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12-09-2012, 08:45 AM | #991 | ||
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The suspension of logic and rationality will never be able to provide an answer as to whether there is a higher purpose for our existence. TedM's higher purpose in life seems to be the suspension of Logic and Rationality. TedM's higher purpose in life appears to be to create utter chaos and confusion among mankind. In effect, TedM's higher purpose in life appears to be to create a world of IDIOTS. The highest purpose of life is to " FIGHT AGAINST" the suspension of logic and reason. |
12-09-2012, 03:26 PM | #992 |
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It was extremely easy to find out that the Jesus story and cult originated in the 2nd century--A piece of cake. It was merely time consuming.
Scholars have already deduced that authors of the Gospels, the Pauline and Non-Pauline writings were really unknown. They have also deduced that writings of the NT that were claimed by Apologetics to have been written Before c 70 CE were written AFTER c 70 CE. In fact, Scholars have placed the composition of ALL the NT Gospels after the time prescribed by the Church and its writers. A pattern has developed. The Church and its writers had presented bogus information to people of the Roman Empire. The four Gospels were NOT written before c 68 CE and were NOT written by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. The recovered dated manuscripts corroborate Scholars. The Jesus story was unknown in the 1st century but the Church and its writers supplied bogus information to Dupe and Deceive the Roman people. Every thing the Church and its writers claimed about the chronology, authorship and dating of the Gospel are in error. See "Did Jesus Exist?" page 69-72. |
12-09-2012, 07:56 PM | #993 | |||||||
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You need not accept the possibility of something that science cannot currently figure out. You may simply live and then die according to your own rules as you wish. But, to say that other people have not experienced the supernatural because it does not exist is to be close-minded and to possibly cut yourself off from ever discovering a higher purpose in life. I strongly oppose the dogmatic thinking of those who think natural phenomenon in the material world, and our rational response to it is the be-all and end-all of the entire 'real' human experience. It's highly arrogant and offensive, and IMO is anti-God. |
12-09-2012, 08:08 PM | #994 |
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In the NT it is claimed Jesus the Son of God was delivered up by the Jews and was crucified under Pilate.
In the short gMark, the Jesus character did all sorts of miracles that were not humanly possible even today no human can instantly make the dumb talk, instantly make the deaf hear, instantly make the blind see and raised dead people by mere words, a touch or with spit. The Jesus of the short gMark would walk on water in the dead of night and transfigure on a mountain within the disciples sight. The short gMark Jesus was superhuman. In other words, the gMark Jesus was Fiction--a Myth Fable. The Jesus story in gMark was a Fable which was derived from the Hebrew Bible. We can see that the short gMark story did IMPACT people of antiquity because there are at least three authors of the Canon that copied virtually 100% of gMark. The unknown author of the Long gMark COPIED virtually every single word of the short gMark and in the very same order. The Jesus story in gMark was the MOST copied story in the Canon. The unknown author of gMatthew did the same thing. Amost all of gMark is in gMatthew. The unknown author of the Long gMark after having copied virtually 100% of the short gMark claimed Jesus did resurrect and appeared to the disciples. The unknown author of Matthew using almost 100 % of gMark claimed Jesus was born AFTER his mother was made pregnant by a Ghost. Even the very Earliest authors of the Jesus stories declared and described Jesus as non-human by his actions and birth. It is clear that the Jesus stories are Fables--they are NOT history--the earliest Jesus was an invention. But wait a minute If the Pauline letters were composed Before the Synoptics and were SENT DIRECTLY to Churches then the Synoptic Jesus story is expected to reflect the Jesus of the EARLY Churches. Surely, it could NOT be that for over 17 years that NO-ONE in the Church knew of the Jesus story until gMark was written. The Pauline preaching was supposedly from around 37 CE to c 64 CE based on Acts and Galatians. The fact that Paul did NOT mention the story of Jesus must indicate that the Jesus story was ALREADY known in the Churches. The Jesus story Must have been preached in the Churches WHILE Paul was a Persecutor. It is not reasonable or logical that Paul was a persecutor and preached for over 17 years and that the Jesus story was unknown in the Churches until gMark was composed. The Pauline writings are no different to the Non-Pauline Epistles---they have virtually Nothing about the Life of Jesus because they were Composed AFTER the Jesus story was known, circulated and believed. There were Churches in Christ which Paul persecuted. There were people in Christ that Paul persecuted. The chronology for Saul/Paul is fixed in the NT. The Pauline writer was AFTER the Jesus story was already known and composed. Paul claimed he stayed with the apostle Peter and Met James--See Galatians 1 Peter and James are fiction characters in the earliest Gospels. See the short gMark, the Long gMark, gMatthew, gLuke and gJohn. Background checks on the Apostle Peter and James produced no history. The Apostle Peter and James are NOT found outside Apologetics--never in non-apologetic sources. All the aquaintances of Paul have NEVER EVER been located in Non-Apologetics--none--no-one. Every one vanished without a trace--Barnabas vanished--Timothy vanised--Titus vanished--Philemon vanished--Peter vanished--James vanished. The NT Canon is a compilation of 2ND century or later Myth Fables and were used to dupe and deceive people in the Roman Empire into believing that the Jews killed the Son of their God and caused the Jewish Temple to Fall and the Calamities of the Jews. |
12-09-2012, 08:55 PM | #995 | |||||||
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12-09-2012, 10:07 PM | #996 | ||
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If Jesus did actually live, actually performed miracles, was actually crucified and was actually resurrected and that the disciples did preach that Jesus did miracles, was crucified and resurrected and that people were converted and there were Churches then we would expect the Jesus story to have been known and circulated BEFORE Paul was blinded by a bright light and heard the voice of Jesus. Essentially, if gMark is actual history then the story of Jesus PREDATED the persecution of Paul and predated the blinding bright light conversion of Paul. If the Pauline writings are history then Paul must have persecuted those who knew of, those who preached and believed the story of Jesus as stated in gMark. It is quite illogical and absurd for those who claim Jesus did actually exist and that gMark is an actual biography of Jesus to argue that the Pauline writer did NOT know of the Jesus story because his letters do NOT mention the miracles and life of Jesus when ALL the Epistles also do NOT mention them. Logically, if gMark is actual history and the Pauline writings are actual history then logically the stories about Jesus in gMark were known BEFORE the Pauline writings were composed. Now, in 1 Cor. 15 the Pauline writer claimed that Jesus DIED for OUR SINS, was buried and Rose on the THIRD Day according to the Scriptures. Logically, this means that there were Scriptures of the Jesus story. gMark does is NOT the Scripture that stated Jesus died for our sins and resurrected on the Third Day. No such thing is in gMark. It is the LATER Scriptures like gJohn that we hear that Jesus died for our sins. In Acts, the Pauline letters were NOT COMPOSED up to c 59-62 or when Festus was procurator of Judea. Surely, the Jesus story MUST have been known before c 59-62 CE if gMark is actual history. In gMark Jesus died under Pilate c 26-36 CE and up to c 59-62 CE the Pauline writings were NOT yet composed based on Acts. Logically, the Jesus story was known, circulated, preached and believed BEFORE the Pauline writings were composed. |
12-09-2012, 10:32 PM | #997 | |||
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It is utter BS that no-one cared about why the Jewish Temple Fell--utter BS. Was Justin a Jew?? Were Hippolytus, Tertullian and Origen Jews?? The very people who called themselves Christians, the very Non-Jews, those who were duped and deceived, were the ones who cared about why the Jewish Temple Fell. Justin the Non-Jew was duped and deceived and he cared about why the Temple Fell and told the Jews about their supposed evil deeds against his Jesus. Dialogue with Trypho XVI Quote:
12-09-2012, 11:03 PM | #998 | |||
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Hosea 6:1-2 Quote:
SO: 1. Jesus story known 2. Paul writes, and references OT scripture 3. Jesus story written down (gMark, etc.) Orthodox viewpoint remains intact. |
12-09-2012, 11:08 PM | #999 |
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12-09-2012, 11:12 PM | #1000 |
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How fortunate we are to have such a long running thread full of aa's wonderful insights which will change the world for the better! Without aa the entire world would be in utter darkness.
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