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Old 08-27-2004, 08:38 PM   #11
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Default Yes or No

Originally Posted by WCH
There was an article in the paper today about this (Toronto, Canada) where the journalist went around to the various Muslim communities and asked them about it... apparently the vast majority of them are opposed to it.

So... my question is, if even the Muslims are against it, why the hell would we institute it? :banghead:
Then I would suggest those against it do not use it. I'm nto sure how the studies were done. The point I also make is that in seperation of Church and State, the State Laws are binding and the Religious Laws are optional. I believe this is the case for any organisation or religion that conducts these.

However I still don't know enough of what is being proposed to make a firm statement. I don't think it is fair to make any pre-empted judgements either way.

If they are used in mediation of disputes etc, they could be very useful and save the comminity going through the expense of a court.

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Old 08-28-2004, 02:26 AM   #12
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I wonder when was shariah used to solve civil disputes even in muslim states?

Shariah is not about solving social problems through compromises but a religious law (ie islamic) that is fixed for all times and is there to please Allah not people. People who benefit from shariah law are the ones who are trying to promote it. The question is who are those people who benefit from shariah? They are the ones who would be in control of things if shariah was given the go ahead eg husbands against wives. Parents against children, leaders against followers etc etc.

This will give muslim leaders power to unite muslims and bring about islamic state in canada bit by bit and that will give hope to muslims elsewhere to follow this example and bring about islamization there too.

Turkies do vote for christmas ie the foolish muslim women are also for shariah till one of them falls victim to it and so are ignorant muslim masses. I mean women themselves are accepting the fact that if Allah says women should only inherit half of what men inherit from the estate of their parents then, are they really sensible? If Allah says, one is free to rape his wife then that too is fine. If Allah says, women lack intelligence then that too is ok. If Allah allows men to have many women as wives and sex slaves then that is ok too.

What kind of people would accept unfair deal against themselves other than mentally unbalanced? I would also question motives of those nonmuslims as well who think, it is fine to allow people to bring harm to themselves or make life changing decision for themselves without really knowing their reality due to dogmatic indoctrination etc. Why not allow kids to vote then or to do as they like? We do have social abligations to each other regardless we like it or not. To try to help damaged people is also one of those abligations. Let us free muslims from religious dogmatic indoctrination and that will help them see what is wrong with shariah. They have been fooled into believing in the perfection of the quran and then thereby they have been fooled into believing that they must accept what is in the quran so that they could be rewarded in hereafter with good things beyond their imagination.

This is why we must tell them, the quran is not perfect and because the quran is not perfect nor are its promises, so do not be foolish to fall for such tricks of the clever people. This was a conspiracy against the masses by some clever people once upon a time to use masses for their own ends. This is why we must expose islam, quran and sharia etc etc for what they.

If we accept the muslim use of shariah, that will give them another stick to beat us with. Do you not see how they run to nonmuslim so called scholars who say nice things about the quran, islam and shariah etc? This in thier eyes gives islam legitimacy they are looking for, which they then use against us to say we are wrong. At the very time they also reject ex-muslims' findings about islam, the quran and shariah etc, saying these people do not know islam. In fact you have a few on this very forum. The statements of nonmuslim so called scholars who never studied islam are put on par with statements of ex-muslims who were born muslims and have been through madrissa education yet reject islam.

Many nonmuslims are turning to islam due to islamic missionary propaganda and we are not helping them either. Are we ourselves not burying our heads in Arabian sand in the Arabian desert? Islam is a very dangerous cult when it comes to social politics islamic style. Islam is not a religion about spiritual well being of human beings but a control and exploitation mechanism in the name god to mess up masses massively. So stop this barbarianism in its tracks. Uphold international human rights declaration. Remember, muslims have their own human rights declaration because internationally defined human rights are against islamic teachings.

These muslims we see here defending islam, they are not accepted muslims by sunni shia muslims and they are the ones who are well over 95% of the muslim population. These so called muslims would be killed by them if they got their hands on them for distorting islam.
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Old 08-28-2004, 03:20 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Mughal
I wonder when was shariah used to solve civil disputes even in muslim states?

Shariah is not about solving social problems through compromises but a religious law (ie islamic) that is fixed for all times and is there to please Allah not people. People who benefit from shariah law are the ones who are trying to promote it. The question is who are those people who benefit from shariah? They are the ones who would be in control of things if shariah was given the go ahead eg husbands against wives. Parents against children, leaders against followers etc etc.

This will give muslim leaders power to unite muslims and bring about islamic state in canada bit by bit and that will give hope to muslims elsewhere to follow this example and bring about islamization there too.

Turkies do vote for christmas ie the foolish muslim women are also for shariah till one of them falls victim to it and so are ignorant muslim masses. I mean women themselves are accepting the fact that if Allah says women should only inherit half of what men inherit from the estate of their parents then, are they really sensible? If Allah says, one is free to rape his wife then that too is fine. If Allah says, women lack intelligence then that too is ok. If Allah allows men to have many women as wives and sex slaves then that is ok too.

What kind of people would accept unfair deal against themselves other than mentally unbalanced? I would also question motives of those nonmuslims as well who think, it is fine to allow people to bring harm to themselves or make life changing decision for themselves without really knowing their reality due to dogmatic indoctrination etc. Why not allow kids to vote then or to do as they like? We do have social abligations to each other regardless we like it or not. To try to help damaged people is also one of those abligations. Let us free muslims from religious dogmatic indoctrination and that will help them see what is wrong with shariah. They have been fooled into believing in the perfection of the quran and then thereby they have been fooled into believing that they must accept what is in the quran so that they could be rewarded in hereafter with good things beyond their imagination.

This is why we must tell them, the quran is not perfect and because the quran is not perfect nor are its promises, so do not be foolish to fall for such tricks of the clever people. This was a conspiracy against the masses by some clever people once upon a time to use masses for their own ends. This is why we must expose islam, quran and sharia etc etc for what they.

If we accept the muslim use of shariah, that will give them another stick to beat us with. Do you not see how they run to nonmuslim so called scholars who say nice things about the quran, islam and shariah etc? This in thier eyes gives islam legitimacy they are looking for, which they then use against us to say we are wrong. At the very time they also reject ex-muslims' findings about islam, the quran and shariah etc, saying these people do not know islam. In fact you have a few on this very forum. The statements of nonmuslim so called scholars who never studied islam are put on par with statements of ex-muslims who were born muslims and have been through madrissa education yet reject islam.

Many nonmuslims are turning to islam due to islamic missionary propaganda and we are not helping them either. Are we ourselves not burying our heads in Arabian sand in the Arabian desert? Islam is a very dangerous cult when it comes to social politics islamic style. Islam is not a religion about spiritual well being of human beings but a control and exploitation mechanism in the name god to mess up masses massively. So stop this barbarianism in its tracks. Uphold international human rights declaration. Remember, muslims have their own human rights declaration because internationally defined human rights are against islamic teachings.

These muslims we see here defending islam, they are not accepted muslims by sunni shia muslims and they are the ones who are well over 95% of the muslim population. These so called muslims would be killed by them if they got their hands on them for distorting islam.
I think we should wait to see what is proposed like I keep on saying. To be honest practically any religion is a cult and really despite our opinions we should see. However when I do see loud vocal critisizm I feel that there is something trying to drown the process without looking at the facts first on what is being proposed.

I take it therefore you are not interested in hearing from the Muslims why they want it and in context with the law.

They have every right to put a case forward based on its merits. Are you against this being looked at in a fair manner?
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Old 08-30-2004, 02:42 AM   #14
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It took us ages to separate religions and politics and do not forget numberless sacrifices. How can one be so stupid not to realise where mixing of religion and politics will lead us to?

Or is it a conspiracy of some sort against democracy in its very name?

Even muslims are having problems with islamic law in their own countries so that should make us think many times over before we even open our mouths in support of islamic law.

Is our education system taken over by muslims in some way that we have lost our reasoning?

So people if you are still awake say no to any sort of consideration about islam that has anything to do with politics. Its spiritual aspects as are already allowed ie do we stop muslims from building mosques or attending them?

We need to be suspicious of muslims if they ask for anything more than what they really need for their spiritual well being, for that will jeopardise other peoples' well being.

The excuse that jews or christians have a certain right so should muslim is a stupid one becuause christian states are coming out of religious control not going into it. That means if this is the excuse then their privileges must also be gradually deminished rather than enstating them for others as well.
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Old 08-30-2004, 02:53 AM   #15
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Angry Moderators.

Originally Posted by Heathen Dawn
[removed for consistancy]
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Old 08-30-2004, 03:06 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Heathen Dawn
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Old 08-30-2004, 07:55 AM   #17
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Default Ignorance

Originally Posted by truthie
[removed for consistancy]
Unfortunately Heathen Dawns comments are a sample of what Muslims are likely to be facing in terms of predjudice and discrimination. In fact the whole subject of Shariah courts and he way it is being portrayed is I feel a front for (not inferring Heathen Dawn here) but radical extemists to attack Muslims, and of course others.

And of course I would hate to think what is happening to some young Muslim children in general schools, if young parents (and it takes just one or two) express hatred or such comments.

Extremism is born out of ignorance and such popular panics fanned by the Media and petitioning before anyone has head their statements, in this case are reminiscent of pre war propaganda against Jews Gypsies, Jehovah's witnesses etc.

If anything Heathen Dawns comments just show how stupid the anti Muslim agenda is.
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Old 08-30-2004, 08:24 AM   #18
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Are the Canadians actually considering to allow this???
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Old 08-30-2004, 08:40 AM   #19
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Default Maybe

Originally Posted by little
Are the Canadians actually considering to allow this???
Not sure,maybe. But there seem to be some media there jumping to all sorts of conclusions. We live in a democracy and things like this can be applied for.

Do we just have a one view state one view society? I thought these forums were for tolerence and understanding.
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Old 08-30-2004, 09:59 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by whichphilosophy
Not sure,maybe. But there seem to be some media there jumping to all sorts of conclusions. We live in a democracy and things like this can be applied for.
Canada is a social democracy which involves a separation of powers: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The concern is that sharia will (to muslims, at least) trump all of these powers.

Do we just have a one view state one view society? I thought these forums were for tolerence and understanding.
Well, it seems that even many muslims in Canada understand that allowing sharia in Canada would be a failure on Canada to protect its citizens. It could be something akin to allowing Christians to practice another Inquisition (a la The Spanish Inquisition).

I thought that Canada was for tolerance and understanding...

Originally Posted by whichphilosophy
I take it therefore you are not interested in hearing from the Muslims why they want it and in context with the law.
From the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
What are the reasonable limits of sharia? What parts of sharia can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society?

From what I understand, sharia, in context with the law, is unlawful.

Originally Posted by whichphilosophy
They have every right to put a case forward based on its merits. Are you against this being looked at in a fair manner?
I think the fear is that sharia will be introduced in a very unfair manner, with some muslims crying "religious intolerance" and presenting a very much waterred down version of sharia, which turns into full blown radical sharia later.

Personally, and I'd like to think that even many muslims agree with me, I think that this is a valid concern.
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