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Old 06-01-2008, 03:03 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Solitary Man View Post
Originally Posted by jules? View Post
As interest as the posts are what is more relevant to me is the nature of acceptance. Why is a HJ more acceptable to most people to the extent that anyone who takes [the logical conclusion in my opinion] the MJ approach considered to be taking a leftfield stance.

And with the exception of Mohammed I think other founders including Buddha are more likely to be mythical. from a faith point of view i do understand that it is essential to have a historical Jesus but for the unbelievers the acceptance of a historical basis for the story requires understanding something else about the human mind.
Have you done critical work on Buddha? What excepts Mohammed? What real study have you taken of the subjects? Are you familiar with modern cults? Ancient ones? Modern primitive ones? Why should anyone take your opinion as the defining matter?

My opinions on other religious founders is not related directly to my original post and refer to the points raised by another poster. No one should ever consider my opinion as defining any matter.
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Old 06-01-2008, 03:09 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Malachi151 View Post
My arguments are here:

The core of any true Mythical Jesus argument has to be that there is much evidence which contradicts the existence of a human Jesus. If all we had was lack of evidence then there wouldn't be a very sound argument. All you could argue there would be that we don't have reliable accounts of this person. But that's not what we have. What we have, at least in terms of some of these arguments, is evidence that CONTRADICTS the existence of a human Jesus.

These would be things like:

1) Paul's writings where he says things that don't make any sense if Jesus had been a real person, such as when Paul describes Jesus as a mystery that is being revealed by prophecy and scripture, such as the fact that Paul never talks about a return of Jesus, just a future coming of Jesus, such as when Paul says in Romans 10 that we the Jews still need to be held accountable for not honing Jesus, even though they have never heard of him, etc.

Romans 10:
14 But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? 15 And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’ 16 But not all have obeyed the good news; for Isaiah says, ‘Lord, who has believed our message?’ 17 So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word about Christ.
2) Contradictory early traditions, all of which are based on scritpures, such as how Jesus is described as a high priest and Yom Kippur sacrifice in Hebrews, how Paul never says anything about Jesus having been killed during Passover in all of his letters, how Paul only calls Jesus a "Passover Lamb" one time when he is obviously addressing people's actions on Passover, and like the case of Jesus being said to have been both crucified on a cross and hung from a tree (the hanging from a tree being a idea coming from scripture).

3) The fact that none of the earliest apologists had one single shred of information about Jesus outside of the Gospel stories. All of their defense of a human Jesus relied on their references to the Gospels, they themselves, even only some 100 years after his supposed death, had no other evidence for his existence than the Gospels, which they clearly didn't understand the true origins of and which they fully trusted despite the fact that much of the Gospel narratives now are provably unhistorical.

4) The fact that virally every detail of the Gospels can be shown to be based on scripture or other sources, not on real events, i.e. the scenes are based on things that relly happened, they are based on creating scenes from earlier scritpures. Even every detail of the crucifixion in the Gospels comes from prior scritpures, there is no real historical information there. Had there been a real event this is not what one would expect.

So whats your explanation.Where did Christianity come from.Who were these 12 disciples.Were they also invented?by whom?who were these NT writers that kept inventing characters.What about Paul?Was he also part of the grand scheme?

why did he believe that Jesus Was historical?did he receive the myth from the original plotters?or paul is also invented,then who invented Paul?who wrote those letters of Paul?

What about extra-biblical references to the apostles?were they also invented?
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Old 06-01-2008, 03:19 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by ernestombayo View Post
Originally Posted by Malachi151 View Post
My arguments are here:

The core of any true Mythical Jesus argument has to be that there is much evidence which contradicts the existence of a human Jesus. If all we had was lack of evidence then there wouldn't be a very sound argument. All you could argue there would be that we don't have reliable accounts of this person. But that's not what we have. What we have, at least in terms of some of these arguments, is evidence that CONTRADICTS the existence of a human Jesus.

These would be things like:

So whats your explanation.Where did Christianity come from.Who were these 12 disciples.Were they also invented?by whom?who were these NT writers that kept inventing characters.What about Paul?Was he also part of the grand scheme?

why did he believe that Jesus Was historical?did he receive the myth from the original plotters?or paul is also invented,then who invented Paul?who wrote those letters of Paul?

What about extra-biblical references to the apostles?were they also invented?

This line of debate is not really the direction I wished this thread to go in. for possible solutions to your questions that i posted go here

or any number of threads. personally i find here useful

perhaps i should have put this in philosophy, the question is why do you lean towards a historical Jesus rather than a cosmic Christ?
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Old 06-01-2008, 03:55 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by jules? View Post
perhaps i should have put this in philosophy, the question is why do you lean towards a historical Jesus rather than a cosmic Christ?
Sorry, I'll stop derailing your thread...thought I was just throwing in an aside...

Perhaps I should have just said, 'i don't lean towards a historical jesus, nor do i believe in a cosmic christ'.

He's just another myth, IMO.
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Old 06-01-2008, 04:09 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by mrunicycler View Post
Originally Posted by jules? View Post
perhaps i should have put this in philosophy, the question is why do you lean towards a historical Jesus rather than a cosmic Christ?
Sorry, I'll stop derailing your thread...thought I was just throwing in an aside...

Perhaps I should have just said, 'i don't lean towards a historical jesus, nor do i believe in a cosmic christ'.

He's just another myth, IMO.
Its fine, and I dont believe in a cosmic christ just the belief that a belief in a cosmic christ triggered a belief in a historical jesus. My years of upbringing hinder my rational [i.e. he's not the messiah he's just a naughty boy] but i still wonder why the non christians still 'flock' to the same conclusion.
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by mrunicycler View Post
Tacitus is questionable at best. From wikipedia:
Tacitus had access to the imperial archives.

Someone writing a hundred years after the fact isn't writing about what he saw, he's writing about what he's been told.
Or what he read.

Meaning, he isn't writing about christ's historocity, he's already writing about the myth.
This is conjecture on your part, for which there is no evidence.

This isn't even calling into account the accusations of forgeries.
And baseless accusations they are.

There are none other than those imagined by mythicists.
Are you seriously denying that there is no extent description of Jesus other than that in the imagination of mythicists? Really? Have you never even heard of the Gospel of Mark?

Take your pick. My best advice is to read something for yourself, but if you're too lazy for that there's a nice few pages on Bacchus in Edith Hamilton's "Mythology", starting on page 55 or so and going on for maybe ten pages. You can check the glossary to get the exact pages, if you ever bother to check this as a source.
Bullfinch is what you need to read. Or the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Or the Encyclopedia of Religion, subsection Dying and Rising Gods. Edith Hamilton is outdated and uses a very sloppy methodology.

It wasn't used as a powerful symbol for every god.
Wine itself isn't used as a powerful symbol for Jesus either.

By a being who was being accused of thinking itself a god while being human?

Show me that it has.
Shifting goalposts, aren't we? But keep rolling your eyes, because you're wrong anyway. Dionysus wasn't accused of thinking himself a god in front of Pentheus either. I suspect you never read the Bacchae:

The guards return with Dionysus himself, disguised as his priest and the leader of the Asian maenads. Pentheus questions him, still not believing that Dionysus is a god. However, his questions reveal that he is deeply interested in the Dionysiac rites, which the stranger refuses to reveal fully to him. This greatly angers Pentheus, who has Dionysus locked up. However, being a god, he is quickly able to break free and creates more havoc, razing the palace of Pentheus to the ground in a giant earthquake and fire.
King Pentheus wants to know the Dionysian rites, which the God refuses to tell him. In fact, Pentheus doesn't even know that Dionysus is a God. He throws him in jail, then Dionysius breaks free. Jesus, on the other hand, is condemned to the cross and dies. Dionysus blames Pentheus, but Pilate is blameless.

Similarities are far too superficial. Many humans, which Mark portrays Jesus as, die having been condemned to the cross after a trial. That was oh too common back then.

Moreover, yeah, that's right, that's not all, Jesus wasn't accused of thinking himself a God, either. He was accused of being King of the Jews, an imperial offense against the Romans.

Men followed Bacchus. The myths were that only women followed him. In real life, men thought him a deity worth following, as well.
Bait and switch fallacy.

And, in the same way, women followed jesus. The mythical figures were all men (save two, the two mary's), but the real followers included women.
Once again with the bait and switch fallacy, and it shows the weakness of your position, for both men and women followed both Christ and Dionysus, and thus it shows no similarity at all.

And this is even going into the idea that the writer of the book of John was actually a woman...
Which is a load of crap.
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:21 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Solitary Man View Post
Originally Posted by mrunicycler View Post
Tacitus is questionable at best. From wikipedia:
Tacitus had access to the imperial archives.

Or what he read.

This is conjecture on your part, for which there is no evidence.

And baseless accusations they are.

Are you seriously denying that there is no extent description of Jesus other than that in the imagination of mythicists? Really? Have you never even heard of the Gospel of Mark?

Bullfinch is what you need to read. Or the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Or the Encyclopedia of Religion, subsection Dying and Rising Gods. Edith Hamilton is outdated and uses a very sloppy methodology.

Wine itself isn't used as a powerful symbol for Jesus either.

Shifting goalposts, aren't we? But keep rolling your eyes, because you're wrong anyway. Dionysus wasn't accused of thinking himself a god in front of Pentheus either. I suspect you never read the Bacchae:

King Pentheus wants to know the Dionysian rites, which the God refuses to tell him. In fact, Pentheus doesn't even know that Dionysus is a God. He throws him in jail, then Dionysius breaks free. Jesus, on the other hand, is condemned to the cross and dies. Dionysus blames Pentheus, but Pilate is blameless.

Similarities are far too superficial. Many humans, which Mark portrays Jesus as, die having been condemned to the cross after a trial. That was oh too common back then.

Moreover, yeah, that's right, that's not all, Jesus wasn't accused of thinking himself a God, either. He was accused of being King of the Jews, an imperial offense against the Romans.

Bait and switch fallacy.

Once again with the bait and switch fallacy, and it shows the weakness of your position, for both men and women followed both Christ and Dionysus, and thus it shows no similarity at all.

And this is even going into the idea that the writer of the book of John was actually a woman...
Which is a load of crap.
At the behest of the thread starter, I'm no longer arguing along this topic...

Feel free to start your own thread with this topic in mind.
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:33 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by mrunicycler View Post
At the behest of the thread starter, I'm no longer arguing along this topic...

Feel free to start your own thread with this topic in mind.
I think I've said enough. Your arguments have shown to be false. If you think your position still has merit, argue for it, but otherwise you've been rebutted. Good day.
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:43 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Solitary Man View Post
Originally Posted by mrunicycler View Post
At the behest of the thread starter, I'm no longer arguing along this topic...

Feel free to start your own thread with this topic in mind.
I think I've said enough. Your arguments have shown to be false. If you think your position still has merit, argue for it, but otherwise you've been rebutted. Good day.
I'm only being polite to the thread starter.

Using that to achieve this 'victory' of yours is a cheap shot.

So, keep fooling yourself.
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Old 06-01-2008, 06:11 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by mrunicycler View Post
Originally Posted by Solitary Man View Post

I think I've said enough. Your arguments have shown to be false. If you think your position still has merit, argue for it, but otherwise you've been rebutted. Good day.
I'm only being polite to the thread starter.

Using that to achieve this 'victory' of yours is a cheap shot.

So, keep fooling yourself.
Wow, pick up any tricks from the apologists lately? I didn't claim "victory", I said I utterly demolished your claims. You reported untruths, and I corrected them. Neither Jesus nor Dionysus were accused of thinking themselves as a God. I'm through, I have no reason to start a thread. If you think you still have a case, you start a thread. If you don't, you're the one not responding, and thus you are the one declaring me victor.

In other words, don't pawn this off on me - either step up or shut up.
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