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Old 10-17-2007, 07:56 AM   #951
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
I've already corrected you repeatedly on this. The DH does not say that the sources were oral.
Really? My sources do. If your sources don't say that the sources were oral, then what DOES it say? Where did the info come from that the writers of JED & P used? If you say earlier written sources, I will ask "Where did THOSE sources get their info" etc. So you are going to have to take a position all the way back to some point in time. And I would like to know what that point in time is and what form the account took at that time.
Red Herring, dave.
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Old 10-17-2007, 07:59 AM   #952
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
No we do not. We know that the Sumerians and Babylonians were had a rich and well educated culture. We do not "know thanks to the findings of archaeology" that Abraham even existed - never mind living in that culture.
So what do I have to produce to convince you that Abraham was a real person? A video interview? His signature on some documents? Or what? Do you think Josephus was a real person? How about Plato? Confucius? If so why? And why not use some of the same criteria for Abraham? Really Dean ... have you really thought through your position here?
Dave, Was HOMER a real person?

We have WAY more evidence for the existence of this most ancient of poets than that of Abraham- and Yet, many still dispute he ever existed.

Why do you suppose that is? I'm not saying that I believe he was real or not- I'm just asking WHY his existence would be even questioned, since he has much more evidence supporting it than Abraham.
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Old 10-17-2007, 08:06 AM   #953
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
[AFD]The descendants of Abraham (the people who became the Israelite nation) lived in another highly advanced culture -- that of Egypt. So not only was the father of the nation well acquainted with written records, but his descendants lived in a nation well acquainted with written records. It is utterly non-sensical to think that such a people would rely on oral traditions to record their history ...

[Dean] It's a good job that the DH makes no such claim, then.
Then please tell me what claim the DH DOES make about the flow of information, whether written or oral. It has to take SOME position on every detail ... or else what good is it? You can't just constantly say "No comment ... no comment" ... What good is theory of anything if it doesn't try to explain the details?
Dave, a theory is good in the field it APPLIES to. The DH does not seek to prove or disprove that Moses was a real person. It does not seek to discover the roots of the stories in the Torah from the dawn of the Hebrew culture. OR comment on their validity. It has, as a theory, a specific CONTEXT. It deals with the Torah itself, and how it was compiled.

Address THAT, please. And stop moving goalposts.
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Old 10-17-2007, 08:23 AM   #954
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
You are confusing "assert" with "show" again. I have already demonstrated in detail - a demonstration that you have singularly ignored - why none of your asserted "presuppositions" are actually presuppostions.
Look ... if I show you a quote by Wellhausen where he specifically says that the Israelites history was not fixed in writing (I did), then I point out to you that archaeology has shown that writing long predates the Israelites in Egypt, how is this not me "showing" that Wellhausen was wrong? Maybe mine and your understandings of the word "show" are different. It seems like you are looking for something far more definite than is possible in historical studies.
Because demonstrating that writing is old doesn't imply that everything was written down. What you have to show is an exemplar of the Israelite history, at the time of interest, actually being fixed in writing.


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Old 10-17-2007, 08:32 AM   #955
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
You are confusing "assert" with "show" again. I have already demonstrated in detail - a demonstration that you have singularly ignored - why none of your asserted "presuppositions" are actually presuppostions.
Look ... if I show you a quote by Wellhausen where he specifically says that the Israelites history was not fixed in writing (I did), then I point out to you that archaeology has shown that writing long predates the Israelites in Egypt, how is this not me "showing" that Wellhausen was wrong? Maybe mine and your understandings of the word "show" are different. It seems like you are looking for something far more definite than is possible in historical studies.
Dave, Not only this in not "showing" anything, it's a gross non-sequitur. WHY does the fact that writing existed in the area provide evidence that Israelite history is "fixed in writing"?
Dave, writing existed around Greece from before 1500 BC. But was Greek history "fixed in writing" from that time? Absolutely NOT.

And, of course, what Dean repeatedly told you is that Wellhausen's beliefs on that issue have no bearing on the DH. It's just what he believes.

Come on. We've learned it by heart by now.
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Old 10-17-2007, 08:43 AM   #956
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Originally Posted by No Robots View Post
Actually, Copernicus got his idea from ancient sources:
Copernicus concluded that, in view of the many circles and their displacements from the center of the Earth that the Ptolemaic system required to account for the observed motions of heavenly bodies, a simpler, alternative explanation might be possible. In consequence, he read the works of many original Greek authors and found that, indeed, heliocentric ideas had been suggested.--from here
Thank you. In other words, he said ...

"Wait a minute guys. This convoluted epicycle stuff is ridiculous. Let's go back to square one and start over."

Just what us Tablet Theory people are suggesting we do.
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Old 10-17-2007, 08:53 AM   #957
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
The logical inference is that the author of the book is talking about Moses in the third person - so is not Moses. Just as if I say "Fred typed up his notes and posted them on an internet forum" people don't immediately assume that I am Fred and that this particular post is the notes.
And in making this statement, you ignore the very real possibility of SCRIBES doing the actual writing from Moses dictation or written notes or whatever.

You can't be serious.

Dave, when SCRIBES write something a person dictates, they write it the way he says it. Or are you living in a Monty Python scetch?

Imhotep: "I, Imhotep, have spoken with the gods..."

Scribe: [writes] "HE, Imhotep, says he has spoken with the Gods..."

Imhotep: [looking over the scribe's shoulder] "Just WHAT do you think you're doing there, slave"?

Scribe: [still writing] "...'there, slave?', the mighty Imhotep proclaimed with fury..."



Imhotep: "Allright, bring me another scribe. And remind me to add something to the Laws about hiring idiots as scribes. Something nasty".

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Old 10-17-2007, 08:56 AM   #958
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Originally Posted by No Robots View Post
Actually, Copernicus got his idea from ancient sources:
Copernicus concluded that, in view of the many circles and their displacements from the center of the Earth that the Ptolemaic system required to account for the observed motions of heavenly bodies, a simpler, alternative explanation might be possible. In consequence, he read the works of many original Greek authors and found that, indeed, heliocentric ideas had been suggested.--from here
Thank you. In other words, he said ...

"Wait a minute guys. This convoluted epicycle stuff is ridiculous. Let's go back to square one and start over."

Just what us Tablet Theory people are suggesting we do.
And, for the sake of humoring you, just what we* Document Hypothesis people are doing.

Guess what. DH stands. TT fails. Call it "ridiculous" if your personal incredulity and/or desperation to salvage inerrancy demands it -- the fact remains.


*I say "we" in the same spirit in which Dave counts himself among the "Tablet Theory people" -- as far as I can tell, we have both done precisely the same amount of original research on the subject; to wit, nil.
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Old 10-17-2007, 08:59 AM   #959
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Look ... if I show you a quote by Wellhausen where he specifically says that the Israelites history was not fixed in writing (I did), then I point out to you that archaeology has shown that writing long predates the Israelites in Egypt, how is this not me "showing" that Wellhausen was wrong? Maybe mine and your understandings of the word "show" are different. It seems like you are looking for something far more definite than is possible in historical studies.
You provided these quotes:

"Ancient Israel was certainly not without God-given bases for the ordering of human life; only they were not fixed in writing." (Julius Wellhausen, Prolegomena to the History of Israel. Translated by Black and Menzies. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1885, p.393)

"Of the legendary character of the pre-Mosaic narrators, the time of which they treat is a sufficient proof. It was a time prior to all knowledge of writing, a time separated by an interval of more than four hundred years, of which there is absolutely no history, from the nearest period of which Israel had some dim historical recollection, a time when in civilised countries writing was only beginning to be used for the most important matters of State ... And even when writing had come into use, in the time, that is, between Moses and David, it would be but sparingly used, and much that happened to the people must still have been handed down simply as legend." (Hermann Schultz, Old Testament Theology, Translated from the fourth edition by H.A. Patterson, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1898, p.25, 26) (Quoted by McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Vol. 2, pp. 68-69)

The Welhausen quotation can be found in it's context here Welhausen was discussing ancient history before the time of Moses (when the bible declares a written record was made by God onto 2 or 12 tablets of stone which were then placed inside the ark of the covenant). Before Moses received stone tablets with writing on them, God's instructions to men were passed on by word of mouth.

That writing was used in ancient Egypt does not establish that Israelites previous to Moses or his lifetime were using writing to record their history. There are archeological finds that establish Egyptian writing but none that establish ancient Israelite writing.
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Old 10-17-2007, 09:02 AM   #960
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Originally Posted by afdave View Post
Originally Posted by FatherMithras View Post

Romulus and Remus anyone? Dave, are you really pretending that mythology hasn't always been claimed to be true by the majority of the culture that was devoted to it? And are you claiming the scholarship of two thousand years ago is better then our current workings? Really dave, grasping at straws like this should be embarassing.
Ooops. Gotta take one last shot before I quit.

Wait a minute, Father ... remember that this mythology you speak of was not designated as mythology until later. When it was first delivered to the people, it was sold as truth.

Not so with Baggins.

Big, big difference.
EXPLAIN the difference- In the context of Dean's ANALOGY.

Dave, this is like someone saying "The F-16 has a short wingspan and is therefore more maneuverable and agile, like a hawk"... And you saying "Your analogy sucks! A hawk is a bird covered with feathers, and The F-16 is made of metal!"

(please bear in mind that I am not claiming veracity of the particular analogy. I am just demonstrating the fundamentally flawed attempt to discredit it)
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