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Old 04-19-2007, 01:44 PM   #61
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 10,931

Originally Posted by Gundulf View Post

This gets to a more interesting question, considering that if God made the world, and is in control of it, he is responsible for every death that ever happens. I generally don't see people complain that God killed 130 year old people in the flood. And God is thus accused of "injustice." Or lack of love. Or both. Which brings the question:

How long does "justice" demand that God ought to allow someone to continue to live?

In other words, if God had allowed everyone to live until they were 15, could he then be called loving and just? How about 20? 30? 50? 100? 200? 900? 900,000? What exactly is the obliged life span that God "ought" to give us?

What exactly, in terms of life span, does God owe us? If God were to kill the entire population of the world in a flood, but rescue all the children, I doubt this would satisfy your question. Or what if he rescued all the people 20 and younger? or 50 and younger, etc., etc.

Hence, this might be an argument that pulls the emotions, but I don't think this is the real debate. Question is more of, "What right does God have to determine ANY person's life span?"
(1) Lots of ifs there.
(2) In these passages, God commands the Israeli soldiers to stab babies to death with their swords. Are they morally justified in doing so?
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