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Old 02-04-2008, 08:30 PM   #431
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by spin View Post
You are simply trying to confuse two different visions. You have been responded to. Then to the third you dragoon here: if the Medes were an arm and the Persians were another arm, who was the body? Doh!
Nonsense. The medes and the persians are both from modern day iran. The medes barely had a "kingdom" for over 75 years. Once Cyrus II defeated Media in 549 BC he combined the "two countries" into the Medo-Persian Empire.
Cyrus incorporated the Medes into his empire. This is what Herodotus said:
At the end of this time the grief of Croesus was interrupted by intelligence from abroad. He learnt that Cyrus, the son of Cambyses, had destroyed the empire of Astyages, the son of Cyaxares; and that the Persians were becoming daily more powerful.
You better tell Herodotus he was wrong here. He doesn't know about your Medo/Persian empire.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Your discussing Daniel 11 and then apply it to Daniel 7:8.
As I said the four are dealing with the same information in different manners. You are trying to force images across visions. That's a blunder.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
I just given you a site that the Medes were merely a confederation and that the Medes and Persians are basically the same tribe.
Another simple blunder. The Medes were the head of a confederation of tribes. Cyrus built up another such confederation around the Persians. Both groups were Iranian. So? The Persians defeated the Medes and absorbed them. As their inscriptions show, the Persians were the rulers; the Medes paid tribute.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Antiochus IV is the little horn that arises from the Greek Empire in Daniel 8:9
There is a different "little horn" in Daniel 7:8.
You're merely repeating yourself without justification.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
I already responded your mixing different chapters and stating half truths. The ten horns section is in one chapter and the 4 horns in another for a reason.
They are certainly treated differently. And you still refuse to deal with the ten horns/kings.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
At least you admit that the Book of Daniel contains reference to the Roman Empire.
No admission. You simply can't read. I've always said that the Romans were present in Dan 11:30. (See here for the first time I mention the Romans in Dan 11.)

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
The two legs of the statue as well as then ten toes also refer to the Roman Empire.
Another empty repetition.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by spin
Neither of us know for sure where Belshazzar was at the time of the fall, but it's probable that he died at the head of the Babylonian forces at Opis, while Nabonidus was at Sippar. However, you are tilting at the wrong windmill, for it wasn't where Belshazzar was at the time, but the fact that he was never king.
Wrong. I already provided babylonian records which indicate that Nabonidus was not in the city of babylon when it was defeated and that Nabonidus was later captured.
If you cannot read what you are responding to, why bother to answer with stupid mistakes??? Your response has nothing to do with my comment.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
If you want to call babylonian sources ridiculous, go ahead.
It's not the Babylonian sources that are ridiculous, it is your apologetic websites that are clueless to the validity of the sources and are only interested in perpetrating lies.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
You failed to show he didn't exist either. Ugbaru and Darius are likely the same person.
This solves your dilemma. You take someone with a different name who was there and you rename him to be the person you want him to be.

You don't feel any guilt for peddling such.

Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by spin View Post
The name of the Babylonian king was best transliterated as Nebuchadrezzar and the Daniel text always spells it incorrectly.

Enough historical errors to show that Daniel was not written when the book is set.
So you still think the entire book of daniel was written between 167-164 and then copies rapidly distributed so it ended up as part of the dead sea scrolls?
Yup. The earliest palaeographical dating is to the late 2nd c. BCE. Plenty of time. I don't know why you want to waste your efforts on the Dead Sea Scrolls that are of absolutely no help to you here. It's just yet another of your non sequiturs.

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Old 02-04-2008, 08:36 PM   #432
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic View Post
So go ahead and prove it was written before 167 BCE then.

Do you have any responses to anything I stated in the OP? Where is the tomb of Darius the Mede?
Where is the tomb of Daniel? Hint: There really is a tomb of daniel.
Earliest date for this tomb of Daniel is circa 1160 CE. I got a lovely piece of property at the bottom of Puget Sound, I'm sure you'd be interested in...

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Old 02-04-2008, 08:49 PM   #433
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
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Daniel 11's accuracy ends when it starts to predict the future from 11:40 onwards.

Got it. Daniel is accurate until 11:40. After that it is not accurate. Note the Greek Coin with a goat symbol.

What the hell do you think a goat on a coin proves, arnoldo?

I can produce Greek coins with a dolphin, eagle, Athena, cup, archer, fish, etc. on them. By your busted reasoning, that means that pretty much *anything* qualifies as a "symbol of Greece" - anything, as long as it allows you to pretend that the prophecy isn't a failure.

Aphrodite and a pegasus, from Corinth:

Athena and the owl, from Athens:

Horseman, and a boy riding a dolphin:

Macedonia, Phillip II and a horseman:

A whole page full of Medusa coins.

Do you begin to realize just how *stupid* your claim was yet? Do you understand how ridiculously easy it is to refute the homemade nonsense you make it up out of thin air?
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Old 02-04-2008, 09:38 PM   #434
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Well it looks like the following interpretation is wrong according to the politically correct interpretation.

Hyppolytus ( 170-236 AD) gave the following interpretation of Daniel:

"The golden head of the image is identical with the lioness, by which the Babylonians were represented.

The golden shoulders and the arms of silver are the same with the bear, by which the Persians and Medes are meant.

The belly and thighs of brass are the leopard, by which the Greeks who ruled from Alexander onwards are intended.

The legs of iron are the dreadful and terrible beast, by which the Romans who hold the empire now are meant.

The toes of clay and iron are the ten horns which are to be.

The one other little horn springing up in their midst is the antichrist.

The stone that smites the image and breaks it in pieces, and that filled the whole earth, is Christ, who comes from heaven and brings judgment on the world."
Daniel also aparently messed up when he gave the following interpretation in Daniel 2:36-2-44 where he basically said the following " You Nebby are the golden head, after you another kindom will rise inferior to yours (The PC interpreation is that this is the Medes). Next a third kingdom will rule over the whole earth (nope, this is not Greece, the PC interpreation is that it is Persia). Finally there will be forth kingdom, strong as iron...and the people will be a mixture (despite Rome obviously being a mixture of many difference people the PC interpretation is that this is Greece).

Also Daniel messed up when he said "Darius the Mede" took over babylon when it was actualy Cyrus who was Persian. Nevermind that Daniel 5:28 states the following "PERES: YOUR KINGDOM IS DVIDED TO THE MEDES AND PERSIANS" and Daniel 6:28 states "daniel prospered duirng the reign of darius and the reign of CYRUS THE PERSIAN."

Also it's not PC to state two entirely differently chapters, namely Daniel 7:24 and Daniel 8:9 are discussing different persons,no, the PC edition is that they have to be the same individual.

And somehow you have given an authentic date that the book of daniel was written between 167-164 BC. Just for clarification are you saying NONE of the book of Daniel could have been written earlier or later that 167-164 BC??:huh:
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Old 02-04-2008, 10:17 PM   #435
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Well it looks like the following interpretation is wrong according to the politically correct interpretation.
That's not particularly strange. The christian interpretation had to start somewhere.

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Old 02-04-2008, 10:39 PM   #436
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
And somehow you have given an authentic date that the book of daniel was written between 167-164 BC. Just for clarification are you saying NONE of the book of Daniel could have been written earlier or later that 167-164 BC??:huh:
Just how often does one have to tell you the answer to that question?

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Old 02-04-2008, 10:47 PM   #437
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Also it's not PC to state two entirely differently chapters, namely Daniel 7:24 and Daniel 8:9 are discussing different persons,no, the PC edition is that they have to be the same individual.
When the only imagery in the two chapters regards the little horn and when the little horn is responsible for the persecution of the Jews and when the little horn is connected with trampling one needs to explain why they do not refer to the same thing.

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Old 02-04-2008, 10:47 PM   #438
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Nonsense. The medes and the persians are both from modern day iran.
So? That proves nothing about which one ruled the other 2500 years ago.

The medes barely had a "kingdom" for over 75 years.
Again, big deal. Empires are often short-lived. the USSR lasted less than 75 years. The Neo-Babylonian Empire - the empire of Nebuchadnezzar - only lasted 87 years.

Again: if you knew jack shit about the historical material, you wouldn't need to be spoonfed all the basic elements. But study is hard work and it would interfere with your preaching, wouldn't it?

Wrong. I just given you a site that the Medes were merely a confederation and that the Medes and Persians are basically the same tribe.
No, your source says that the Medes were in control of a confederation. But your source is talking about a period in time several decades before Cyrus. By the time Cyrus came on the scene, the Medes were long past their prime and they were subservient to the Persians.

Moreover, your "source" is a cultural attache website. It's hardly a historical source. Someone without any historical training or ability to review the actual primary sources threw up a website. Then you -- being equally ignorant of history and archaeology -- found the website and decided that it was a "source". It is not.

From my paper on the topic - pay attention to the red text:

Is “Media” an acceptable alternate way of referring to “Medes and Persians”? No. Media was always the junior partner in the military and political relationship; Persia was the clear senior. Describing a partnership by its junior member would be confusing and inaccurate. It was always Persia who ultimately held the reins of power – recall that Cyrus had conquered the Medes in 550 BCE and made them subject to Persia. The most accurate description of the invasion of Babylon would be “Invasion of the Persians”. The second most accurate would be to call it “invasion of the Persians and Medes”. The least accurate, and actually misleading, way to refer to it would be “invasion of the Medes”. Yet that is the description we see here in Isaiah and Jeremiah.

And for yet another reason, the term “Medes” would not be acceptable shorthand for “Medes and Persians”. By the time of Darius, the Medians’ special status as co-equals in the empire had already evaporated, and they were subjects like other conquered peoples. Like most such relationships, it existed only at the whim of the senior partner, and was never meant to last. The Median equality ended several years later, when Darius I usurped the throne. The Medes rose unsuccessfully in revolt (522-521 BCE), were crushed, and then lost such privileged status as they had enjoyed. 109

* “Medes”, The Oxford Companion to the Bible. Edited by Bruce M. Metzger and Michael D. Coogan. Oxford University Press, 1993. Page 507.
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Old 02-04-2008, 10:49 PM   #439
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Originally Posted by spin View Post
Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
And somehow you have given an authentic date that the book of daniel was written between 167-164 BC. Just for clarification are you saying NONE of the book of Daniel could have been written earlier or later that 167-164 BC??:huh:
Just how often does one have to tell you the answer to that question?

He asks the already-answered stuff whenever he is cornered and stalling for time.
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Old 02-05-2008, 03:31 AM   #440
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Originally Posted by arnoldo
So you still think the entire book of daniel was written between 167-164 and then copies rapidly distributed so it ended up as part of the dead sea scrolls?
The earliest fragments of Daniel in the DSS date from several decades later. That's a pretty strange definition of "rapidly" you have there.

And yet I suspect you don't have a problem with the "rapid distribution" of Christian gospels and Pauline epistles?
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