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Old 02-08-2008, 12:19 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
Originally Posted by spin View Post
Would you like to quantify which bits you'd like to keep for now?
If by "keep" you mean "accept as historically accurate", I would continue to say "I don't know".
EDIT: what about "accept as having a historical core related to a once real Jesus that other such parts are related to"?

So if someone said that none of it is historically accurate, you wouldn't be able to disagree. You'd just play the burden of proof card.

I have the distinct impression that you're expressed stronger positions in the past apparently based on this nothing.

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Old 02-08-2008, 12:24 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by neilgodfrey View Post
In reply to your first sentence: nonsense.
In reply to your second: nonsense.
Wow, it is difficult to respond to such substantive comments.

A story that is explicitly set in a historical setting does not give a "first appearance" of telling a story that happened in history?

I thought you did not like straw man arguments. So why use one here?
Unfortunately, it isn't a straw man but the actual position double-a holds and repeats ad nauseum. I didn't say it was yours, Neil, though your disagreement with me makes me wonder whether I actually understand what your position is.

Yes, some ancient historians believed myths. So what's the point?
I was simply responding to this:
Originally Posted by neilgodfrey View Post
What historians do we know who ever reported a string of miracles without once blanching in the telling?
IIUC, Josephus reports without blanching various miracles from Hebrew Scripture as well as suggesting that Vespasian performed miraculous healings.

And I have asked you on what basis we should accept a fabulous tale having any basis in history...
I've attempted to answer all your questions to the best of my ability. Your charge of stonewalling is simply absurd and false. You have apparently misunderstood my position from the start and continue to do so despite my repeated attempts to correct your misunderstanding. You argue with me as though I am some sort of literalist Christian when that is enormously off-base and flatly contrary to what I've actually written. More sleep may be needed.

You began by implying that the fact the fabulous tale had a historical setting was a good reason. I have demonstrated the nonsense of that rationale.
The apparently historical setting is the obvious place to start and you've utterly failed to demonstrate otherwise.

Yet you still insist it is entitled to a presumption of historicity. Or you try to put me in a position where I will at least concede the possibility that it might have a historical basis. Of course anything has that possibility. Even Little Red Riding Hood. But that is a meaningless concession.
A presumption of the possibility of historicity is certainly not meaningless in the face of the opposite assertion.

But you play with words I have learned...
To the contrary, I try to be very careful with my words since I've learned, and you have certainly reconfirmed, that it is very easy to be misunderstood online. I have no choice but to work with the words others write regardless of how careful they were in chosing them to accurately reflect their position or in understanding what their statements seem to imply. Given your clearly and dramatically wrong impression of my position, I can only conclude that your research into my posting history has been woefully inadequate.

Some people do not think it is logically sound to disbelieve in miracles. I do.
As do I. It is another matter entirely to throw out the possibility that a miraculous story "hides" an historical reality simply because it is a miraculous story.

If that was all your point was from the beginning then we have both been wasting our time.
I tend to agree since I think your reaction to my posts was mistaken from the start and nothing confirms that more than your next statement:
So you want to believe in miracles and to believe that myths contain religious truth for you. That's fine. I won't argue with that.
I neither believe in miracles nor that the Gospel myths contain any "religious truth" as I have no faith in the existence of God.

I think your initial misunderstanding of my position has prevented you from reading my subsequent statements accurately. I don't think my words have been confusing absent an incorrect initial mindset but my apologies if they were. Something is certainly screwed up in our communication if you can reach such a blatantly wrong conclusion from my words.

Yep, just like Little Red Riding Hood.
I don't know that they are actually comparable in terms of the historical details offered but, if they were, I would tend toward the same agnostic position.

Everything else can be fanciful baloney but the crucifixion is the one historical core because it is inconceivable that anyone would come up with such a saviour?
That isn't quite what I wrote but, yes, I personally don't find any alternate explanation for a death that was arguably the most humiliating, most socially unacceptable and, possibly most significantly, enormously problematic regarding obtaining converts to be more credible than it was a brute fact with which believers had to cope.

I continue to remain open to new ones, however.

Is BC&H really the most appropriate forum for preaching your gospel?
You couldn't be further from reality if you tried. :banghead:
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Old 02-08-2008, 12:28 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
So if someone said that none of it is historically accurate, you wouldn't be able to disagree. You'd just play the burden of proof card.
Not everyone has an axe to grind.
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Old 02-08-2008, 12:40 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
Uh no, I never said my post made no relevant point.
Not explicitly, no.

What point do you think it made?

Originally Posted by spamandham View Post
So if you're a mod, ad hom's are perfectly acceptable?
I am and it wasn't. But you are certainly free to report it as such to see what uninvolved mods think.

...your posts that attack my reading skills don't.
Reading habits not skills. I suspect you have adequate skills but you have demonstrated bad habits (ie not actually reading your alleged sources) in the past.

I can't imagine there is anyone on this forum other than you who thinks...

In an age when most writings were works of propoganda, we assume these writings were not. a pointless statement.
I don't think that statement is pointless and I've never said it was. False as an overgeneralization, perhaps, but not "pointless". I was very clear in asking about the point of the contrast between that statement and the one previous to it (ie "trying to honestly record history"). You've since indicated that there was no such point being made. At least that is what I've understood you to be saying. Please clarify if I am mistaken.
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Old 02-08-2008, 12:58 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
If by "keep" you mean "accept as historically accurate", I would continue to say "I don't know".
So if someone said that none of it is historically accurate, you wouldn't be able to disagree.
Why can't an agnostic position oppose either extreme?

I have the distinct impression that you're expressed stronger positions in the past apparently based on this nothing.
In the distant past I was a strong advocate of Doherty's position but I have since found that unsustainable and, for the past few years, I have argued against proponents of either extreme.
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Old 02-08-2008, 12:58 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Solitary Man View Post
Not everyone has an axe to grind.
Nobody seems willing to believe that, though. :huh:
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Old 02-08-2008, 01:02 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
If by "keep" you mean "accept as historically accurate", I would continue to say "I don't know".
EDIT: what about "accept as having a historical core related to a once real Jesus that other such parts are related to"?
IIUC, I would say that seems like a viable possibility to me.
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Old 02-08-2008, 01:17 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
Originally Posted by spin View Post
So if someone said that none of it is historically accurate, you wouldn't be able to disagree.
Why can't an agnostic position oppose either extreme?
That's an evasion, though I might agree with the sentiment. You don't disagree with the significance of the statement you are evading.

Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
I have the distinct impression that you're expressed stronger positions in the past apparently based on this nothing.
In the distant past I was a strong advocate of Doherty's position but I have since found that unsustainable and, for the past few years, I have argued against proponents of either extreme.
Again that's not the impression I've sometimes received. Then again, as the pro-christian assumptions have been given free reign for over 1600 years, why not give a bit of rein for the contrary by being sympathetic to the endeavor and being a little more constructive? Edward de Bono devised the term "po" for reserving judgment, ie instead of an immediate "yes" or "no", to allow the opportunity to explore angles to issues more freely. This allows one to see if new derived positions do eventually provide tangible paths forward.

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Old 02-08-2008, 01:22 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
Not explicitly, no.

What point do you think it made?
Two or three pages into this nonsense and you finally just ask!

...answer below

Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
Reading habits not skills. I suspect you have adequate skills but you have demonstrated bad habits (ie not actually reading your alleged sources) in the past.
At least you admit you are in the habit of making such a claim. That's a good first step toward reform. :wave:

I was very clear in asking about the point of the contrast between that statement and the one previous to it (ie "trying to honestly record history").
Until now, you haven't asked for clarification. Instead, you built a strawman out of assumptions, which you proceeded to tear down. I even agreed with you a couple of times that elements of the strawman were absurd.

But since you are now asking, I'll answer. There is no contrast. The two are somewhat related but distinct points.

The first point is that frequently, we (collectively) assume the authors were trying to accurately record history, and the reason for that assumption seems to be a matter of nothing but tradition.

The second point is that the writings in question are not typically treated as propoganda, with no clear rationale for treating them differently.

Combined, the point is that there seems to be a widespread (though certainly not universal) form of special pleading going on in regards to these writings - treating them differently than we would other similar period propoganda.

In no way does that imply the writings contain no accurate history. Rather, it implies we should not give the same weight to prima facie historical claims within those writings, that we might otherwise give.
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Old 02-08-2008, 01:23 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
Originally Posted by Amaleq13 View Post
Why can't an agnostic position oppose either extreme?
That's an evasion, though I might agree with the sentiment.
I don't see how it is an evasion but, if it was unclear, I don't agree with your statement and think an agnostic position can oppose either extreme.

Again that's not the impression I've sometimes received.
I hope you can improve the accuracy of your impression, then.

Then again, as the pro-christian assumptions have been given free reign for over 1600 years, why not give a bit of rein for the contrary by being sympathetic to the endeavor and being a little more constructive?
I consider pointing out the logical flaws in a position to be very constructive if the flaws are adequately addressed.
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