It is stated that in order to expedite the death of crucified victims, the Romans fractured their legs and this resulted in death from asphyxia within minutes, probably due to embolization of thrombi or fat. This procedure was performed to the two thieves but not to Jesus.
It's my understanding that crucifixion- as much torture as means of execution- involves not just nailing or lashing the arms of the victim to a crossbar, but providing a place for them to stand- a small platform or dowel on which they can rest their weight. (Nailing the feet to the upright served the same purpose, and increased the torture.) Otherwise death from asphyxiation comes fairly quickly, as the diaphragm muscles become exhausted trying to breathe with the full weight of the body suspended by the arms. Breaking the legs of the victims caused death by exhaustion of the breathing muscles, not thrombosis.