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Old 12-04-2009, 08:48 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Dave31 View Post
show_no_mercy "A lot of these people have the same sort of response to Earl Doherty's work. That doesn't make them misandrists."
There are many others who notice:

"D.M. Murdock/Acharya S, like all authors on controversial subjects, has many critics. But they all share one commonality: They don't know what they're talking about. Murdock understands many languages and has a breadth of knowledge her critics cannot match. This fact irks the uninformed. Having given a fair hearing to some of her online detractors and their "rebuttal" videos, I have detected not only a lack of knowledge on the part of her critics, but also, in some cases, a thinly disguised misogyny."

- David Mills
Author of Atheist Universe
One is not many. And "in some cases" mitigates your claim that all of AS's critics are motivated by mysogony.

More importantly, given this person's stellar lack of credentials in matters of ancient languages and history(a criterion you yourself have said is to be employed in determining whether anyone who evaluates AS's work is to be listened to) and his use of the fallcy of personal incredulity, why should we trust his claim, let alone think that he has the requiste capability to make good judgments about the worth of AS's work and the invalidity of criticisms mounted against it?

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Old 12-04-2009, 09:25 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Dave31 View Post

Earlier you falsely accused me of knowing her personally. I figured here you were accusing me of working for her - I wouldn't put it past you since you constantly toss around accusations left & right without EVER taking responsibility for them or being held accountable. My point was I wouldn't send you a book of my own and I wouldn't send you a book of hers even if I could.

show_no_mercy "I didn't even realize that this AS person was a woman until this. I read AS's response to Abe and it's full of virtrol. Your posts, as well, are full of virtrol. Abe seems to be responding in a polite, controlled manner.

Maybe you should drop the martyr/misogyny card and people might take your posts more seriously. Just a suggestion; feel free to ignore it."
I can see why you might say that here but you don't know the history here obviously. ApostateAbe has been trashing Acharya for years & he hasn't ever really studied her work and even after he's proven wrong he continues on like fundamentalist repeating the same nonsense, refusing to make any necessary adjustments. That's why got reamed - just like he deserved. When it comes to Acharya's work ApostateAbe is not to be trusted at all. Same with Jeffrey Gibson, GakuseiDon, Roger Pearse & others - none of them have actually read her work but they pretend to be experts on it nevertheless.

Jeffrey "I'm still waiting for Dave to provide us with his evidence for his claim that AS reads 12 languages."
If you knew her work at all you'd already know the answer to that question. So, ever time you ask it just demonstrates how little you know about her or her work, so thanks for that one.

Documented Sources for Zeitgeist Part One
Dave31, I take full responsibility for suggesting that you a marketing agent of Acharya S or her publisher. Every time you come here, you fully act the role, chastising every critic endlessly for not reading enough of her writings. I never had certainty of that proposition. I thought you were likely just a cultish devotee of Acharya S. But, now that you said, "No, I am not at liberty to send out copies of her books and even if I could..." in response to the request to send me a book, there seems to be no plausible reason you would say such a thing unless you had a stash of her books that you don't own. And there is no reason that you would have a stash of her books that you don't own unless your job is to sell them. You have full liberty to send a book that you own, so your explanation does not fit. Do you have a better explanation for the mods?
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Old 12-04-2009, 09:27 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by Dave31 View Post
" "skimming" Brunner's text, as he puts it, Carrier has mistakenly dealt with the substantially different Hatshepsut text (Brunner's "IV D"), demonstrating an egregious error in garbling the cycles, when in fact we are specifically interested in the Luxor narrative (IV L)."
This is representative of the problem I have with AS. She spends too much time trying to defend herself, which is just a distraction and not enough time presenting a Methodology for her comparisons. When I go to this link there are about 30 paragraphs, about 20 of which are referring to Dr. Carrier's related analysis, in an effort to discredit Dr. Carrier. AS' charge is that Dr. Carrier has mistakenly dealt with "the substantially different Hatshepsut text (Brunner's "IV D")" instead of Luxor.

This is AS' related main evidence:

Indeed, the Luxor inscription is lacking two important passages found in the Hatshepsut text that could be considered "erotic" but hardly constitute "soft-core porn": "he gave his heart to her" ("er gab sein Herz zu ihr hin") (IV D a) and "she kissed him" ("[sie] küßte [ihn]") (IV D d).(8) In the Luxor inscription, there is no kissing or giving of the heart.(8a)
Note that AS presents no specific evidence that Dr. Carrier has confused Hatshepsut with Amenhotep III. This is complimented by Dr. Carrier's specific quote that he is indeed referring to Amenhotep III

and the god tells her in bed that she is impregnated and will bear his son, Amenophis.
(By the way, mention to AS that Hatshepsut was female)

AS' overall claim is also ridiculous. She claims that the meanings of D and L are significantly different because of ""he gave his heart to her" and ""she kissed him" but confesses that L does have:

He found her, as she rested in the interior of her palace. She awoke because of the god's scent, and she laughed at His Majesty. He went immediately to her, he was passionately in love with her; he let her see him in his Godliness, after he had come in front of her, so that she rejoiced at the sight of his perfection; his love (it) went into her body. The palace was flooded with God-scent, and all his aromas were (such as) out of Punt.
For christ's sake will she please stop this nonsense and start using a Methodology with criteria to consider valid parallels for the Jewish Bible and EIN (Egyptian Infancy Narrative) such as:

1) Similarity in language (good luck with that one)

2) Similarity in scope

3) Similarity in theme.

4) Similarity in context.

5) Similarity in sequence.

6) Attribution

7) Consistency

Maybe you can help get her started Dave. Raymond Brown still has the definitive Infancy Narrative study, The Birth of the Messiah (or via: He concludes that the Jewish Bible is the source and hand waves off Pagan sources with a reference to his bibliography without any specific mention in his 752 page book. His problem is that all he demonstrated was that the Form of the Infancy Narrative sequence is paralleled in the Jewish Bible. But not the substance. That must lay somewhere else because it sure as hell is not in the Jewish Bible. As the classic 20th century philospher Scarface said, his related conclusion "is like a big prissy queen just laying around and waiting to get N/A


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Old 12-04-2009, 09:40 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
Dave31, I take full responsibility for suggesting that you a marketing agent of Acharya S or her publisher. Every time you come here, you fully act the role, chastising every critic endlessly for not reading enough of her writings. I never had certainty of that proposition. I thought you were likely just a cultish devotee of Acharya S. But, now that you said, "No, I am not at liberty to send out copies of her books and even if I could..." in response to the request to send me a book, there seems to be no plausible reason you would say such a thing unless you had a stash of her books that you don't own. And there is no reason that you would have a stash of her books that you don't own unless your job is to sell them. You have full liberty to send a book that you own, so your explanation does not fit. Do you have a better explanation for the mods?
(n.b., my emphasis)
Yes, I have an explanation, which I consider superior, regardless of whether or not it pleases the "mods", whoever they may be....

Abe, you have acted disgracefully, and I wouldn't send you a book either, if I had one at my disposal. I am not a salesman for her work, and in fact, I have never read anything by her. I know nothing.

I am astounded by the lack of civility on this thread.

We don't care about her scholarly, or non-scholarly performance.

We do care about the data which she claims to have analyzed, and we do care about the ensuing analysis.

Please focus on those points, and stop wasting bandwidth with insults.
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Old 12-04-2009, 10:07 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by avi View Post
Originally Posted by ApostateAbe View Post
Dave31, I take full responsibility for suggesting that you a marketing agent of Acharya S or her publisher. Every time you come here, you fully act the role, chastising every critic endlessly for not reading enough of her writings. I never had certainty of that proposition. I thought you were likely just a cultish devotee of Acharya S. But, now that you said, "No, I am not at liberty to send out copies of her books and even if I could..." in response to the request to send me a book, there seems to be no plausible reason you would say such a thing unless you had a stash of her books that you don't own. And there is no reason that you would have a stash of her books that you don't own unless your job is to sell them. You have full liberty to send a book that you own, so your explanation does not fit. Do you have a better explanation for the mods?
(n.b., my emphasis)
Yes, I have an explanation, which I consider superior, regardless of whether or not it pleases the "mods", whoever they may be....

Abe, you have acted disgracefully, and I wouldn't send you a book either, if I had one at my disposal. I am not a salesman for her work, and in fact, I have never read anything by her. I know nothing.

I am astounded by the lack of civility on this thread.

We don't care about her scholarly, or non-scholarly performance.

We do care about the data which she claims to have analyzed, and we do care about the ensuing analysis.

Please focus on those points, and stop wasting bandwidth with insults.
avi, I wouldn't blame you for not freely sending me a copy of a book. I make that request of Dave31 only because he has attacked me seemingly dozens of times for not reading her books. I have concluded that Dave31 is a marketing agent because he acts the role and he because he said something that only a marketing agent would say. You have full liberty to send me a copy of any of your books, but Dave31 said he does not, which makes sense only if he were dealing them. I am writing a thread to the mods to have Dave31 banned from this forum, so I see this exchange as saving bandwidth in the end.
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Old 12-04-2009, 10:08 AM   #66
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That reminds me of quite a few cranks on forums who post as say x and shamelessly promote ys material even when relegated to graveyards of forums or ultimately banned.

For example if I say I have scientifically proved God and link to a web site then x.

Or a more famous example of someone claiming to have disproven evolution posting as x with thought experiments from a book by y who you know is really x not y.
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Old 12-04-2009, 10:47 AM   #67
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JoeWallack "This is representative of the problem I have with AS. She spends too much time trying to defend herself"
It appears that you fail to realize that her excerpt IS A RESPONSE TO:

Richard Carrier's Luxor article criticizing Acharya from 2004

Carrier made some egregious errors and that is demonstrated in Acharya's response article quite clearly. And, she backed it up not only with Brunner but also with several other Egyptologists. This Luxor section of her book is 30 pages.

JoeWallack "Note that AS presents no specific evidence that Dr. Carrier has confused Hatshepsut with Amenhotep III."
She absolutely DOES give specific evidence where Carrier is mistakenly discussing the WRONG inscription in his analysis of Brunner's German. You just quoted the specific evidence, and then you dishonestly waved it away with your fallacious comment. She says right there that Carrier is analyzing Brunner's "IV D," which is from the Hatsephsut temple, whereas the one we are interested in is from the Amenhotep birth scene or Brunner's "IV L." If you had read the text in German, as Acharya did, you would know those facts.

JoeWallack "(By the way, mention to AS that Hatshepsut was female)"
Err, she's fully aware of that as she makes clear in her excerpt saying:

"...female pharaoh Hatshepsut..."

Why are you so hostile, Joe? It's just not necessary at all. You're way over the top throughout your post 63.

JoeWallack "AS' overall claim is also ridiculous."
What "overall claim" is "ridiculous?" You give no specifics. I'm sorry, but it's obvious that she knows far more about the subject than you do and that she has made perfect sense, while you have not.
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Old 12-04-2009, 11:02 AM   #68
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ApostateAbe "avi, I wouldn't blame you for not freely sending me a copy of a book. I make that request of Dave31 only because he has attacked me seemingly dozens of times for not reading her books...."
I've never "attacked you" for not reading her books - I've addressed you for your utter intellectual dishonesty and severe lack of integrity for TRASHING her work without ever reading it. And that is a very big difference. I would be thoroughly embarrassed to go around obsessing over and trashing an authors work I never read - not you, you seem to be proud of it.

I've already addressed your "marketing agent" nonsense. "Liberty" was obviously a bad choice of words. My point was, even if I did work for her I still wouldn't send you a book. And, please explain why any marketing agent would come here trying to market to the most anal retentive group here at IIDB? That's just dumb to begin with, and further demonstrates the level of bias & prejudice you have against Acharya and anyone who has actually read her work and knows for a fact that you are wrong when discussing it almost every time. ApostateAbe, if you had any intellectual honesty and integrity, none of this would ever be an issue - but that never sinks in to your melon, does it.
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Old 12-04-2009, 11:03 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Dave31 View Post
ApostateAbe "avi, I wouldn't blame you for not freely sending me a copy of a book. I make that request of Dave31 only because he has attacked me seemingly dozens of times for not reading her books...."
I've never "attacked you" for not reading her books - I've addressed you for your utter intellectual dishonesty and severe lack of integrity for TRASHING her work without ever reading it. And that is a very big difference. I would be thoroughly embarrassed to go around obsessing over and trashing an authors work I never read - not you, you seem to be proud of it.

I've already addressed your "marketing agent" nonsense. "Liberty" was obviously a bad choice of words. My point was even if I did work for her I still wouldn't send you a book. And, please explain why any marketing agent would come here trying to market to the most anal retentive group here at IIDB? That's just dumb to begin with, and further demonstrates the level of bias & prejudice you have against Acharya and anyone who has actually read her work and knows for a fact that you are wrong when discussing it almost every time. ApostateAbe, if you had any intellectual honesty and integrity none of this would ever be an issue - but that never sinks in to your melon, does it.
The only question then is, is your work her work and can we take anything you say as unbiased therefore, no?

I think what sinks into anyone's melon is honesty and integrity if not truth which is never absolute.
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Old 12-04-2009, 11:07 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Dave31 View Post
ApostateAbe "avi, I wouldn't blame you for not freely sending me a copy of a book. I make that request of Dave31 only because he has attacked me seemingly dozens of times for not reading her books...."
I've never "attacked you" for not reading her books - I've addressed you for your utter intellectual dishonesty and severe lack of integrity for TRASHING her work without ever reading it. And that is a very big difference. I would be thoroughly embarrassed to go around obsessing over and trashing an authors work I never read - not you, you seem to be proud of it.

I've already addressed your "marketing agent" nonsense. "Liberty" was obviously a bad choice of words. My point was, even if I did work for her I still wouldn't send you a book. And, please explain why any marketing agent would come here trying to market to the most anal retentive group here at IIDB? That's just dumb to begin with, and further demonstrates the level of bias & prejudice you have against Acharya and anyone who has actually read her work and knows for a fact that you are wrong when discussing it almost every time. ApostateAbe, if you had any intellectual honesty and integrity, none of this would ever be an issue - but that never sinks in to your melon, does it.
Dave31, I thought the phrase, "not at liberty," might have been just a bad choice of words, but then I reflected on the phrase, "...even if I could...," which confirms that you believe you are not allowed to freely send out copies of the books. Wow, you really messed this up.
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