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Old 04-11-2007, 12:18 AM   #661
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
I am suggesting that Jesus was never born, using the statements in the NT. So he was neither god nor man. Did you not grasp that?
Yes, I did indeed grasp that.

But in addition to suggesting that, you also said (and this is a direct quote of your words):

'The story of Atia is unconfirmed by her or her husband. It is not a virgin birth, it is a dream.'

Why did you say that? How did you think it was relevant?
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:22 AM   #662
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Originally Posted by Huon View Post
In France, and during the XIXth century, vital records were well kept, and there remain written traces of the birth and death of Bernadette Soubirous. For the data, see Wiki "Bernadette Soubirous".

Conclusion : Sometimes, a real person can have visions. This is not unfrequent.
That's more or less as I thought.

Now, if the information that Bernadette Soubirous cannot have spoken to the Virgin Mary in 1858 is not enough information to let us conclude that Bernadette Soubirous was not a real person (and it isn't), then the information that Jesus was not born of a Virgin is not enough information to let us conclude that Jesus was not a real person. We still don't have enough information here to decide whether Jesus was a real person or not.
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Old 04-11-2007, 04:08 AM   #663
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Originally Posted by J-D
More historically credible, and incompatible, is Acts 5:34-39.
And why is this incompatible ?

Acts 5:34-39
Then stood there up one in the council,
a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law,
had in reputation among all the people,
and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space;
And said unto them,
Ye men of Israel,
take heed to yourselves what ye intend
to do as touching these men.
For before these days rose up Theudas,
boasting himself to be somebody;
to whom a number of men,
about four hundred, joined themselves:
ho was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered,
and brought to nought.
After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing,
and drew away much people after him: he also perished;
and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.
And now I say unto you,
Refrain from these men, and let them alone:
for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:
But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it;
lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.

How would the Gamaliel advice to the council many years later,
after the crucifixion, be incompatible with the tactical alliance to
trip up Jesus when he alive and teaching and walking in Jerusalem ?

Perhaps by "incompatible" you simply mean "a change of Pharisee tactics" in a very different situation.

Only beatings.
And a command not to speak in the name of Jesus.

Which clearly could not be obeyed by the apostles.

As to the rest of your post, I really have no idea what you are
asking for. The tactical alliance is very sensible, the "tape
recorder" we have are the two Gospel accounts. If you want
to take the view that such an alliance is impossible and express
incredulity, I simply have no idea on what basis you do so.

Does even Flusser or Schiffman or anybody knowledgeable on
1st century Israel express similar incredulity ? Perhaps
at least you could quote Raymond Brown or somebody.

As pointed out again and again, in politics folks make alliances
with their opposition all the time. And in this case there was
not even any concession involved, it all led to simply ..

'How can we trap Jesus and show him as an enemy of Caesar'

Very crafty, what you might expect from folks loyal to that fox Herod.

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Old 04-11-2007, 05:50 AM   #664
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Don't forget about the "Holy Grail" stuff. In "The DaVince Code" there were supposedly these records that were kept of the genealogy of Mary Magdalene and the line of Jesus. I believe that the Templars wouldn't have been so powerful if they were not looking for something real or something they had a firm foundation for believing was "real." Per the Bible a segment of the Christian Jews from the 1st century would be chosen to live and "survive until the time of the lord" through the years down to our time. This seems necessary to fulfill the requirement of the promise to Abraham that his family would become a "kingdom of priests", with 12,000 from each tribe. This is a reduction of 90%, thus the entire kingdom of priests is really 1,440,000. That is, because of Jewish unfaithfulness to God's covenant, the holy king-priesthood represented as a tree is cut down, but 10% of it is left in as the root.

Anyway, I believe the Templars stumbled upon these people and/or those records, including that John himself was still alive and they began a quest to find him and those records. They adjusted the story to claim they were looking for Mary Magdalene as the "chalice" or carrier of the royal bloodline, but John also carried the royal bloodline and John and Jesus were, well, John was "the one Jesus loved" which they took as them having a "special relationship", so it was sanitized by turning John as Jesus' "special partner" into Mary Magdalene, his wife. John is thus depicted in some paintings as looking very feminine.

But ALL THAT TO SAY THIS: If there were some from the original congregation who were chosen to survive down to our time, and the purpose of that was to reeestablish a modern 12 tribes of Israel by those who could prove their ancestry in Jesus' day based upon their family records, then likely those records were important and they were maintained down to this day as well. Likewise, John and Paul, two who were also chosen to "survive down to the Lord's day" (1 Thess. 4:15, 17) likewise preserved other original writings and the gospels as well, and themselves are eyewitnesses to what happened.

Their appearance now, of course, threatens all those who would benefit by claiming they were fakes or that the Bible has been substantially changed. Therefore all the rhetoric about the "historicity of Jesus Christ" is potentially a totally mute point if ever these people surface with their 1st-century records. Of course, proving who they are and that they've survived all this time would be a greater testament to the truth, likely, than the records themselves, but that is all part of the "surprise package" awaiting us!

So maybe all the arguments challening the "historicity of Jesus Christ" are just preparing the way and making the appearance of these people and/or the records more dramatic.

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Old 04-11-2007, 07:16 AM   #665
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Originally Posted by aa5874
I have found the NT to be wholly fictitious.
Originally Posted by Doug Shaver
Have you proved that nothing in it could possibly be true?
Originally Posted by aa5874
Let me try to explain, simply, I do not accept that a Jesus was born.
The answer to my question seems to be no.

Originally Posted by aa5874
I have read about the virgin birth and events surrounding the birth in Matthew ch 1-2 and Luke ch 1-3 and cannot accept them as true.
Neither can I. If Jesus was real, he was not born of a virgin. That part of the story about him is definitely false.

Originally Posted by aa5874
The NT, itself, cannot account for Jesus.
I don't know what you mean by that.

Originally Posted by aa5874
both authors claimed Mary had a child with no human father.
The New Testament had a lot more than two authors.

Originally Posted by aa5874
Then the authors of the NT tried to assemble 2 genealogies for his supposed father
That is not true. Only two of the authors tried to do that. None of the other authors had anything to do with his genealogy.

Originally Posted by aa5874
, they could not even determine the father of Joseph. The authors then tried to show where Jesus lived as a child, one said Nazareth and the other said Egypt.
Actually, they both said he grew up in Nazareth. One them also said he spent a couple of years in Egypt first; he does not say he spent his whole childhood there.

Originally Posted by aa5874
Now, I regard these explanations as total fiction
Your comments are so incoherent, I can't even figure out what you think the authors are trying to explain.

I agree that the gospels (which are not the entire New Testament) are works of fiction. However, I have a logical reason for thinking so. You don't. Your logic is about as valid as that of the average evangelical apologist.
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Old 04-11-2007, 07:26 AM   #666
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post
As pointed out again and again, in politics folks make alliances
with their opposition all the time. And in this case there was
not even any concession involved, it all led to simply ..

'How can we trap Jesus and show him as an enemy of Caesar'

Very crafty, what you might expect from folks loyal to that fox Herod.
That old fox Herod had been dead for 30 years and his ruling heir was so unpopular that they happily kicked him out. The Romans agreed and sent Archelaus out packing and Quirinius in to liquidate the estate. The family of Herod was singularly unpopular amongst Jews. Those Jews who would have supported Herod's family were Hellenistic Jews -- those more likely to have taken advantage of the Herodian Roman connection -- and therefore unpopular from the beginning with the Pharisees, who were devout Jews and whose heirs were responsible for the preservation of the Jewish faith after the disasters of two wars against Rome.

What we know of the Pharisees in Judea is that they tended not to have relations with the Romans. They were the ones who refused to take oaths of allegiance (AJ 15.368-370 to Herod, 17.42 to Caesar). This put the Pharisees potentially against both Herod and the Romans. It would be later during the Bar-Kochba war that Pharisees would support the messianic leader against the Romans, so the Pharisees were hardly likely to be interested in pacifying the Romans.

The notion of a devout Jewish group siding with "Herodians" (a small non-religious group supposedly loyal to a Hellenistic Idumean royal family out of favor in Judea for twenty years, a group which will have curried favor with the Romans) for purely policial reasons flies in the face of the evidence.

It is a narrow-minded old-time anti-Jewish sentiment rife in some more conservative christian circles which would propose such an expedient view of the Pharisees, when our evidence is that the Pharisees were serious religionists who took their religion extremely seriously to the extent of maintaining temple purity in their fellowships.

Tendentious reasoning (about the Pharisees found in some flavors of christianity) yields tendentious results.

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Old 04-11-2007, 07:26 AM   #667
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A little warm-up exercise for the morning.

From Larsguy47:
No, you have a CHOICE. In fact, that is what JUDGMENT DAY is all about. Judgment Day occurs after Christ returns and rules for 1000 years on the earth. This 1000 years is a sabbath or "rest" from the world influenced by Satan or independent governments. They had nearly 6000 years to experiment with doing things their way. For 1000 years things will be done God's way and a world without death and sickness ruled by one ruler under God will be the ideal to compare against on Judgment Day.
I can hardly wait. Or will it be postponed, like you tried to do with the Peloponnesian War?

From Larsguy47:
On Judgment Day, everybody will come back to life and they will sort of COMPARE NOTES. That's how people will be judged. That is, whether under the individual circumstances one was coerced or willingly choose to go against God's laws or their god-given conscience. Obviously, most people will not be found to be unworthy, but others who went out of their way, say for greed or malice might be judged accordingly.
I can see it now: a giant seminar: you go to heaven; you go to hell. How is it decided? Do we vote?

From Larsguy47:
So in your case, others in your similar situation might be compared and then 1,440,000 judges will decide if you qualify for life.
And who elected them? Sounds like a fascist dictatorship. God is Fuhrer and the 1,440,000 are the SS.

From Larsguy47:
Now contrasted with that are the angels in heaven. The says a wholloping one-third of them decided this god was not their "cup of tea" and decided to protest along with Satan, apparently content to die for their cause.
Please give a scriptural authority for this fanasy.

From Larsguy47:
You know, the "Give me liberty or give me death!" crowd? After they see everything the way God wishes it, they may still choose not to continue to live past say their 80 years.
So, the rebellious angels were actually the good guys who were against God the Fuhrer and his SS angels.

From Larsguy47:
Just to put a little more persepctive on this as well, so that it doesn't really seem like a GOOD and EVIL thing. The Bible mentions that it is very difficult for a "rich man" to get into the kingdom of heaven. That is, those who think that to be happy requires them to have the life of a rich man, will be challenged under a world where every individual is equal and self responsible.
Now it sounds like socialism. Which is it? Fascism or socialism?

From Larsguy47:
Think about it: Sure being rich is great. We all dream of that big house in the hills and having everything we desire. But part of that requires the servitude of others. We have money to go out to a fancy restaurant, we expected to be waited on an fussed over by others and for the chef to create magic in the kitchen and be so honored we came to his restaurant. If all is equal, whose going to be waiting on you? Everybody from the doorman to the chef will be just as "rich" as you. So that aspect of "the good life" won't be there.
If this is the case, and it sounds like socialism, where does God the Fuhrer and his SS angels come in? What do we need them for if were all responsible and equal?

From Larsguy47:
Or maybe you have a nice "prestigeous" home with a pool and a lawn the size of a golf course. Wow! How wonderful. You're living like a king. But whose going to cut the lawn? You won't have gardeners, not maids to attend to you, no "personal assistants" to take care of the daily chores in life while you plan vacation cruises around the world with other rich people.

So THAT person, who likes others picking up about him and validating some talent or business acumen he has in this world, will find a different world of absolute equality. Basically, he as to get with the program of "every man under his own fig tree" type of lifestyle. So people who need to be better than everybody else or who really appreciate "the good life" of this old world, might not see the "perfect world" of equality for all men as that much of a fun place, in which case, they may simply opt out.
Up the Revolution!

From Larsguy47:
God let Adam live out pretty much close to his 1000 years (1 day). So God may let others live out their 80 years of temporary life and then they will simply die and not be resurrected.

So the coming world is really for sort of the "common", everyday man, who enjoys people and nature more than things, materialism or status in the world. It is a world without doctors, lawyers, stock brokers, businessmen. But there will be scientists, technicians and artists of all kinds. There won't be any wars, and so no soilders. So those who are expert at fighting will have to find something else to do. Some will not want to make those necessary changes. Those too lazy to want to adapt or feel they are compromised, as Satan, will be allowed to excuse themselves.

But the everyday man, in all his glory, the guy who wants to surf all day and feel close to God, will think his life is still too short even if he lives forever.
"Sweet dreams are made of this."

From Larsguy47:
So JUDGMENT DAY will screen out those who find themselves somewhat incompatible with the new order of things and who are too lazy or stubborn to make the changes in their mental or philosophical disposition to conform. It's unfortunate.
Now we're back to fascism and the "new order.

From Larsguy47:
So God might not really be "judging" anybody. It's possible life will be offered to many, but after living under the new world circumstances, they may simply not be able to take it and actually volunteer to commit suicide. That is apparent because there is a rebellion after the millennium by "Gog of Magog" (Nazism) after the millennium ends. These don't want to conform and apparently want to create a separate society, but they are not permitted to.
Sounds like your post-judgment society is turning into fascism. And here I thought ...

From Larsguy47:
But everyone, even if they are not the "right type" of person for the new order, have a chance to make those changes and to conform, and so everybody actually has a personal choice if they want what is being offered. Those who value life itself over "lifestyle" will tend to do better.
Yup, I knew all that equality and responsibility shit was too good to be true. Fascism.

From Larsguy47:
You are not predestined to death or life. You make that choice. And it's true genetic makeup has something to do with that, but every person likely has to make some adjustments. Even Chirst himself had to learn obedience.
One more fundy nightmare. No wonder most of you love George Bush.

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Old 04-11-2007, 08:04 AM   #668
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Are you saying: 'Joseph can never have existed because the virgin birth is fictitious'? How can you justify that statement?
You are asking me questions about your questions?

I am saying that the authors of the NT have 2 completely different genealogies of Joseph. The author of Matthew or Luke or both have no idea who Joseph was or if he was, i.e there is bogus information in the NT. And to make make matters worse, one of the authors wrote that an angel talked to Joseph.

Unless there is some independent confirmation of these stories, I regard them as fiction.
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Old 04-11-2007, 08:31 AM   #669
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Originally Posted by J-D View Post
Now, if the information that Bernadette Soubirous cannot have spoken to the Virgin Mary in 1858 is not enough information to let us conclude that Bernadette Soubirous was not a real person (and it isn't), then the information that Jesus was not born of a Virgin is not enough information to let us conclude that Jesus was not a real person. We still don't have enough information here to decide whether Jesus was a real person or not.
There are tons of fiction in the NT. I can go through the NT, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and point them out to you, for example the entire 8th chapter of Matthew is fictitious, but let me give you a partial list for now.

These events are all fictitious:
1. The prophecies regarding Jesus, as stated in the NT.
2. The birth of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
3. The baptism of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
4. The temptation of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
5. The miracles done by Jesus, as stated in the NT.
6. The transfiguration of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
7. The burial of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
8. The resurrection of Jesus as stated in the NT.
9. The ascension of Jesus, as stated in the NT.
10.The witnesses to the above mentioned events, as stated in the NT.

I have done some investigation and I have narrowed all the possibilities to one possibilty and it is this: Jesus never existed.
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Old 04-11-2007, 08:59 AM   #670
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Originally Posted by Doug Shaver View Post

Your comments are so incoherent, I can't even figure out what you think the authors are trying to explain.
That's because I am using the NT to show that Jesus is fictitious. I myself find the NT terribly incoherent and I wished I had some other source, but since there are no others, I will continue with the NT.

I must warn you in advance, my incoherency will get much worse when I start to quote the book called Revelation, I have never seen so much mumbo-jumbo in my life.

Anyhow, apparently, you seem to think you understand the authors of the NT, but frankly speaking I don't, maybe that is why I appear confused at times.

Originally Posted by Doug Shaver
]I agree that the gospels (which are not the entire New Testament) are works of fiction. However, I have a logical reason for thinking so. You don't. Your logic is about as valid as that of the average evangelical apologist.
In attempting to describe me, you have inadvertently described yourself.

The logic of the average evangelical apologist is in agreement with your logical reasoning.
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