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Old 01-02-2009, 10:32 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Jeffrey: the above makes it appear that you want to be a trouble maker.
It does??
Yes, it does.

I should think that in the light of how Richard Carrier's note contradicts what Earl said about the intent of the members of the JP, including Price, it makes me look like someone who is trying to get to the bottom of things, and to determine what actually is the case. . .
Intent is, as we know, difficult to determine, especially in light of subconscious or unstated factors that may not even be apparent to the participants. If you think that you can determine intent by just asking, you make a lousy investigator.

And BTW, why have we not seen any such remark as you've just publicly made to me also publicly posted to Earl. For if anyone seems to want to be a trouble maker it seems to be him. Does not making assertions about the scope and intent of the JP and some nasty accusations of un-scholarly behaviour against its members without first attempting to determine -- or so it appears -- whether his charges and accusations were grounded in what actually is going on there, qualify as being a trouble maker?.
Earl has not made nasty accusations against a member of this board - which is a crucial distinction. And I would not call his comments "nasty" on a personal level. He has previously written about his opinions on the reasons that the scholarly community has such trouble taking mythicism seriously.

If he is correct, would you assume that you are going to get a straight answer by asking the partipants if they are incapable of evaluating mythicism fairly?
but I suspect that we will only know that for sure in 5 years.
Are you saying that members of the JP could not tell us now whose views they will and will not be considering?

And are you saying that Robert Price couldn't tell us now not only whether he has indded been placed under the sorts of peer pressure that Earl claims he has been subjceted to not bring up Earl's views at the JP sessions, but whether he has actually cowed to it if it was indeed placed upon him. . .
Yes, I am saying that we will have to see the results of the entire project to judge whether it meets its stated goals. The stated goals are admirable, but we don't know how they will play out. And Robert Price is only one participant.

And, as has been noted before, Earl was apparently mistaken about something Robert Price said, based on GDon's post. We are all entitled to be mistaken without having that mistake define us, would you not agree?
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Old 01-02-2009, 11:29 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Toto
And, as has been noted before, Earl was apparently mistaken about something Robert Price said, based on GDon's post. We are all entitled to be mistaken without having that mistake define us, would you not agree?
I agree with this sentiment. But, of course, Earl ought to speak up and admit his misunderstanding of what GDon said, and also, of course, to retract anything he wrote against the JP proceedings that was based on that misunderstanding.

But the following cannot be laid to this particular misunderstanding:

Originally Posted by EarlDoherty View Post
I don't know...maybe because the beginning of the press release more or less states it.

Apparently between conception and realization the idea was abandoned that this would be a seminar that would directly address the question of whether Jesus existed or not. At least that's the way Tom Flynn presented it in Free Inquiry when the Project was first announced. I guess too many feet developed a cold.

Certainly, no recognized mythicist was invited to participate.

Earl Doherty
It appears from this statement alone that Earl had already concluded from the JP press release that mythicism was not going to be given a fair shake.

His misunderstanding of GDon came later:

Originally Posted by EarlDoherty View Post
And you wonder why mythicism can gain no foothold in established academia, why it can’t even get off the ground where mainstream scholars are concerned. Not because it has been addressed, or because as a group they have the courage to examine it honestly and carefully. They’re all simply afraid of it. It becomes a mortal sin even to consider devoting any effort to studying it. (A characteristic mark of religion by any measure.) Even those who are open-minded or subscribe to it in some degree are hamstrung in having to bow to the majority fear and reluctance.

Even in a setting where it has been declared at the outset by those organizing the project that a direct part of its agenda is to address the existence question, the thing has gotten buried because of the peer pressure from those taking part who refuse to countenance such a thing (and no doubt from those in the background, like university paymasters). Even a free spirit like Robert Price has been stifled by that pressure. If there was anything to demonstrate that mythicism will never be given an honest shake in established academia, this is it.

It certainly makes a mockery of any claim by mainstream forces (and that includes anti-mythicists here who regularly appeal to this imagined ‘authority’) that mythicism has been grappled with and refuted by superior minds with superior knowledge. Putting your fingers in your ears and making noises so that you can’t hear what you don’t want to hear constitutes no such thing.

Billing itself as “The most rigorous methods, data, and open debate” in “the first methodologically agnostic approach to the question of Jesus’ historical existence”? I take it this is a joke, right? Price's comments about half the participants leaving if the question is addressed, and the exclusion from the masthead of any active and recognized mythicists, says it all.

Well, it leaves the field (as always) open to outsiders like me, and to groups like this. Of course, we bear the full brunt of the opposition since the supposed authorities have absented themselves from the debate.

Earl Doherty
This elegant speech, AFAICT, really only fleshes out the main thrust of his post about the press release (an idea abandoned because of cold feet). IOW, his misunderstanding of GDon really only confirmed to Earl what he already thought he knew; or so it appears to me.

Originally Posted by GakuseiDon View Post
Originally Posted by EarlDoherty View Post
Price's comments about half the participants leaving if the question is addressed, and the exclusion from the masthead of any active and recognized mythicists, says it all.
If that is based on my comment above, then you may have misread it (probably my fault, as I may not have expressed myself clearly enough).

Price, in the radio interview, said that he hopes that the Jesus Project doesn't decide one way or the other on the historicity question, since if they did, it will have meant that those scholars supporting the opposite view must have dropped out. He wasn't suggesting that scholars would drop out if non-historicity was going to be addressed.
I think the original statement by GDon...:
He says that he hopes that the Jesus Project never comes to the point of deciding on the historicity question, since it will mean half the scholars will drop out.
...was rather unclear, BTW. And GDon set things right by admitting that he may not have expressed himself very clearly. I am hoping that Earl likewise sets things right.

Originally Posted by Toto
Perhaps Earl is wrong that his work will not receive fair consideration....
Earl has not contended merely that his work will not receive a fair shake; his words contend that his work (along with that of other mythicists) has already been kicked out of consideration. It should not have to take 5 years to determine whether he is correct about that, since that is a claim about events in our own very recent past; Jeffrey has attempted to see whether Earl is correct or not by emailing Robert Price and reading a blogpost by Richard Carrier; if there is something wrong or troublemaking about that, I am at a loss as to what it might be.

This forum makes a living questioning claims, does it not?

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Old 01-02-2009, 11:57 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Ben C Smith View Post
Earl has not contended merely that his work will not receive a fair shake; his words contend that his work (along with that of other mythicists) has already been kicked out of consideration. It should not have to take 5 years to determine whether he is correct about that, since that is a claim about events in our own very recent past; Jeffrey has attempted to see whether Earl is correct or not by emailing Robert Price and reading a blogpost by Richard Carrier; if there is something wrong or troublemaking about that, I am at a loss as to what it might be.
Could we have a show of hands from those who are at a similar loss?

This forum makes a living questioning claims, does it not?
Apparently not, at least with respect to one poster's claims. That is, it seems, verboten .

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Old 01-02-2009, 11:58 AM   #14
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The trouble-making is in the confrontational tone as much as anything, in assuming that Doherty was not honestly mistaken rather than paranoid, if he was mistaken, and in trying to turn this into some sort of major issue.

We're all posting without any real facts. We don't know if the JP will "consider" mythicism only to reject it for flimsy reasons - I hope not, but it is still a possibility, and I suspect is at the root of Doherty's statement.

I suggest not dragging this out. If Doherty was mistaken, give things some time for everyone to sort them out. Lots of people are still on New Years break.
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Old 01-02-2009, 12:04 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey Gibson View Post
Originally Posted by Ben C Smith View Post
Earl has not contended merely that his work will not receive a fair shake; his words contend that his work (along with that of other mythicists) has already been kicked out of consideration. It should not have to take 5 years to determine whether he is correct about that, since that is a claim about events in our own very recent past; Jeffrey has attempted to see whether Earl is correct or not by emailing Robert Price and reading a blogpost by Richard Carrier; if there is something wrong or troublemaking about that, I am at a loss as to what it might be.
Could we have a show of hands from those who are at a similar loss?
As your moderator, I repeat, let's not drag this issue out without any facts. Jeffrey has no idea how to investigate claims of bias.

This forum makes a living questioning claims, does it not?
Apparently not, at least with respect to one poster's claims. That is, it seems, verboten .

Not true. Please retract.
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Old 01-02-2009, 01:17 PM   #16
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I loved or at least liked reading Earl as early as 1997 or so.

I am just a curious naive reader of such texts but felt impressed by his views.

I would find them likely to have some merit but I know too little to really judge such.

What I sense is that there is much prestige and saving face and hierarchical considerations and so on.

I think Early will loose an opportunity if he complain too much and maybe he has misunderstood the JP, or is it not true as Carrier write in the blog. They will look into Earl too. Maybe he is not high enough in the hierarchies to be a natural part of the group. They go for prestige cause it is partly a Paul Kurtz project is it not.

Them always seems to be nearest their own agendas so Earl doesn't fit in there not being best friend with Paul Kurtz?

So Earl in case you read this. I am just one of the many who find your views interesting.

I have no right to give you advice at all.

But as a person to person advice.

Don't complain such only looks like bad looser actions and instead try to make a presentation that could be acceptable to them and ask Carrier to help you decide on how long it could be, what it must address and what would be less relevant and give them a chance to save face and them to see themselves as winners by accepting your text as something they comment on in the end even if they need 5 years to dare to look at it.

No need to feel left out. It is much better to do what is possible during the circumstances and get you views out as effectively as possible by writing a text that conform to their agenda. This way you gain reputation as a good communicator and good negotiator and not be seen as a bitter looser cause they didn't invite you as the main presentator of the Mythic Jesus writer.

Just me being wordy. You have our admiration regardless of what you decide but even if I love your views you do come through as a bad looser.

With all due personal respect. As a person to person caring about your future reputation. To not let opponents save face is a tactical mistake you can't afford.
The goal of making people aware of how mythic Jesus is is more important than to be personally recognized as the best to represent that view. Let them save face for not inviting you as the main guy there. Write something they can look into that is the better move now.
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Old 01-02-2009, 01:47 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
If he is correct, would you assume that you are going to get a straight answer by asking the partipants if they are incapable of evaluating mythicism fairly?
Let's again note that the issue is not whether JP participants are capable of evaluating mythicism fairly, let alone whether people like Price or any others would admit it if they weren't, but would instead prevaricate. It is, as Ben has already reminded and shown you as well, is whether the participants are going to evaluate mythicism at all.

But be that as it may be, are you saying not only that Richard Carrier would lie to me or you if we asked him about about his capabilities in this regard, but, more importantly, that he is incapable of giving mythicism a fair hearing?

And as to the question at issue -- namely, whether the JP is intent to consider Earl's views, are you saying that Richard Carrier has not told the truth?

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Old 01-02-2009, 01:59 PM   #18
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Jeffrey - The reason we don't allow posters to call people liars on this board is that we recognize that no one can read another's mind. Why are you so insistent on branding something a lie?

I assume that everyone here is telling the truth as best they can (at the time of writing), but some may be projecting their hopes or fears onto the situation. There has not been much reliable information about the Jesus Project up to now, and I would not be surprised if half of what we think is true turns out to be wrong.

Now are you going to retract the claim above that questioning some poster's claims in this forum is verboten? Especially since you have been questioning them at length, dragging this thread off topic, and wasting my time?
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Old 01-02-2009, 02:32 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Jeffrey - The reason we don't allow posters to call people liars on this board is that we recognize that no one can read another's mind. Why are you so insistent on branding something a lie?
what a curious statement in the light of this claim that I am hotly intent "on branding something a lie"!

In any case, and more importantly, I note with interest that this and all else from you below is not in any way an anwer to the questions that I raised with you in reponse to your remark that your question of whether or not I
"would [or was the implication "could"?]I "assume that you are going to get a straight answer by asking the partipants if they are incapable of evaluating mythicism fairly?"
namely, whether you were thereby saying "not only that Richard Carrier would lie to me [note not the same as me branding something a lie] or you if we asked him about about his capabilities in this regard, but, more importantly, that he is incapable of giving mythicism a fair hearing" but that Richard Carrier has not told the truth in his blog report about what the JP will be considering.?

Will answers to these questions be forthcoming?

I assume that everyone here is telling the truth as best they can (at the time of writing), but some may be projecting their hopes or fears onto the situation. There has not been much reliable information about the Jesus Project up to now, and I would not be surprised if half of what we think is true turns out to be wrong.
So Richard Carrier's report about what is going on at the JP is not omly ill informed but is to be considered unreliable?

Now are you going to retract the claim above that questioning some poster's claims in this forum is verboten?
Wasn't a claim. It was -- as the smiley face indicated -- a jest.

Especially since you have been questioning them at length, dragging this thread off topic, and wasting my time?
Are you saying that the (at least one) topic of this thread isn't what the JP will and will not investigate, let alone that in his posts to this thread Earl did not make (without your admonishing him not to or letting him know that he was dragging the thread off topic) by making a topic of discussion in this this thread both the "fact", at least according to him, that the JP will not be looking at his work and the reason why they would not do so even if it were to be suggested that it should be?

Please note that I am not trying to be confrontational. All I'm doing is seeing clarity.

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Old 01-02-2009, 02:37 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Jeffrey - The reason we don't allow posters to call people liars on this board is that we recognize that no one can read another's mind. Why are you so insistent on branding something a lie?

what a curious statement in the light of this claim that I am hotly intent "on branding something a lie"!

In any case, and more importantly, I note with interest that this and all else from you below is not in any way an anwer to the questions that I raised with you in reponse to your remark that your question of whether or not I
"would [or was the implication "could"?]I "assume that you are going to get a straight answer by asking the partipants if they are incapable of evaluating mythicism fairly?"
namely, whether you were thereby saying "not only that Richard Carrier would lie to me [note not the same as me branding something a lie] or you if we asked him about about his capabilities in this regard, but, more importantly, that he is incapable of giving mythicism a fair hearing" but that Richard Carrier has not told the truth in his blog report about what the JP will be considering.?

Will answers to these questions be forthcoming?

I assume that everyone here is telling the truth as best they can (at the time of writing), but some may be projecting their hopes or fears onto the situation. There has not been much reliable information about the Jesus Project up to now, and I would not be surprised if half of what we think is true turns out to be wrong.
So Richard Carrier's report about what is going on at the JP is not omly ill informed but is to be considered unreliable?

Now are you going to retract the claim above that questioning some poster's claims in this forum is verboten?
Wasn't a claim. It was -- as the smiley face indicated -- a jest.

Especially since you have been questioning them at length, dragging this thread off topic, and wasting my time?
Are you saying that the (at least one) topic of this thread isn't what the JP will and will not investigate, let alone that in his posts to this thread Earl did not make (without your admonishing him not to or letting him know that he was dragging the thread off topic) by making a topic of discussion in this this thread both the "fact", at least according to him, that the JP will not be looking at his work and the reason why they would not do so even if it were to be suggested that it should be?

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