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Old 12-22-2005, 11:43 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Half-Life
One of the most important from the site is the fact that Christianity was spreading very rapidly throughout the area.
What "area" and what "time" are you talking about? There is no evidence the Romans ever noticed Christianity until several decades after the alleged crucifixion.
The Romans hated this. If they could just produce Jesus' body there would be an end to this and they would have proved no resurrection.
This is a ridiculous straw man. The Romans had no reason to care about or to try to refute Christianity for at least the first 50 years or so, and they would have had no ability to produce the remains of a crucified criminal from a half century earlier anyway. The carcass simply didn't exist anymore. It had either rotted on the cross or been dumped in a shallow criminals' grave or lime pit. Even if they had some reason to try to refute the resurrection (and there's no evidence the Romans in the 1st Century gave a fat rat's ass about what Christians believed) by producing a few bones (which would have been extremely unlikely to exist anymore, and which the Romans would have had no means to locate anyway), how exactly were they supposed to prove those bones belonged to Jesus? Hmmm? Why do you think a skeleton, however displayed, would be accepted by religious fanatics as the remains of their savior? Are you starting to see how absurd this argument is?
But guess what? They couldn't find the body. Don't you find this a bit strange? They put the body in the tomb with guards around it and yet they coulnd't find the body once Christianity was spreading.

How is this not some kind of proof?
It's not proof because you're assuming facts not in evidence and then drawing conclusions that would be fallacious even IF those facts were in evidence (which they aren't remotely).

Prove there was a tomb.
Prove there were guards.
Prove that any direct follower of Jesus ever claimed that Jesus
had come back from the dead or that they had ever seen a physically resurrected Jesus.

Bear in mind while you're attempting to prove these things that the Bible doesn't count as evidence. The historical truth of the Gospel accounts is precisely what you're attempting to prove. When you cite details like Matthew's guards, you are assuming your own conclusion. You can't use the Bible to prove itself. That would be a nonsensical approach, as I'm sure you can understand.

Until you can prove these things you haven't even got the beginnings of a case.
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Old 12-23-2005, 12:24 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Half-Life

Dr. Greenleaf, the Royal Professor of Law at Harvard University, was one of the greatest legal minds that ever lived. He wrote the famous legal volume entitled, A Treatise on the Law of Evidence, considered by many the greatest legal volume ever written. Dr. Simon Greenleaf believed the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was a hoax. And he determined, once and for all, to expose the "myth" of the Resurrection. After thoroughly examining the evidence for the resurrection — Dr. Greenleaf came to the exact opposite conclusion! He wrote a book entitled, An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Courts of Justice. In which he emphatically stated:

"it was IMPOSSIBLE that the apostles could have persisted in affirming the truths they had narrated, had not JESUS CHRIST ACTUALLY RISEN FROM THE DEAD, . . ."
(Simon Greenleaf, An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Courts of Justice, p.29).

Greenleaf concluded that according to the jurisdiction of legal evidence the resurrection of Jesus Christ was the best supported event in all of history!

And not only that, Dr. Greenleaf was so convinced by the overwhelming evidence, he committed his life to Jesus Christ!

What changed his mind? What evidence did Dr. Greenleaf encounter that so drastically turned him around? What facts did he discover that he could not rationally ignore?

This page makes a great case for the resurrection.
The fundamental problem is in taking the Gospels as some sort of historical evidence. But scholars know the Gospels are largely myth and legend. It would be like making a legal case for the existence of Santa Clause because of all the "eyewitnesses" who have seen him in written stories about him. Yes, all the eyewitnesses who have seen Santa would require 1000's of hours of testimony :Cheeky:
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Old 12-23-2005, 12:48 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
Greenleaf also blundered by claiming that because the Domesday Book would be allowed into court , the Gospels also would. Courts allow ancient documents to be entered, not modern reconstructions of what ancient documents might have said, which is what Bibles are.
Your contention is that the Dead Sea Scrolls would be allowed as evidence, the actual scrolls, but not any reconstructions or translations of the scrolls ?

Do you have any evidence for this rule of evidence ?

Did they follow those rules in the Elisha Qimron vs BAR case ?

Steven Avery
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Old 12-23-2005, 12:59 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
...Bear in mind while you're attempting to prove these things that the Bible doesn't count as evidence. The historical truth of the Gospel accounts is precisely what you're attempting to prove. When you cite details like Matthew's guards, you are assuming your own conclusion. You can't use the Bible to prove itself. That would be a nonsensical approach, as I'm sure you can understand.

Until you can prove these things you haven't even got the beginnings of a case.
Nicely said, Diogenes the Cynic.

Are we even sure "Dr. Greenleaf, the Royal Professor of Law at Harvard University," is non-fictional?

I googled him and came up with nothing but Christian faith pages.

I also googled "A Treatise on the Law of Evidence," and came up with one by Francis Wharton and another by John Henry Wigmore.

Ah, here is the evidence for "one of the greatest legal minds that ever lived":
and here:

1783–1853; those were sure different times.

"...elected to a term in the legislature and was appointed reporter of the Maine supreme court."

Must have been hard times when your legislators are also court reporters.

Then he went from court reporter/legislator to professor of law at Harvard, which he then helped found.

from "Testimony of the Evangelists by Simon Greenleaf"

"There should be a readiness, on our part, to investigate with candor to follow the truth wherever it may lead us, and to submit, without reserve or objection, to all the teachings of this religion, if it be found to be of divine origin."
"It should be pursued as in the presence of God, and under the solemn sanctions created by a lively sense of his omniscience, and of our accountability to him for the right use of the faculties which he has bestowed."
"How it came to pass that man, originally taught, as we doubt not he was, to know and to worship the true Jehovah..."

Methinks I see a little bias in his opening comments and I'm also a little curious regarding his ability to think rationally.

Or as I believe Homer Simpson said: "Pure hilarity."
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Old 12-23-2005, 01:15 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by praxeus
Your contention is that the Dead Sea Scrolls would be allowed as evidence, the actual scrolls, but not any reconstructions or translations of the scrolls ?

It could be evidence in a different sort of case, for example, where one person was trying to establish that he wrote the modern reconstruction or was trying to prove he had the copyright of a modern reconstruction.

In which case, those documents would be relevant.

Similarly, a translation of a document would be allowed into court, as a help for the judge and jury, provided the original was also present, and expert witness verified that it was an accurate translation.

Originally Posted by praxeus

Do you have any evidence for this rule of evidence ?

Only Greenleaf's article where he referred to the practice of allowing ancient documents into court, and then gave examples of original ancient documents being allowed into court (such as the Domesday book) (Or verified copies of the originals, checked against the actual original)

Originally Posted by praxeus

Did they follow those rules in the Elisha Qimron vs BAR case ?
No idea. Never heard of it.

Does this mean that Siniaticus and Vaticanus and p75 would be allowed as evidence in court of what happened centuries before they written?
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Old 12-23-2005, 09:01 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
Only Greenleaf's article where he referred to the practice of allowing ancient documents into court, and then gave examples of original ancient documents being allowed into court (such as the Domesday book) (Or verified copies of the originals, checked against the actual original)
It sounds like you extrapolated a bit.
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Old 12-23-2005, 04:32 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Half-Life
"it was IMPOSSIBLE that the apostles could have persisted in affirming the truths they had narrated, had not JESUS CHRIST ACTUALLY RISEN FROM THE DEAD, . . ."
Even if that is so (which I do not concede), it is irrelevant until we see proof that anybody who actually knew Jesus actually affirmed that he had risen from the dead.

No extant account of the resurrection was written by anybody who was alive when it allegedly occurred.
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Old 12-27-2005, 12:44 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Half-Life
"it was IMPOSSIBLE that the apostles could have persisted in affirming the truths they had narrated, had not JESUS CHRIST ACTUALLY RISEN FROM THE DEAD, . . ."
This is incomplete, and obviously false as quoted. The usual Christian hubris.

I've often wondered how many sentences, on average, a Christian can speak, before uttering a logical fallacy. Strobel, in his Case for Christ couldn't make it through the first paragraph of his book.

I guess all this laziness could explain why there are any Christians at all.
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Old 12-28-2005, 01:02 AM   #19
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One of the most important from the site is the fact that Christianity was spreading very rapidly throughout the area. The Romans hated this. If they could just produce Jesus' body there would be an end to this and they would have proved no resurrection. But guess what? They couldn't find the body. Don't you find this a bit strange? They put the body in the tomb with guards around it and yet they coulnd't find the body once Christianity was spreading.

How is this not some kind of proof?
Well, it's not prof because the statements your making are either lies or hilariously uneducated assertions based on a lack of knowledge on your part. Christianity was NOT spreading rapidly. Unsupported false statement on your part. The Romans did not hate it, due to the fact 1. It wasn't spreading fast, and 2. They didn't give a rat's ass about ridiculous little offshoots of a foreigner religion. Why would they? It's not a threat, and there isn't a mention of it being a threat in the Roman sources we have. Thus another false statement. The Romans thus wouldn't have NEEDED to produce a body or have had any reason to. IF they had, the reason they'd be unable to find it is because the bodies of crucified men weren't buried in tombs. They were left to rot in big stinky piles and then animals came to feast on the bounty of flesh. So we have ANOTHER false statement, and this one shows the error of the Bible. Jesus would NOT have been given a tomb, OR guards to protect it.

THUS, it's not some kind of proof. You believe the story in the Bible that he was crucified and had guards to be literal truth. It ain't. It's not verifed by any ind of sources and is in direct contradiction to the facts we know about. Jesus may have never existed at all. There arten't indipendent ources at the time or for decades afterwords confirming his existence even in literature that SHOULD describe him. Please educate yourself on the issue before dissminating more false information. Not to be rude, but it's sort of rude to come on here and post false, unverifed info. I'm guessing it was a careless mistake, and hopefully you'll read up and come back with better stuff for the forum.
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Old 12-28-2005, 05:51 AM   #20
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If I were to begin an investigation like this one, and like Greenleaf, I begin with the premise that the Gospel accounts and Acts were historically reliable and non-contradictory, then I would have produced the same results.

He found the conclusion he wanted to find. He wanted to believe therefore he did. If he truly wanted to expose a myth, he would have. Exposing the myth is a lot easier that apologetically defending it.
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