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Old 09-20-2012, 12:51 AM   #151
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Originally Posted by Sheshbazzar View Post
Many theories are about Jesus' alleged life have been presented in this Forum.
Yours is only one of many.
The question is, how credible and how persuasive -to others here- is your particular 'reconstruction'.

If you post thousands of tidbits lifted from hundreds of (often dishonest) obscure and unidentified religious writings, sticking them together into a 'mosaic' that is apparent only to yourself, you may well only be 'beating against the air'.
Ten words that are evidenced and persuasive, outweigh ten thousand words that in the end, end up changing no one else's views.

If you can persuade such as aa5874 that your version of Jesus' life is a valid and credible reconstruction, many others would come to accept your tale.

I won't call for a vote among the readers of this thread, however I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it rated near a flat zero acceptance as being any 'credible history'.

I love you man, but your convoluted tale is completely failing to persuade me of its historical accuracy or its truthfulness.
I don't believe the accounts given by your sources. Why then should I believe or be persuaded by an imaginative tale constructed by extracting and rearranging tiny pieces of lies extracted from these untrustworthy sources?

now that I agree

I follow scholars that claim for a historical jesus, but I cant follow this gentlemen, nor even care to read whats posted in its ranting style
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Old 09-20-2012, 12:52 AM   #152
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lies in my desire to show, for those interested,
there are better ways to get interest.

Im not sure its been working out for you.
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Old 09-20-2012, 01:37 AM   #153
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Originally Posted by outhouse View Post

I follow scholars that claim for a historical jesus, but I cant follow this gentlemen, nor even care to read whats posted in its ranting style
"....ranting style..."

Ranting style??... I use the same style of those who attack me! ... Everyone can 'touch with hands' the circumstance that those who propose in a constructive way, and NOT provocative, my style changes radically! ..


"..lies in my desire to show, for those interested,.."

there are better ways to get interest.

Im not sure its been working out for you.
Well, we understand that you're not interested in what I am posting in this forum ... For the rest, let others decide by itself. In the end, are not few the people who follow the one I write, and I do not think that it is without interest that they do this ...

Littlejohn S


"...I cant follow this gentlemen..."

Come disse il grande Totò (Antonio de Curtis): Signori si nasce!...

As said the great Totò (Antonio de Curtis): Gentlemen is born! ...

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Old 09-20-2012, 04:53 AM   #154
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post
Ranting style??..
Debates can become rough now and then, but it is not as bad as this,

Per me si va ne la citta` dolente,
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Do Italians include Dante in their school curriculum?

I am reading Dante with the help of Professor Giuseppe Mazzotta.

I am enjoying professor Mazzotta’s lectures very much.
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Old 09-20-2012, 08:16 AM   #155
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Ranting style??... I use the same style of those who attack me!

well done! you admit to taking the low road [insert facepalm here]

your falling into what they want, stooping to their level.
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Old 09-20-2012, 09:32 AM   #156
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn
I use the same style of those who attack me!
My post did not 'attack' you.
I merely commented/inquired as to how credible and how persuasive -to others here- is your particular 'reconstruction' of Jesus' life.
Pointing out that if your thousands of words are not effectively persuading your audience, the readers of this thread, you are in effect ineffectually 'beating against the air'.

You have not addressed the fundamental questions of -WHY-, in view of your unwillingness or inability to provide and support the credibility of your sources, anyone here should accept your elaborately reconstructed yet unproven and unprovable mosaic 'reconstructed history' of Jesus' life, over the much more credible and simpler explanations that have been offered here by others?
-Most of whom accept and believe that if any such individual ever even lived, died by Roman hands, as was reported and is well known, during the government of Pontius Pilate.

Sorry to have to say it, but the credibility of such sources as you have been willing to divulge are about absolute zip, that is to say nonexistent.
This is not an attack on you as a person, but an observation on how unpersuasive and thus ineffectual your presentation here has thus far been, "beating against the wind"

I would believe it if I could. But cannot because it is so contrived and assembled from unevidenced statements, that it is lacking in any effective persuasive power.
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Old 09-20-2012, 10:56 AM   #157
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Originally Posted by Iskander View Post

Originally Posted by Littlejohn View Post

Ranting style??..
Debates can become rough now and then, but it is not as bad as this,

Per me si va ne la citta` dolente,
per me si va ne l'eterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Do Italians include Dante in their school curriculum?

I am reading Dante with the help of Professor Giuseppe Mazzotta.

I am enjoying professor Mazzotta’s lectures very much.
"...Do Italians include Dante in their school curriculum?..."

Generally, yes ..

Originally Posted by outhouse View Post


Ranting style??... I use the same style of those who attack me!
well done! you admit to taking the low road [insert facepalm here]

your falling into what they want, stooping to their level.

"...your falling into what they want, stooping to their level...."

Did you think I was one of those who 'turn the other cheek'? ... Do not you know that the one of 'turning the other cheek' is one of the greatest frauds made by counterfeiters fathers of more than 19 centuries ago, in order to plagiarize the minds of the 'poor in spirit' and 'take down' their resistance against the abuses and harassment on the part of those in power and had an army of slaves who worked for them? ... For thing you think it was founded the 'catho-christianity'? ....

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Old 09-20-2012, 11:24 AM   #158
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Many, many years ago when I was very young and foolhardy I wrote a little poem about Francesca da Rimini and Paolo.
The poem said the pleasure of their love making in inferno had abolished hell and resulted in the sacking of Lucifer for incompetence. Very juvenile, I know.

I loved Francesca like youngsters fall for film stars! Mirella Freni sings, Paolo, datemi pace.
The undefeated passionate couple overcome the ugly and sinister.

Paolo and Francesca da Rimini
Artist:Gustave Dore

Ary Scheffer - Francesca da Rimini
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Old 09-20-2012, 12:35 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by Iskander View Post

Many, many years ago when I was very young and foolhardy I wrote a little poem about Francesca da Rimini and Paolo.
The poem said the pleasure of their love making in inferno had abolished hell and resulted in the sacking of Lucifer for incompetence. Very juvenile, I know.

"...had abolished hell and resulted in the sacking of Lucifer for incompetence..."

I also really liked the poem when I was young, and however, even now that I'm almost 65 years, I'm remained an 'incurable' romantic ... It seems that the years have not been able to infringe my old dreams of youth ...


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Old 09-20-2012, 01:20 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by Littlejohn:

....It is from a 'life' that I say that Jesus was married and that John Mark and Joseph Barnabas (both migrated to Gaul with his mother Mary Salome of Magdala) were his two sons, and now, as it happens, jumps out a papyrus which leaves it clear that Jesus had a wife! No one has suggested it to me, as it was the result of my intensive research and subsequent reconstructions.
"..and that John Mark and Joseph Barnabas (both migrated to Gaul with his mother Mary Salome of Magdala) were his two sons.."

The forger authors of the Acts of the Apostles, they turned John called Mark and Joseph called Barnabas (ie 'bar Naba' = 'son of the Prophet', and NOT 'son of consolation', as proposed by the clergy forger of all time!)(*) in two 'cousins', when in fact they were blood brothers! .. Even in one of the 'Pauline' letters is repeated this lie.


(*) - even in the Jewish Encyclopedia, albeit in a 'encrypted' way, it is recorded that Jesus, in his time, was initially known as a prophet (of 'mosaic' mold), before undergoing involution as operator of magic and witchcraft, as reported in the Talmud. Magics and witchcrafts (illusionist performances) that the counterfeiters evangelists turned into 'miracles' (sic!!). The authors of the Suras of the Qur'an, however, retained the original news that Jesus was considered a prophet. (at least initially)

Littlejohn S

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