before he preached the Jesus story. See Acts 9.19-20.

In Acts, Saul/Paul does NOT preach a Celestial Never on Earth Jesus.

These are the words of Paul in Acts.

Acts 13
..... he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony , and said , I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfilall my will.

23 Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus

24. When John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. 25And as John fulfilled his course, he said , Whom think ye that I am ? I am not he. But, behold , there cometh one after me, whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose .

26Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent .

27For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not , nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him.

28And though they found no cause of death in him, yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain . 29And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre.

30But God raised him from the dead

31 And he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses unto the people.
In the Canon itself it is actually claimed Paul preached that Jesus was SLAIN by people in Jerusalem and was placed on a tree and then buried after which he resurrected and was seen by his followers.

It is clear that there is NO story anywhere about Paul that he preached a Celestial Never on Earth Jesus.

The Celestial Never on Earth Jesus of Paul is a modern invention--completely unheard of in all antiquity by any source.
Good grief! AA is actually appealing to Acts' storyline (something invented in the 2nd century, which many mainstream scholars admit) to 'prove' that Paul preached an historical Jesus???

This is not just shooting oneself in the foot, it's amputing both legs! I always had my doubts about aa, but this discredits him completely.

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Old 01-06-2013, 12:42 PM   #190
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Originally Posted by gurugeorge View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You seem to have confirmed your own delusion.
Yada yada, I notice you haven't answered my question - why would you expect Justin to mention Paul, such that his not mentioning him logically necessarily must be a sign that he didn't exist?

Why would you expect the author(s) of Acts to mention Paul's letters, such that non-mention means Paul didn't exist?
Again, your post confirms that you knew all along that you were arguing from Silence.

You knew in advance of posting that you had NO time for the Pauline letters in Acts and the Pauline writings.

You knew all along that you were reading things into Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline writings that were NOT there.
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