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Old 07-18-2007, 11:18 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
Originally Posted by Parture View Post
For example, Paul whose writings are the most trusted by scholars said he met with James (brother of Jesus), Peter and John on several occasions.
Regarding James the brother of Jesus, Paul also refers to '500 brethren' in 1 Cor 15. It seems clear that even in the early church, as today, 'brother' does not imply any kind of blood kinship, but merely similar beliefs, aka 'brothers in christ'.

I think most scholars will agree that Paul's claims to have met with Cephas (assumed to be Peter), James, and John do in fact demonstrate that men of these names were the elite of the Jerusalem church, but how does that possibly demonstrate that Jesus is my creator!?
The Bible says they agreed on Jesus being the creator, for Paul says he met with them and they added nothing to what he knew of Jesus being God, that He ministered for 3 years and was resurrected and is the creator of all things. This multiple attestation is important and can not be overlooked.

The James being spoken of is not James one of the apostles who early on martyred as stated in Scripture, or some unknown James in the 500, but this James who was still alive is the brother of Jesus as the Bible says-the James we ought to know from the Word as there is no other.

Jesus' "brothers" — James as well as Jude, Simon and Joses — are mentioned in Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3 and by Paul in Galatians 1:19. Even in the passage in Josephus' Jewish Antiquities (20.9.1) the Jewish historian describes James as "the brother of Jesus who is called Christ".

Paul refers to James, at that time the only prominent Christian James in Jerusalem, as an Apostle. In Galatians 1:18–19, Paul, recounting his conversion, recalls "Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and tarried with him fifteen days. But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother."

This was the first time Paul met with the apostles. Elsewhere he writes he met with them again and again, including John.

Peter = "a rock or a stone"
1) one of the twelve disciples of Jesus

Cephas (Κηφας)
John 1:42
He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John, you shall be called Cephas", which is translated 'Peter'. (New International Version) 1 Corinthians 1:12

But I say that each of you says "I am of Paul", or "I am of Apollos", or "I am of Cephas", or "I am of Christ". Galatians 1:18 NRSV

Then after three years I did go up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and stayed with him for fifteen days; In these passages, 'Cephas' is given as the nickname of the apostle better known as Simon Peter. The Greek word is transliterated Κηφᾶς (Kēphâs).

The apostle's given name appears to be Simon, and he is given the Aramaic nickname, kêfâ, meaning 'rock'. The final sigma (s) is added in Greek to make the name masculine rather than feminine. That the meaning of the name was more important than the name itself is evidenced by the universal acceptance of the Greek translation, �*�*τρος (Petros).

Conclusion: Peter is Cephas, James we are talking about here is the blood brother of Jesus.

According to Paul's own testimony regarding his vision (2 Cor 12) , he mentions no-one else present. You are anachronistically projecting Acts, a much later writing, back onto Paul.
Not at all. Luke who wrote Acts was with Paul and imparts the experience of Paul. Acts was on the heart of Luke daily from the day the events took place or he first heard of them from his co-worker Paul.

What he says in 2 Cor. 12 is that he was caught up to third heaven in that experience, or something similar in seeing Jesus; this was the only time he saw Jesus concurrent with Luke's explanation on the road to Damascus when those with Paul also saw the light and heard the voice, but were not taken up in spirit to third heaven. These were Paul's words in Acts 22,
6 "As I was on the road, nearing Damascus, about noon a very bright light from heaven suddenly shone around me. 7 I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, `Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?'
8 " `Who are you, sir?' I asked. And he replied, `I am Jesus of Nazareth, the one you are persecuting.' 9 The people with me saw the light but didn't hear the voice.
10 "I said, `What shall I do, Lord?' And the Lord told me, `Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told all that you are to do.'
11 "I was blinded by the intense light and had to be led into Damascus by my companions.
I do. Christianity is just one of dozens of similar ancient religious cults, that had more appeal due to the existence of the Jewish scriptures, so it came to dominate. Is that really so complicated?
The difference being not only this, but that Jesus said He is God, was multiply attested in His walk and resurrection, and promised He would return again. This agrees perfectly with the need for a perfect sacrifice to atone for sins which our creator performed on the cross. No human being met as many prophecies fulfilled (62) as Jesus did that were predicted by the prophets. In fact, calculations show it is humanly impossible.

Many do not want to believe as a sign of their independency from their creator. That is their choice, but not without consequences.

this is pure horse crap that's already been refuted here and elsewhere ad infinitum.
I am pleased you haven't been able to reproduce here any alleged refutation mysteriously elsewhere.
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Old 07-18-2007, 11:21 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Parture View Post
The difference being not only this, but that Jesus said He is God, was multiply attested in His walk and resurrection, and promised He would return again. This agrees perfectly with the need for a perfect sacrifice to atone for sins which our creator performed on the cross.
And is still untestable theological nonsense.

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Many do not want to believe as a sign of their independency from their creator. That is their choice, but not without consequences.
But I'm not obligated to believe in God because of my choice. So, why would there be consequences?
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Old 07-18-2007, 11:40 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by GenesisNemesis View Post
Originally Posted by Parture View Post
The difference being not only this, but that Jesus said He is God, was multiply attested in His walk and resurrection, and promised He would return again. This agrees perfectly with the need for a perfect sacrifice to atone for sins which our creator performed on the cross.
And is still untestable theological nonsense.
Truly this is tested by historical record of multiple attestation agreed by the writers of the NT and prophecies fulfilled it would happen in religio-historical context. There was not only an expectation it would happen; it actually happened by the overwelming evidence you can't counter with anything.

If your argument is you can't test it, then you can't accept anything in history as the truth, which would be mean we would have no need for historians, or for that matter that which happened one second ago. Moreover, you have no reason to believe it to be false, nor can you propose an alternative account to explain these eyewitness testimonies, so all you have is yourself on a pedestal sitting on sand.

But I'm not obligated to believe in God because of my choice. So, why would there be consequences?
You are obligated to believe in God not because of your choice, but because you are made in God's image with a spirit of God-consciousness, so you have no excuse by your choice to remain independent from Christ Jesus.

Hence, eternal consequence remains. That is why there is a hell, because your soul can't be annihilated, and the choice is before you as clear as day. Pascal, a Christian, warned you too.
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Old 07-18-2007, 11:48 PM   #14
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Nothing to see here, folks. He's gone.
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Old 07-18-2007, 11:51 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Parture View Post
The Bible says they agreed on Jesus being the creator, for Paul says he met with them and they added nothing to what he knew of Jesus being God, that He ministered for 3 years and was resurrected and is the creator of all things. This multiple attestation is important and can not be overlooked.
A few guys getting together and agreeing that Jesus was the creator constitutes evidence for the Christian god being the creator? I'm pretty sure that every religion has that kind of "evidence" to support itself.

I suppose you don't see the circularity of your thinking. The bible is correct because the bible says so. Wonderful.
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Old 07-19-2007, 12:07 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Parture View Post
The Bible says they agreed on Jesus being the creator, for Paul says he met with them and they added nothing to what he knew of Jesus being God,
Paul also states he did not receive his gospel from men, but instead, directly from his vision of Jesus. Whether or not Cephas, James, and John thought that Jesus was the creator, Paul never states, as far as I'm aware.

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
that He ministered for 3 years and was resurrected and is the creator of all things. This multiple attestation is important and can not be overlooked.
Paul does not say anything about Jesus ministering for 3 years, or at all for that matter. The multiple attestation is absolutly irrelevant on at least 2 counts.

1. If the attestations are not first hand, but instead build on eachother over the period of many years, then there is really nothing but the original attestation upon which they are built.

2. Even if there were multiple independent attestations, which there are not, the idea of conspiracy/fraud is not so outrageous as to be discounted.

Must we take Mormonism seriously, simply because 8 men signed their names affirming they had seen the golden plates of Moroni?

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
The James being spoken of is not James one of the apostles who early on martyred as stated in Scripture, or some unknown James in the 500,
You have totally missed the point regarding the 500. It isn't that James is a member of the 500, but rather, that Paul refers to '500 brethren', having nothing whatsoever to do with James, but everything to do with the rather obvious induction that no-one has 500 actual blood brothers. This is as close to proof as you can hope for, in regards to ancient history, that Paul used the term 'brother' loosely as a title rather than a sign of kinship.

Is it your position, that someone must have actually had 500 blood brothers, and that those 500 blood brothers are who Paul was referring to? If not, then why do you insist that 'brother' refers to blood brotherhood in regards to James?

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Paul refers to James, at that time the only prominent Christian James in Jerusalem,
So what? So you've established that Paul knew a guy named James who was renouned in the Jerusalem church. Had you asked, I would not have debated that point!

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Peter = "a rock or a stone"
1) one of the twelve disciples of Jesus

Cephas (Κηφας)
I agree that the general presumption that Cephas = Peter is based on the transliteration argument regarding rocks. Again, who cares? Maybe Paul's Cephas is indeed later known as Peter among the gospel writers. It's merely a matter of rigor to point out that this need not be the case.

You can't use the Gospels to put thoughts into Paul's head. They were written later...perhaps even 100+ years later.

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Conclusion: Peter is Cephas, James we are talking about here is the blood brother of Jesus.
The first conclusion has some merit, though not conclusive. The second has no merit at all (see the argument regarding the 500 brethren).

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Not at all. Luke who wrote Acts was with Paul...
No serious scholar dates the Gospel of Luke to match such a scenario. Recent scholarship dates Mark as the earliest Gospel, with Matthew next, then Luke, and then John. Matthew builds on Mark. Luke builds on Matthew.

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
What he says in 2 Cor. 12 is that he was caught up to third heaven in that experience, or something similar in seeing Jesus; this was the only time he saw Jesus concurrent with Luke's explanation on the road to Damascus when those with Paul also saw the light and heard the voice, but were not taken up in spirit to third heaven. These were Paul's words in Acts 22,
Paul didn't write Acts. Acts was written by someone else (generally agreed to be the same author as the Gospel of Luke as much as 100+ years after Paul).

You are arguing that some later author knows better than Paul does regarding Paul's own vision that he wrote about.

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Many do not want to believe as a sign of their independency from their creator. That is their choice, but not without consequences.
And, many want to believe patent nonsense as a sign of their emotional immaturity and inability to accept their own mortality. That is their choice, but not without consequences.

But we won't name names now, will we?

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
I am pleased you haven't been able to reproduce here any alleged refutation mysteriously elsewhere.
Do you know I am unable? Isn't it possible that I merely see you as one of hundreds of drive-by proselytizers not worth any serious investment of my time?

Ok, so I see Parture has already been banned. I did warn him!
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Old 07-19-2007, 02:51 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Parture View Post
I know that nothing in nature happens all by itself, since we can cite trillions of examples of things that have a cause on any scale, yet nothing can be show to have happened all by itself to be without a cause.

Hence, this leads us to the only available possibility which is that we had to have been created and caused by that which is uncaused and uncreated.

As we look to see who this is, we realize none can compare to Christ, and we know Jesus walked the earth, said He is God and was multiply attested as being touched, talked to and seen resurrected by those who gave their lives as martyrs for their eyewitness testimony.

For example, Paul whose writings are the most trusted by scholars said he met with James (brother of Jesus), Peter and John on several occasions.

They all agreed to the purpose of Jesus being here, for they were with Jesus either all their lives (in the case of James) or for the three years in His time on earth before His death and after His resurrection for 40 days. The latter is what caused his brother to believe in which the book of James by James gives this testimony as well as others testify in the NT on his behalf.

Paul was with people who said they heard the same voice and saw flashing light, but that only Paul could actually see Jesus, because Jesus was calling out Paul. Paul was so significant, he wrote the most books of the NT, which scholars give the highest regard to.

I don't know how to shove this evidence aside and produce an alternative explanation. Nobody has been able to present a stronger counter to these findings and denounce the significance of why God must enter into His creation. For we know scientifically sin leads to death and is not without consequence, so atonement (the perfect sacrifice) is required for forgiveness to come before God with eternal life and blessings as God has a great many plans for those who love Him.

For those who don't receive His Son, they can't cease to exist because God's image in which we are made can not be annihilated, so they would need to be resurrected away from the saved and be sent to hell, an eternal separation from God and His people.

This is pure logic that I simply cannot overturn by self-declaration, and I would advize you not to be so cavalier either.
Fruitcake! :rolling:
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Old 07-19-2007, 07:17 AM   #18
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I'm surprised this stayed at BC&H. For whatever reason, this guy is gone, but on the chance he comes back to look...

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
I know that nothing in nature happens all by itself, since we can cite trillions of examples of things that have a cause on any scale, yet nothing can be show to have happened all by itself to be without a cause.
Bad start. You're close to the truth but about to confuse simple causality with purposeful action.

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Hence, this leads us to the only available possibility which is that we had to have been created and caused by that which is uncaused and uncreated.
Yep, damned if you didn't. The train's already off the track.

I recommend you study a little elementary physics and if you're up to it some basic thermodynamics might shed a little light on your confused state of mind. What you'll discover is that atomic and molecular level interactions are quite well understood, and they strangely enough explain all observable phenomena much more clearly than you do. Further, you'll discover that the earth is not a "closed system" from a thermodynamic perspective and its the presence of the long-worshipped sun that has enabled these seemingly miraculous events to take place on earth, including the development of life. Come on out into the light and worship the only true "god" there is, the sun. Seemingly, the ancients were much wiser than you. This process has not been a directed process except in the sense that we are a product of the elements of the periodic table and their properties and products thereof are a given.

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Nobody has been able to present a stronger counter to these findings and denounce the significance of why God must enter into His creation. For we know scientifically...
Well, I think I just beat the pants off your drivel. And as to what you know "scientifically", well...

Originally Posted by Parture View Post
This is pure logic that I simply cannot overturn by self-declaration, and I would advize you not to be so cavalier either.
Too funny. Whatever your self-declaration is, I hope you seek some education. You have self-smarted yourself into a state of ignorance where there can be no logic.
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Old 07-19-2007, 07:26 AM   #19
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Hey, fuckwit! (I gather there isn't a rule about insulting non-members, and DeParture isn't a member... )
Originally Posted by DeParture
I know that nothing in nature happens all by itself, since we can cite trillions of examples of things that have a cause on any scale, yet nothing can be show to have happened all by itself to be without a cause.
...Completely backwards! MOST events in the Universe are uncaused! Quantum vacuum fluctuations are uncaused, and they greatly outnumber caused events!! The Universe is a seething mass of uncaused events!!!
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Old 07-19-2007, 07:43 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Parture View Post
I know that nothing in nature happens all by itself, since we can cite trillions of examples of things that have a cause on any scale, yet nothing can be show to have happened all by itself to be without a cause.

Hence, this leads us to the only available possibility which is that we had to have been created and caused by that which is uncaused and uncreated.
But you just said everything has to have a cause. Therefore your god needs a creator as well. Pointing towards magic doesn’t fix your dilemma. Either the dilemma is real or it is not. That would be Logic. And it would apply to your magic as well. If the universe exists within cyclical big bangs, it would extend in time like it does in space. Yes this is also speculation, since our science cannot get back to the big bang event, let alone to before it. Therefore, it is an unknown, that humans will have ponder for now at least. Without full knowledge, or full answers on either side.

As we look to see who this is, we realize none can compare to Christ, and we know Jesus walked the earth, said He is God and was multiply attested as being touched, talked to and seen resurrected by those who gave their lives as martyrs for their eyewitness testimony.
Nope we don't know this. But it is claimed by many, just as claims are made by followers of Allah, Joseph Smith, Venshu, Buddha.

For example, Paul whose writings are the most trusted by scholars said he met with James (brother of Jesus), Peter and John on several occasions.
Really, Chinese and Japanese scholars trust the writings of Paul? Wow that is big news.

<snip -- preaching>

For we know scientifically sin leads to death <snip -- preaching>
Scientifically we know this, do we? Is this we made up of "me, myself and I"?

This is pure logic that I simply cannot overturn by self-declaration, and I would advize you not to be so cavalier either.
ROTFLMAO…pure logic… I'd recommend taking a course in Logic from your local University Dept. of Philosophy, you need a few pointers. I think you are confusing religious dogma for logic.
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