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Old 06-18-2006, 06:47 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Malachi151
What is the Christian explanation for baptism?

Where did it come from and why did John do it?

From what I know, baptism was a common practice in the mystery religions of the Hellenistic region.

Going with the view that Mark is the first gospel, aside from Thomas, the sayings gospel, it seems significant that Mark opens with the story of baptism:

Why this setup? Of course it seems quite absurd to say that all of the people of Jerusalem and the surrounding area went out to be baptised, a non-Jewish practice, at least in this context.

The intro to Mark reads exactly like what one would expect of the mystery religions.

So, my question is, WHY, supposedly, was John "baptising" people?

Paul mentions baptism a couple of, like literally 2 or 3 times, but not in any meaningful way.

(Is this Paul below?)

At any rate, those are all of the mentions of baptism prior to the gospel of Mark, as far as I know.

So, again, why this baptism, and how do the Christaisn explains its use in Christianity? It seems so clearly an aquired practice from "paganism", yet it is central in many ways to Christianity.

In fact, I would say that baptism is the clearest and most definative tie between Christianity and the mystery religions.
It's simply a bastardization of the mikvah and it's rituals which Jews were using centuries before Jebus wet his diaper.
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Old 06-18-2006, 07:14 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Gavriel
It's simply a bastardization of the mikvah and it's rituals which Jews were using centuries before Jebus wet his diaper.
This is the standard anwser, bu it really does not seem so at all. Mikvah wasn't used anything like baptism, however baptism into mystery religions was used exactly liek Christian baptism:


Chapter XL.-No Difference in the Spirit of Idolatry and of Heresy. In the Rites of Idolatry, Satan Imitated and Distorted the Divine Institutions of the Older Scriptures. The Christian Scriptures Corrupted by Him in the Perversions of the Various Heretics.

The question will arise, By whom is to be interpreted the sense of the passages which make for heresies? By the devil, of course, to whom pertain those wiles which pervert the truth, and who, by the mystic rites of his idols, vies even with the essential portions of the sacraments of God. He, too, baptizes some that is, his own believers and faithful followers; he promises the putting away of sins by a layer (of his own); and if my memory still serves me, Mithra there, (in the kingdom of Satan) sets his marks on the foreheads of his soldiers; celebrates also the oblation of bread, and introduces an image of a resurrection, and before a sword wreathes a crown. What also must we say to (Satan's) limiting his chief priest to a single marriage? He, too, has his virgins; he, too, has his proficients in continence. Suppose now we revolve in our minds the superstitions of Numa Pompilius [legendary king of Rome, 8th-7th century BCE], and consider his priestly offices and badges and privileges, his sacrificial services, too, and the instruments and vessels of the sacrifices themselves, and the curious rites of his expiations and vows: is it not clear to us that the devil imitated the well-known moroseness of the Jewish law? Since, therefore he has sown such emulation in his great aim of expressing, in the concerns of his idolatry, those very things of which consists the administration of Christ's sacraments, it follows, of course, that the same being, possessing still the same genius, both set his heart upon, and succeeded in, adapting to his profane and rival creed the very documents of divine things and of the Christian saints.
- The Prescription Against Heretics; Tertullian
"Well, but the nations, who are strangers to all understanding of spiritual powers, ascribe to their idols the imbuing of waters with the self-same efficacy." (So they do) but they cheat themselves with waters which are widowed. For washing is the channel through which they are initiated into some sacred rites of some notorious Isis or Mithras. The gods themselves likewise they honour by washings. Moreover, by carrying water around, and sprinkling it, they everywhere expiate country-seats, houses, temples, and whole cities: at all events, at the Apollinarian and Eleusinian games they are baptized; and they presume that the effect of their doing that is their regeneration and the remission of the penalties due to their perjuries. Among the ancients, again, whoever had defiled himself with murder, was wont to go in quest of purifying waters. Therefore, if the mere nature of water, in that it is the appropriate material for washing away, leads men to flatter themselves with a belief in omens of purification, how much more truly will waters render that service through the authority of God, by whom all their nature has been constituted! If men think that water is endued with a medicinal virtue by religion, what religion is more effectual than that of the living God? Which fact being acknowledged, we recognise here also the zeal of the devil rivaling the things of God, while we find him, too, practising baptism in his subjects.
- On Baptism; Tertullian
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Old 06-18-2006, 07:19 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Malachi151
This is the standard anwser, bu it really does not seem so at all. Mikvah wasn't used anything like baptism, however baptism into mystery religions was used exactly liek Christian baptism:
Mikvah was used for ritual purity and conversions. The later being very much like baptism.
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