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Old 05-06-2007, 04:51 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Amedeo View Post
Are there other books of divine revelation by whose help you identify the Beast to be Christendom nations or nations under Christian influence?
Possibly, but I don't know specifically. I have reason to believe there are other secret "records" I don't know about necessarily other secret writings other than the Bible. And if there were and were pertinent they, likewise, would be secret to those persons who it would pertain to and not in public domain.

Where does this identification you cite COME FROM?
Lots of things including historical application. For instance the 666-beast receives a death stroke that gets healed. That is considered a reference to the fall of Nazi Germany but the rise back to prominence of the German economy and nation. The "water" is associated with false propaganda and teachings compared to the Bible, which is symbolized by the "earth", etc. The Lamb-Dragon thus coming out of the "earth" represents God's recognized "temple organization" that of Jehovah's witnesses. They do not bear the number 666 because they do not believe in the false trinity doctrine. But it still becomes corrupt and apostate. It's a sister beast to the 666 Beast and they are both thrown into the lake of fire "while still alive" together at some point. I believe it's at the same point when Babylon the Great (the "Illuminati"/Freemasonry based organizations of today) are destroyed/outlawed by the UN. So those general alignments define the beast as related to Western culture and countries who are claiming to be Christian, etc. But it's an INTERPRETATION. Some of these things can have multiple meanings and the right meaning sometimes will be simply the one given by the right person: "Interpretation belongs to God." If you don't know who to listen to, then you can't be sure about the right interpretation.

According to the second Moses, Moses Hess, the mission of the Judaeans is to be the priests of mankind.
I don't know about this, but per the Bible, originally all the king-priests were to be the Jews, 120,000 from each tribe. But because of their failing to be obedient to God's covenant, they were cut down to just 10% (Isa 6:13) and the rest of those positions go to the "gentiles" now. But somewhere in the Jewish religious subculture should be the belief, even vague, that they are to fulfill being king-priests, so that might be loosely connected with the reality in the Bible and wouldn't directly contradict it.

This means that they are not going to serve the purposes of the Christian priests (to being manking to Christ). Obviously then, they are the missionaries of the anti-Christ: they are the anti-Christ emissaries, THE anti-Christ.
Actually, not necessarily! The Jews are guaranteed 10% of the seats in the kingdom of 1,440,000, that is, 144,000 seats; 12,000 from each tribe. Thus the "root" of the symbolic olive tree representing the kingdom remains solidly Jewish. Those grafted in are likewise considered "Jews" by adoption; "spiritual Jews." So the fundamental concept of a Jewish priesthood is quite Biblical. Only in the actual practice some of those Jewish positions will actually be filled in by gentiles. But even so, as noted, the gentiles are considered "Jews" as well in this sense. So there is no fundamental conflict with the concept that the Jews would serve as the priesthood of the world at some point. The only technical difference here is if "Judeans" mean strictly from the royal tribe of Judah, that's not correct, since it is divided up by 12,000 from each of the natural 12 tribes of Israel. And further, gentiles will substitute for 90% of the positions lost by the Jews.

If you don't agree with this conclusion, explain why Moses was wrong; that is, explain that, as a matter of fact [not by some appointment or some divine design], the Judeans are not really growing into the priestood for bringing mankind to God (or something to that effect).
Conceptually, I do agree. Ultimately, the priesthood of the 1,440,000 who serve with Christ, particularly during the 1000-year reign of Christ which will begin shortly, will be doing just that! Bringing the world of mankind chosen to survive into the millennium to the place of knowing God. That's their function to rule and serve as priest for the world of mankind. Since they are considered to be substitute "Jews" then actually this concept of a Jewish-based priesthood that brings the world to God is right on the money.

WWW is not a name; it is an acronym.
A "name" is not always simply what something is called but more so a "reputation". So an acronym can become the "name" of something if it reflects the identity/reputation to that which it is applied. Thus "KKK" is far more the reputation than the actual official "name".

But thanks for the English lesson.

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Old 05-06-2007, 05:17 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Corona688 View Post
**** THE PROOF THAT Larsguy47 IS EVIL ****

   L   A   R   S   G   U   Y
  76  65  82  83  71  85  89     - as ASCII values
   4   2   1   2   8   4   8     - digits added
  \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_________/
   4   2   1   2   2             - digits added

Numerology is stupid. Any questions?

J Canon is another moniker Larsguy47 was known by at another web site that spewed the same things he's? "revealing" here. [as I "exposed" in another thread ]

Since deception's his game, I figured maybe J Cannon might be his name

**** THE PROOF THAT J Cannon IS EVIL ****

74 67 65 78 78 79 78 - as ASCII values
2 4 2 6 6 7 6 - digits added
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_________/
2 4 2 6 1 - digits added

Thus, "J Cannon" is 24261.

Divide by 3, the symbol of fulfillment - the result is 8087.

Multiply the number by 002 - this is the symbol of greed, from right to left. It gives 16174.

Subtract 1957, the year DEC was founded. The result will be 14217.

Subtract 1986, the year a postman in Okhlahoma gone postal, killing 14. The result will be 12231.

Subtract 3891 from the number - this is the year Microsoft introduced Windows 1.0, written backwards. It gives 8340.

This number, when read backwards, gives 0438. This, written in octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast.
Pleased to meet you! Hope you guess my name!
*off topic* [but a goodie!]
Hey Messiah of Meshugana have you figured out how I resurrected your web site yet?
Old 05-06-2007, 08:14 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by David B View Post
you beast me to it!
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Old 05-06-2007, 09:52 PM   #24
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In the present context, referring to Jews as missionaries of the antichrist is antisemitism.
From Amedeo:
In the present context, I ASKED, I DID NOT ASSERT, about the validity of a conclusion based on the doctrine of Moses Hess. A question is not an assertion FOR THOSE WHO HAVE THE CAPACITY TO READ.
From Amedeo (the post in question):
Obviously then, they [the Jews] are the missionaries of the anti-Christ: they are the anti-Christ emissaries, THE anti-Christ.
Sounds like an antisemitic assertion to me.

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Old 05-07-2007, 06:57 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
Could this be right?

Originally Posted by Larsguy47 View Post
You asked for it. Numerology is a pile of crap.
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Old 05-07-2007, 07:35 AM   #26
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a certain narrow minded sheet makes use of 'vicarius filii dei' to assert its the pope who's this 666 beast.
such silliness annoys me but whenever i see another it attracts my attention.Can grown-ups really be that dumb?
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Old 05-07-2007, 08:55 AM   #27
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Epistle unto the English Speakers

Dearly beloved:
I send you a copy of my letter of the propounder of 666 being... whatever it was.
In this letter, I drew upon the prophet Moses II, wherefore [after "THEN"] one would have to conclude that the priestly Judaeans are 666. Thereupon I asked the propounder that, should he disagree with that conclusion, he should be kind enough to explain etc. etc.
Dearly beloved, should you quote from a heretic or an accursed doctrinaire and draw a logical conclusion, and should you ask me to demonstrate the falsity of that conclusion, I will be glad to take your case, so that you may not be led into error. I shall not accuse you of being either heretics or propounders of false conclusions.
In the name of the Logos for ever and ever,

From # 6
Are there other books of divine revelation by whose help you identify the Beast to be Christendom nations or nations under Christian influence?

Where does this identification you cite COME FROM?

According to the second Moses, Moses Hess, the mission of the Judaeans is to be the priests of mankind.

This means that they are not going to serve the purposes of the Christian priests (to being manking to Christ). Obviously then, they [the Judaeans] are the missionaries of the anti-Christ: they are the anti-Christ emissaries, THE anti-Christ.

If you don't agree with this conclusion, explain why Moses was wrong; that is, explain that, as a matter of fact [not by some appointment or some divine design], the Judeans are not really growing into the priestood for bringing mankind to God (or something to that effect).

WWW is not a name; it is an acronym.
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Old 05-07-2007, 01:17 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Gawen View Post
After extensive number crunching, I've come to the conclusion that the Beast is....

Rosie O'Donnell
You mean like in a lesbo daisy chain ?

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