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Old 02-27-2010, 07:21 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post

Christians existed before the writings of the NT were "codified." The differences in the particular beliefs of early christians is to be expected as this new jewish sect spread out from geographical area in ancient Israel and spread outwards towards primarily Roman controlled areas with a wide variety of cultures. .
It is a complete fallacy to think that Jesus was the origin of Christianity or that all Christians believed in Jesus.

There were probably thousands of Christians in Samaria who did not believe in Jesus since the days of the Emperor Cladius before the Jesus story was written. These Christians believed in Simon Magus and Menader.

There would have been people called Christians without any character called Jesus. Theophilus of Antioch, Athengoras, and Octavius in Felix Municius called themselves Christian but ONLY believed in GOD, they did not mention Jesus and that he died for their sins.

Originally Posted by arnoldo
Furthermore given time, perhaps one to two hundred years, schisms would increase. Eventually, a crisis of sorts would arrive where this differences would be attempted to be sorted. On the other hand if christianity were to be a work of fiction written in the second century or latter such differences would be minimal. By way of comparison, in the span of less than a hundred years, many sects have developed based on various interpretations of Joseph Smith's message.
You must have forgotten that Mormonisn was started based on information that was said to be copied from Golden Plates. There were no Golden plates but people believed that Joseph Smith did copy his Mormon documents from the Golden plates.

It must be blatantly obvious that it was NOT necessary for there to have been Golden plates, it was only necessary for people to believe that the information was from a Divine source.

So, likewise it was NOT necessary for there to have been a Jesus only that the information in the anonymous writing was from a Divine source or believed to be the words of Jesus a Son of God.

It was the belief in the supposed Divine based document that was the most important factor for Mormonism and Jesus believers.
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:16 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
It is quite interesting that you brought up the issue of martyrs even though your own source says that Christians were rarely persecuted, and that only a tiny number were martyred.
Originally Posted by arnoldo
I agree that only a "some thousands" of Christians were martyred rather than millions according to the source you provided.
Not according to my source, according to your source. Rodney Stark is your source. Consider the following from one of my previous posts:

Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic

The Rise of Christianity
by Rodney Stark - published by Princeton University Press, 1996

A Book Review by Father John McCloskey


Father John McCloskey

"The author [Rodney Stark] goes on to ask a further question, 'How could a rational person accept grotesque torture and death in exchange for risky, intangible religious rewards?' The answer he gives is the sensible one although not necessarily the one that one would want or expect. 'First of all, many early Christians probably could not have done so, and some are known to have recanted when the situation arose. Second, persecutions rarely occurred, and only a tiny number of Christians ever were martyred.......There was surprisingly little effort to persecute Christians, and when a wave of persecutions occurred, usually only bishops and other prominent figures were singled out.' Thus according to Stark and other sociologists, only some thousands were martyred over the course of two and one-half centuries and not the hundreds of thousands or even millions that are sometimes claimed by enthusiastic Christian historians."
Some thousands over two and one-half centuries is not much of a case for Christian martyrs. Do you have any evidence that they were given a chance to recant their beliefs? If so, how many of them? If they weren't, then obviously they were not martyrs. Of course, there is not a necessary correlation between martyrdom and the truth, as proven by Japanese Kamikaze pilots and Muslim terrorists who have died for their religious beliefs. Historically, who knows how many people died for false religious beliefs?
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:21 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by arnoldo
The fact that there were many different sects in both Mormonism and early Christianity support that they were historical, rather than mythical, events.
Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
I will concede for the sake of argument that a historical Jesus existed, but if he did exist, he was an ordinary man, and he did not perform any miracles.
Originally Posted by arnoldo
Because miracles are scientifically impossible?
My position is not that miracles are impossible, but that there is not sufficient evidence that specific miracles have occured, in this case, the miracles that Jesus performed. Would you like to discuss Jesus' miracles in a new thread that I could start?
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:36 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
The fact that there were many different sects in both mormonism and early christianity support that they were historical, rather than mythical, events.
So, Mormonism really happened, and early Christianity really happened?

You've got me there. I don't have a shred of evidence to the contrary.
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:59 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by arnoldo
The fact that there were many different sects in both mormonism and early Christianity support that they were historical, rather than mythical, events.
When did early Christianity begin?
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Old 02-28-2010, 07:33 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by Doug Shaver View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
The fact that there were many different sects in both mormonism and early christianity support that they were historical, rather than mythical, events.
So, Mormonism really happened, and early Christianity really happened?

You've got me there. I don't have a shred of evidence to the contrary.
Christianity began in the first century and Mormonism in the 19th and over time branched into different sects. It'd be absurd to argue that all of the different sects which exist today in Mormonism arose simultaneously in the 19th century. Given the trajectory of Christianity spreading across various cultures in the span of two hundred years by the second century there would be many schisms. There are undeniable historical reports that by the third century this became a concern amongst christian leaders who attempted at a reconciliation of this issue.
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Old 02-28-2010, 11:00 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Doug Shaver View Post
So, Mormonism really happened, and early Christianity really happened?

You've got me there. I don't have a shred of evidence to the contrary.
Christianity began in the first century and Mormonism in the 19th and over time branched into different sects.
There is no historical source external of apologetics that show there were people who believed in or knew a character called Jesus, the Messiah, Christ, Son of God, Lord and Saviour, with the power to forgive the sins of all mankind and to abolish the Laws of God in the first century.

There is no historical sources external of apologetics to show that Jews were worshiping a man as a God called Jesus contrary to their own beliefs and after having Jesus executed for claiming that he was a God or the son of one.

And further, no Church writer used the forgeries in Josephus to claim Jesus did exist and was raised from the dead until the writer called Eusebius in the 4th century.

There is no historical evidence outside of apologetics that people believed in Jesus the God/man in the 1st century.
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Old 03-01-2010, 07:48 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
It'd be absurd to argue that all of the different sects which exist today in Mormonism arose simultaneously in the 19th century.
I'm inclined to agree, although I've never actually studied the origin of Mormonism. I suspect that if I were to undertake such a study, I'd discover that there was lots more evidence, and a lot better evidence, to work with than there is for the origin of Christianity.

To mention just one difference . . . . It is widely believed that the founder of Mormonism was a man by the name of Joseph Smith. I'm under the impression that there is abundant documentation of his existence, and that the documentation is contemporaneous with him, and that much of it was produced by people known to have been personally acquainted with him.
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Old 03-01-2010, 07:53 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Doug Shaver View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
It'd be absurd to argue that all of the different sects which exist today in Mormonism arose simultaneously in the 19th century.
I'm inclined to agree, although I've never actually studied the origin of Mormonism. I suspect that if I were to undertake such a study, I'd discover that there was lots more evidence, and a lot better evidence, to work with than there is for the origin of Christianity.

To mention just one difference . . . . It is widely believed that the founder of Mormonism was a man by the name of Joseph Smith. I'm under the impression that there is abundant documentation of his existence, and that the documentation is contemporaneous with him, and that much of it was produced by people known to have been personally acquainted with him.
And, of course, he is listed as the author of the Book of Mormon...
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:54 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic View Post
Some thousands over two and one-half centuries is not much of a case for Christian martyrs. Do you have any evidence that they were given a chance to recant their beliefs? If so, how many of them? If they weren't, then obviously they were not martyrs.

See pliny and trajan on christians
You observed proper procedure, my dear Pliny, in sifting the cases of those who had been denounced to you as Christians. For it is not possible to lay down any general rule to serve as a kind of fixed standard. They are not to be sought out; if they are denounced and proved guilty, they are to be punished, with this reservation, that whoever denies that he is a Christian and really proves it--that is, by worshiping our gods--even though he was under suspicion in the past, shall obtain pardon through repentance.
There are numerous Christian accounts of Martyrdom with the same premise, ie that denying Christ and worshipping the Roman Gods and/or Emperor in court would have prevented conviction.

Andrew Criddle
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