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Old 06-28-2006, 10:37 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Didymus

What "real historical writers" are you talking about? The bible does not have eyewitness accounts of the crucixion, the resurrection, or any other event in which Jesus is said to have participated. Read the beginning of Luke's gospel, where he tells you straight out that he was NOT an eyewitness.
Josephus wasn't a Christian, and he wrote about Jesus saying that he was a wise kind man, and acknowledged that he was crucified, but made no mention of a resurrection, or Jesus being the messiah.
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Old 06-28-2006, 10:39 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Didymus
Was Christianity started by a single event – a notoriously unjust crucifixion? Was Jesus a "one trick pony"?

There's been some discussion of this "virtual mythical Jesus" or "physical Jesus" idea beginning with #686 on the "Jesus Myth Turning Point" thread.

Here's a summary of the hypothesis:

The unjust crucifixion of an enigmatic but saintly Jew named Jesus, most likely in Jerusalem, precipitated rumors that spread like wildfire. (One could imagine a deranged man wandering into the city, shouting in the streets, striking people in the Temple precinct, preaching the apocalypse, etc. But we have no way of ascertaining what actually happened.) Nothing was known of this stranger but his name, but his crucifixion was viewed by some as the fulfillment of expectations of a Wisdom-like rejected messiah, and a "church of God" formed, consisting of small study groups. Rituals began. Messianic fantasists in the Diaspora searched scripture and mythology to formulate a theology around this crucified man (Paul), and, as time went on, a fictional biography of the man himself (Mark).

I think it's a pretty efficient scenario, i.e., it explains the data without requiring us to accept page after page of conjecture. Or preposterous apologetics like "Paul didn't mention the 'details' of Jesus' life because he had other concerns." It doesn't ask us to rule in elements simply because they can't be ruled out, nor does it require that we posit interpolations to make the text fit the hypothesis. It succinctly explains why Paul knew nothing about the life of Jesus, the reason MJ was formulated in the first place.

Because it hypothesizes a crucifee without a known biography, it frees both Paul and Mark of any historical burden, thus allowing Paul to introduce both a rudimentary biography and mystical elements like 2 Cor 12, and Mark to construct a pseudohistorical, scripture-based biography (to which other pseudohistorical elements were added, of course, by ML&J and the writers of the apocryphals).

Of all the allegedly historical elements in the NT that serve as major pivot points, the crucifixion is the most likely to have a historical origin – it was a fact of life in the first-century Roman Empire - and the least likely to have been either derived from Hebrew scripture or thought of as taking place in a spiritual/sublunar dimension. And, best of all :wave: it meets my personal "criterion of motivational sufficiency" test: Unlike the mere writing of an epistle, or one man's report of his visions, it had enough "juice" to capture the imagination of an (admittedly credulous) public. Something had to light that fire, and a notoriously unjust crucifixion would have done the job.

Your thoughts?

I like it. It reminds me somewhat of Robin Hood or Peter Pan. Stories based somewhat on fact but mostly not abound. The issue of the story about Jesus is in knowing what is true and what is not. Once we get past his death all hell breaks loose and all of a sudden man is considered to be evil by the very fact of his birth.

The story ignores fact. The human population has grown since the story of Jesus emerged and continues to grow. This single fact denies that humans are evil by nature for if they were they would have died out long ago; even prior to the birth of Jesus.
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Old 06-28-2006, 11:20 AM   #13
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Daniel Boone (or was it Davey Crockett? Doesn't matter...) ---> Real Guy.

Split his only remaining bullet on a rock killing a cougar and a bear coming at him. <----Legend.

Jesus the Jew <------Real guy.
Is God <----------Legend.

It's not like this stuff hasn't been done before!
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Old 06-28-2006, 11:56 AM   #14
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Well I've mentioned this before here, but I'll say it again. If'n there was a human person behind Paul's theology*, then the only thing That can really be known about him is that he was crucified. The gospels are just as easily entirely fictional as partly true, even with a real guy back there.

*as always, assuming Pauline priority
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Old 06-28-2006, 07:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Didymus
it explains the data without requiring us to accept page after page of conjecture.
For my intellectual taste, whatever it might gain in parsimony it loses in plausibility.
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Old 06-28-2006, 08:11 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by miniverchivi
True, but the word "Sheol" (which means grave) wasn't interprated as "Hell" (eternal lake of fire) until the King James Version of the Bible, and other followed suit. Using the word grave to make people think that they will burn forever sounds like a pretty good scare tactic...
The word "hell" in its original sense corresponded perfectly to Sheol and Hades. That is, it signified only what was covered or hidden. Unfortunately the word began to take on a new meaning at some point in its history.
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Old 06-28-2006, 08:41 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Doug Shaver
For my intellectual taste, whatever it might gain in parsimony it loses in plausibility.
Trips off the tongue, but what are you referring to? To me, it seems more plausible than Paul's believing that Jesus lived and was crucified in a spiritual realm, and way more plausible than him knowing about the gospel Jesus but leaving all those gaps because he had other fish to fry.

I think Doherty's close to 100% right except for the non-earthly Jesus scenario.

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Old 06-28-2006, 11:35 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Didymus
Trips off the tongue, but what are you referring to?
To the divinization of a nobody by a bunch of Jews.

Originally Posted by Didymus
way more plausible than him [Paul] knowing about the gospel Jesus but leaving all those gaps because he had other fish to fry.
On that we agree.

Originally Posted by Didymus
To me, it seems more plausible than Paul's believing that Jesus lived and was crucified in a spiritual realm
You have your plausibility criteria, and I have mine. My research into Hellenistic philosophy is still shallow, but what I've found so far makes that scenario look very plausible to me.

Originally Posted by Didymus
I think Doherty's close to 100% right except for the non-earthly Jesus scenario.
That's cool. I think reasonable people can still disagree about much of this. I'm just alternately bemused and irritated by the dogmatism of some people on all sides of this controversy.
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Old 06-29-2006, 12:14 AM   #19
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Didymus, how about this:

The rumored unjust crucifixion of an enigmatic but saintly Jew named Jesus, most likely in Jerusalem, precipitated rumors that spread like wildfire.

Equally plausible?
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Old 06-29-2006, 03:11 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by miniverchivi
I do feel the crucifixion happened, but I feel even that story was elaborated on to sell the idea of Christianity...

Other historical writers have written about the whole event, but the bible is the only book that suggests that Jesus rose from the dead,....How odd

I also think its funny that the real historical writers also mention John and Peter being the only two apostles at the event, yet the bible has eyewitness accounts from Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

I think that a man was unjustly crucified, notice I said 'man'. In fact, I think that Jesus was probably a pretty cool guy, but then King James had to go and screw it up for everyone.
I believe many christians today would be shocked and not like Jesus very much if he existed as a historical person and they had the chance to meet the real deal.

The truth is that he grew up in a culture very different from our own and his views and ideas would not have much appeal to us except as transformed through mythology and religious writings. None-the-less some of the odd stuff shows up every now and then when he refuses to heal a woman and refer to her as a dog because she is a canaanite and the bible contain phrases such as he is come to bring son against father etc and split families. This might be stuff put into Jesus' mouth without him actually saying it but I am pretty sure he said lots of other stuff that we do not find agreeable. Just most of it never found its way into the bible.

This is all assuming that there was a historical figure at the core of the gospels.

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