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Old 12-15-2012, 08:20 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by TedM View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
You cannot reject evidence for Myth and then claim Jesus was human. Such a thing is unheard of in any investigation.
Scholars and skeptics do this all the time, aa. Ever hear of the Jesus Project?
Ever read that Jesus was born AFTER his mother was made Pregnant by a Holy Ghost??

Ever read that Jesus walked on the sea in the night, and transfigured and shone like a light.

And what about the resurection and Ascension??

From what I have read the HJ argument is dead.

Originally Posted by aa5874
How could the Pauline writer be in contact with Jesus if he was already dead??
Originally Posted by TedM
The same way people believe they are today -- through scripture.
Originally Posted by aa5874
Exactly, Exactly, Exactly. Nothing was revealed by God to Paul. NT God does NOT exist.

Paul merely read the Jesus stories sometime in the 2nd century
Originally Posted by TedM
All of Paul's theology can be derived from the OT. That's the scripture that revealed Jesus' divinity to Paul. Paul believed that the prophecies of a Messiah applied to Jesus. Paul believed that the prophecies for the salvation of the world applied to Gentiles through faith in Jesus.
Well, why did NOT Paul just say that he did NOT get any revelations from the resurrected Jesus, and that he never did see the resurrected Jesus, and did NOT MEET the Apostles Peter and Janmes??

Your admittance that Paul's theology can be derived from OT suggests Paul was a LIAR. In any event, it really does NOT matter where Paul got his Gospel because he would still be a Liar when he claimed he was a WITNESS that God raised Jesus from the dead.

In Acts 9, the author claimed SAUL CONSULTED with disciples Before he began to preach but Paul lied and claimed he CONSULTED with entities without Flesh and Blood.

Paul CONSULTED with Hebrew Scripture and gLuke sometime in the 2nd century or later.

There is NO NT God to reveal anything to Paul or NT God must have died AFTER he gave revelations to Paul or it was NT Devil that did it.
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Old 12-15-2012, 09:12 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by TedM

This is why I curtail discussion with you aa. .....
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Old 12-15-2012, 09:33 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by TedM
Once again, it WAS established that he was born of a human mother and lived on earth. That's a HJ whether you like it or not,
Irrational reasoning.

A story tells that baby god Jebus was born to a human mother...

Hmmm.... wonder how many ancient stories we can find where baby god gets born to a human mother?

Why who would have ever thunk of such a thing? It just done gots to be de Gawds truuff!

Ted. just because something is written in a story that does not make it history.
That the story has Jebus born to a woman does not entail that there must have been a historical Jebus.

By that 'logic' there would have been a couple of hundred Greek and Roman baby gods that according their religious tales were born to human mothers, and thus must have been historical humans.

If your 'reasoning' applies to baby Jebus gawd, it also applies to any other baby gawd born to a human mother.
Are all these other baby gawds historical humans?
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Old 12-16-2012, 06:47 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Ted. just because something is written in a story that does not make it history. That the story has Jebus born to a woman does not entail that there must have been a historical Jebus.
I agree. It doesn't make it history. I was using aa's own wording to make a point. He thinks that it is a HUGE point in his favor against an actual historical Jesus that the early believers believed his father was God himself. The fact that he sees that as some kind of significant argument against a historical Jesus shows the inability to reason. I was injecting reason by mentioning the human mother and human life.

Myth can be whole cloth, or it can evolved and be applied to actual historical events. aa seems to not understand the latter, which is the hj position. It's pretty basic stuff though. There is a saying - don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. That's what aa and many others here do.
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Old 12-16-2012, 08:09 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Ted. just because something is written in a story that does not make it history. That the story has Jebus born to a woman does not entail that there must have been a historical Jebus.
Originally Posted by TedM
I agree. It doesn't make it history. I was using aa's own wording to make a point. He thinks that it is a HUGE point in his favor against an actual historical Jesus that the early believers believed his father was God himself. The fact that he sees that as some kind of significant argument against a historical Jesus shows the inability to reason. I was injecting reason by mentioning the human mother and human life.
Well, if you agree that it does NOT make history why did you bring it up in the first place. You knew in advance that you were being illogical.

You knew well in advance that your argument was really worthless.

You very well knew that in Roman/Greek Mythology that it was claimed the Myth founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, were human brothers born of a woman. See Plutarch's "Romulus and Remus".

Originally Posted by TedM
Myth can be whole cloth, or it can evolved and be applied to actual historical events. aa seems to not understand the latter, which is the hj position. It's pretty basic stuff though. There is a saying - don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. That's what aa and many others here do.
Your mode of argument is pathetic.

You refuse to accept that there are two arguments.

1. Jesus of Nazareth had NO real existence.

2. Jesus of Nazareth was a figure of history.

You seem completely terrified by those who argue that Jesus had NO real existence.

Why are you so fearful of MJers??

There is NO baby in the bath water--Babies are NOT Fathered by Ghosts--holy or not.

The NT is a compilation of Myth Fables just like those of the Jews, Greeks and Romans.

You seem completely unwilling to accept evidence from antiquity but is really interested in maintaining belief in sources of fiction, and mythology.
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Old 12-16-2012, 10:46 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by PhilosopherJay View Post
Hi TedM,

If we see Chrisitanity as a business model, the rate at which rival businesses grew would be determined by the market place. There is no reason to believe that ten or twenty rival entrepreneurs could have entered the market in a ten or twenty year period rather than a hundred year period.

From 1889 to 1894, all motion pictures were produced by the Edison company. However by 1909, there were eight major rivals. These companies were Biograph, Vitagraph, Essanay, Selig, Lubin, Kalem, Star film Company and American Pathé. Edison formed a trust with them to try and keep out the dozens of other rising film companies that appeared around this time. They were not successful and dozens of more film companies arose over the next decade.

The success of these new companies had little to do with the quality of their product, but much to do with their ability to attract capital from Bankers and Wall Street. It was necessary to revise their technology and product to compete with other motion picture companies on practically an annual basis.

In the same way, the success of Christian enterprises had less to do with any particular doctrine or story, but with the ability to constantly change doctrines and texts to attract wealthy Roman patrons. Lucian has indicated as much, suggested that the ability of Christians to daily rewrite their texts was well known, and the dozens of gospels texts also suggest as much.


Jay Raskin
Can we not just call it what it is and still a business today? . . . from comedy to horror including sex and its scandals on daily TV.
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Old 12-16-2012, 10:51 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
There is NO baby in the bath water--Babies are NOT Fathered by Ghosts--holy or not.

The NT is a compilation of Myth Fables just like those of the Jews, Greeks and Romans.

You seem completely unwilling to accept evidence from antiquity but is really interested in maintaining belief in sources of fiction, and mythology.
Yes but without a baby it cannot be called bathwater and do you think maybe that this holy Ghost baby just slipped out of he crowd and moved to Rome where they keep it behind closed doors in their sacred vault 'for Catholics only?'
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Old 12-16-2012, 10:58 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Chili View Post

Can we not just call it what it is and still a business today? . . . .

It didnt start out that way.

It was free health care, and a way of life that didnt feed the Roman machine.

For its earliest followers, the first teacher/s, it was a meens of survival.

Joshua survived off the gratitude of others, for his free health care.

Im guessing people probably brought food to JtB as well.
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Old 12-16-2012, 11:37 AM   #19
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Please - stop referring to faith healing as free health care, if that is what you mean.

There were actual physicians in the ancient world.
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Old 12-16-2012, 12:01 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Please - stop referring to faith healing as free health care, if that is what you mean.

There were actual physicians in the ancient world.

Please stop referring against modern scholarships, unless you have contradictory evidence. It would be nice if you posted something besides opinion. These are claims from proffessionals.

Can you rell me how many oppressed Jew's living in rural Galilee could afford health care, or even a Dr. visit? Not many.

We also have written evidence there were many healers and teachers, as they were needed.

This is a example of how poor they were

First, the ancient economy of Palestine was an under-developed, agrarian economy based primarily on the production of food through subsistence-level farming by the peasantry. The peasantry, through taxation and rents, supported the continuance of a social-economic structure characterized by asymmetrical distribution of wealth in favor of the elite, a small fraction of the population. Peasants made up the vast majority of the population in the social-structure of Palestine (over 90%; see Kreissig 1970:17-87; Fiensy 1990:155-76). The peasantry included small landowners who worked their own land for the subsistence of their families; tenants who worked the land of wealthy landowners and paid rent; and a variety of landless peasants who either worked as wage laborers on large or medium-sized estates or resorted to other activities such as banditry. The elites, consisting of the royal family, aristocrats, religious leaders and some priests, drew their primary source of income from medium-sized and large estates. Absentee landlords, living in the cities and benefiting from production in the countryside, were common in this social-economic structure.

Are you really going to try and debate that health care was not needed for the poor peasants of Galilee? Do I really need to "go there" with you of all people?
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