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Old 03-12-2010, 01:53 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
The NT is one of the most editted and errant books you could find.
One fo the problems in dealing with opponents of the Bible on this subject is that they become literalists when it suits them. You are forgetting that, like today, people who did not accept God's word as written changed the Bible to fit their beliefs (Latoourette:2003:133)

First you said the Bible had NOT changed.

you say
"people who did not accept God's word as written
changed the Bible to fit their beliefs".

You just refuted YOUR OWN argument !

The Bible HAS changed - we all know it.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
You cannot expect to find every ancient mss. to be what the disciples wrote, that is just unrealistic given the above fact. A modern day example would be the Jehovah Witnesses and the man who wrote 'the message' and the woman scholar who did her own version (the names slip my mind at the moment)
Like I said - the bible was CHANGED.
I showed numerous examples - you IGNORED them all.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
To point to just any mss. and say that the Bible has been edited would be wrong and based upon false assumptions.
In fact, the mss show it's true and based on facts.
The facts are clear - many changes were made to the bible - you ignored them all.

Your entire approach here is to PREACH what you BELIEVE, and simply ignore the facts that show you wrong.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
God promised to preserve His word thus we must have faith and confidence that He has done so regardless of the many altered texts of the past.
God made no such promise,
and even if he did - he FAILED DISMALLY as the changes and edits to the ms show clearly.

You said the bible had never changed, but you keep referring to changes and edits ?!

Do you even know what you own argument is?
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Old 03-12-2010, 02:02 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
The proclaimed strength of science, that it keeps on changing, is its greatest weakness. For over 100 year scientists from different decades and eras have proclaimed 'truths' with many trumoping previous 'truths'. This constant change only undermines any confidence one could have in the field of science because they are really saying 'they do not know what the truth is'.

Withthis constant change people get turned off and say 'how do you know this is the truth now? 10 years ago you said this other set of facts were the truth,now you are saying those were lies and thisis the turth. Sorry but don't buy it.'

Truth does not change. God does not change, the Bible has not changed Jesus has not changed. What was true 4,000 years ago, or 2,000 years ago is true today. If it wasn't then we might as well just kill ourselves for then there would be no hope, no heaven , no salvation.

If God or the Bible changed then we could not have confidence in either andthat would be a cruel faith to be part of. So the Bible is true, it does not change because God and His word has not changed.

This is flat out not true:

For over 100 year scientists from different decades and eras have proclaimed 'truths' with many trumoping previous 'truths'.

The only time in science you will hear someone use the word truth would be in something like "it is true that this is the data that i got".

This is also false:

10 years ago you said this other set of facts were the truth,now you are saying those were lies and thisis the turth. Sorry but don't buy it.'

We dont buy anything you want to sell by telling lies.

false again...If it wasn't then we might as well just kill ourselves for then there would be no hope, no heaven , no salvation.

so why dont I kill myself?

If God or the Bible changed then we could not have confidence in either andthat would be a cruel faith to be part of. So the Bible is true, it does not change because God and His word has not changed

So if something does not change then it is true. Ridiculous reasoning!!!
The book of mormon and the koran are also true then. So are the writing on the ancient egyptian tomb walls.

What makes you think you can advance a cause with things that are not true, and bad logic?
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Old 03-12-2010, 04:08 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
There is a big difference between the meanngs of the word 'truth' and 'truths'. Jesus is the Truth, the Bible tells the truth. The truth is not subjective.

The delusion is strong with this one

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Old 03-12-2010, 04:54 PM   #34
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A bit off context .. but here goes:

The bible has changed - its got more violent!

Genesis 3:15

King James

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; IT shall BRUISE thy head, and thou shalt bruise HIS heel.

New International

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; HE will CRUSH your head, and you will strike HIS heel."

The meaning has changed from that of God-driven bad-feeling between parents, which gives the father a "head-ache" to which he responds by chasing away the eldest son (the Christ, the "scapegoat") to a scene where the eldest son (i.e. the Christ) responds to the parental conflict by attacking the father, who then violently drives away his son (presumably just before he drops dead from his "crushed" head).

There's lots of this type of stuff in the various Fundie inspired translations. (The people who produced the New International Version definitely ain't "Kosher"!)
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Old 03-12-2010, 05:46 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Simplyme View Post
What has religion fixed?
Freedom of belief.

Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
What science is about making people live forever? Who in the field of science gives people medication so that they will never die?
19th century Papal archaeologists such as De Rossi gave the world fake inscriptions so that the belief in the false history of christianity, the HJ and the relevance of the popes and bishops and deacons and pastors and reverands and other hangers-on will never die. Who was the idiot who allowed the C14 boys into the field for christ's sake?

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
God prepared the materials and waited for man to discover what He had given them to use and see if they would give Him credit or not. so far all you have done is robbed Him of the credit and given it to science.
Sounds like God made the Believers' brain a redundant organ.
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:49 PM   #36
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You people may enjoy reading this essay: Isaac Asimov - The Relativity of Wrong

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
One fo the problems in dealing with opponents of the Bible on this subject is that they become literalists when it suits them.
How so?

Now why don't you give us some rule for telling the difference between the literal and the nonliteral parts of the Bible? Preferably a non-self-serving one.

You cannot expect to find every ancient mss. to be what the disciples wrote, that is just unrealistic given the above fact.
Shows that the Xian God is pure fiction, otherwise that entity would have skipped something as fragile and error-prone as written documents and communicated directly to our consciousnesses in plain, simple, unambiguous terms.

Actually, I rely on God to bring me to the right doctor and the right treatment

When an omnimax entity could make our bodies invulnerable, like whatever bodies we are supposed to have in Heaven.

And announce with a deep booming voice that It has really been responsible.

but your argument does not prove that truth changes, all science is doing is learning the truth from its past mistakes. The Bible doesn't have t do that for it is the truth and has made no mistakes.
Don't make me laugh. How much Biblical errancy do you want me to list?

You also forget that science is filled with fallible, corrupt men who do not listen to God and do things to make money not to heal their patients
For starters, there's a lot more to science than medicine.

You also forget that science doesn't fix things. How many medicines have side effects worse than the disease?

You want science to fix things because it would give you an alternative to the Bible and God but in reality science is powerless.
The Bible doesn't explain how to correct eyesight -- you need the science of optics for that.

You also mistakenly think that some scriptural passages present the idea that the Biblical writers considerd the world flat but that is an erroneous interpretation of those passages.
Like how?

It's rather plain to me that the writers of the Bible had believed that the Earth is flat and that the sky is a bowl overhead.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
... keep in mind the Bible verse, 'thereis nothing new under the sun.'
Except that there are oodles of counterexamples.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
If you cannot believe God's promise about preserving His word how canyou believe His promise about salvation then?
If the god you have in mind is 100% fiction, then that is a non-issue.

Yet science is playing catch-up and does not trump the Bible.
The Bible does not exactly describe falsification or controlled experiments. It does not even describe any logical fallacies. Aristotle was WAY ahead of the Bible there -- he even wrote a book on fallacies.

Sure. But any objective analysis of the last 2000 years shows that 'science' has been improving the quality of life.
Really? this after the invention of guns, bombs, tanks, pesticides that kill people though they were created to kill bugs, numerous poisons plus the fact that people sit on their computers, watch t.v.s, play with video games all the while ignoring other people etc.
We live longer, healthier lives than in the past, we can travel and communicate MUCH faster than in the past, we can build much bigger buildings than in the past and have more convenient clothes than in the past, etc.

We need not lose sleep over a comet coming by, because we recognize that it is an interplanetary iceberg that follows a regular orbit, not some bizarre omen. We also need not lose sleep over a lunar eclipse -- it isn't some monster eating the Moon or some sorcerer making it disappear.

How many people do you know that have diabetes and find that insulin is a pretty good thing to have
Yet they can still die of diabetes or diabetes related illnesses plus insulin shock and over-doses of insulin. kidney dialysis is only a temporary fix and doe snot heal the infected kidney. there are many examples of where science fails and you only look at the things that fit your argument not the whole picture.
We aren't anything close to being omnipotent or omniscient.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
No God did not change the way of salvation. He required a blood sacrifice in the Old Testament and He required a blood sacrifice in the New. Th
Seems like a bloodthirsty monster of a god.

Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
What are you typing on? What does it run on?
science didnot create the raw materials that are used for typing, electricity or other raw materials. the scientists used already existing materials that were compatible with each other and were ready fo their discovery anduise when scientists finally reached that point of inquiry.
No we didn't. People in universities and industrial labs did a LOT of research into how to make the various computer that you are using. The raw materials did NOT come to us ready-made -- in fact, they are often very unsuitable for computer duty.

Consider the copper in many of your computer's wires. Copper in the environment is seldom copper metal but various copper compounds -- copper oxides and sulfides and carbonates. It's necessary to dig it out of the ground and then refine it to get the copper metal.

In other words, God prepared the materials and waited for man to discover what He had given them to use and see if they would give Him credit or not. so far all you have done is robbed Him of the credit and given it to science.
God hasn't exactly been poofing copper ingots into existence lately.
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Old 03-14-2010, 07:25 PM   #37
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First off a simple statement:

The truth does not change, if science keeps changing then it cannot be trusted to have the truth nor the ability to find it. One never knows with science. With God, one knows whatthe truth is.

Second a limited response:

Shows that the Xian God is pure fiction, otherwise that entity would have skipped something as fragile and error-prone as written documents and communicated directly to our consciousnesses in plain, simple, unambiguous terms.
He only has to preserve one.

It's rather plain to me that the writers of the Bible had believed that the Earth is flat and that the sky is a bowl overhead.
This is an old charge that was never proven true. The Bible has never taught the world to be flat and other such things. To charge such is following a bad comprehension of the text.

The Bible does not exactly describe falsification or controlled experiments. It does not even describe any logical fallacies. Aristotle was WAY ahead of the Bible there -- he even wrote a book on fallacies.
Those are secular constructs and can be dismissed.

#1. We live longer, healthier lives than in the past, 2. we can travel and communicate MUCH faster than in the past, 3. we can build much bigger buildings than in the past and 4. have more convenient clothes than in the past, etc
1. That is debatable, given the high rate of unhealthy eating (fast and junk food) the use of pesticides and other poisons to protect crops in the modern age, and so on.

2. So? Privacy is eroded and people destroy lives by quickly spreading false rumors and so on. This is not a benefit.

3. Yet none of them have survived for 5,000 years and are subject to planes flying into them killing thousands of people.

4. Are you sure about that?

5. We need not lose sleep over a comet coming by, because we recognize that it is an interplanetary iceberg that follows a regular orbit, not some bizarre omen. 6. We also need not lose sleep over a lunar eclipse -- it isn't some monster eating the Moon or some sorcerer making it disappear
5. Neither did the ancients. Yet you cannot speak for all modern societies especially the stone age ones.

6. neither did the ancients (same reason)

The delusion is strong with this one
I am not deluded and it would help you unbelievers to talk to the people that the missionaries met and meet in other countries. They know all too well about the supernatural. (your dismissal of it only reflects badly upon you)
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Old 03-14-2010, 07:34 PM   #38
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Your entire approach here is to PREACH what you BELIEVE, and simply ignore the facts that show you wrong.
I am not preaching and you have not shown me to be wrong. You have yet to produce one fact that says so, all you have done is put your opinion to paper.

The only time in science you will hear someone use the word truth would be in something like "it is true that this is the data that i got".
Which only supports my position and tells you thatyou need to look elswhere for your answers. Science isn't getting the job done.

so why dont I kill myself?
Because you are too afaid to find out that the Bible is correct and it would be too late for you to change your mind at that point.

So if something does not change then it is true.
I didn't say 'something' I said the 'truth' big difference and stop trying to make me say something i didn't.

In fact, the mss show it's true and based on facts.
The facts are clear - many changes were made to the bible - you ignored them all.
Yet you use a generalization to try an dprove a specific. Yes people change the Bible but then it is no longer the Bible or God's word because a human changed it to fit their ideaology. God's word, and the Bible, have not changed, no matter how hard men try.
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Old 03-14-2010, 07:45 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by archaeologist View Post
First off a simple statement:

The truth does not change, if science keeps changing then it cannot be trusted to have the truth nor the ability to find it. One never knows with science. With God, one knows whatthe truth is.
This is rich.

Everything that you think you know about God comes from a collection of human books that often contradict each other. Let me stress that again: a collection of human written books. There is not the slightest evidence for a deity having written or superintended the writing of the books of the bible.

By what criteria have you determined that the protestant bible is the Word of a deity? How do you know that a deity is not behind the writing of the Quran, the Avesta, or Hindu Scriptures? What methodology do you use to determine that a book has been written by God?
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Old 03-15-2010, 03:41 AM   #40
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Everything that you think you know about God comes from a collection of human books that often contradict each other. Let me stress that again: a collection of human written books
So you hav the gift of reading other people's minds even when you have never met the person. You would be wrong about that, as God is also known through his creative act, his miracles, His answering of prayers. You would also be wrong about those books contradicting each other as well.

You can't demote the Bible to a human book for it does not work and if you do a real study you would see that there are no contradictions in it.

By what criteria have you determined that the protestant bible is the Word of a deity?
I do not have to make the criteria, God has already done that.

How do you know that a deity is not behind the writing of the Quran, the Avesta, or Hindu Scriptures?
Besides the fact that the Quran stole material from the Old TEstament, besides the fact that history, archaeology, science cannot prove the Bible untrue and actually show it is, there is the simple reasonthat the only scriptures or religious writings that are attacked constantly or adapted for other cultic works is the Bible. this has gone on for over 2, 000 years and no other religious writings get that honor.

That tells you something right there.

What methodology do you use to determine that a book has been written by God?
Do not need a methodology. The Bible is not science and believing it does not follow scientific rules but God's. You take it by faith then you see it in action by the aforementioned reasons for knowing God.
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