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Old 03-09-2007, 10:38 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by judge View Post
Well..dont mention the peshitta
You have been showing remarkable restraint lately by not doing so.

I'm not sure I follow ..but it's been a long week for me.
It was a somewhat convoluted sentence.

Layman asserted that it was "unlikely" Luke would create the impression that Jesus was not conceived around the same time as John but the connection to Quirinius does exactly that.

You offered what you considered to be an example of Luke creating the impression that Jesus was conceived around the same time as John.

Even if I accept your example as truly doing what you claim, the connection to Quirinius and subsequent impression continues to exist. It neither counters the observation about the Quirinius connection nor actually supports Layman's assertion. It just means that impressions of both views can be obtained from the text.

Well, we dont know but it could have happened in this short a space of time.
The point is that there is nothing in the text to suggest it did and I would suggest that no one unfamiliar with the relevant debate would assume such a thing if they were presented with the passage. The author appears to have related only those "highlights" of the Baptist's life and career that he considered relevant to his story about Jesus.

Suggesting it all took place within a single year seems like more of a stretch to me than suggesting it took nearly a decade but it seems a stretch to me as well.

He just manages to get back to 33 AD by arguing Jesus could have been 27.5 years old, not just 27 , and then arguing that anywhere from 27.5 and 32.5 would be around 30.
It isn't like he just pulled that number range out of a hat, though:
In Ancient Literacy (1989, p. 269) William Harris observes that it was common in inscriptions to round someone's age off to the nearest multiple of 5, and even then this often indicated an illiterate lack of any real knowledge of one's age to begin with. So when Luke says Jesus was "about" thirty, he could mean any age between 27.5 and 32.5, although, from ignorance of the actual year the ministry started, Luke could be in error by an even wider margin.
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Old 03-09-2007, 10:58 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by judge View Post
Well..dont mention the peshitta
If that ever gets accepted it will positively nail shut the case against taxation.
Why? MKTBNWT) is a generic word which contains the basic meaning of apografh, including "register, account" and has a legal component "deed, act, contract". It isn't going to mean "story, narration" in the context of Quirinius doing it.

You can't expect MKTBNWT) to contain all the information that it is intended to translate, but it does have the notion of writing in a book for purposes of recording. How else might one attempt to translate apografh in one or two words? Some precision is lost in translation, but it is indicative of the Greek.

And I don't really see why you are so worried about the taxation aspect.

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Old 03-09-2007, 05:20 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by spin
And I didn't enter this thread with any desire to defend Richard's writings or your erroneous positions. He is quite able to look after himself and shows no interest in these convoluted acts of attrition.
Apparently you entered the thread simply for repetitious polemic. As requested, the thread is designed as a review and critique and discussion of the Richard Carrier 'Nativity' article and it would be appreciated if off-topic stuff was taken elsewhere.

Shalom shabbat,
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Old 03-09-2007, 10:45 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post
Apparently you entered the thread simply for repetitious polemic. As requested, the thread is designed as a review and critique and discussion of the Richard Carrier 'Nativity' article and it would be appreciated if off-topic stuff was taken elsewhere.
I happily stayed out of the thread because it wasn't saying very much to me, until you dropped the clanger in this post
Deliberately omitting this verse that shows Lukan precision on the Roman titles and rulerships is an incredible sleight-of-hand omission by Richard Carrier.
The whole thing was just too silly for words. You were outcrapping Carrier crapping on.

I just gave you another perspective on the accuracy and precision of the material in Luke which has outside reference.

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Old 03-10-2007, 07:34 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post
[COLOR="Navy"]And I did not say that Sauron misrepresented you. Only that he placed your concepts, with a little morphing, as my claim.

[1] Here is your claim again, in context:

Originally Posted by Fortuna
For Carrier to be wrong, Praxeus must show that any of the synoptics have Jesus teaching prior to John's arrest (that Carrier has missed some occurrence of such).

Hi Fortuna,

Your whole argument is based on a fallacy. The burden of proof is upon the claim of a contradiction. That you get the most basic part of the issue wrong is not a good sign, and the rest of your study, while quite interesting in its own right, has its conclusion based on having the basics backwards
[2] And then Doug Shaver challenged you on the bold red text.

Can you quote any historian to that effect? One who is generally respected within the scholarly community?
Instead of backing up your claim, you tried to shift the burden onto the questioner, Doug Shaver:

You can start the thread by posting your respected historians that claim that the burden of proof is upen the one defending the contradiction. Then we can go from there.

Lacking that, I would have to wonder why you would quiz me about what might be a null set (historians discussing what side has the burden of proof in the claim of contradiction) and why you would choose historians over logicians (or some other group) as your focus.
I also called you to task, because when Doug challenged your claim, you tried to turn it around on him and make it his burden to prove the contrary. As if the mere act of Doug asking a question somehow obligated him to argue or prove a point. it does not.

Everything since then has been watching you backpedal and try to tell us that you didn't really say any of this -- but the nice thing about the internet is that there is a permanent record, so intellectual dishonesty doesn't have much leash to run with.

And continued to so so even after I very carefully pointed out that
your words were not my construct.
Except that this exchange very clearly shows that you did make this claim, and you did try to shift the burden of proof.

Which I documented clearly and fully.
No, what you did was wiggle and squeal like a stuck pig. As I pointed out several times -- and provided links to your original post -- it was your own words that hoisted your own ass into the air. It was nothing that I -- or anyone else -- did to you, praxeus. Your injuries are all self-inflicted.

All I did was hold you accountable for your words -- and that's when you had a nervous breakdown.
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:20 AM   #106
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Sauron, you have a bit of a comprehension problem. Nuff said.
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Old 03-11-2007, 12:00 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post
[COLOR="Navy"]Sauron, you have a bit of a comprehension problem.
Apparently not.

All it took was a step-by-step listing of the events and the comments, to finally make you give up the pretense that you didn't say what the evidence shows you clearly *did* say.
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Old 03-11-2007, 03:16 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by praxeus
Sauron, you have a bit of a comprehension problem.
Originally Posted by Sauron
Apparently not.

All it took was a step-by-step listing of the events and the comments, to finally make you give up the pretense that you didn't say what the evidence shows you clearly *did* say.
Very well done, Sauron. You did an excellent job of discrediting Praxeus' arguments. Typical of many Christians, when he gets in trouble, he gives up. He gave up with me when we debated the New Testament Canon. We can be reasonably certain that there is not any evidence at all that God had anything whatsoever to do with writings became the New Testament Canon, and the Old Testament for that matter. However, it does satisfy fundamentalist Christians' emotional needs quite nicely to believe that God was involved.

Of course, Praxeus has embarrassed himself before. He thought that fossils being at the tops of mountains was excellent evidence that there was a global flood, but he had no answer when Diogenes the Cynic told him that that is exactly what geologists expected to find since when mountains were formed at sea level and rose upward, it was quite naturally for fossils to be pushed up to the tops of mountains.
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Old 03-11-2007, 05:54 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
Very well done, Sauron. You did an excellent job of discrediting Praxeus' arguments.
Then you show where I ever claimed that "professional historians" was my issue. As Sauron falsely claimed was my approach three times. However Sauron could not so he hand-waved and blustered which is enough for this rah-rah contingent. Same old.

Anyway, this basic discussion is also covered better on the thread set up by Doug Shaver (where Sauron has not posted, and I have covered the same issues of "contradiction" and "burden of proof" .. logicians and historians) .. a more appropriate venue.
Re: Burden of proof regarding contradictions

Originally Posted by Johnny Skeptic
Praxeus ... thought that fossils being at the tops of mountains was excellent evidence that there was a global flood, but he had no answer when Diogenes the Cynic told him that that is exactly what geologists expected to find .
Yes, Johnny, the wonderful world of post-facto "predictions" .. amazing. You and James Tabor.

Anyway, please try to keep this thread on the Richard Carrier 'Nativity' article rather than your standard fare derailment attempts.

Steven Avery
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Old 03-11-2007, 06:25 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by praxeus View Post
Then you show where I ever claimed that "professional historians" was my issue.
Nobody said it was your issue. It was, however, connected to a *claim* you made. Apparently you think that your claims should be exempt from the need to be supported.

As Sauron falsely claimed was my approach three times.
Oh, please.

I said nothing about your "approach"; for that matter, I couldn't care less what "approach" you take. I was responding to your claim. Attempts to introduce "approach" into this is are just last-minute distractions to make yourself look better.

What I said was that you made a claim about the burden of proof, and when Doug Shaver challenged to support your claim, you tried to reverse the burden back onto him.

Then I came along and pointed the whole mess out to you. But instead of supporting your claim about historical burden of proof - or retracting it - you buckled under the pressure.

Now you're trying to make your claim out to be something totally different than what it plainly was. Moreover, Doug Shaver confirmed that not only did I report his position correctly, but that he agreed with what I said.

You've run out of room to run, praxeus. Yet you continue pretending that you claimed something other than what the record clearly shows.

And people wonder why christian apologists get such a hard time around here. If you can't be intellectually honest with the people you debate, then it's unlikely that you've been intellectually honest with your own selves in matters of faith.
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