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Old 11-27-2005, 10:31 AM   #11
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To add to something pharoah wrote earlier, here is something that should shut any Christian up who makes claims like those in the OP:

Originally Posted by Robert Ingersoll
Here in our own country, only a few years ago, men claimed to have found golden plates upon which was written a revelation from God. They founded a new religion, and, according to their statement, did many miracles. They were treated as outcasts, and their leader was murdered. These men made their "depositions" "in the immediate prospect of death." They were mobbed, persecuted, derided, and yet they insisted that their prophet had miraculous power, and that he, too, could swing back the hingeless door of death. The followers of these men have increased, in these few years, so that now the murdered prophet has at least two hundred thousand disciples. It will be hard to find a contradiction of these pretended miracles, although this is an age filled with papers, magazines, and books. As a matter of fact, the claims of Joseph Smith were so preposterous that sensible people did not take the pains to write and print denials. When we remember that eighteen hundred years ago there were but few people who could write, and that a manuscript did not become public in any modern sense, it was possible for the gospels to have been written with all the foolish claims in reference to miracles without exciting comment or denial.
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:36 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
Paul wrote 'The first Adam became a living soul, the last Adam became a life-giving spirit'.

This is really very clear. So clear that leading apologists such as NT Wright can write 700 plus page books and never find space to quote it in full.
It seems that what you are attempting to do is create a false dichotomy between Jesus' resurrection in the flesh and Jesus' resurrection as a spiritual being. The truth is that they are one in the same. The tomb of Christ was empty, He had risen. However, He was also able to walk through walls and therefore not bound by human limitations.
Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles but he was also a Pharisaical Jew. To the Jews, there was no understanding of resurrection other than of the flesh.
The "spiritual body" that Paul speaks of is not one of non-flesh but one not tainted by human sin. It is not an entirely new body but the old body in a new quality of being. When Christ became incarnate, He freely choose to live in a human body with human limitations. Post-resurrection, Christ is still of flesh but is also a "life-giving spirit". Note that though Adam was a "living soul" that does not at all mean that he wasn't of the flesh also.
When Paul teaches that "flesh and blood shall not inherit the Kingdom of God", he means the sinfulness of our flesh and blood. Had he doubted the resurrection of the flesh, he would have used the phrase "flesh and bone".

Originally Posted by Steven Carr
Did the Corinthians really hear the stories of Jesus eating, being touched , and having wounds? Then why did they doubt the resurrection of the dead?
For the same reason why anyone would doubt anything supernatural, anything that is beyond everyday experience. Almost every Christian will endure a period of doubt merely because of how otherwordly certain tenants may be.

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Old 11-27-2005, 06:49 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
Just out of curiosity, why do you think the Jews had no prior belief of a dying Messiah, despite having written the very scriptures which clearly prophesy exactly that?
The Jews awaited a conquering military hero who would restore Israel as an earthly kingdom. However, Jesus came as a peace-maker who taught mercy and love. Isaiah 53, for example, does teach of the suffering servant who died for our iniquities but this was not interpreted to mean Christ until it was fulfilled by Christ. Had Jesus not risen from the dead, it is highly unlikely that anyone would have believed Him to be the Messiah.

Originally Posted by Steven Carr
And why did Jesus not teach the disciples what a Messiah really was? Are there any other parts of the message of Jesus that you feel the disciples got totally wrong? How can we trust the Gospels if they are based on the recollections of people who had no idea what Jesus was teaching?
The Gospels show that when Jesus predicted His own death and resurrection, His disciples did not entirely understand what He was speaking of. More likely than not, they also expected Jesus to be a conquering earthly hero. If they had expected the Messiah to die and rise from the dead, why did Peter attempt to save the life of Jesus by the sword? Though Christ was consistent in the purpose of His ministry, its meaning was not entirely clear to the disciples until fulfilled in His resurrection.

Originally Posted by Steven Carr
I wonder why the enemies of Jesus thought that the apostles might very well start preaching that the Messiah had been killed and had risen again, and that some people might believe it on the basis of no evidence whatsoever?

Matthew 27:The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. "Sir," they said, "we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, 'After three days I will rise again.' So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead.
The assumption that the disciples had stolen the body of Christ was merely an excuse to not believe His resurrection. It would be entirely outlandish for the Apostles to give up their lives for what they knew to be a lie.

Anti-Missionary Jewish groups today still warn Jews to not believe that Jesus was the Messiah merely because He was not the conquering military leader who comes to restore Israel. Instead, Jesus forecasted doom to those who refused to repent and it came to pass in the fall of Jerusalem.

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Old 11-27-2005, 07:00 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by pharoah
First of all, I don't see anywhere in the bible a statement that says that Joseph was a member of the Jewish temple court. Do you or Craig have a source for this?
Please allow me to stop you there. I would recommend that one study more of the Gospels before discussing their contents.

Luk 23:50 And, behold, [there was] a man named Joseph, a counsellor; [and he was] a good man, and a just:
Luk 23:51 (The same had not consented to the counsel and deed of them [he was] of Arimathaea, a city of the Jews: who also himself waited for the kingdom of God.

15:43 -
Joseph of Arimathea came, a prominent member of the Council, who himself was waiting for the kingdom of God; and he gathered up courage and went in before Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus.

Given that a member of the Sanhedrin was named, they would have contested the story if the tomb was not, in fact, empty.

John Dominic Crossan holds that the Gospels are not historically reliable. Even more, he contends that the resurrection of Christ was nothing more than the wish-fulfillment of the early church. The problem, of course, is that when given the opportunity to provide evidence for his claims, he fails miserably.

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Old 11-27-2005, 09:38 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
It seems that what you are attempting to do is create a false dichotomy between Jesus' resurrection in the flesh and Jesus' resurrection as a spiritual being.

No, I simply quoted the Bible, which said that Jesus became a life-giving spirit.

I guess Paul's word is not good enough for you.
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Old 11-27-2005, 09:53 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
The Jews awaited a conquering military hero who would restore Israel as an earthly kingdom. However, Jesus came as a peace-maker who taught mercy and love. Isaiah 53, for example, does teach of the suffering servant who died for our iniquities but this was not interpreted to mean Christ until it was fulfilled by Christ. Had Jesus not risen from the dead, it is highly unlikely that anyone would have believed Him to be the Messiah.
You mean Jesus fulfilled so many Messianice prophecies and yet it was unlikely that anybody would have believed him to be the Messiah until he fulfilled a propechy which did not exist?

What Biblical passages did the Jews take as prophesying that the Messiah would be a conquering militiray hero?

Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
The Gospels show that when Jesus predicted His own death and resurrection, His disciples did not entirely understand what He was speaking of. More likely than not, they also expected Jesus to be a conquering earthly hero. If they had expected the Messiah to die and rise from the dead, why did Peter attempt to save the life of Jesus by the sword?
Why did Jesus give Peter a sword?

How on earth could Jesus teach for 3 years with an authority that had not been seen before and fail to get across a message that a 19 year old can grasp easily, although from an entirely different culture and time period and who has never spoken to Jesus personally, and who has not been given the powers to work miracles that the disciples had been?

Let us look at what baffled people who had been given the secret of the Kingdom of God in Mark 4, and who were the closest disciples of Jesus the teacher.

Mark 9:9 'As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.'

What a stupid thing for Jesus to say! Didn't Jesus spot the look of bewilderment on the disciples faces when he said that?

Mark 8:31 He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again.

Gosh, that seems pretty clear to me. What on earth could the disciples have thought that he meant by 'he must be killed'?

It is utterly ludicrous that these disciples of Jesus were the biggest idiots who have ever walked the earth, and yet were hand-picked by the Creator of the Universe to spread his message of salvation.

I've never heard anything so damn stupid as Christianity. I really haven't.
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Old 11-27-2005, 09:55 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
His resurrection.

The assumption that the disciples had stolen the body of Christ was merely an excuse to not believe His resurrection. It would be entirely outlandish for the Apostles to give up their lives for what they knew to be a lie.
Ask Joseph Smith.
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Old 11-27-2005, 10:57 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Orthodox_Freethinker
The facts are as follows -

1. The body of Christ was placed in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Jewish temple court.
This is not a fact, it's an assertion made by Mark. There is no independent corroboration for it and no mention of either Joseph of Arimathea or an empty tomb in any Christian literature before GMark.
This Given that the Gospels name this man, and his tomb was in a known location, someone would have produced the body of Christ had He not resurrected.
Why would they? There is no evidence that anybody claimed a physical resurrection until the Gospel of Matthew, 50 years after the alleged event. The empty tomb was invented by mark. The location of Jesus burial...IF there was a Jesus at all...would have been completely unknown. When the story of the empty tomb was first contrived in GMark, the audience for the story was living outside Palestine and Jerusakem had been destroyed. There was no one around to contradict the story and no way to disprove it.
If this tomb never existed, someone within the Sanhedrin would have contested the story, given their hostility toward Christ. Furthermore, there is no competing account of where Christ's body was placed after His crucifixion.
The Sanhedrin had been destroyed before the empty tomb story was ever told. There is also no evidence that they were hostile to Jesus. Since crucifixion victims were either left on the cross or buried in shallow, communal criminals' pits, there whereabouts of Jesus' body would have been unknown either to his followers or to any hypothical (and highly unlikely) counter witnesses a half century later.
2. On the Sunday after the resurrection, the tomb was found empty by a group of Jesus' female followers. Given how much low esteem was given to women in first-century Palestine, it is highly unlikely that this story would have been contrived. The story of the empty tomb is supported by early, reliable testimony. Furthermore, the early Jewish allegation that the Apostles stole the body presupposes the empty tomb.
There is no reliable testimony whatsoever that any person ever claimed to have seen a physically risen Jesus. The claims in the gospels were made by people who were not apostles or witnesses and who never met any apostles or eyewitnesses. Citing the Gospels to support your case is circular and assumes your own conclusion. Typical of a hack like Craig.

Also, there are no early Jewish allegations that apostles stole the body. That claim is flatly false. There are no Jewish writings which reference Jesus at all until centuries after the crucifixion.
3. On several different occasions and locations, different individuals and groups of people witnessed the risen Christ, including but not limited to the appearances to Peter and the Apostles, the five hundred brethren and James.
Nope. Not a fact. Just a bumch of unsupprted aand mutually contradictory assertions made by non-witnesses decades after the facts. None of it is historically verifiable.
The Gospels and 1 Corinthians 15 provide multiple, independent attestations of these appearances.
No, actually, they don't. Paul's claims are quite vague and the Gospels are not independent of each other.
Furthermore, "Researchers have noticed signs of historical credibility in specific appearances
What "researchers" would those be?
for example, the unexpected activity of the disciples' fishing prior to Jesus' appearance by the Lake of Tiberias, and the otherwise inexplicable conversion of James, Jesus' younger brother."
You'll have to enlighten me as to how either of these things prove anything about historical credibility.
4. The Apostles believed that Jesus had conquered death despite having every reason not to.
There isn't a shred of evidence that any direct followers of Jesus believed any such thing. We do not have any writings from the apostles themselves, we just have claims made about the disciples made by people who never met them.
The Jews had no prior belief of a dying, much less crucified Messiah.
That's correct.
Therefore, it is highly unlikely that they would believed Him to be the Messiah without personally witnessing the risen Jesus.
And there is no evdience that they DID believe he was the Messiah. Those claims were not made by the apostles but by others.
For the Jews, resurrection meant of the literal flesh and blood. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the Apostles would die for the belief that Christ had risen from the dead and therefore was God incarnate had they never personally witnessed it. Had the body of Christ not risen, they would not have died for a corpse.
There isn't a shred of evidence that any apostle ever died for a belief in Jesus.

All of Craig's "facts" are, in fact, just bald, unsupported assertions. Sorry, but you're going to have to better than trotting out this kind of tiresome boilerplate apologia around here.
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Old 11-27-2005, 11:13 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Steven Carr
No, I simply quoted the Bible, which said that Jesus became a life-giving spirit.

I guess Paul's word is not good enough for you.
What I am saying is that if you read this in context, you'd understand that Saint Paul is not negating Christ's resurrection of the flesh but explaining how His flesh took on an entirely new quality. Did Adam not have a fleshly body because he was a "living soul"?

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Old 11-27-2005, 11:30 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
This is not a fact, it's an assertion made by Mark...
...and Matthew, Luke and John; an assertion that if not true, the Sanhedrin would have contested.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
Why would they? There is no evidence that anybody claimed a physical resurrection until the Gospel of Matthew, 50 years after the alleged event. The empty tomb was invented by mark.
This is false. The teachings of Paul, which date before the Gospels, stand or fall on the literal resurrection of Christ. What we know from Paul is that the tomb was empty and that witnesses attested to Christ's bodily resurrection, even a multitude of 500. Furthermore, if Mark is the earliest Gospel, it clearly implies a physical resurrection, even if you do not accept the final chapter which includes Christ's post-resurrection appearances. Throughout this Gospel, Christ predicts to His disciples that He will die and rise again. Christ dies. Then the tomb is empty. What shall we conclude?

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
The Sanhedrin had been destroyed before the empty tomb story was ever told.
Again, another falsehood. The Apostles openly testified to the emptiness of the tomb before the temple court.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
There is no reliable testimony whatsoever that any person ever claimed to have seen a physically risen Jesus.
The "hack" would be the one who makes a half-baked claim such as this.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
Also, there are no early Jewish allegations that apostles stole the body.
Really? In the Gospels, what are the guards of Christ's tomb told by the Jewish leaders? Perhaps you should also check the Talmud.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
We do not have any writings from the apostles themselves...
Then I guess the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, the Epistles of James and Peter and John just do not exist and never did.

Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
And there is no evdience that they DID believe he was the Messiah.
Kind of like how there is no evidence that we landed on the moon?

In the debate, Crossan conceded that most New Testament scholars would accept these facts - Jesus claimed to be the Messiah and Son of God, that He was crucified, that His tomb was later found empty, and that His disciples believed that He had risen from the dead. Instead of providing a refutations to these facts, however, Crossan merely provided his own unsubstantiated assumptions. Ho hum.

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