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Old 02-25-2005, 03:17 PM   #201
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Oh, what fun! WILLOWTREE is back!

OK, let's try to explain this without using too many long words.

Yes, it's true that humans evolved from other apes, which evolved from smaller primates, which evolved from somewhat rodent-like critters, which evolved from reptiles, which evolved from amphibious critters, which evolved from fish (note that this is NOT saying that all life evolved from fish: plants, bacteria and invertebrates did not, for instance).

BECAUSE this is exactly what happened, there are BILLIONS of fossils which show this. When we date the rocks (there are various ways of doing this, but there are obscure words like "isotope" involved, so I won't confuse you further), we see exactly what evolution predicts: all those fossils appear in the order in which the creatures evolved.

This cannot be a coincidence: that would be rather like arguing that the Bible is just old scraps of parchment stained with beetle droppings that coincidentally spell out Hebrew and Greek letters and words. Only the ignorant and/or insane deny that this "common descent" has happened.

Furthermore, DNA analysis shows how closely various creatures are related to each other, and it's the same pattern. Denying this would be like arguing that random Hebrew beetle droppings in one text coincidentally say the same things as random Greek beetle droppings in another.

So we know that Genesis is bunk. Actually, there are many OTHER reasons why we know it's bunk, but that will do for now. Genesis has all this happening in six days, and even then it manages to make some major goofs in the ordering: whales and birds appearing before the land animals they evolved from, trees appearing before animals, that sort of thing.

As for floods: yes, some ancient civilizations have them (and some do not). The ones with Arks and animals come from one area, and got them from one source, the Sumerians (who may have got the story from an earlier source), waaay before Judaism was invented. If you were under the impression that the whole world has stories about Noah and his floating zoo: you have been misinformed.

BTW, did you know that "John Woodmorappe" has also published "evolutionist" articles under his REAL name, Jan Peczkis?

Odd, that.
The issue is HOW did so many worldwide civilizations produce a great flood account consisting of so many common denominators compatible with the origin/Biblical account ?
They didn't.

There goes your argument.
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Old 02-25-2005, 03:19 PM   #202
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Originally Posted by funinspace
Hey WT, been a while. Ok, I'd prefer to get back to some basics. When did this Flood occur? And why this timeframe, whatever the answer is?
I'll get back to you on this.

I have a sudden mind block about the dating and I don't have my notes with me.

By tomorrow, unless of course I am banned.


HI Roland !

I have missed you !

Your Admining compared to "christian" boards makes you John Kennedy and them Adolf Hitler.

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Old 02-25-2005, 03:21 PM   #203
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Originally Posted by gravitybow
Name one.
Where did land animals originate from according to ToE ?
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Old 02-25-2005, 03:23 PM   #204
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Originally Posted by WILLOWTREE
I'll get back to you on this.

I have a sudden mind block about the dating and I don't have my notes with me.

By tomorrow, unless of course I am banned.


HI Roland !

I have missed you !

Your Admining compared to "christian" boards makes you John Kennedy and them Adolf Hitler.

Hi again WT. That wasn't just a sad attempt to suck up, now, was it?

Originally Posted by WILLOWTREE
Where did land animals originate from according to ToE ?
You didn't say "land animals." You said "all life." Big, big, big difference.

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
BTW, did you know that "John Woodmorappe" has also published "evolutionist" articles under his REAL name, Jan Peczkis?
I was going to mention that but I can never remember how to spell Peczkis. Stupid consonants.
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Old 02-25-2005, 03:38 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by Roland98
Hi again WT. That wasn't just a sad attempt to suck up, now, was it?
No, of course not.

I am presently banned at TWEB and Evolution Fairy Tale Fundy YEC board.

I have discovered that the Fundies hate OEC's and Evangelicals like myself and TWEB is in reality Darwinists who happen to own crosses.

You didn't say "land animals." You said "all life." Big, big, big difference.
Yes - you are correct.

I meant land animals only.

I will try to observe all your rules.

Thanks for having me.

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Old 02-25-2005, 03:47 PM   #206
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Originally Posted by WILLOWTREE
I am presently banned at TWEB and Evolution Fairy Tale Fundy YEC board.

I have discovered that the Fundies hate OEC's and Evangelicals like myself and TWEB is in reality Darwinists who happen to own crosses.
See, not all non-theistic aspects are bad And besides there are no hidden rules here... And no rush on my query, I'll be away for a few days shortly.
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Old 02-25-2005, 03:47 PM   #207
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Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
BTW, did you know that "John Woodmorappe" has also published "evolutionist" articles under his REAL name, Jan Peczkis?
Very interesting - I did a search after reading that and came across this:

what a charlatan!
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Old 02-25-2005, 03:55 PM   #208
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You have a challenge in BC&H after your ludicrous aspersions against me. No ad hominems this time, please. For those not in the know, anyone who is an atheist has their views automatically discounted, unless, of course, they agree with Willow, in which case it's double-plus good proof that he's correct.

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Old 02-25-2005, 04:12 PM   #209
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Originally Posted by Jack the Mindless
Oh, what fun! WILLOWTREE is back!
You infidels have way more color and tolerance than any christian board.

Yes, it's true that humans evolved from other apes, which evolved from smaller primates, which evolved from somewhat rodent-like critters, which evolved from reptiles
Romans 1:23

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

The context is the wrath of God upon persons who refuse to do ONE thing: Credit Him AS Creator.

The verse above pinpoints what the wrath does to persons who will not credit God as Creator: They believe created things originated from other created things.

"image": In the greek the word translated as such is the same word we get our word icon from, hence the four things then listed in the verse = the icons of evolution !

"creeping things": In the greek the words translated as such is the same word we get reptile from.

Your quote above admits reptiles are an origin.

Romans was written about 2000 years ago and the claim is that it is the eternal word of God, meaning it must always apply if it is as such.

Your rendering above - assigning origin to created things/reptiles supports the claim of the verse.

The lack of any transitionals and the insistence that they do exist = proof of the wrath of the penalty claim in Romans 1 that makes people believe such nonsense for denying God Creator status.

When we date the rocks
......with fossils and fossils with rocks = predcitible internal consistency = "circular database of self-fulfilling predictions."

we see exactly what evolution predicts: all those fossils appear in the order in which the creatures evolved.
IOW, rig the lottery to print a ticket after the numbers are drawn.

IOW, what is - is then after the fact said to be predicted.

Please provide an example of macro evolution not micro.

Furthermore, DNA analysis shows how closely various creatures are related to each other, and it's the same pattern.
Similarity is not in dispute and observing it does not support your interpretation.

I could say it supports a common design produced by a Designer.

IOW, you are giddy and demanding that similarity is evidence.

The issue is the cause.

Evidence for the Creator BECAUSE how did RANDOM MUTATIONS produce such similarity ?

IF it was truly random then it would look random/unsimilar.

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Old 02-25-2005, 04:22 PM   #210
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Originally Posted by WILLOWTREE
Evidence for the Creator BECAUSE how did RANDOM MUTATIONS produce such similarity ?

IF it was truly random then it would look random/unsimilar.
If genetic mutation was the only mechanism of evolution, you might have a point, but it isn't. As it is, you're arguing against a strawman. Mutation may be random, but natural selection, by very definition, is not random.
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