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Old 10-23-2011, 05:13 AM   #931
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Originally Posted by archibald

Is HJ not the more likely overall explanation?

Never mind. The sheer dogmatic thinking in this little outpost of conspiracy theorising and mythicist fundyism is quite mind-boggling. What it is doing on a rational skepticism platform is beyond me.
The recent series of responses from gurugeorge to JD are just plain bizarre, for so many reasons,...
At risk of introducing yet another bizarre submission to this topic, as we approach nearly a thousand replies to the question posed by the author of this thread, I would like to re-submit this simple verse from Mark, copied from JW's thread inquiring about the quantity or quality of evidence needed to conclude that Mark is fiction:

Mark 1:1 Byzantine Majority text
αρχη του ευαγγελιου ιησου χριστου υιου του θεου


Mark 1:1 Greek Study Bible
Ἀρχὴ τοῦ εὐαγγελίου Ἰησου Χριστοῦ.

If the two extant versions of the same text have such different accounts, how can we call it "history"?

Evidently, many centuries ago, someone else had the same idea as J-D:
Originally Posted by J-D
Some of the statements in the canonical Gospels using the name Jesus cannot be literally accurate reports of events that actually took place;
"son of God", υιου του θεου, is a non-trivial addition to the text, (or subtraction from it, depending on your point of view.)

This comment went largely unnoticed on JW's thread, perhaps deservedly so. At the very least, I hope it will not, here, claim the epithet "bizarre".

Assumption 1: "HJ" = "historical Jesus" = hypothesis that there was once a real human being named Jesus of Nazareth.

Assumption 2: "HJ" has been defined by the Gospels, including Mark.

Assumption 3: "more likely overall explanation" = the explanation with the greatest harmony between the text of Mark, and the reality which we perceive in our daily life, about 18 centuries after this gospel was first composed. Our problem, addressing the OP, is this little word, "the", isn't it? We don't have "the" text of Mark. We have several, different, contradictory versions. Which one is the original? Which one is faithful to the original author's intentions? I claim we do not know the answers to those questions, and I claim, accordingly, that we don't possess "the" text of Mark.

My own personal bias is to reject the OP, and conclude that, on the contrary, the most reasonable, i.e. "more likely", explanation, is that the story of Jesus of Nazareth, as presented in Mark, is a work of fiction, about a fictional, (not an historical) character, imbued with mythical traits and qualities.

I submit this quote from Mark 1:1 as evidence thereof.

Originally Posted by J-D
In the context of the averral that some of the statements in the canonical gospels using the name Jesus cannot be accurate literal reports of events that actually took place, it is not tautologous to aver that other of the statements in the canonical gospels using the name Jesus might or might not be accurate literal reports of events that actually took place: the point being that there is a distinction between statements for which literal accuracy is still an open possibility and those for which it is not.
Unlike archibald, I don't find the comments of either GuruGeorge, or J-D to be bizarre. I do find this rather verbose comment from J-D, to be relatively long on verbiage, and short on substance. I claim that one quote from one gospel, illustrating a statement "using the name Jesus", which "cannot be accurate", would be more effective than writing tautologous this and aver that. Then, if archibald would reply not with words, but with a quote of his own, also drawn from the gospels, which demonstrated the contrary, i.e. the veracity of the hypothesis of "HJ", then, after 1000 more posts, we may hope to have attained nirvana.

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Old 10-23-2011, 08:00 AM   #932
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Some of the statements in the canonical Gospels using the name Jesus cannot be literally accurate reports of events that actually took place; other of the statements in the canonical Gospels using the name Jesus might or might not be literally accurate reports of events that actually took place.
Your statement does NOT help the likelihood of HJ.

As soon as you ADMIT that the Canonical Gospels contain reports that CANNOT be accurate then the Gospels CANNOT be RELIABLE.

As soon as you ADMIT that the Canonical Gospels contain reports that CANNOT be accurate then the Gospels are sources of FICTION.

1. The birth of Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report where Jesus was FATHERED by a Holy Ghost.

2. The Baptism EVENT CANNOT be an accurate report with the Holy Ghost Bird and the Voice from heaven..

3. The Temptation Event CANNOT be an accurate report where Jesus and Satan were together on the pinnacle of the Temple.

4. The Miracles of Jesus CANNOT be accurate reports where he cured INCURABLE diseases with the "spit and touch" technique.

5. The feeding of the 4000 and 5000 people CANNOT be an accurate report.

6. The Killing of a FIG tree by a curse CANNOT be an accurate report.

7. The raising of the dead CANNOT be an accurate report.

8. The Walking on the Sea by Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report.

9. The Transfiguration of Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report.

10. The Resurrection on the THIRD day CANNOT be an accurate report.

11. The post-resurrection of Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report.

12. The Ascension of Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report.

Virtually every report about Jesus in the Gospels CANNOT be accurate.

The Gospels are sources of inaccuracy, fiction and IMPLAUSIBILITIES from BIRTH to Ascension.

The Gospels do NOT help the likelihood of HJ they TEND to destroy him.

The Gospel Jesus was described as a PHANTOM.

The Gospel Jesus ONLY appeared to have a human body.
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Old 10-23-2011, 01:38 PM   #933
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Old 10-23-2011, 02:58 PM   #934
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
....The next question I have is to whom does the Emperor Julian attribute the MONSTROUS tale? The title "Against the Galileans" seems to suggest that a group of Galileans from the first century invented the lie. . :constern01:
Jesus and the disciples were the Galileans. Those were the Galileans that were fabricated by the WICKEDNESS and the FICTION of men.

Julian challenged anyone to produce any well-known writer who wrote about Jesus and Paul who supposedly lived during the time of Tiberius and Claudius.

"Against the Galileans"
.... But if you can show me that one of these men is mentioned by the well-known writers of that time,----these events happened in the reign of Tiberius or Claudius,----then you may consider that I speak falsely about all matters.....
The above quote, when taken into context, may indicate a challenge by Julian to produce a well known author to mention a reference to Cornelius and Sergius. Additionally, Julian mentions that Jesus was known by name for more than three hundred years, thus supporting the historicity of Jesus. The "fabrication" that Julian mentions seems to be in reference to the resurrection of Jesus rather than his historicity.

Yet Jesus, who won over the least worthy of you, has been known by name for but little more than three hundred years: and during his lifetime he accomplished nothing worth hearing of, unless anyone thinks that to heal crooked and blind men and to exorcise those who were possessed by evil demons in the villages of Bethsaida and Bethany can be classed as a mighty achievement. As for purity of life you do not know whether he so much as mentioned it; but you emulate the rages and the bitterness of the Jews, overturning temples and altars,63 and you slaughtered not only those of us who remained true to the teachings of their fathers, but also men who were as much astray as yourselves, heretics,64 because they did not wail over the corpse 65 in the same fashion as yourselves. But these are rather your own doings; for nowhere did either Jesus or Paul hand down to you such commands. The reason for this is that they never even hoped that you would one day attain to such power as you have; for they were content if they could delude maidservants and slaves, and through them the women, and men like Cornelius and Sergius. But if you can show me that one of these men is mentioned by the well-known writers of that time,----these events happened in the reign of Tiberius or Claudius,----then you may consider that I speak falsely about all matters.
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Old 10-23-2011, 04:30 PM   #935
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
The above quote, when taken into context, may indicate a challenge by Julian to produce a well known author to mention a reference to Cornelius and Sergius....
Your claim is erroneous. Cornelius and Sergius are not from the time of TIBERIUS. Not even Acts of the Apostle claimed that Cornelius and Sergius were from the time of TIBERIUS.,

Tiberius was already dead before Cornelius and Sergius were mentioned in Acts of the Apostles 10 &13.

The events surrounding Jesus and Paul supposedly happened in the reign of TIBERIUS and Claudius

"Against the Galileans"
.... But if you can show me that one of these men is mentioned by the well-known writers of that time,----these events happened in the reign of TIBERIUS or Claudius,----then you may consider that I speak falsely about all matters.....
Originally Posted by arnoldo
...Additionally, Julian mentions that Jesus was known by name for more than three hundred years, thus supporting the historicity of Jesus....
Well, how long were these Myth Gods known by name that Julian mentioned?

"Against the Galileans
Asclepius heals our bodies, and the Muses with the aid of Asclepius and Apollo and Hermes, the god of eloquence, train our souls; Ares fights for us in war and Enyo also, Hephaistus apportions and administers the crafts, and Athene the Motherless Maiden with the aid of Zeus presides over them all...
The mention of the name Jesus does NOT make the character a figure of history. It may only signify what was BELIEVED. Certainly people of antiquity BELIEVED the Myth fables about their Myth Gods, Jesus included.

Originally Posted by arnoldo
...The "fabrication" that Julian mentions seems to be in reference to the resurrection of Jesus rather than his historicity...
Again, you promote propaganda. Not even the word resurrection is found in "Against the Galileans".

Julian is clearly arguing that it is UTTERLY FALSE that Jesus was God and that the fabrication of the Galileans, Jesus and the disciples, was a MONSTROUS tale of fiction composed by wickedness.

Julian had ZERO credible historical sources for the Galileans and asked his audience to present sources for Jesus and Paul.

Up to today, NOBODY can show a well-known single writer who wrote about Jesus and Paul. These events happen in the reign of TIBERIUS or Claudius.
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Old 10-23-2011, 05:40 PM   #936
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Some of the statements in the canonical Gospels using the name Jesus cannot be literally accurate reports of events that actually took place; other of the statements in the canonical Gospels using the name Jesus might or might not be literally accurate reports of events that actually took place.
Your statement does NOT help the likelihood of HJ.

As soon as you ADMIT that the Canonical Gospels contain reports that CANNOT be accurate then the Gospels CANNOT be RELIABLE.

As soon as you ADMIT that the Canonical Gospels contain reports that CANNOT be accurate then the Gospels are sources of FICTION.

1. The birth of Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report where Jesus was FATHERED by a Holy Ghost.

2. The Baptism EVENT CANNOT be an accurate report with the Holy Ghost Bird and the Voice from heaven..

3. The Temptation Event CANNOT be an accurate report where Jesus and Satan were together on the pinnacle of the Temple.

4. The Miracles of Jesus CANNOT be accurate reports where he cured INCURABLE diseases with the "spit and touch" technique.

5. The feeding of the 4000 and 5000 people CANNOT be an accurate report.

6. The Killing of a FIG tree by a curse CANNOT be an accurate report.

7. The raising of the dead CANNOT be an accurate report.

8. The Walking on the Sea by Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report.

9. The Transfiguration of Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report.

10. The Resurrection on the THIRD day CANNOT be an accurate report.

11. The post-resurrection of Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report.

12. The Ascension of Jesus CANNOT be an accurate report.

Virtually every report about Jesus in the Gospels CANNOT be accurate.

The Gospels are sources of inaccuracy, fiction and IMPLAUSIBILITIES from BIRTH to Ascension.

The Gospels do NOT help the likelihood of HJ they TEND to destroy him.

The Gospel Jesus was described as a PHANTOM.

The Gospel Jesus ONLY appeared to have a human body.
That depends on what you mean, in this context, by the terms 'likelihood of HJ' and 'reliable'.
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Old 10-23-2011, 05:53 PM   #937
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Originally Posted by tanya View Post
Originally Posted by archibald

Is HJ not the more likely overall explanation?

Never mind. The sheer dogmatic thinking in this little outpost of conspiracy theorising and mythicist fundyism is quite mind-boggling. What it is doing on a rational skepticism platform is beyond me.
The recent series of responses from gurugeorge to JD are just plain bizarre, for so many reasons,...
At risk of introducing yet another bizarre submission to this topic, as we approach nearly a thousand replies to the question posed by the author of this thread, I would like to re-submit this simple verse from Mark, copied from JW's thread inquiring about the quantity or quality of evidence needed to conclude that Mark is fiction:

Mark 1:1 Byzantine Majority text
αρχη του ευαγγελιου ιησου χριστου υιου του θεου


Mark 1:1 Greek Study Bible
Ἀρχὴ τοῦ εὐαγγελίου Ἰησου Χριστοῦ.

If the two extant versions of the same text have such different accounts, how can we call it "history"?

Evidently, many centuries ago, someone else had the same idea as J-D:
Originally Posted by J-D
Some of the statements in the canonical Gospels using the name Jesus cannot be literally accurate reports of events that actually took place;
"son of God", υιου του θεου, is a non-trivial addition to the text, (or subtraction from it, depending on your point of view.)

This comment went largely unnoticed on JW's thread, perhaps deservedly so. At the very least, I hope it will not, here, claim the epithet "bizarre".

Assumption 1: "HJ" = "historical Jesus" = hypothesis that there was once a real human being named Jesus of Nazareth.

Assumption 2: "HJ" has been defined by the Gospels, including Mark.

Assumption 3: "more likely overall explanation" = the explanation with the greatest harmony between the text of Mark, and the reality which we perceive in our daily life, about 18 centuries after this gospel was first composed. Our problem, addressing the OP, is this little word, "the", isn't it? We don't have "the" text of Mark. We have several, different, contradictory versions. Which one is the original? Which one is faithful to the original author's intentions? I claim we do not know the answers to those questions, and I claim, accordingly, that we don't possess "the" text of Mark.

My own personal bias is to reject the OP, and conclude that, on the contrary, the most reasonable, i.e. "more likely", explanation, is that the story of Jesus of Nazareth, as presented in Mark, is a work of fiction, about a fictional, (not an historical) character, imbued with mythical traits and qualities.

I submit this quote from Mark 1:1 as evidence thereof.

Originally Posted by J-D
In the context of the averral that some of the statements in the canonical gospels using the name Jesus cannot be accurate literal reports of events that actually took place, it is not tautologous to aver that other of the statements in the canonical gospels using the name Jesus might or might not be accurate literal reports of events that actually took place: the point being that there is a distinction between statements for which literal accuracy is still an open possibility and those for which it is not.
Unlike archibald, I don't find the comments of either GuruGeorge, or J-D to be bizarre. I do find this rather verbose comment from J-D, to be relatively long on verbiage, and short on substance. I claim that one quote from one gospel, illustrating a statement "using the name Jesus", which "cannot be accurate", would be more effective than writing tautologous this and aver that. Then, if archibald would reply not with words, but with a quote of his own, also drawn from the gospels, which demonstrated the contrary, i.e. the veracity of the hypothesis of "HJ", then, after 1000 more posts, we may hope to have attained nirvana.

If two textually different versions of the same document exist, I can see how that raises additional questions, but I don't see how it is grounds for arriving at a different general evaluation of the document. I know that a text which describes a son of God cannot be literally accurate, and it makes no difference one way or the other whether there's a parallel version which omits the 'son of God' reference.
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Old 10-23-2011, 07:37 PM   #938
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
If two textually different versions of the same document exist, I can see how that raises additional questions, but I don't see how it is grounds for arriving at a different general evaluation of the document. I know that a text which describes a son of God cannot be literally accurate, and it makes no difference one way or the other whether there's a parallel version which omits the 'son of God' reference.
Your claim is contradictory.

If two texts are different but is claimed to have been derived from some other text then questions MUST be raised about the evaluation of the original text.

It cannot be expected that a single document will contain ALL details of any character or that all documents about any character would be IDENTICAL.

Virtually all the additional details of Jesus NOT found in gMark described Jesus as a PHANTOM or ACTING as Phantom which is Compatible to gMark.

In gMark, Jesus was a PHANTOM.
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Old 10-23-2011, 07:59 PM   #939
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
The above quote, when taken into context, may indicate a challenge by Julian to produce a well known author to mention a reference to Cornelius and Sergius....
Your claim is erroneous. Cornelius and Sergius are not from the time of TIBERIUS. Not even Acts of the Apostle claimed that Cornelius and Sergius were from the time of TIBERIUS.,

Tiberius was already dead before Cornelius and Sergius were mentioned in Acts of the Apostles 10 &13.

The events surrounding Jesus and Paul supposedly happened in the reign of TIBERIUS and Claudius

"Against the Galileans"

Well, how long were these Myth Gods known by name that Julian mentioned?

"Against the Galileans

The mention of the name Jesus does NOT make the character a figure of history. It may only signify what was BELIEVED. Certainly people of antiquity BELIEVED the Myth fables about their Myth Gods, Jesus included.

Originally Posted by arnoldo
...The "fabrication" that Julian mentions seems to be in reference to the resurrection of Jesus rather than his historicity...
Again, you promote propaganda. Not even the word resurrection is found in "Against the Galileans".

Julian is clearly arguing that it is UTTERLY FALSE that Jesus was God and that the fabrication of the Galileans, Jesus and the disciples, was a MONSTROUS tale of fiction composed by wickedness.

Julian had ZERO credible historical sources for the Galileans and asked his audience to present sources for Jesus and Paul.

Up to today, NOBODY can show a well-known single writer who wrote about Jesus and Paul. These events happen in the reign of TIBERIUS or Claudius.
Considering that Tiberius was the Roman Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD, that time frame may not fit chronologically with account of Cornelius depicted in Acts so I will concede to your point. Additionally, there is apparent archaeological evidence dating Sergius to AD 47 which is clearly outside the time frame of the emperor Tiberius.

A boundary stone of Claudius mentioning Sergius was discovered at Rome in 1887. It records the appointment (AD 47) of the Curators of the banks and the channel of the river Tiber, one of who was Sergius. Since Paul's journey to Cyprus is usually dated to the first half of the 40s (and some scholars would date his visit even earlier), it is thought Sergius first served his three years as Proconsul at Cyprus, then returned to Rome, where he was appointed curator. As he is not greeted in Paul's Epistle to the Romans, it is possible he died before it was written.

With reference to Emperor Julian's challenge for a contemporary reference to Paul or Jesus it looks like the closest one is from the Roman Historian Tacitus.
Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.
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Old 10-23-2011, 08:15 PM   #940
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post

With reference to Emperor Julian's challenge for a contemporary reference to Paul or Jesus it looks like the closest one is from the Roman Historian Tacitus.
Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular.
Very interesting - if Julian did not know this passage in Tacitus, this would confirm the suspicion that Tacitus in fact wrote nothing about Jesus, and this is a later interpolation.
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