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Old 03-12-2008, 02:37 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by Half-Life View Post

So why is the OT still in existence then if it's irrelevant?

And God hates divorce but he allowed it anyway? Did this put someone in hell who divorced despite God allowing it?

and in many letters in the NT, it takes about how women must never speak in church and wear veils and always be subservient to their husband.

Why do we treat women equally today and go so clearly against "God's infallible Word?"

The answer is because it's a myth and people pick and choose what parts to believe.

The same God who endorsed slavery and gave proper ways on how to beat your slaves, also gave the commandment "love your neighbor as yourself."

Aren't slaves also your neighbor? Why the big contradiction?
The Old Testament as Paul says only points out what sin is, and to show that by it no flesh is justified because noone can obey all those commands continually...the Ot was established because Israel had no faith...a people with no faith in God are easily corrupted and need to be harshly ruled with many laws and penalties.

MOSES allowed divorce and other things because he knew that Israel was stubborn. Divorce is often done out of selfishness, basically when a man becomes tired of the same women and vice versa to seek someone is selfishness.

Women are not to usurp the authority of men. Case closed.

The NT explicitly says that women should never speak in church. How come we don't follow this "perfect law" from the "perfect God" anymore?

Millions upon millions of churches world wide allow women to speak up in direct defiance of God's perfect word.

The question is, why do people go against the perfect unchanging word?

*hint* because nobody really believes.
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Old 03-12-2008, 02:46 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
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Hey sugarhitman,

How many people have you ran up to today warning them of an eternally burning lake of fire?

How many times did you shout out loud "i can't wait to die and be with my father in glorious Heaven! I'm so happy!!!!"

I'm guessing you don't do this, how come?

Because deep down, youknow it's a myth. you're just too scared to admit it to yourself like I was for a while.

Gotta run for a bunch of hours. I'll be back later.

I wouldnt scream out anything because it is not my nature....I believe 100% that the Bible and the Gospel is as true as my existence (otherwise I wouldnt be spending countless hours typing). Just because your faith has always been non-existent does not mean that mine is. :wave:

So, if you seriously believe Hell is true, how come you don't warn as many people as you can daily? Why don't you go on drives to various stores around your city asking people if they accepted Christ because of the eternal consequences?

Here is what you would have to believe Jesus did during his one brief appearance on earth:

Jesus: My followers! God loves you! Love your enemies as you would yourself! Forgive many many many times over. No one can forgive more than my father in Heaven! I love everyone equally.

*runs to top of a grassy hill and stretches out his arms*

Jesus: Anyone who doesn't believe me will be BURNED ALIVE FOREVER IN A LAKE OF FIRE!!!!!!
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Old 03-12-2008, 03:02 PM   #153
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and if Israel was corrupted because of no faith in God and God had to change things around a bit, why did he ignore all the other nations on earth?

Did God have a dartboard in Heaven with all the nations and the dart landed on Israel?
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Old 03-12-2008, 03:16 PM   #154
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Originally Posted by Mageth View Post
Tanks, guns and jets, a well-trained and funded military, and a relentless willingness to apply that power swiftly and without prejudice. along with the backing of a few strong Western nations, appear to have much, much more with Israel's continued existence than Yahweh.

God is working "through the military" to keep Israel safe. God can not simply extend his hand down from the Heavens and remove the Arabs himself. That would be a complete waste. He has much more important things to do with his time. :angel:

Can't believed I used to swallow this stuff like a full apple going down my throat.
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Old 03-12-2008, 03:28 PM   #155
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I wonder if Saladin didn't kick the crusades out of the "Holy Land", will they give the land to the Jews?
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Old 03-12-2008, 03:38 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by Half-Life View Post
Originally Posted by Mageth View Post
Tanks, guns and jets, a well-trained and funded military, and a relentless willingness to apply that power swiftly and without prejudice. along with the backing of a few strong Western nations, appear to have much, much more with Israel's continued existence than Yahweh.

God is working "through the military" to keep Israel safe. God can not simply extend his hand down from the Heavens and remove the Arabs himself. That would be a complete waste. He has much more important things to do with his time. :angel:

Can't believed I used to swallow this stuff like a full apple going down my throat.
How are you feeling about your newfound disbelief btw? Gotten over your feeling of ending up in hell?
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Old 03-12-2008, 04:01 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by crispy View Post
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God is working "through the military" to keep Israel safe. God can not simply extend his hand down from the Heavens and remove the Arabs himself. That would be a complete waste. He has much more important things to do with his time. :angel:

Can't believed I used to swallow this stuff like a full apple going down my throat.
How are you feeling about your newfound disbelief btw? Gotten over your feeling of ending up in hell?

For the most part. it's just tough being told this your hole life and then backing out.

Part of me still WANTS it to be true because I want to go to Heaven! However, it seems like a pipe dream and I honestly can not admit Heave is real.

It's actually pretty funny. When I believed all these things, I would sometimes wonder "Where does the mind and thoughts come from?" and I would just go "Obviously God!" and I wouldn't think about it anymore. However, once I stopped believing, these questions became interesting and i want to understand and learn more.

No wonder it's so hard for the religious who are "set in their ways" to question anything. They view every answer as "God did it" and this takes all the fun out of learning.
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Old 03-12-2008, 04:26 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by Half-Life View Post
It's actually pretty funny. When I believed all these things, I would sometimes wonder "Where does the mind and thoughts come from?" and I would just go "Obviously God!" and I wouldn't think about it anymore. However, once I stopped believing, these questions became interesting and i want to understand and learn more.

No wonder it's so hard for the religious who are "set in their ways" to question anything. They view every answer as "God did it" and this takes all the fun out of learning.
:thumbs: :thumbs: Awesome! You just made my day!
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Old 03-12-2008, 05:23 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by Demigawd View Post
Originally Posted by Half-Life View Post
It's actually pretty funny. When I believed all these things, I would sometimes wonder "Where does the mind and thoughts come from?" and I would just go "Obviously God!" and I wouldn't think about it anymore. However, once I stopped believing, these questions became interesting and i want to understand and learn more.

No wonder it's so hard for the religious who are "set in their ways" to question anything. They view every answer as "God did it" and this takes all the fun out of learning.
:thumbs: :thumbs: Awesome! You just made my day!

Actually, now that i think back to when I was younger, (maybe around 13 or 14 or so), I remember this priest was talking to us about the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain to his disciples.

Here is the verse in case you don't know:

1After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

4Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah."

5While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"

Now, the priest started talking pretty loudly going "he was transfigured!!!!" and he started shaking and moving his arms all over the place goin "The disciples were frightened! They had no idea what jesus was doing!!! he was transfigured before them and his whole face and clothes were GLOWING!!!! Even the disciples who were with Jesus couldn't realize what he was doing here, and they were followers his whole life!!!!!!"

The priest then started doing more hand motions all over the place showing us how it likely happened.

I was almost scared to death this day. Looking back on it now, it's obvious to see it's one big brainwashing joke.

Take a look at this and you'll shake your head at how many people are brainwashed.

I am glad my mind is now pretty much free of these repulsive fears.
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Old 03-13-2008, 09:46 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by Half-Life View Post
Originally Posted by crispy View Post

How are you feeling about your newfound disbelief btw? Gotten over your feeling of ending up in hell?

For the most part. it's just tough being told this your hole life and then backing out.

Part of me still WANTS it to be true because I want to go to Heaven! However, it seems like a pipe dream and I honestly can not admit Heave is real.

It's actually pretty funny. When I believed all these things, I would sometimes wonder "Where does the mind and thoughts come from?" and I would just go "Obviously God!" and I wouldn't think about it anymore. However, once I stopped believing, these questions became interesting and i want to understand and learn more.

No wonder it's so hard for the religious who are "set in their ways" to question anything. They view every answer as "God did it" and this takes all the fun out of learning.
Glad to hear it. true knowledge is the freedom but it comes at a price. You will never truly get over the desire to have a heaven. Heck I am an avid atheist and i want there to be a heaven. I truly do. my intelect just knows its wish thinking.
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