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Old 01-18-2006, 08:30 PM   #11
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Mace's teacher is referring to an Islamic tradition that one of Abraham's sons, Ishmael, was the patriarch of the Arab people (which is not the same as "Muslims." Not all Arabs are Muslims and most Muslims are not Arabs). According to Genesis, Abraham's wife, Sarah, could not conceive a child so she gave him her handmaiden, Hagar, as a second wife. Abraham knocked up Hagar with Ishmael. Later on, Sarah got pregnant with Isaac, Sarah then gets Abraham to toss Hagar and Ishmael out into the desert so that Sarah's son, Isaac can be Abraham's heir. God promises Hagar that he will give Ishmael a nation in his own right, and so Ishmael then becomes the patriarch of all the desert peoples who live in enmity with their "brothers" the Israelites.

There is no prophecy that any of these people will "have nowhere to go," and the OT doesn't mention "Muslims" at all, and most Muslims would not be considered Ishmaelites in any case.

I don't think that Mace's teacher really had much idea what he was talking about. It's sad and revealing that people are so willing to nod assent to such gibberish without asking a single question or trying to verify a single thing on their own.

Mace, the prophecy simply doesn't exist. Ask your teacher for chapter and verse. He'll be stumped. You might also want to let him know the difference between Arabs and Muslims.
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Old 01-18-2006, 08:57 PM   #12
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The Bible prophecies which some say have been fulfilled fall into two categories:
1) They are unverified.
2) They are too vague.

Disproving/debunking these prophecies really isn't necessary (or possible). All that you need to do is point to the lack of any proof or practical application.
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Old 01-18-2006, 09:14 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by hatsoff
The Bible prophecies which some say have been fulfilled fall into two categories:
1) They are unverified.
2) They are too vague.

Disproving/debunking these prophecies really isn't necessary (or possible). All that you need to do is point to the lack of any proof or practical application.
One more category you can add to that list is that they often are not even prophecies.
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Old 01-19-2006, 07:08 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Mace Sin
The other day in English I as we were discussing Golda Mier, the founder of modern day Israel, we launched into Bible Prophecy.
What were you doing discussing Golda Meir and Israel in English class?

My teacher seemed to support it, not sure, though. He stated how interesting it was how the Bible predicted that the other son of Abraham who founded the Palenstinians (spelling) would have no place to go.
That is not what that particular text says. Sounds like your teacher doesn't understand the bible he professes to believe.

10Moreover, the (K)angel of the LORD said to her, "(L)I will greatly multiply your descendants so that they will be too many to count."

11The angel of the LORD said to her further,
"Behold, you are with child,
And you will bear a son;
And you shall call his name [a]Ishmael,
Because (M)the LORD has given heed to your affliction.
12"He will be a (N)wild donkey of a man,
His hand will be against everyone,
And everyone's hand will be against him;
And he will live (O)to the east of all his brothers."

So apparently Hagar's child Ishmael was blessed, and did have a place to live. Notice that the prophecy specifies a place to live; "to the east". So your teacher, in saying "no place to turn", apparently doesn't know the prophecy. Another case of skeptics knowing the bible better than the christians do. I'm shocked.

"How interesting is it that that is coming true in these days? The Israelites have the Palenstinians' (spelling) home, and the Muslims have no where to turn."
Your teacher is an idiot. Ignoring the fact that the text says the opposite (above), there are also these facts:

1. Hagar is identified with Arabia in the NT:
GAL 4:25 Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.

2. Muslims are not the same thing as Palestinians, nor are all Palestinians Muslims;

3. If you want to talk about Muslims not having "any place to turn", he might want to explain this map - which shows that Muslims have about half the world to "turn to":

Everyone kind of agreed and I spoke up trying to disprove it. "That's from a certain view, though," I said. But everyone here knows that that's a weak and unreferenced arguement.
You might try telling him that the most religious of the Jews today consider the state of Israel to be a work of the devil. Why? Because they believe that the scripture teaches that God himself will cause the re-creation of the state of Israel. The current state of Israel was brought about not by God, but by the hand of man, which is why it has so many problems and issues -- it is a failed and sinful attempt by man to speed up God's timetable. It is a Frankenstein monster, where man was trying to give life to something where only God can give life.

You might also tell him that there are still more Jews living outside of Israel, than there are in Israel today. Some fulfillment.
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Old 01-19-2006, 04:15 PM   #15
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And the snake shall lie down with the hamster.

It is Isaiah 11:6 come true!
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Old 01-20-2006, 06:41 AM   #16
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Default Need help in debunking. Prophecies.

Originally Posted by Mace Sin
The other day in English I as we were discussing Golda Mier, the founder of modern day Israel, we launched into Bible Prophecy. My teacher seemed to support it, not sure, though. He stated how interesting it was how the Bible predicted that the other son of Abraham who founded the Palenstinians (spelling) would have no place to go. "How interesting is it that that is coming true in these days? The Israelites have the Palenstinians' (spelling) home, and the Muslims have no where to turn."

Everyone kind of agreed and I spoke up trying to disprove it. "That's from a certain view, though," I said. But everyone here knows that that's a weak and unreferenced arguement.

Is there any way to debunk the fact that this prophecy of the Bible is--from many views--coming true today in the Crusades of Israel?
Sure there is. First of all, there is not any credible evidence at all that God ever made a land promise to Abraham. Second of all, there is no evidence that Jews have ever occupied ALL of the land of Canaan. They most certainly don't today. Genesis 17:8 says "And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God." Third of all, we do not know what the borders of the ancient land of Canaan were, and even if we did, it is not likely that the frequently changing borders of modern Israel accurately correspond with the borders of the ancient land of Canaan. Fourth of all, if God did make a land promise to Abraham, he made it to people who accepted him as Lord. Since the founding of Christianity, the vast majority of Jews have always rejected Christianity. Fifth of all, regarding "The Israelites have the Palestinians' home, and the Muslims have no where to turn," one must look at the entire history of who had control of Palestine in order to make a proper assessment regarding this matter. The entire history of who controlled Palestine does not indicate that God ever fulfilled his land promise to Abraham.
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