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Old 05-02-2006, 01:02 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Soul Invictus
[What do you mean when you say Jesus completed the Law "in the sense that"? That sounds like you're trying to invoke a definition or idea that doesn't apply to the meaning of the word. Let me give you an example.
You don't swallow in the sense of anything. Swallowing is a clear action that requires passing items into the mouth, down the throat, and subsequently into the stomach. There is no alternative method for swallowing nor another notion of what swallowing is that would require a disclaimer such as swallowing in the sense that. Could you be using the wrong word when you use complete?

Secondly, as I stated in another thread when someone references an object as being incomplete, (in this case, the object is the law) this indicates that the object has yet to be completed - with the underlying assumption being that the object will be kept and not ridded of, or replaced. If something needing replacing then that would imply that the original object was obsolete. Incompleteness and obsolescence are two totally different concepts and somehow Christian theology seems to errantly commingle the two ideas. Is your claim that the the law was incomplete, or are you saying the law was obsolete?
You appear to be arguing with Jesus and/or the gospel writers that quoted him. The Greek word means what it means, and I have accurately rendered it as such.

Are you saying that the faithful are not required to obey the law? This is an argument that I have made and I wanted to make sure I interpreted your position correctly.
Most definitely. Any Christian who is attempting the follow the law is in need of a gut-check. Christians do not follow law. They are enjoined to love others, and that's why, they don't kill, steal, covet, etc.

Jesus states plainly, that if you are not killing people because of the Law, but don't love others, you're as guilty of murder as if you killed them.

Matthew 5:22-et seq.
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Old 05-02-2006, 02:24 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Gamera
Jesus taught us that the Old Testament is in error.
God's plans occur in history, according to the bible. So the law isn't mistaken, it's true meaning is simply revealed by the NT. In any case, such is the teaching of the NT. And that's the point, to set the record straight in light of numerous threads that misrepresent the text as not asserting the above.

So your claim about proselytizing is off base entirely. Focus on the issue and you won't miss the point next time.
emphasis mine

You'll forgive my relatively lowbrow approach, and misunderstandings, but your two remarks seem diametrically opposed to each other. Also you didn't explain why the OT uses phrases that indicate the law would be around for ever when it actually means for a couple of hundred years?

I don't think i have the neccessary doublethink for all this.
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Old 05-02-2006, 08:21 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Gamera
You appear to be arguing with Jesus and/or the gospel writers that quoted him. The Greek word means what it means, and I have accurately rendered it as such.
I asked you to explain your usage of the word complete. Can you also provide references where Jesus asserts that the the law was incomplete?
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Old 05-02-2006, 08:33 AM   #34
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1. So the OT laws are all out the window then, and we start over? Why do you think Christians are so eager to have them posted in public places? Or only the ones Jesus specifically modifies? In which case why don't Christians keep kosher?

2. What does Jesus say about homosexuality?
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Old 05-02-2006, 11:48 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by TomboyMom
2. What does Jesus say about homosexuality?
The laws were given to Moses to convict man of sin for which 'goodies' must be targeted and homosexuality obviously is not one such 'goodie.' I mean, if you are not a home such a law could never convict you of sin and be useless for the purpose intended. Right?
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Old 05-02-2006, 03:15 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by TomboyMom
1. So the OT laws are all out the window then, and we start over? Why do you think Christians are so eager to have them posted in public places? Or only the ones Jesus specifically modifies? In which case why don't Christians keep kosher?

2. What does Jesus say about homosexuality?
1. No real Christian should want the 10 Commandments posted any where since Jesus died to free us from the Law. I personally find it bizarre, but in my opinion the religious right has nothing to do with Christianity, but is a political movment in opposition to the gospel message.

2. Jesus said nothing about homosexuality at all. Not one word.
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Old 05-02-2006, 03:23 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Soul Invictus
I asked you to explain your usage of the word complete. Can you also provide references where Jesus asserts that the the law was incomplete?
My usage is irrelevant since I'm relying on what Jesus said, are at least the depiction of what he said in the NT, and he said it it was incomplete since, he said it needed to be "fulfilled" i.e. it was incomplete. However, my interpretation is that the Law was incomplete because its purpose was not fulfilled until the coming of Jesus, that purpose being that no one can end one's estrangement with God by following the Law, because no one can follow the Law, and hence a savior is needed.

I think I gave the link to the discussion of the passage in Greek, but happy to give it again.

"Jesus testified that God’s inspiration permeated the Law and the Prophets, and in The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus proclaimed:

Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.

Matthew 5:17-18 NKJV [emphasis mine]

The word fulfill seems to suggest that Jesus came to fulfill prophecy, but as we look back at the Greek root word, plhrwsai (plerosai, Strong’s Index 4137 pleroo, related to pleroma), translated as fulfill in the above passage, we see that Jesus’ meaning in this passage is not so clear. Strong’s Index lists all of the following translations as possible meanings for the last word in the passage:

Literally to make replete/complete, i.e. (literally) to cram (a net), level up (a hollow), or (figuratively) to furnish (or imbue, diffuse, influence), satisfy, execute (an office), finish (a period or task), verify (or coincide with a prediction), etc.:--accomplish, X after, (be) complete, end, expire, fill (up), fulfill, (be, make) full (come), fully preach, perfect, supply.

When we study the rest of the context of his message that this proclamation introduced in The Sermon on the Mount, we discover that Jesus meant that he would restore, complete and fulfill the Law and the Prophets; He would provide their full and correct meaning and eliminate the errors in their current understanding (Restore the Truth); He would add teachings to them to complete them (Complete the Path); and He would serve as a perfect example of how to live by them (Fulfill the Law; Provide the Light).

It is only this restored and completed Law that Jesus proclaims will never perish and that he wants us to take as our foundation of rock."
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Old 05-02-2006, 03:26 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Prester John
emphasis mine

You'll forgive my relatively lowbrow approach, and misunderstandings, but your two remarks seem diametrically opposed to each other. Also you didn't explain why the OT uses phrases that indicate the law would be around for ever when it actually means for a couple of hundred years?

I don't think i have the neccessary doublethink for all this.
I think I explained this many times, but happy to do it again.

The Law is eternal for those who don't choose to avail themselves of grace through the gospel message. They are stuck with the Law as a means to end their estrangement with God. And according to the gospel they will fail. So it's cold comfort that the Law is eternal.

For those who accept the gospel message the Law is simply irrelevant, whether eternal or not. You seem to be confusing what is eternal to what is applicable. The Law isn't applicable to Christians; indeed, such is at the core of what it means to be a Christian.
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Old 05-02-2006, 03:32 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Dina Noun
This sounds a bit odd. If Jesus is inconsistent - and He is - then does it really make sense to say that Jesus overturned the Law? What about the following statements allegedly from Jesus' own lips?
Jesus by his statements manifestly overturned the Law. You or somebody criticized Jesus for not practicing what he preached because he was angry. OK, let's assume you're right. That goes to practicing what he preached, not to his claim that he overturned the law.

These indicate that Jesus Himself says that He did not overturn the law.
I don't think so. His sermon overturns the law on its face. If he conceptualized the law as eternal to those who don't accept his teachings, that's not inconsistent with his teachings.

We even have examples of Jesus sticking to the Law.
With explanations that show he didn't care about the law.

For example, he pays the temple tax so as "not to offend," but makes clear he doesn't need to pay it.

Of course, Jesus contradicts Himself by turning right around and redefining parts of the Law in Matthew 5:21-22; 5:27-28; 5:31-32; 5:33-35; 5:38-39; 5:43-45; and 19:8-9.
By redefining it, he overturned it. By definition if the law were perfect it would rebuff redefinition.

How about we all agree that YES, Jesus did overturn the Law, and also, NO, Jesus di not overturn the Law? A little thing like a self-contradiction shouldn't bother Christians, what with their already accepting so many other ones.
I think you have misread what you claim are contractions, so I don't agree.
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Old 05-02-2006, 03:38 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by michael wellenberg
It might be useful to distinguish between the gospels and the other NT literature, and again between the gospels themselves, in regard of the respective attitudes toward the Law.
While there is no evidence that the Markan Jesus overturns the Torah Paul surely does to a certain degree at least.
Take for example Mk 7:1-23. The Pharisees expanded the Law by adding some traditions. Jesus rejects such expansion so this is an intra-Jewish dispute not over the Torah but over the traditions of the elders.
Or compare Mark and Matthew. Only the Matthean Jesus is adding to the biblical commandments - but adding is not the same as changing or replacing.

Well, I agree with the distinction between the gospels and the other NT writings, and between the gospels themselves. I don't know if that changes the conclusion, however. Assuming Jesus added, and any of the gospels accurately depicts his teachings about that, adding indeed overturns law conceived as "perfect" and "eternal," which I think some of the posters asserted was the issue.
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