Originally Posted by RogueBibleScholar
Lightfoot and his followers uncritically invoked the results of de Rossi’s work on the Roman catacombs in the 1880s
Forgery has been continuously generated by christian authoritarian followers in order to support forgery. This has been going on continuously since Eusebius. That is continuously since the fourth century until the present century. Quite simply Giovanni Battista de Rossi was a forger. Think Oded Galan.
de Rossi's Cornelius Stone
Giovanni Battista de Rossi (1822-1894) considered the greatest of the 19th century Roman archaeologists. As a loyal member of the Catholic Church, he was asked by Pope Pius IX to publish his works under the Vatican imprint. In 1857 the Vatican press printed his Inscriptiones christianae Urbis Romae. The work contained 1126 inscriptions dating from the year AD 71 to 589[1] His most famous discovery was made in 1849. In a shed belonging to a wineyard, he found a stone with the partial inscription
The only possible name was Cornelius. Pope Cornelius (251-253) died in exile, and was therefore considered a martyr.
NB: A later edition of Inscriptiones contained a total of 1374 inscriptions. The first four were scrapped as forgeries, meaning that the oldest known Christian inscription in Rome is a memorial to Emperor Caracalla's chamberlain Prosenes, who died in 217.
It should be noted that the Prosenes inscription is classified as "christian" on the basis of tradition. Nothing about it suggests it was inscribed by a christian hand. The evidence when sought for, vanishes citation by citation into a morass of ambiguity. At some stage it will dawn on researchers that the evidence for the existence of the tribe of christians before Eusebius is purely Eusebian, rendered over by Eusebian continuators of the 4th and 5th century.