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Old 06-25-2006, 07:10 PM   #311
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Originally Posted by aa5874
I am looking for extra-biblical evidence for a historical Jesus
And I was pointing out that your refusal to make use of the NT is illegitimate.

Originally Posted by aa5874
How can one say that because real persons have myths said about them, then Jesus is historic. That is irrational.
It is also irrational to grossly misread a post as you have done. I pointed out that real persons have had myths about them in order to show that you are wrong in saying that the NT must be wholly mythical simply because it contains legendary material.

I suggest that you read through before you bother posting again. Start with the article on straw man arguments.
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Old 06-25-2006, 07:14 PM   #312
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Originally Posted by Sparrow
Besides, the myth position is broad enough that even if there were a human named Jesus in Palestine in thie first quarter of the first century, Christianity could still be based on a myth.
I don't quite get this. Ok for the sake of this thread I can say all the miracle stories in the Bible are complete myths and still hold on to the position that there was a character who existed named Jesus that the Biblical stories are based on. If I believe all of that then couldn't I say that I believe that Christianity is based on a myth? Or does believing Christianity is a myth depend solely on believing the character of Jesus in the Bible is not based on a real individual?

Who knows what happened? One anecdote doesn't convey proof. If I were to show you compelling evidence that Buddha was historical would you be inclined to convert to Buddhism?
Irrelevant. Why if I believe Buddha is a historical figure does that mean I have to convert to Buddhism? I do believe Buddha was a real person so I don't get your point. All I was doing was comparing Jesus and Buddha and if the guy I was talking to believed Buddha was historical then by comparison he should believe Jesus is historical. Believing Jesus is historical and converting to Christianity doesn't have to be the same thing.

We must all remember that professional historians retain an understanding that goes unsaid for brevity. It's along the lines of: 'Based on the information we have which is subject to change if new information is found, person X is likely to be historical'. For an X = {Aristotle, Plato, Alexander the Great, Robin Hood, Paul Bunyan, William Shakespeare, etc.} it's just understood that there is some uncertainty that need not be expressed in each and every sentence.
Ok give me an example of this. This isn't really doing anything to answer my post. All I'm asking is how do you go about deciding whether any person is historical or not. Not just Jesus. I repeat do not just use Jesus as the only example. I'm talking about anyone.

Professional historians also pretty much exclude miracles from their range of historical possiblities. What does that tell you about the Jesus they will find if they ever do?
Thaattt some guy lived and influenced a few people and was crucified and died. Your point?

Originally Posted by aa5874
Trying to show that Jesus is historic, because Buddha was not, makes absolutely no sense.
I believe Buddha was historical so you clearly missed the point.

I am patiently waiting for a shred of extra-biblical evidence that Jesus is historical.
Then give me an example of what extra-biblical evidence would be needed as the minimal requirement for Jesus to be historical. Just be warned once you have done this I'm gonna use this same criteria on other historical figures of the past. Probably at least one from each century.

And by the way, the Jesus you believe in, that is not the Jesus the 'professional historians' are looking for. The 'professional historians' are searching for a Jesus whose real father was a Human being, who did no miracles, falsely thought he was the Messiah and died after being crucified.
So? I can for the sake of this thread believe there were no miracles and still hold on to every position I've stated in this thread so far.

I need extra-biblical evidence to show that your Jesus or the 'professional historians' Jesus is indeed historic. So far only speculation.
Let me guess Josephus, Tacitus, early church fathers, etc. is not what you are looking for. So I need you to help me to help you. Please follow this criteria:

1. What is the minimal requirement for any figure to be considered historical? That way I can compare those requirements with Jesus to see why he fails.
2. Can you give examples of people who meet this minimal requirement? In other words John F. Kennedy is not acceptable since having only died 40 years ago the evidence is no doubt much better than Jesus. Course the evidence for John F Kennedy would be better than anyone in the 1st century.
3. Does your minimal requirement work for anyone you consider historical? This is the catch. I have to be able to use this "minimal requirement" not just for your examples and Jesus but for anyone you personally consider historical. If it doesn't work for anyone you consider historical that requirement becomes null and void.
Just give me an example of evidence used to prove the historicity of any figure. NOT JUST JESUS!

I'll help you out. Which of these figures do you consider historical and why?
-Alexander the Great
-Julius Caesar

You don't even have to pick them all. Maybe four would be nice. But please don't just say why Jesus is not historical and what he doesn't have.
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Old 06-25-2006, 07:15 PM   #313
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Originally Posted by aa5874
I am looking for extra-biblical evidence for a historical Jesus, can you put your evidence on the table, so that I can scrutinise it. Just criticising my view is futile. I need evidence, not speculation.
That is a rather myopic methodology for approaching an historical subject. All sources should be analyzed on the merits that they have something to tell us about the past. Paul's agenda doesn't even need to get in the way to see that he mentions Jesus' brother James as a real person, and that Josephus independently attests this as well as Q (Mark). This is enough to establish personhood in antiquity.

The past cannot be empirically proved it can only be constructed. The HJ takes less lego pieces to do so. Mind you this is just to establish that Jesus was a person but not that he was a god or did this or that (that can be a different thread)...all we are talking about is that a real man named Jesus had a brother named James and that three independent sources from antiquity left a literary record of this fact.
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Old 06-25-2006, 07:24 PM   #314
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Originally Posted by jjramsey
And I was pointing out that your refusal to make use of the NT is illegitimate.
It is not possible to use the writings of the so-called Paul to verify the historicity of Jesus. Paul is not known, give me extra-biblical evidence for the historicity of Paul. Does Josephus or Tacitus mention Paul. Was Paul really blinded by Jesus, how did this happen? How did Jesus talk to Paul from heaven? Is Paul your extra-biblical evidence of the historicity of Jesus?
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Old 06-25-2006, 07:31 PM   #315
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Originally Posted by aa5874
It is not possible to use the writings of the so-called Paul to verify the historicity of Jesus. Paul is not known, give me extra-biblical evidence for the historicity of Paul. Does Josephus or Tacitus mention Paul. Was Paul really blinded by Jesus, how did this happen? How did Jesus talk to Paul from heaven? Is Paul your extra-biblical evidence of the historicity of Jesus?
Why would the veracity of Paul's vision on the road to Damascus be a factor as to whether Paul was a real person who wrote to Chrisitan communities around the Mediterranean?
Do you realize that if you applied this kind of scrutiny to many other ancient writers they would literally disappear from the past. There are US civil war soldiers that all we have are their letters without a last name and we cannot confirm their existence independently from the letter but what REASONABLE reason would we have to question such a thing? You have your work cut out for you if you need to assume Paul is mythical too in order for your MJ position to hold water.
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Old 06-25-2006, 07:50 PM   #316
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Originally Posted by achristianbeliever
I don't quite get this. Ok for the sake of this thread I can say all the miracle stories in the Bible are complete myths and still hold on to the position that there was a character who existed named Jesus that the Biblical stories are based on. If I believe all of that then couldn't I say that I believe that Christianity is based on a myth? Or does believing Christianity is a myth depend solely on believing the character of Jesus in the Bible is not based on a real individual?
No. It seems to me that one could believe in a religion that had purely mythical origins as easily as one founded by a human. It also seems possible that one could disbelieve in a religion while believing either possibility for an origin. That’s four broad possibilities. Christianity could be based on purely mythical origins (Paul’s hallucination for example) that was later connected to a real individual. We don’t know for sure.

Originally Posted by achristianbeliever
Irrelevant. Why if I believe Buddha is a historical figure does that mean I have to convert to Buddhism? I do believe Buddha was a real person so I don't get your point. All I was doing was comparing Jesus and Buddha and if the guy I was talking to believed Buddha was historical then by comparison he should believe Jesus is historical. Believing Jesus is historical and converting to Christianity doesn't have to be the same thing.
You’re right, they don’t. But don’t many Christians cite the incredibly unique stories of Jesus as the reason to believe and practice Christianity?

Originally Posted by achristianbeliever
Ok give me an example of this. This isn't really doing anything to answer my post. All I'm asking is how do you go about deciding whether any person is historical or not. Not just Jesus. I repeat do not just use Jesus as the only example. I'm talking about anyone.
And I’m saying that all I’ll declare is a likelihood, based on the evidence. You seem to be asking as if this is a black and white question. It’s not. There are characters in historical documents for which we can’t be sure either way. Jesus is one of them

Originally Posted by achristianbeliever
Thaattt some guy lived and influenced a few people and was crucified and died. Your point?
Simply that if we found a newspaper from 30CE with Jesus obituary in it that would not make him the son of a god and the savior of mankind.

Originally Posted by achristianbeliever
Then give me an example of what extra-biblical evidence would be needed as the minimal requirement for Jesus to be historical. Just be warned once you have done this I'm gonna use this same criteria on other historical figures of the past. Probably at least one from each century.
So what? Take two if you like. It’s not like it’s gonna cause me to lose eternal life or anything. Is it? You know, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Originally Posted by achristianbeliever
So? I can for the sake of this thread believe there were no miracles and still hold on to every position I've stated in this thread so far.
I’ve noticed that some Christians seem to be able to hold cognitively dissonant views simultaneously. I was hoping you weren’t one of them.

Originally Posted by achristianbeliever
Let me guess Josephus, Tacitus, early church fathers, etc. is not what you are looking for. So I need you to help me to help you. Please follow this criteria:
No thanks. What would turn the tide for most of us is evidence contemporary with the purported life of Jesus (so like prior to 50CE) from someone reliably able to testify to events in his life and surrounding his death, where the document has not been preserved solely by those with a vested interest in the story being true.

Originally Posted by achristianbeliever
Just give me an example of evidence used to prove the historicity of any figure. NOT JUST JESUS!

I'll help you out. Which of these figures do you consider historical and why?
-Alexander the Great
-Julius Caesar

You don't even have to pick them all. Maybe four would be nice. But please don't just say why Jesus is not historical and what he doesn't have.
Proof is for mathematics. As for your list, they could all be pure fiction and it would not matter one whit.
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Old 06-25-2006, 08:16 PM   #317
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Originally Posted by Sparrow
No. It seems to me that one could believe in a religion that had purely mythical origins as easily as one founded by a human. It also seems possible that one could disbelieve in a religion while believing either possibility for an origin. That’s four broad possibilities. Christianity could be based on purely mythical origins (Paul’s hallucination for example) that was later connected to a real individual. We don’t know for sure.
Don't see anything here to disagree with so far.

You’re right, they don’t. But don’t many Christians cite the incredibly unique stories of Jesus as the reason to believe and practice Christianity?
But that's not what I'm trying to accomplish in this thread. For the purposes of this thread I don't care whether the miracle parts of the Bible are true or not.

And I’m saying that all I’ll declare is a likelihood, based on the evidence. You seem to be asking as if this is a black and white question. It’s not. There are characters in historical documents for which we can’t be sure either way. Jesus is one of them
Give me an example of another of these characters in historical documents for which we can't be sure either way. Will you do that please?

Simply that if we found a newspaper from 30CE with Jesus obituary in it that would not make him the son of a god and the savior of mankind.
So all historical characters who don't have an obituary from the period of their death is not considered historical?

It’s not like it’s gonna cause me to lose eternal life or anything. Is it? You know, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Huh? I don't even get this. Whether or not you get eternal life is irrelevant to anything I've said. This thread is only about the existence of historical figures not about the miracle parts of them. As such the existence of a historical figure even Jesus is not an extraordinary claim.

I’ve noticed that some Christians seem to be able to hold cognitively dissonant views simultaneously. I was hoping you weren’t one of them.
I wasn't aware people were not allowed to look at their beliefs in different ways depending on the circumstances or the questions being asked.

No thanks. What would turn the tide for most of us is evidence contemporary with the purported life of Jesus (so like prior to 50CE) from someone reliably able to testify to events in his life and surrounding his death, where the document has not been preserved solely by those with a vested interest in the story being true.
Your absolutely right 100%. There is no document confirming the life of Jesus by someone who didn't have a vested interest in his life being true. But I find that an unacceptable criteria for two reasons.

1. This criteria would also cause many other people from history to be non-historical.
2. Why should I believe it wasn't a criteria merely made for the sole purpose of making sure it was a criteria Jesus couldn't fulfill? If I try hard enough I could create a criteria that you cannot fulfill to make sure you don't exist.
This is why I ask for examples of people from the first few centuries who succeed in this criteria.

You need to show your criteria was not created just for Jesus. Otherwise your criteria non-respectable.

Proof is for mathematics. As for your list, they could all be pure fiction and it would not matter one whit.
Then your opinion on whether Jesus existed or not doesn't matter one whit either.
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Old 06-25-2006, 08:17 PM   #318
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aa5874 is completely unable to look at the gospel texts without an a priori bias against them. His reasoning and logic are beyond childish, which, if applied to other ancient texts, would render virtually all history obsolete and the historical existence of many persons false. He is so vehemently against the idea of a Jesus at the heart of the Christian religion that no one can take him seriously without questioning motives. He will no doubt respond to this post with a rant about how ghosts can't give birth to ghosts, or how spirits never caused people to have disease or illness. Unfortunately he will probably never realize that his arguments in a historical context are comparable to, if not weaker than, the Christian apologist's arguments in favor of such things.
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Old 06-25-2006, 08:19 PM   #319
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Originally Posted by dongiovanni1976x
Why would the veracity of Paul's vision on the road to Damascus be a factor as to whether Paul was a real person who wrote to Christian communities around the Mediterranean?
Do you realize that if you applied this kind of scrutiny to many other ancient writers they would literally disappear from the past. There are US civil war soldiers that all we have are their letters without a last name and we cannot confirm their existence independently from the letter but what REASONABLE reason would we have to question such a thing? You have your work cut out for you if you need to assume Paul is mythical too in order for your MJ position to hold water.
Well the issue is whether or not the text of 'Paul's' writings are something more like a journal or something more like a novel. The texts were clearly written, but by whom? How many people? When? The scholarly consensus is that some of the Pauline corpus is not from the hand of Paul. That might have an impact on its veracity. We accept as likely that which fits together and makes sense. We reject as unlikely that which doesn't fit or doesn't make sense.

As far as the Civil War soldiers, we only grant them what the letters actually evidence - that they were human, fought in the war, etc. If one of the letters claimed that he had been captured by the other side, tortured, executed and then rose from the dead three days later we might question the authenticity further mightn't we? There's no reason not to believe in things which we have abundant evidence are possible, such as your Civil War soldier. Can you point to some letters home written by first century messiah wannabes?

And from your earlier post:
Originally Posted by dongiovanni1976x
I don't think I have anything to disagree with you about. All we can do is pretend Jesus was a myth and look at the sources and then do the same while pretending he was a real person and see which is more plausible. While doing this we keep in mind the biases of the sources we are using- Paul does not seem to be setting up a conspiracy about Jesus being a real person, he is so preoccupied with his tenative position since he was not as great as others he knew about that HAD met the guy...he seems to just take it nonchalantly when we look at references to Jesus' putative "brother James"...such references do not seem to be a lone conspiracy when backed up with Josephus and Q (Mark's source). This is what tips the balance over the HJ side for me.
Except that Q is postulated, not extant and was not Mark's source. The Josephus mentions are questionable. Paul mentions James as 'Brother of the Lord', I think, which may not mean exactly what we read into it with later knowledge and biases. While I have said many times that I lean to the mythicist side, I really don't think we can know for sure without some new evidence.
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Old 06-25-2006, 08:56 PM   #320
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Originally Posted by Sparrow
Well the issue is whether or not the text of 'Paul's' writings are something more like a journal or something more like a novel. The texts were clearly written, but by whom? How many people? When? The scholarly consensus is that some of the Pauline corpus is not from the hand of Paul. That might have an impact on its veracity. We accept as likely that which fits together and makes sense. We reject as unlikely that which doesn't fit or doesn't make sense.
Do you contest that Galatians was penned by Paul?
Originally Posted by Dr. Ehrman
With the letter to the Galatians we enter into an entirely different set of issues from those evident so far in Paul's correspondence. On the one hand, there is no question concerning the unity of this epistle; it is just one letter, written completely at one time, to address one problem. New Testament OUP 2004 3rd etd p 329
Originally Posted by Sparrow
As far as the Civil War soldiers, we only grant them what the letters actually evidence - that they were human, fought in the war, etc. If one of the letters claimed that he had been captured by the other side, tortured, executed and then rose from the dead three days later we might question the authenticity further mightn't we?
As an historian, knowing the likelyhood of someone raising from the dead is the least of all possibilities, if a cult started from this letter where the person "rose from the dead" then we could rationalize how such a claim came to be but that would not mean that we would assume that this person was never real.

Originally Posted by Sparrow
Can you point to some letters home written by first century messiah wannabes?
In a world where no more than 10 percent of the population was literate and so far removed from our own I think that would be difficult.

Originally Posted by Sparrow
And from your earlier post:
Except that Q is postulated, not extant and was not Mark's source.
Mark is a source, I only said Q in relation to a citation from Earl Doherty who tied it to Mark in order to show that Mark was NOT copy from Paul.
Originally Posted by Sparrow
The Josephus mentions are questionable.
I am not talking about the Flavian Testimony but the refence to James which is widely accepted. I get the feeling that if there was another source the same would be said of it that it is "questionable". Remember all we are trying to establish was whether James had a brother named Jesus.

Originally Posted by Sparrow
Paul mentions James as 'Brother of the Lord', I think, which may not mean exactly what we read into it with later knowledge and biases. While I have said many times that I lean to the mythicist side, I really don't think we can know for sure without some new evidence.
Paul believed that Jesus was the Lord so that is not unusual to have him say such a thing...again, all we are examining is whether it is credible to assert that James had a brother and given that we have 3 independent sources that corroborate each other- and mind you this is in ANTIQUITY- we can conclude with a high degree of certainty that such a person did exist. As to what he did or said- hell that is another story for another thread.
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