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Old 10-16-2009, 03:36 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post
So... no. It doesn't work for me. In my experience, when someone has a killer argument, obvious to all, they deploy it and adopt an air of weary patient courtesy. After all, what better way to win the audience?

All the best,

Roger Pearse
I'm confused why you seem to be holding atheists to this standard, yet what we are accusing Holding of is EXACTLY what you are saying good debaters don't do. Yet that doesn't seem to bother you in the least. :huh:

You seem here to be applying a double standard to sort of stealthily accuse atheists of being close-minded and hateful.

Furthermore, I find your view that someone with a killer argument being "weary and courteously patient" too naive - do you REALLY believe that the good argument always wins out in the end? If that were the case whence politics, or war, or any conflict between educated and intelligent people about any sort of ideology? You can have the right answer and still lose because your opponent seems flashier, or cockier than you, or because he is more popular.

Originally Posted by Pearse
Or is it something like this... Do atheists perhaps believe that no-one should be aggressive and scornful towards them and atheism, or something of that kind? If so, why? If not... what actually is the objection? (Just exploring what the logical point being made is). Is it wrong morally to be rude?
It is unprofessional to be rude.

The point being made by and large is that Turkel is ESPECIALLY odious not only because he is wrong, but because he is a jerk about it.

Nearly all atheists I have ever seen engage gladly in dialogue with apologists, however they expect respect and fair treatment in return. When that isn't there, the obvious reaction is scorn and an effort to ignore. But that is also difficult because so many see silence as a concession of defeat.
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Old 10-16-2009, 04:37 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Ktotwf View Post
Nearly all atheists I have ever seen engage gladly in dialogue with apologists, however they expect respect and fair treatment in return. When that isn't there, the obvious reaction is scorn and an effort to ignore. But that is also difficult because so many see silence as a concession of defeat.
These kind of generalizations are silly.
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Old 10-16-2009, 04:39 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Rick Sumner View Post
Originally Posted by Ktotwf View Post
Nearly all atheists I have ever seen engage gladly in dialogue with apologists, however they expect respect and fair treatment in return. When that isn't there, the obvious reaction is scorn and an effort to ignore. But that is also difficult because so many see silence as a concession of defeat.
These kind of generalizations are silly.
What in the hell are you talking about? The only generalization I made was that many atheists like engaging in dialogues with apologists, which I have found to be true, and in any case I added in the "I have ever seen" to make sure that I wasn't making a huge generalization that others might find to ring hollow.

Nothing else in what you quoted is a generalization as much as an explanation.
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Old 10-16-2009, 09:51 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post
I think you're right about the name (I never see discussion of specific arguments).

His literary personality is intentionally aggressive and scornful. But, just thinking outside the box, I was wondering.... is the argument against him that he should not be? If so, why? If not... can we put into words what the actual argument is?

Or is it something like this... Do atheists perhaps believe that no-one should be aggressive and scornful towards them and atheism, or something of that kind? If so, why? If not... what actually is the objection? (Just exploring what the logical point being made is). Is it wrong morally to be rude?

What do people think?

All the best,

Roger Pearse
Do you think JP (No Link) Holding should virtually always refuse to ever link to what his opponents say, and try to hide their names as best he can so that it takes a lot of Google searching to find the other half of this 'debate'?

Although Holding has got a lot better over the years. He now spell-checks his articles, and the grammar and syntax have improved considerably.

Holding's 'arguments' include such gems as claims that anybody found in possession of Acts of the Apostles would have been put to death if that person could not prove that everything in the book had happened as described.

'If Luke lied in his reports, Luke probably would have been jailed and/or executed by Agrippa's son, Herod Agrippa II (who held the same position), because that was the fellow Paul testified to in Acts 25-26 (reported by Luke). '

There is no scholarship, and we can only guess from what part of his anatomy Holding pulled that one from.

'And Agrippa II was alive and in power after Luke wrote and circulated Acts....'

There is, of course, zero scholarship in Holding's article for this claim that Acts was 'circulated' by Luke.

But if you point out that Holding simply makes things up, you will get abused by Holding.
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Old 10-16-2009, 09:55 PM   #45
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I should point out that Holding is very often right on the money.

'You start a religion by linking to obscure and nameless people.'

Not a single Christian in the first century ever put his name to a document stating he had even heard of Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene, Judas, Nicodemus, Lazarus, Joanna, Salome, Martha, the other Mary, Bartimaeus, Jairus, Simon of Cyrene, his sons Rufus and Alexander, Barabbas etc etc, let alone seen them.

Paul does mention a Rufus, but never connects him with a Gosepl character.

So Holding is on the money again. You start a fake religion by inventing a whole host of people whose existence cannot be checked.
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Old 10-16-2009, 11:13 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by JamesABrown View Post
Can someone give me the Cliffs Notes version of this Holding character? I've only heard of him in passing, mentioned by people who have a history of him, and everything they say is critical.

Who is this guy that makes everyone so upset?
a nobody
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Old 10-17-2009, 04:40 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post
I don't think that better arguments are needed - I don't think that Holding has made any valid points.
If so, why don't we see cogent, courteous refutations here when his name is mentioned? This thread, like all the others featuring his name, consists of personal attacks on him. It doesn't breed confidence, in me anyway.

All the best,

Roger Pearse
This one is a model refutation, Roger. I was very surprised that a scholar of Hector Avalos's stature would take the time to do so, but he did, and it's a slam dunk.


But here is how Holding works. Authors put a great deal of time and effort in their books. So Holding throws around bits of information, makes mountains out of molehills, uses non-sequiturs, and in the midst of this personally attacks them. He called Dr. Avalos, Dr. Stupid, ya see. Doing this gets a rise out of us. So we respond. When we do Holding's juvenile followers think he must be doing something right, and he gets more followers. Holding did not admit any of Hector's points even though they were thoroughly refuted and still continued calling him Dr. Stupid.

That's a person who deserves no response, in my opinion, as I said.

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Old 10-17-2009, 06:24 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post
Originally Posted by Celsus View Post
Pretty easy to use his ego against him. Just bait him into a topic he's unfamiliar with and then unleash the scorn and derision, while offering a way out that forces him to be nice to you. That's how it worked when I debated him some years ago on TWeb. In the end he wouldn't insult me gratuitously because it was an invitation for me to remind him of all his dodges. Plus I was bend-over-backwards polite to nice Christians, which made him look bad that all he got out from me was derision.
Do you have a link to the TWeb debate? Might be interesting to see.
When I did a Google search for "celsus jp holding" at TheologyWeb, I got this link in which Holding states that no such debate ever took place.

Originally Posted by Toto
There is a recording of a debate between Ken Hemphreys and JP Holding that is available...
On page three of the first TWeb thread that comes up on the aforementioned Google search, Holding provides a link to the radio debate.
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Old 10-17-2009, 06:53 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by John Kesler View Post
Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post

Do you have a link to the TWeb debate? Might be interesting to see.
When I did a Google search for "celsus jp holding" at TheologyWeb, I got this link in which Holding states that no such debate ever took place.

Holding put 'debated' in scare quotes, so he can deny any such debating ever took place.

I guess Holding has hardly 'debated' anybody at all, using his flexible definition of the word 'debated'.
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Old 10-17-2009, 06:57 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by John W. Loftus View Post
Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post
If so, why don't we see cogent, courteous refutations here when his name is mentioned? This thread, like all the others featuring his name, consists of personal attacks on him. It doesn't breed confidence, in me anyway.
This one is a model refutation, Roger. I was very surprised that a scholar of Hector Avalos's stature would take the time to do so, but he did, and it's a slam dunk.

This is far better than the usual stuff I see. I think we could do with more of this.

Edit: it seems that not merely have I read this before, and forgotten it; I discussed some points of it in the comments at the bottom of that page! Avalos didn't really seem to understand what he was saying, to me.

All the best,

Roger Pearse
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